How to become part of the LORE in Elite
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The Craziest 10,000 Player Space War Event
3 месяца назад
The Gaming Mystery No One Can Solve
4 месяца назад
The new Elite content is looking kinda crazy
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Elite Dangerous 2024, Is It Worth It?
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The Greatest In-Game Event You Have Never Seen
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Is Elite BACK In 2024?
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EMPIRES | Elite Dangerous: Odyssey
8 месяцев назад
Elite Dangerous is Cinema.
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@megleyd 9 минут назад
as someone who only played the beta this is amazing to behold
@contra81 15 минут назад
9:22-- what engineering was done to those cannons? TY
@LipticZone 2 часа назад
Clickbait thumbnail 👎
@indigointoblack 2 часа назад
Well I’m sorry if it did come off that way. the truth is there are player group stations in the game already, they can fight and take them from each other and it makes their influence more or less powerful. Powerplay 2 will hopefully give more people the opportunity to try this system out. That’s the idea with the thumbnail.
@St1ckyGreeN 2 часа назад
wow, pretty impressive game.
@StevenHandDH 2 часа назад
This is not a vide, This is storyline art.
@INSPRGDGT 6 часов назад
Question #12 Can an unpledged player affect power play.? If the program is not able to identify your origin the program can not assign additional influence. That would be like pouring water into a cylinder rather than a cup. 🤪
@indigointoblack Час назад
My only issue with that is if you wipe out imperial presence from a system, Powerplay I feel would have to react to that. Maybe I’m wrong. We’ll see in October.
@INSPRGDGT Час назад
⁠@@indigointoblackThe influence per system is divided between those factions present. If an (unregistered) player is actively removing influence, (A) faction should gain through aggressive removal but there would be no one available to receive the percentage of influence taken or lost.
@StarParty-Workshop 7 часов назад
I THINK ......... the PP 2.0 should change it's way ..... i mean , just like the old school mmorpg , each week or month , there will be some castles ( systems ) opened for PVP , each POWER gathering lots of player to PVP each other in order to take control the system !!!! then i think lots of commanders will join the battle !
@indigointoblack Час назад
It basically does seem to work like that to me, only instead of every week it’s all the time in any given system.
@lanceobe6801 7 часов назад
I want my own dock with a hanger not ridiculously big medium and small landing pads for other players, Mail slot with open hanger for my ships. And the ability to walk around in my hanger looking at my ships. Also, it needs to have a biodome for deep space travel.
@wezz45 7 часов назад
@jakeshipley449 16 часов назад
We need a combat ship that's focused on heavy firepower and playable Capitol ships. You know, what carriers were supposed to be...
@YouLikeBosch 20 часов назад
Boooo, AI voiceover. 👎 Do it yourself or don't do it at all.
@indigointoblack 16 часов назад
its not ai...
@JoaHosoi 20 часов назад
star citizen is trying to make elite dangerous 2. and honestly theyre getting there. slowly. very... very... slowly......
@rempha День назад
Always A rate the power plant for better heat efficiency. Just get a smaller size but A rated.
@kharjo8099 День назад
i was at the sight of that salvation arc.... was fun, until XBox got abandoned
@arkosceti1637 День назад
Power play in solo mode should only work for that mode, it's absurd to try to defend a system against players you can't face.
@NieczorPavika День назад
nice thumbnail.
@JNJNRobin1337 День назад
*Station Owning? finally, we can make our own safe and ensured paths! and direct colony construction* edit: oh. it doesnt say anything about owning a station.
@indigointoblack 23 часа назад
well the truth is players have owned stations for the entire games history. BGS allows Player groups to literally fight and take territory on the map. You don’t even need a PMF to do it. People just don’t know.
@JNJNRobin1337 23 часа назад
@@indigointoblack well i wish they knew so that we can forge our own paths and settle the entire edge of the galaxy
@MojoDudeX День назад
ED has lost its identity. All the "decor" decisions are a testemony to gameplay bankruptcy. When exploration became third best way to go, I left.
@Pharesm День назад
Can I get up out of my chair in my ship, finally?
@HRH.SinclairDeVer 17 часов назад
No. That's what we need, but no you can't.....
@Garryck-1 16 часов назад
Who cares? It's a "gee whiz" feature that people will think is cool for the first 5 minutes, then will stop paying attention to. I'd much rather Frontier put their effort into fixing all the more serious problems the game has.
@StarParty-Workshop 7 часов назад
@@Garryck-1 I CARE , especially i am using ED content to re-create fan-made story ...... AND , I wish I can build my own base on a planet !!! just like STARFIELD and NO MAN SKY !!!!
@prisonerofthehighway1059 День назад
The ethos to government type thing means that the systems government type will no longer affect your power’s ability to control that system. For example, Aisling Duval’s primary concerns are banning slavery and helping the less fortunate. Systems with authoritarian government types are more difficult for her to control. This is my understanding of the problem.
@tweaked74 День назад
I have yet to see how pp2.0 will be very different from what we already have
@Anedime День назад
You've learned nothing from Ender's Game.
