Archbishop Desmond Tutu Centre - LHU
Archbishop Desmond Tutu Centre - LHU
Archbishop Desmond Tutu Centre - LHU
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Christianizing Islam - Tom Holland
3 года назад
@hakandorota 2 дня назад
Tom Holland is a bigot... And a fake scholar
@therelentlesswan 6 дней назад
True Christians follow Christ not a priest, church denomination or state. Christianity is a deontological belief where the 10 commandments and the teachings of Christ in the Gospel serve as base structure for society. Modern western secular states have unfortunately gone above and beyond in perverting said christian values.
@rossbliss6644 7 дней назад
Yazid!! Hello from Canada!
@ArtiZetl 13 дней назад
« Rooted in Christianity » no it isn’t
@hughoxford8735 13 дней назад
The fact is that Islam simply isn't a religion as we understand it in Christendom. We have to stop this pretence.
@fergusmurphy8310 2 месяца назад
I have such appreciation for Tom's analysis of Christianity's influence on the West. I fear that extremism and idolatry (e.g. of state) will rise to fill the space of religion in the West.
@michaelmooney7341 3 месяца назад
Islam mixes with nothing
@therelentlesswan 6 дней назад
Correct, ironically not even with itself.
@corinaijac4381 8 месяцев назад
It is nice when people dances his own ,,song" at his home. So it is good education. Nobody says not to live or not to be decent in your life, personal and family too. So-where should I, orthodox go to sing my song? Where? Don't you think you junked enough our life and this is available for all: comunist priests, islam invadars, tatarian, jewish oficers, catholic none. So- where? Romania, 2023
@uiPublic Год назад
Secular state is essential to separate the doctrinal strictures! often cannot be compromised by Common laws if Constitution meant for that purpose. By listening to expert exposition like this, Christianity is one comparative religion unlike others with masses of followers accommodative to unified laws if not even laws of economics, physics rather than best humanities. Exceptions of course maybe Mosaic legalists for rules under the swords? So Secular space time must protect individual rights & information flows ...
@uiPublic Год назад
Exemplary stance of donating eye's for your enemy is within World's but not of it, only a Constitutional judge can enforce eye for eye absolutism.
@uiPublic Год назад
Will the whole World go blinded alike not to seeing Live even an Elephant awhile sagacious Politician idolized.
@paulbaysa9133 Год назад
is that some form of CHRISLAM? (Christianizing islam?) Is it fitting to call ISLAM "uselam" & muhammedan muslim use'lim? because they had used a lot from Syrian christian Aramaic hymns lectionaries & made it islam the fastest growing iireligion in the world 💥💣💥the religion of terror 💣💥☪️ DOLLAR WHO AKBAR?
@Xcerptshow Год назад
This entire talk was a desperate attempt to remain relevant by keying in on the keywords "tom holland Islam". It was semantical nonsense. Islam is derived from Catholicism(which is what he means when he says "Christianity") which was derived from Judaism. Saying Islam isnt a religion because they came from different cultures is the height ignorance. He does, however, recognize the fact Islam goes beyond the realms of a religion in the concept that it is political and is not compatible with western culture because it doesnt allow dissent.
@samantarmaxammadsaciid5156 Год назад
Why from Catholicism and not from Christianity?! Why exclude other Christian sects?
@OneFingerMan Год назад
the reason why western elites do not like the idea that islamic teachings reach their peasants is because of the islamic financial and economics system (look into the shepherd model presented by Almir Colan) as it creates a force that goes against the interest and debt based economic system that makes the rich richer and the poor remain poor or become poorer. It forbids bribery, monopoly and the corrupt lobbying that has been shaping laws for decades in the favor of corporations. All the other aspects of Islam is not of a concern for them and are only used as a way to propagate an anti-islam narrative and shed fear into the hearts of non-muslims, such as the lie of misogyny, pedophilia, barbarism or the idiotic claims of Holland that go even beyond the stupidity of anti-islam conspiracy theories. The advent and existence of people like Tom Holland, David Wood etc are one, to make money off of this discussion, second, to propagate the own (or 3rd party's ) agenda, in Hollands case it seems to be Christianity but i am not sure of that entirely.
@wendellramos7475 2 года назад
@yakovmatityahu 2 года назад
This guy accent sounds like Mainstream British one.
@Dude0000 6 дней назад
He grew up in Salisbury which is in a prosperous part of southern England, called Wiltshire. So his accent is comparatively articulate aka ‘posh’ in the context of England as a whole.
@yakovmatityahu 2 года назад
Uk lost their way when they forgot Christ.
@stormyn3249 2 года назад
Monotheism is a whole lot of rubbish and a paradigm that falls flat in light of the latest scientific findings related to quantum theory...entanglement...go read up on the "Hard problem of Science"....all is Consciousness....as attested to in Hindu texts for millennia. Christianity and Islam are far from any kind of "enlightenment"...that's a bad joke....
@stormyn3249 2 года назад
Abrahamic culture and religion has a long way to go for enlightenment....that's quite a stretch for people who are steeped in material reduction-ism....Christianity and Islams ideas of monotheism cannot grasp unity in diversity....what a shame...
@judithjohnson5055 2 года назад
He mentions his daughters being disinterested but in the UK Religious Education is a statutory subject so I am surprised that they have little knowledge either.
@margahe9157 3 года назад
That all sounds horrible! It sounds, as if Christian influence is the root of all the evil in our today's world. I'm pretty sure, that is not what Tom Holland wants to convey, but exactly that he does here in this interview! It sounds, as if the world would be a better place, without that hidden Christian influence. If the power of the West declinces, there just will arise another worldview, exporting it's set of values. Would that be better? Yes, for some it would, but for others not.
