Welcome one and all to my channel! If you like D&D and video games then you are in the right place! I have a varied taste in gaming genres so who knows what will pop up in here, as long as it has some of the necessities: Great story to tell/ character development, interesting mechanics and gameplay, and most of all, just damn fun to play! In addition, you may spot a sketch or two, some D&D/Critical Role goodness, and some collabs with other friends pop up from time to time, who knows where the next adventure will take us or what oddities my fevered brain will come up with! =)

Notice: We may come across some more mature themes from time to time but we will take it all in stride as we go through it together. So kick back, grab a snack, and let's see where this wild ride takes us!

Faint of heart need not apply =)
@thetippingpoint3219 2 дня назад
Can someone tell me what campaign this is ?
@Renegadebane 2 дня назад
This is why I don't watch anything on Dropout that doesn't have Brennan, he carries the whole platform.
@Personal43546hf 2 дня назад
Lou didnt even react!
@kemchi8730 2 дня назад
Brennan has two sides as a DM. 1. He is a pretty understanding DM. Will allow the wackiest ideas to happen or allow them to substitute things. 2. Loves to see his own PCs be completely wrecked and fucked up.
@comrademoist3177 3 дня назад
I feel like this type of depiction of a devil is unironically one of the best depictions of what the actual biblical devil would be like
@INKI_teh_Rogue 7 дней назад
This entire series is Lou subliminally screaming at Brenan: "DUDE! WE WANT TO COME BACK HERE! STOP ALREADY!!"
@INKI_teh_Rogue 7 дней назад
Unbelievable.... wow.
@genesisproject1908 9 дней назад
Sam is such a bard irl it's insane.
@blade7y156 12 дней назад
6:12 For those who never played D&D and don't the specific rules, here is why the players react so much to this counterspell : - spells in D&D are classed by level, from 0 to 9. A 1st level spell is barely a firework, 9th level spells bend reality (Wish, Timestop). - each creature using magic has spell slots of different levels. If you want to cast a spell you have to use a spell slot of at least the same level. At the maximum, a player can have a single 9th level spell slot. And they have to be at least level 17 with the right class. - Counterspell is a 3rd level able to counter any other spell with a level equal or lower than the level of the spell slot used. - Zerxus was trying to cast Resilient Sphere on himself, which would have made him untouchable. It is a 4th level spell. Asmodeus used a 9th level spell slot to counterspell it. A 4th level spell slot would have been enough. He used a 9th level. Thet tells how little he cared about them, and how stupidly powerful he is. Because to waste a spell slot like this, you need to have dozens of them.
@user-gt6ye8cr4z 14 дней назад
what campaign is this.
@Amadeo790 16 дней назад
You heard “Evil prevails when good men do nothing” but now you hear “Evil prevails when good man ignore the red flags”.
@trapical 17 дней назад
The greatest DM of all time
@BurttheBard 20 дней назад
After days, weeks of looking to the horizon, Wrayne turns away with Maya holding her hand and Kir over her shoulder. Hope not gone, but fear becoming more prevalent. Wrayne holds back the tears in front of her children. Maya begins to cry again. Kir looks to the horizon as they walk away, opening his eyes in the way he’s seen his father do…and he sees one spec on the distant horizon…wings flapping furiously, exhaustedly…until that spec sees his family. Cerrit lands, exhausted, collapsing into the arms of his family. He barely has any strength left, but he summons what he can to embarrass them. He knows not what the future will hold, but now, in this moment, the Agrupnin family is together. And not even a war of gods can separate them again.
@MarioMan2010 21 день назад
I was crying then the Market of Wonders read with the party horn started and I’m laughing on the floor
@IamtheJayman 22 дня назад
The terrifying power of Chronomancy
@markm1261 23 дня назад
This is a great story that I really enjoyed. I really loved your visual effects as well. Making Brendan disappear a d the ring of fire as Travis’s character burned his home. Nice touch
@fendrikdrake3320 24 дня назад
No I'm not crying watching that sitting in a public train. What are you talking about???
@gabrielbjornursidae 26 дней назад
"I'll allow it" you chose to separate. Your allowance is no longer a factor.
@cuindless189 28 дней назад
The look on Lou's face at 4:05... This is the "Btennan Moment" he knew was coming.
@splunkmastah4609 Месяц назад
Seeing Travis's character make it was So satisfying.
@centurion7398 Месяц назад
“Are you weakest at the arm or the shoulder?” “You gotta cut this shit out man” Lou out here wanting to get invited back someday.
@SonofOrion42 Месяц назад
One of the most human moments I've ever seen in a tabletop game. Calamity was something really special, man.
@BrickBoy1894 Месяц назад
“To reach a hand down to somebody, they need to be BENEATH YOU! And I’m beneath nobody!”
@CountryMusicMann Месяц назад
I actually prefer Brennan's voice for Asmodeus, as opposed to the voice effects here. Brennan's Asmodeus voice reminds me of serpents, tricksters, and schemers, which fits better with Asmodeus than the rumbling and intimidating bass. These voice effects would fit better with a demon lord like Baphomet or even Tharizdun.
