React Vienna
React Vienna
React Vienna
Community of developers coming together every month. Talks are not limited to React and may include related subjects like Elm, Redux, GraphQL, Reason etc.
Fun React hooks you might not use
5 месяцев назад
Edge runtime by Christopher Ehrlich
6 месяцев назад
Type-safety from Database to Frontend
2 года назад
OneGraph by Sean Grove (@sgrove)
6 лет назад
D3 & React by Shirley Wu (@sxywu)
6 лет назад
@daitedve1984 11 месяцев назад
Я сам русский, но боже... как же тупорыло звучит английский в наших устах! 😆 (я про лектора тоже) Такой ужасный, деревянный акцент, что мне тоже слушать неприятно. Берегите англичан, учитесь правильному акценту! 🤣
@daitedve1984 11 месяцев назад
Фигня. Как правило, разрешение конфликтов (у программного кода) происходит не из-за редактирования ОДНОГО файла (наоборот, разные люди редактируют разные части проекта), а потому, что ОБЩИЙ продукт может даже не скомпиляться, если кто-то сделал изменения, а ты (сделав свои изменения) не забрал чужие изменения к себе и не проверил работу. Поэтому золотое правло работы: сделал изменения, отладил, ЗАБРАЛ ЧУЖИЕ, снова проверил работу, и только потом закоммитил/замержил.
@josefernandohowerbarbosa 2 года назад
Amazing thank you so much!!
@Somethingsomethinglol 3 года назад
Well done!
@josemanuel9137 4 года назад
Is there a link to get it in GitHub?
@arupdash5904 4 года назад
This deserves a coment, specially for his learning React hooks book.
@TechnologyRules 4 года назад
The amount of cursing, yelling and joking it's really annoying and inappropriate. Kind of disappointing that one of the very few Preact-related talks is filled with this kind of garbage.
@gabrielmayta2297 4 года назад
This is the best talk about Relay that I ever have seen
@omniwhos67 4 года назад
The speaker is amazing! I learned so much from this video!
@asdawece 5 лет назад
what i learned is "don't let people ask question in the middle of presentation"
@nathansire6951 5 лет назад
Clojure community just keeps pulling me back in everytime I see such great innovations. I envy this unit test generation tool. I want it in Ruby.
@gomidefabio 6 лет назад
Hi Ali, great video! I just launched the book "Professional Front-end Architecture" which presents a new perspective on the topic. frontend-architecture.com/buy-book/
@Maaruks 6 лет назад
I like re-frame
@geraldbauer4079 6 лет назад
Thanks for recording - to follow along find the talk notes online @ github.com/geraldb/talks/blob/master/gatsby2.md Cheers. Prost. Greetings from Vienna.
@striker865 6 лет назад
Love it!
@sameerachanta7035 6 лет назад
Interesting talk.. well presented!
@segmentationfaulter 6 лет назад
Looking forward to it with a lot of excitement.
@rahulgupta36 6 лет назад
I m in love with her...brains with humour...xD💗💗
@jenningszhang3792 6 лет назад
I love how casual this talk is, yet information dense as well.
@stonexer 6 лет назад
Great job!
@julenrojo4624 6 лет назад
I am sold, thanks
@nicolasparada 6 лет назад
Very nice. Good work Andrey 👏
@rosencreuz 6 лет назад
Can you post the link to the code here as well?
@ReactVienna 6 лет назад
You can find the slides here sxywu.com/react-d3 and you probably can find most of the code in Shirley's repositories github.com/sxywu
@_aullik 6 лет назад
don't tell me this is a bunch of JS programmers that have absolutely no idea about garbage collection. Isn't the prejudice against JS-Programmers that they have no idea how to program and don't care how anything works in the back? I guess after this video I understand why. I'm primarily a JVM dev and I can tell you that this is just the basics of JS Garbage Collection. I can also tell you that there are mistakes in your talk. 4:02 "a typical frame takes up about 60 seconds". A typical frameRATE is 60 frames per second, thus a typical frame takes 1/60th of a second so about 16.66.. ms. 11:45 "so V8 uses a generational garbage collector [...] different than java, ..." Java is using a generational Garbage collector as well, actually the V8 garbage collection is very close to the Java garbage collection (you can read about java here: www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/java/gc01/index.html#t2) 12:20 "so then the older generations [...] those get left alone." Again no, the very old generation gets left alone. the old generation is cleared with standard mark, sweep, compact and this is the part of garbage collection that takes by far the longest. 12:55 "the interesting part about that is that the older object don't usually intermingle with the younger objects [...] they won't have a reference to the younger object" That is unless you give the old object a reference to a younger object what happens quite often in JS. quite often might mean only a few percent, but the point she didn't make is that the young generation is spammed with a lot of objects and most of those die very young. But the case of old object references young object is a very important topic or your garbage collection system would simply not work. She didn't talk about the garbage collection system which is Scavenge for the young generation and Mark-Sweep-Compact for the older generation. It is very similar to Java, but with some small differences. Also you keep talking about pointers. What you mean are references. Pointers are basically address values that you can manipulate, references directly reference the object.
@gabrielmicko4771 6 лет назад
Great talk! Thank you.
@chriszhang3629 7 лет назад
Very helpful examples thank you!
@Garretlike 7 лет назад
Chris Z thanks, hope the slides and github example helps!
