Molotov girl
Molotov girl
Molotov girl
Welcome to Yappersville. IG: baby.Antelope
I’m only either happy or numb.
14 часов назад
BPD splitting
14 дней назад
Cigarettes and allergies
14 дней назад
Carrie Bradshaw coded
21 день назад
Therapy horror story.
21 день назад
Talking about my best friend.
28 дней назад
Humiliation and peeing outside
Месяц назад
So, Um…. Yeah.
Месяц назад
Месяц назад
I can’t take good advice!
Месяц назад
Anxiously talking about love
Месяц назад
Personal stuff about my bpd.
2 месяца назад
I just got stood up.
2 месяца назад
Video diary #2 the Debbie downer
2 месяца назад
Video diary #1
2 месяца назад
The best thing you’ve ever seen, prolly.
3 месяца назад
Happy daps 2 ; Sant Ana festival
3 месяца назад
@saintsikey 14 часов назад
messy gang unite
@saintsikey 14 часов назад
we out here, gang gang
@BradAaronTaylor 16 часов назад
You're legit hilarious, and cool as fuck. Would hang with.
@valunariia 17 часов назад
girl ure so interesting to listen to i didnt even notice it was 10 minutes long
@Molotovgirl222 16 часов назад
@@valunariia thank you!
@davidfrierson7284 20 часов назад
Hello How are you i hop you Are Doin will
@RickyOConner День назад
Love your pretty face and eyes you are so beautiful read my text said ❤❤❤
@thesurvivorssanctuary6561 День назад
You are killing it, gorgeous one. Stop worrying about worrying, and just allow yourself to notice yourself for who you are and what you feel. It's ok to be mostly happy, a bit sad, pretty numb, fairly confused, and a little anxious. We are many different little things made up into one big thing, so it's only natural to feel a ton of stuff all at once. Each feeling is valid, and your radical acceptance is a revelation!
@garycollingwood4002 2 дня назад
@Crazilycorruptcarrotz 3 дня назад
us bpd baddies and our savior complex, its the worst
@PoetofEchoes 3 дня назад
Grateful for you... for you sharing yourself here with us... 💛🧡❤
@Molotovgirl222 3 дня назад
@@PoetofEchoes i really appreciate that, i feel odd about it at times but I think being vulnerable is essential to growth.
@PoetofEchoes 3 дня назад
@@Molotovgirl222 It is... it really is... to help you grow, and to inspire growth in others by letting us see that it's okay to be vulnerable.
@iv3995 3 дня назад
that is what the medication is supposed to do. It's meant to get you out of a funk so you can be happy when you stop taking them. but most people treat it as a medication you will need to take for the rest of your life. please dont listen to them. the best form of happiness is unmedicated happiness, and that could be your goal and something you can share with your therapist if you want to go in that direction.
@Alex-tu5vu 3 дня назад
RU-vid wtf 🤨
@collinistyping 3 дня назад
You aren't weird for this at all!! Crying makes us feel human and alive. Its a wonderful release and it makes perfect sense you'd want to feel it. I know first hand what feeling numb can be like. I'm currently having a similar issue with positive emotions like excitement and joy. Its very difficult when I'm hanging out with people and I just feel totally disconnected from them. So I think I can empathize with what you are going through. I'm sure whatever is going on there is a solution to it, and if you've cried before you will cry again : )
@skudie 3 дня назад
yeah i have the same stuff , sucks
@skudie 3 дня назад
I think when we are in those dark episodes, we are like super connected with ourself in a way we can never show, and in those places we learn alot of like how to exist through it, and build these walls and defences because everything is so heavy, so hard, so mean. And then when it's ok, it's still you, you still built those defences, you still have those walls up, and the shits not being slung at the same rate, so that part of us we connect to, watches from inside the base. We can't cry. Walls still up, self can't reach self. Idk if that makes sense. It did as I was typing it lol
@ceatlas5267 3 дня назад
@someasiankid6323 3 дня назад
i got rbf from being so depressed in high school dawg shit is not going AWAY
@l4ur158 3 дня назад
Hey, first of all I would like to say that I am not a woman so I can not say I can know what or how you feel, but a female family member of mine has felt numb for years and she didn't know why and then she found a partner and eventually they decided to have a child so she stopped taking the contraceptive pill that she used to take because doctors told her previously + she wanted to avoid pregnancy, and while she didn't manage to conceive quickly (took them like 5 months) in that span of time she suddenly felt like she unlocked most of her emotions back, she had a lot more highs and a lot more lows but she wasn't plateauing nearly as much and even after pregnancy she decided to stop with the pill because it affected her mood way too much. So if you perhaps are taking contraceptive pills they may be part of the reason of how you feel and should consider how you will go about in the future. Wish you the best in the future.