@greenquartz Месяц назад
Travis at the bottom right laughing gleefully that he isn't there! 😂
@erikeverson7812 Месяц назад
I love all of the effects you added to this.
@king_sheridan_ Месяц назад
Saw this late but you're so insane for the crisis core music i actually cried lmao
@bassclef81 Месяц назад
Anyone else notice at 4:32 that Brennan mouths exactly what Luis is saying?
@handsmahoney Месяц назад
Sam is the master of emotional whiplash
@coasterthekid8867 Месяц назад
I love the calm delivery of “He rips the skin off of your skull”
@gazriddell9493 Месяц назад
I really hope this is animated some time, maybe as an 8 part mini series? The world and characters they create is insane ❤
@proudamerican183 Месяц назад
@alexspain9103 Месяц назад
I love how Lou is reacting to the things Brennan hasn't done yet.
@jacobbabson6786 Месяц назад
Why do I fucking do this to myself
@TRussell148 Месяц назад
It's even better when you consider how arrogant they were talking earlier in the campaign saying "The gods are no different from us they just live on a different plane." Welcome to the corner of Fuck Around and Find Out.
@Shornaal13 Месяц назад
Amazing portrayal of Asmodeus. GG BLM.
@vlrze Месяц назад
Anytime someone says "Thankfully your arm was dismembered", you know it's about to go down.
@M4nelP Месяц назад
why did u had to put song of freedom goddamn im feeling too much stuff
@KTL-351 Месяц назад
I like to think about the burning in Cerrit's lungs. Not in his flight home to his children, but the burning years later. The slight cough, the loss of stamina, the frailty that still lingers in his bones. Soaring for weeks without food, barely even a drink of water, through all that ash... all that smoke... his body withering with each passing second, held together only just enough, by willpower and love alone, long enough for him to *just. keep. flying.* Wrayne sees it more often than Kir and Maya; even after the hard lessons learned in the Calamity, Cerrit is who he is, a proud man who wants his children to feel safe and protected in the ruinous world in which they will now grow up. But he can't hide it fully, and he knows it's wrong to do so, to hide the effects of those terrible nights from his children. They see it in the way his breathing comes more ragged than it did in his days as the Senior Sightwarden. How he sits to rest frequently, whenever the family are out hiking, or foraging for supplies. And most obvious of all, they see it in the pair of worn out spectacles he uses to read, to see through the pitch black of the night. They see Cerrit, their father, and his tremendous powers of perception just...lesser, now, for the rest of his days. All that ash and smoke, the stinging in his eyes, the choking in his lungs...the body trying to sustain itself through weeks of flight, turning on itself, stomach acid and bile eating Cerrit from the inside out...and of course, once he arrived in the arms of Wrayne and whoever was left around them, the conditions weren't much better, medical treatment was spread thin if it existed at all, and could only do so much... But their family- Kir, Maya, Wrayne...Cerrit, most of all- know what a miracle it is that he survived in the first place. How could they not? So it is doubly miraculous that he isn't *more* permanently disabled by that long flight home. He can still play with his children, dance with his wife, protect his family when the horrors of the new world come to hurt them. And I like to think, that if you ask Cerrit Agrupnin, well...he would tell you that he would make that trade as many times over as he has to.
@NickNamelessMan Месяц назад
the love the home run bat sfx when brennan snaps his finger on the time stop spell, very satisfying and even the smallest touches can make an impression
@jaesjmes5498 Месяц назад
14:04 you can see brennan trying to hide his disappointment that she was still up lmao
@junezhang6267 Месяц назад
“You survived the spells only to be killed by science.” Best quote ever
@josephhernandez3824 Месяц назад
My favorite part of this entire very short campaign was the building resentment as an audience member I felt growing towards the PC’s and their actions. And watching this scene unravel from the very start of this episode had me ABSOLUTELY enthralled for the hour + it took for this to unfold. By far my absolute favorite D&D moment I’ve ever had, without question
@stanieldasboot953 2 месяца назад
What the fuck did they do to deserve this? I've never watched a single session of a live play before, but what the *fuck*
@ChessHistorian 2 месяца назад
Physics SHOULD be how any self-respecting full-ass wizard dies: ya give physics the finger one too many times, physics gonna find a way to give you the finger back.
@watsonsd1 2 месяца назад
This was Sam's Laura Bailey muffin moment. Legend.
@oldfrend 2 месяца назад
a mere DnD game had no right to be this good. if they don't do a calamity tv show there is no justice in the world.
@aliceboss3134 2 месяца назад
wish brennan would play in exandria again because this campaign was just fucking amazing
@Tsumefan2 2 месяца назад
if he were in skyrim which daedric prince would orthax be?
@kennyfinch8743 2 месяца назад
Kinda fucking hard to hear anything with the shitty music in the back ground 🤣