@matzevanatze6889 7 лет назад
hey you guys swapped the title. This is the first part
@ReactVienna 6 лет назад
Thanks for the hint! Just fixed it
@ferakpeter 7 лет назад
This is exactly the right approach to scaling front-end teams. I would be very interested in seeing this at a large scale (like your Spotify example), the direction of having independent apps inside an app-shell but still enforcing types with Flow across the application should make for a very flexible, scalable, and robust front-end application. More importantly, it facilitates scaling on human level into teams that have the autonomy to choose the best tool for the job, as you pointed out. This is definitely the way forward. Thanks for this presentation!
@TimarIuveo 7 лет назад
woohooo <3
@GoStudentTutoring 7 лет назад
@hotscriptgg 7 лет назад
the best hairstyle ever in the front row :D
@bichitomax 7 лет назад
Novel? Is a complete ripoff from Racket (or any languages) contracts system, nothing new here.
@michaelnardell991 6 лет назад
In fairness, I believe the clojure.spec documentation is quite clear on this: "Almost nothing about spec is novel. " (clojure.org/about/spec)
@nathansire6951 5 лет назад
Isn't racket a static typed clojure? And clojure spec is more of a unit/data permutation testing solution?
@peterkerj7357 5 лет назад
@@nathansire6951 >Isn't racket a static typed clojure? no lol
@AyanGhatak 7 лет назад
Loved your talk.. Have seen the create-react-app but din notice it. It would be really handy in my future projects. Thanks once again for such an insight
@kap4020 7 лет назад
love watching David Nolan's presentations
@dwayneneckles 7 лет назад
1:34 I get it, its a lot of tools, but the overwhelming part to me is how fast things change. and the poor guys who create medium blog posts or guides, their work goes out of date fast.i think i spent a day or two setting up typescript and im still not done.
@AdamSchelenbergCom 7 лет назад
Oh, man, I thought who the hell did a great job at NoRedInk. Great company, I'm using their services to up my English grammar )
@web3tel 7 лет назад
Great presentation and Elm show case. Thanks a lot
@ReactVienna 7 лет назад
Thanks! Glad you like it, Boris! 👍
@TOA65 7 лет назад
Great talk!
@carlosbenavides670 4 года назад
Totally agree
@brianbeckman4982 7 лет назад
I'd be grateful for a bit of detail on ":tree" versus "::tree" in the recursive spec. It wasn't immediately clear to me why you have two different keywords, whether you must have two different keywords (to stop the recursion?), and how :tree is related to ::tree (one of the two is implicitly name-spaced iirc).
@TomaszMachalski 7 лет назад
Brian Beckman :tree is a key in the map which represents tree structure, while ::tree is the name of the spec itself.
@primitiveinds 7 лет назад
I think the first keyword has to do with the representation of the spec (e.g. when you call s/conform and get a map as a result), and the 2-colon keyword (namespaced) is the actual spec. So, instead of :tree you can write :foo and the spec still works, but there is a difference in the map output. (not completely sure, of course)
@FergalByrne 3 года назад
Both replies correct. :tree is the spec’s name for that part of the data, and it has to be a ::tree
@LizardanNet 7 лет назад
no run-time exceptions = errors are swallowed
@GagePeterson 7 лет назад
Elm (almost always) doesn't swallow errors, it actually requires you to handle them. You could just ignore them but you would have to do so knowingly. For instance, if you're getting the first element of the list it won't just give you the item or Null it will give you a `Maybe value` which requires you to write conditional logic around the "nothing there case" and the "something there" case to get the value out. Not doing so would not compile.
@gary000 7 лет назад
also when " (s/conform ::person {::first-name "David" ::last-name "Nolen" :age 37})" failed you should have immediately done "(s/explain ::person {::first-name "David" ::last-name "Nolen" :age 37})" to show the power of spec. Because if that had been a deeply nested structure that you couldn't just eye-ball and say "oh yea I forgot to use the namespace qualified version of the age keyword," explain would have shown you exactly where the issue was. When I reran that example at the repl it said "fails spec: vienna-js.core/person predicate: (contains? % :vienna-js.core/age)"
@gary000 7 лет назад
not sure how I feel about versioning a spec. if you have a spec that is called ::firstname that is a string and you want it to change it to instead be the hex value of the first name, would you make ::firstname-v2 or just call it ::hexed-firstname ? in both cases you're giving it a new name because spec doesn't allow versioning in the sense that you have the same name and then your build tool gives you the right version of the thing at compile time, but still, when David said "versioned specs" I shivered a little bit
@sanskar927 7 лет назад
Video describing your reactjs boilerplate would be awesome. I am having very hard to understand the routing and reducer relation in your awesome boilerplate.
@MaxStoiber 7 лет назад
I have actually given a talk about this! See here: vimeo.com/168648012
@user-vc3ve8cz4u 7 лет назад
How about ELM for PWA?!..
@nikgraf6972 7 лет назад
I asked Richard on Twitter and it seems like not yet so far: twitter.com/rtfeldman/status/808837008005033984
@user-vc3ve8cz4u 7 лет назад
Nik Graf Ask him about ELM roadmap! I can't find it..
@nikgraf6972 7 лет назад
You can find it here: github.com/elm-lang/projects for the language itself
@h3rteby 5 лет назад
All you need to be a "PWA" is a manifest.json and a service worker. There's not many differences from a plain website, you could easily do that with Elm. If you need some special features you can do with JS and ports.
@matthiasschuster9505 5 лет назад
@@h3rteby Like database?
@erwinrooijakkers8929 7 лет назад
Awesome talk! Thanks.
@bushidoapp 7 лет назад
I'm glad you liked it, thank you for mentioning it!
@nelsonc5339 7 лет назад
19:40 - where he describes the "Time Travelling Web Components" (_great talk as usual Richard!_)
@nicolasparada 7 лет назад
What a bunch of amazing stuff at ZEIT ❤