@Cpl-ABE3-11B День назад
ℹ explore in a T10
@RudolfKlusal День назад
Clickbait thumbnail => unsubscribe & downvote, bye.
@JNJNRobin1337 День назад
it betrayed me. i thought we would get station owning
@SOU6900 День назад
See ya.😂
@novarek9337 21 час назад
Technically speaking, players can already own starport with there own faction by using BGS.
@daltonzart6581 День назад
Powerplay is the biggest bullshit i ever see in a game.
@tallerghostwalt День назад
I believe the „you need to be pledged“ part is specifically about gaining ranks within a PP faction. You‘d have influence on the power play as a whole, but wouldn‘t gain any rewards from it. If they actually meant that you cannot influence it at all, then yeah, I don’t understand it either.
@heavybattle6650 День назад
@MRxMADHATTER День назад
I never got involved much with the first powerplay. Combat is not my thing anymore. I am likely to grab a Mandalay and take off out into the black with my carrier.
@Matthias129 День назад
I think if they're considering moving powerplay to open only, they need to (re)rework the modules again. I haven't played for awhile, but try to keep up with some on the news (particularly for any news saying that the engineer/material grind doesn't need to be a second job along with all the other second jobs), and the only reason I cared about PP at all was because I wanted the modules, mainly the fun Macross missiles from... Li Yui Rong? Or similar to that. I did the bare minimum, and never looked back. If I ever come back, I don't want to have to be forced to brave gankers and people who actually care about the faction stuff just so I can get a cool green shield for a ship. Whether it's selling at a discount from faction stores, or buying them at a markup from black markets inside faction space, whatever it is I think it should be separate from the open PP stuff.
@netwarrior1000 День назад
For mine, open only would be a mistake. One point of PP 2.0 is to attract players to it. Open only will drive many (?) away so would be counterproductive imo.
@ZeugmaP День назад
I never touched powerplay because it was too intimidating, I might pledge to a superpower now if the system is easier to interact with. ...unless I buy the new Mandalay and go on a 3k light year exploration trip hahaha
@indigointoblack День назад
Mandalay plus Spansh and you can go thousands of lightyears no problem. Keep that Fuel Scoop and AFMU and go crazy.
@thr3edimentional6 День назад
Console play is Mandatory
@Garryck-1 16 часов назад
Not gonna happen. Deal with it.
@hihihi45ify День назад
As a new player, I really hope they drop Earth like worlds soon......
@indigointoblack День назад
I dream of that day too but not sure, as cool as elite is im not sure if the tech is there. We will see though.
@SolarController2019 4 часа назад
We said the same thing about space legs
@HunteR3453 День назад
I guess if the patch gets delayed, we can call the ship "Mandelayed"
@nickmyers3065 День назад
Wait a seconda. I havent played since before covid..> Theirs 1st person quest that involve crime?
@indigointoblack День назад
There are many Odyssey mission types, settlement raids, assassination, sabotage, salvage, even some light delivery missions. All come with lawful and criminal versions.
@nickmyers3065 День назад
@@indigointoblack cool i never saw the game had 1st or 3rd person
@chjeremy6538 День назад
the new ship really fill an importance spot, an ASP-ish low tonnage ship. i hope we can get a Viper IV to ASP Scout size heavy fighter next time
@SinNombreYQueWea День назад
I don't understand what you said about the example of the imperial system and the anarchy faction. And you need to be more specific. "Unpledged commander goes into imperial system." Imperial in what sense? Is the minor faction that controls the system imperial? Or is the system exploited/controlled by one of the imperial powers in powerplay? < Because unless you don't know, these are two completely different and unrelated things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other whatsoever. They are completely separated as it is right now, there is literally zero link, nothing, nada. Fucking hell, imperial minor factions are currently BAD for a power like Aisling. This is why the big aisling player factions are independent cooperatives. "Find a little independent anarchy faction and blow up their ships to knock out the imperial presence in the system" ?!???????????????? How do you knock out imperial presence in the system by killing pirates belonging to a local anarchy? That's literally nonsensical. I don't know, it's like if you said "Well what if you flew to a federal system, and started shooting at the sun and the moon exploded because of that, how is powerplay going to react?" I feel like I'm in a sort of twilight zone here.
@indigointoblack День назад
Ok, so that first paragraph was great info, thank you. I was unaware that Power control is totally separate from the controlling government. As I was aware, the PMF with the most influence was the designated owner of the star system. How is this decided? That second paragraph we seem to have a disconnect in meaning here. Perhaps I misspoke. My confusion arises from what happens to Powerplay if said Imperial PMF with highest influence gets dethroned. So if an unpledged commander comes in, and "blows up" (raises rapidly) the influence of a small independent anarchy faction and knocks the Imperial P/MF off of the throne, would that not affect powerplay since the Empires influnce on that system would be lessened, or in the worst case completely lost if a retreat is triggered?