@Acehan 3 дня назад
Your partner's not kinky enough
@poindexter1023 3 дня назад
This is prob most relatable video ı ever seen youtube recommended to me ı was thinking same thing today as like in these 2 years ı did have very happy and very sad too but right now its just nothing everything feels too monotonous and most of the time ı feel nothing ı kinda miss being sad or able to cry as well ı kinda remember ı am trying to become feel sad ıdk why thats it if ı have more thoughts ı prob write them under this one Edit: english is not my 1st language sorry for that and ı just tried to write what goes through my mind
@kleddo3126 4 дня назад
Bpd male sensitive as fuck interested into art
@Nullzero98 4 дня назад
One good thing about crying is that it takes your mind and body outside of itself. When you’re balling… you’re balling. Like when you are throwing up, that’s all you are doing. It’s freeing in a way… because you can’t think about anything else. I have found that intense exercise gives me a similar feeling. Like… running until I am so tired all my body can do is gasp for air and all my brain can do is zone out and focus on how tired or in pain I am in. After a body shaking cry session, there is usually a period of relief and calm. And after intense exercise, I get the same (or very similar) experience. So yes, my recommendation is literally the most boring recommendation you hear everywhere. Exercise. Run until you can’t catch your breathe. Then do this for a week. Two weeks. Then a month. But be conscious of how you feel during and after. My guess is you will experience some sense of relief that crying used to give you.
@yoyolet8431 4 дня назад
nah its not a boring recommendation but a useful one. u r right bad eating habits, not exercising can be the cause of this kind of behavior she is show. and she also talking about some kind of mood stabilizers and therapist it could also means she has no good past or no stable mind but. we don't know about her past, don't even know her name, don't even know what kind of a person she is. we only know those thing that what she talked about in this video that's it .from that point of view its a great advice :
@greatwhitevadapav 4 дня назад
not sure why youtube recommended this but okay
@brannycedeno6823 4 дня назад
You too, eh?
@greatwhitevadapav 4 дня назад
@@brannycedeno6823 you mean.. you too? 😂
@Alex-tu5vu 3 дня назад
Ayy you too
@RyanLu-ys3kc 4 дня назад
mythical pull
@pillai9786 4 дня назад
on my 17th day of not smoking
@Molotovgirl222 4 дня назад
@@pillai9786 hell yeah, keep it up!😊
@bombasticcat 4 дня назад
im a male and i like to piss outside ahhaha. I even collect places mentally where i piss. In the river, in the flooded street, at beautiful trees and at someone houses i dont like. But i understand that woman have it really hard at this topic. You could have asked your neighboors to use thier bathroom if it was that bad. People feel good when they can help, so dont worry about asking for help.
@Fred.Carpenter 5 дней назад
You want what everyone wants. At one time, I was "seeing" a number of women and had a number of other women friend-zoned. Yet, it's really never enough. It's all just a mirror reaction inside your own head, like pain causes a release of endorphins. Our unconscious mind drives our behaviors. That's about all RU-vid's thought police will allow me to write.
@Fred.Carpenter 5 дней назад
Ain't talkin' 'bout love. My love is rotten to the core. I tell a woman to hold me and then the moment she tries, tell her "DON'T TOUCH ME!"
@Fred.Carpenter 5 дней назад
I am forbidden from commenting what RU-vid actually is other than "thought police" and "corporate overlords" when what they really are is reminiscent of the people in power in 1930's Germany. In fact, all three are really just perspectives of the same thing.
@Fred.Carpenter 5 дней назад
I posted another comment, but it was automatically deleted by the American Gestapo. We are living in dangerous times.
@Fred.Carpenter 5 дней назад
Some women wanted to think I was their boyfriend. Yeah, them and a lot of other women. It's like if you're playing a game of Monopoly in a psych ward and their hallucinations land on one of your properties, collect rent.