@thepalegalilean 2 года назад
If that is honestly the conclusion you came out of this with, Your intelligence and your reading and your comprehension are all completely lacking. You're so ill informed it's embarrassing.
@richpetre2561 3 года назад
Tom does a great job peeling the onion here. Every layer of the cultural significance is based on the idea of adopting the enlightening values of self criticism and reinvention
@colintest6727 3 года назад
Sorry, but this argument fundamentally misses the point that Christianity has been questioned and challenged in order to get to a secular society. It is that Christianity has been, so to say, put on a leash. That has been a process begun in the Renaissance - prior to those challenges Christianity was every bit as powerful and overarching a political and societal force as Islam. The process of secularisation is NOT a Christian process - it is a process that has overtaken Christianity. It is wrong to say that we are attempting to Christianise Islam, it is that the secular notions must be predicated on the basis that any other religions need to follow suit or secular societies cannot work. I think that's an important distinction to make - but I agree that it is probably a culture shock to religious groups that have not had the challenges that Christianity has. What I would agree with is that I think that a large portion of nominal Christians in the West don't fully comprehend the huge cultural difference that entails.
@universalflamethrower6342 3 года назад
try having this discussion with your woke overlords and you might want to actually listen to this video or read Dominion or a history book or two or maybe even the Bible or maybe even take a deep deeep dive in the Quran maybe, just some suggestions
@fobos9289 3 года назад
Precisely the point is that there is no “secular”. The materialistic worldview is reaching its dialectic end and is obvious that there is a need to return to ritual and to contemplate the trascendental (people do it regardless if they believe in religion or not). This is not matter of opinion, is the results of history. Tom Holland is not arguing a thesis he though about; he is arguing a truth that he couldn’t avoid while looking for something else. This is not really his opinion, his thesis is the evidence found. The “modern world” concept is dying down. The future does not lie.
@colinmarkwick141 3 года назад
@@universalflamethrower6342 Woke overloerds? What in the whole wide world of gibberish are you on about? You throw some inane modern soundbite as if it has anything at all to do with what I said, and then proceed to tell me 'where I'm going wrong'. I have many of Tom Holland's books, I think they're excellent takes on history - I have read plenty of history, thanks for your (clearly condescending) advice. And I have read the bible...yes, I seriously have - what a bizarre, psychotic jumble of tales that is. The idea that this collection is, or should be, the guiding light of humanity...Jeez! So, anyway, to my point. Secularisation is NOT a Christianprocess, about which you said nothing - which isn't hard to understand - how could secularism possibly be a Christian process?
@colinmarkwick141 3 года назад
@@fobos9289 But that's my point - people have always contemplated the transcendental - it isn't Christianity that brought that about. If it were Christian thinking that shaped our world then, how come Christianity (s) have changed so much? People bring ideas into play from outside Christianity - Christianity itself is a jumble of ideas from many sources - which Tom clearly knows and has expressed many times. Would St. Paul have approved of the Reformation? Weren't the ideas behind the reformation almost Pelagian in nature? If the truth he is arguing is that we're more spiritual than we tend to think...no issue with that. If the truth is claimed to be - that's because of the church, that's what I disagree with. And the 'taming' of the monster that was the Church was not an act of the Church, and so it's ridiculous to talk of 'christianising' Islam.
@fobos9289 3 года назад
@@colinmarkwick141 the “fall of men” is told in the Bible as the result of man’s disobedience to God. We can say it in another way, there are truth in reality, in nature, that man does not wishes to follow or obey. This is foolish since we are not rulers of ourselves or lords of the reality that surrounds us. However man insists in determining by and for himself what’s good and what is bad. But perhaps we confuse what we “like” with what’s “good” and what we dislike with “bad”. Precisely the search for the “trascendental” is man’s quest to find his place in nature/history; his quest to know what is objectively good and what is bad. We try to decide among ourselves these terms and we fail all the time. History, in a way, is a conversation that man’s been having for millennia with itself; free will allows us to “try” anything and we learn by experience what works and what does not, hence sin (sin not in the moral sense but in the sense of missing the mark, I.e. committing error). Jesus (no matter if we believe he is historical or not) is the best example of how to be “human”, how to commune with God. Man has argued in favor or against the truth of Christianity according to his own ignorance or intentions, however all these discussions are for nothing (just like this long post, but ideas require explaining), to imitate Christ is to be a Christian; to “talk” about Christ is pointless. Love is conquering the World and it’s doing it throughout time and trough all the ages. Eventually humankind would have reached true knowledge of God. By that point I hope we can’t stop to ponder about life and just live truly. I feel I wrote a lot and said nothing at the same time. What’s your take?
@omerrasul2360 3 года назад
Thought provoking... Chernobyl example is so pertinent.
@fobos9289 3 года назад
The Kingdom of God is like a little yeast that is put inside the dough to make it grow.
@judithjohnson5055 3 года назад
Until I read Dominion, I had not realised how recently Judaism came to be seen as a religion rather than a race.
@fobos9289 3 года назад
Is neither. Is culture. This culture involves a religious tradition and believe and contains many different races and nationalities. To be a Jew is an identity that is impacted by 4000 years of continuous history. 4000 years can’t be contained inside concepts as “race” or “religion”. The believes that support religion are older and more real than language itself.
@konyvnyelv. 3 года назад
You can be a Jew and an atheist at the same time
@TheUnique69able 3 года назад
It was both at different points in time. Only recently did it come to be seen as an ethnic background. And in the past, many different peoples converted to Judaism and their descendants are alive today
@judithjohnson5055 2 года назад
@@konyvnyelv. I have several such in my family. I am a messianic Jew.
@jj-yi1ne 18 дней назад
you are brainwashed by western academia