Zodiac Stargazer
Zodiac Stargazer
Zodiac Stargazer

Aakanksha Tiwari, Jyotishi
I have spent most of my professional life studying and practicing Vedic Astrology. Despite of living in Australia since 2006. I was exposed to Vedic beliefs of Gods and Goddesses that came fully to fore in my early teens in India. My family and I practice a fully vegetarian lifestyle, meditate daily and follow the spiritual tradition.

My Jyotiṣa teacher is Pt. Sanjay Rath, whom I owe my knowledge.

I practice horoscope consultations daily, besides teaching Astrology courses, Tarot courses, Numerology courses.
The ancient texts that I learned, and relies on, are that of Gita, Upanishad, Purana and Veda.

E -mail: tiwariastro1@gmail.com
WhatsApp number