@arha-z1v День назад
@@indigointoblack a power (such as Arissa) controls systems no matter the local factions so you can boost or harm them all you like, they dont affect the system. Empire is a superpower (separate thing) to which minor factions can be aligned. So you boosting anarchy factions will not affect powerplay, it might affect superpowerplay.
@SinNombreYQueWea День назад
@@indigointoblack You need to think of powerplay and individual system factions as two completely separate things. Minor factions and powerplay powers are just completely different, unrelated but overlapping things. A system can belong to a federal faction and be exploited by Edmund Mahon. A system can be an independent Communist system and be exploited by Aisling Duval, or be a Hudson powerplay system and be owned by an imperial patronage faction. The way it works as it is right now, powerplay powers have 'control' systems, and there's a sphere/bubble of 'exploited' systems around it, which is basically the territory (the little bubbles you see in the powerplay map mode in the galaxy map). The governments in these systems can be *anything.* ANY government, with ANY allegiance. And the powerplay power will still exploit it regardless. The only thing that affects powerplay today (before the rework) is that every power has a list of 'favorable', 'unfavorable' and 'neutral' government types regardless of allegiance, and this affects fortification bonuses in a particular bubble. So for example, Aisling Duval right now is favored by Cooperative, Confederacy and Communist governments. Every other government is either neutral or unfavorable. If you have a majority favorable governments, you get a fortification bonus (you have to haul less to fortify the sphere). If you don't, then you don't get any bonus. If you have a majority unfavorable, then you get a penalty (you have to haul more). This is why, right now, and I know it's counterintuitive, having an Imperial Corporate faction control a system in Aisling Duval territory is WORSE than having an Independent Communist faction, or a Federal Confederacy faction. Aisling Duval powerplay players will actively fight for the communist faction against the Imperial one, to favor Aisling. Mahon favors only Corporate governments. And this means Mahon space is riddled with Federal Corporate factions. He prefers a corporate faction regardless of allegiance, so if you replace a Federal Corporate faction in a system with an Alliance Democracy, you're actually hurting Mahon, even though your gut tells you "But the democracy is an alliance faciton, and the corporate is a federal faction!" and it only makes sense once you realize Mahon just wants corporates and nothing else, and doesnt care about allegiance. And every other power has a different list. Hudson favors Patronage and Feudal, which are government types that cannot be aligned with the federation (federal patronage factions do not exist) so go figure. Now, all of this is BEFORE the rework. During their Q&A, Frontier said that this system would be completely scrapped, so now, powerplay will not even care about the government type at ALL. If you kick out an Imperial Faction out of control in an Aisling or Patreus powerplay system, it will not affect powerplay whatsoever. Powerplay territory just kind of overlaps the factions, but it is not affected by what kind of faction is there, at least that's what Frontier said.
@SinNombreYQueWea День назад
I mean, look at the Aisling's Angels and Celestial Light Brigade player factions on Inara, some of the biggest Aisling aligned powerplay groups have those minor factions. You'll probably notice that the factions are Independent Cooperatives, and not Imperial factions at all... and that is on purpose and for a reason.
@Tamburello_1994 День назад
It's a great time to be an Elite Commander. Boldly go. o7.
@Nocake838 День назад
Love you vids
@DubStepTomatoFarmer День назад
Hold up theyre gonna un pledge us? thats a real disappointment after all the time i spent getting to level 5 in my preferred power
@indigointoblack День назад
I wouldn't worry too much, in the new system you're progress is permanent for whatever power you are pledged to, no more weekly merit cut.
@g0dsf3ar71 День назад
The thargoids aren't even remotely interesting.
@MavicAir1 День назад
Elite opened it all up. Have been playing SC and it looks fantastic but zero story. Elite has a story.
@indigointoblack День назад
Unless SC gets a sim as deep as elites I cant find myself going too deep with it. Yea the engine tech is basically pushing the boundary, but elite is alive... and if this update rocks im not gonna be able to pull myself away.
@Skylingale День назад
What is the story of Elite? I love the game but it has no story as well let's be honest.
@B_Syde День назад
Elite dangerous also runs. SC is unplayable in my experience.
@paradoxx_4221 День назад
@@Skylingale Elite has a LIVE story. Look into the Galnet articles ingame or with galnet news digest
@mikawelll День назад
@@Skylingale He has a stoty.
@mason96575 День назад
Remember when the devs blew up the main planet?
@boomdaddymaxwell День назад
This lives up to its reputation of being complex to the point of hostility towards new players
@indigointoblack День назад
@yallbugin 2 дня назад
I wish they still cared about the console version😢
@ManuelBasiri 2 дня назад
To truly enjoy what Elite has to offer, you'll need a HOTAS and a good PC VR headset.
@indigointoblack День назад
I mean im mouse and keyboard on a monitor and love the game.
@efxnews4776 3 дня назад
X4 is better...
@Sariuswatch 3 дня назад
damn i have this game but i could never get into it
@indigointoblack День назад
Its insanely difficult for new players. One of the reasons its not mainstream.