@Fred.Carpenter 5 дней назад
They tried to put me in with a bunch of borderlines one time (offered me DBT). A group of them outside were all licking their lips and looking at me like I was candy. Unfortunately, borderline women and I seem to be attracted to each other. I've posted photos, adding that if a woman looks at you like this, run. Other guys would tell me I have it backwards, to which I would reply, "No, I don't." Come to think of it, that's the same reaction I got from women at clubs and in general, like I'm a rock star and they're a bunch of overzealous fans/groupies. These days, I mostly hide from everyone.
@Fred.Carpenter 5 дней назад
Do you have an orange cat? I have an orange cat. He's pestering me for attention now.
@Fred.Carpenter 5 дней назад
You can set me on fire if you like. That mirroring thing can be hot in bed.
@anarmyofslothes 6 дней назад
I hope your classes go well, while you work through your internship! Your content is so comforting, and I loved every second of it. I look forward to seeing your content again in the future!
@saintsikey 10 дней назад
if you ever want to get on discord let me know
@SmokeyThemadscientist 10 дней назад
Congratulations beautiful girl.....your life will change the moment you either slack off or have fun. Remember what I said. Little girl
@fredyyfredfreddy 11 дней назад
Wow, extra pretty with sugar on top.
@mossbogger8366 11 дней назад
dude what are you yapping about
@isaiahgonzalez1347 11 дней назад
im allergic to all red meats ;(
@GODDeliversMinistries 12 дней назад
Did yall know God's Son Jesus Christ Died On The Cross and Rose Again From The Dead out of The Tomb on The 3rd Day. He Died for Everyones Sins even Mine. He Paid the Horrible Price we should have Paid. But He Paid it So We Would Have A Way into Heaven. if We Repent for Our Sins and Believe in Him and Serve Him and Obey Him. So I Encourage Those We Are Living In The Last Days I Encourage Anyone Not Saved Now Its the Time To Repent And Live For The Lord Before Its To Late and God's Final Judgment Comes. After you accept Jesus Christ into your heart and you Repent for Your Sins Your Name Gets Written Down in The Lamb's Book Of Life. and You Gotta Continue to Serve the Lord and Repent for Your Sins all the days of your life until Jesus comes back to call His Church home. Because No Ones Perfect we all Sin. but we need to Not Willfully Sin. and i will admit i have willfully sinned multiple times and I feel Guilty About it So I Repent we Were Made sinners because of Adam And Eve. but we dont need to Sin on Purpose. But We Sin All The Time Because we Humans get Angry and hurt people. and Are Hateful toward people when God commands us to Love Our Neighbors. and Pray for Our Enemies. there is all kinds of Sins. We Are Allowed to Be Frustrated at Peoples Actions. Without getting Angry and injuring People and breaking Stuff. Or Name Calling thats Wrong to. Heaven And Hell Are Real... and after Jesus Christ comes back and calls His Church home. Alot of people will be left behind because of being to caught up with the world and not believing in God. and other stuff And During that time the Anti Christ will reveal himself and Lie to People and Say Hes Jesus Christ. and he will try and Deceive the ones in Israel. and in turn Try and And Deceive the Entire World. and he will try to force People to Receive a Chip in their Right Hand or Foreheads.The Anti Christ hasn't Revealed Himself yet Though. and If you havent noticed they are trying to push for digital currency but we dont know who the Anti Christ Is. Only the ones left behind will know unless people make things right with GOD. Revelation 20:11 NKJV Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away. And there was found no place for them Revelation 20:12 NKJV And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:13 NKJV The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them. And they were judged, each one according to his works. Revelation 20:14 NKJV Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. Revelation 20:15 NKJV And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.
@TheEntertainer-vg2wd 14 дней назад
@saintsikey 14 дней назад
When I'm at high mania, I truly am at my best lmfao.
@saintsikey 14 дней назад
We out here. Stay strong, sista.
@HosQuell-rr9kq 15 дней назад
@The_Narcissistic_Man 16 дней назад
Those eyes are something else.
@blueberrymuffintime1375 16 дней назад
wow what a psycho
@Fred.Carpenter 5 дней назад
"The doctor says I'm better now." - Norman Bates, Psycho 2
@hiddenhand8998 16 дней назад
Bless you,
@linahil9634 17 дней назад
Faded off the cigg
@Leekio934 17 дней назад
It’s currently 4:59 I needs a smoke as well lol
@TheEntertainer-vg2wd 17 дней назад