Bagus Riyono
Bagus Riyono
Bagus Riyono
Diana Setiyawati, S.Psi., MHSc., Ph.D., Psikolog
11 месяцев назад
Tazkiya Terapi
2 года назад
IAMP Presidential address 2016
3 года назад
Budaya Organisasi by Bagus Riyono
3 года назад
Overview buku motivasi dan kepribadian
4 года назад
Paci tini
4 года назад
20 March 2020
4 года назад
Ultraman orb opening song
4 года назад
9 March 2020
4 года назад
Is that alien baltan
4 года назад
Falaah teman Nafis dan rumah ku
4 года назад
Go go godzilla
4 года назад
4 года назад
A dinosaur in my house !!!
4 года назад
@msuratman2099 7 месяцев назад
Kenapa ulama ulami didunia ini stresss n gila tepatnya lg lumpuh otak kl berhadapan dgn fenomena Lgbt?
@nettyhartaty631 Год назад
Slmt & sukses...kajian Islam Psi Ugm...
@laluyulhaidir4507 Год назад
Terima kasih pak Bagus
@laluyulhaidir4507 2 года назад
Jzkmllh khair
@AdeMachnun 2 года назад
alhamdulillah bisa nyimak kembali
@AdeMachnun 2 года назад
alhamdulillah bisa menyimak
@cromulentbliss 2 года назад
bismillah, mohon maaf izin bertanya pak bagus, untuk pendaftaran kelas insani ini bisa kami akses dari mana ya pak? terimakasih bapak
@alkiautar3464 2 года назад
Barakallahu fi kum, Ustadz Bagus ✨
@alkiautar3464 2 года назад
Masya Allah, barakallahu fi kum, Pak Bagus. Salam dari IMAMUPSI 2021 ✨
@nasyamutiarahman1571 2 года назад
Nasya Mutia Rahman
@syaputrifebrinasari4840 2 года назад
Masya Allah Tabarakallah
@syaputrifebrinasari4840 2 года назад
Masya Allah Tabarakallah
@syaputrifebrinasari4840 2 года назад
Masya Allah Tabarakallah
@AdeMachnun 2 года назад
@AdeMachnun 2 года назад
alhamdulillah bisa menyimak
@boybaik4165 2 года назад
Saya tertarik dengan psikologi islam.Klo mau ikut kuliah zoom nyz bagaimana caranya pak? Dan ditunggu video berikutnya
@alkiautar3464 2 года назад
Masha Allah. So grateful to be able to listen to you, Dr. Bagus. I have listened to your lectures before going to bed recently ✨ Thanks, Doctor.
@alkiautar3464 2 года назад
Terima kasih, Pak Bagus. Barakallahu fi kum. Semoga tetap diberi kesehatan dan kesempatan menyampaikan ilmu, Pak Bagus.
@ridhahabibah8152 2 года назад
Ridha Habibah
@andihakim8437 2 года назад
Andi Hakim
@shofinadia3161 2 года назад
Shofi Nadia hadir
@ridhahabibah8152 2 года назад
Ridha Habibah
@jazimatulnurkhamidah6978 2 года назад
Jazimatul Nurkhamidah
@shofianurulizzah4925 2 года назад
Shofia Nurul Izzah
@winaselviani11 2 года назад
@astrininovi 2 года назад
Astrini Novi Puspita
@feraariefah6352 2 года назад
Fera Ariefah
@mbak_ifa 2 года назад
Alifa Fauziah Hardiani
@shofianurulizzah4925 2 года назад
Shofia Nurul Izzah
@ristidindaassyifa 2 года назад
Risti Dinda Assyifa H
@chairunnisadjayadin9 2 года назад
Chairunnisa Djayadin 😊
@sherly0106 2 года назад
Alhamdulillah..jadi lebih faham bahwa bersyukur adalah sebuah proses..terimakasih ilmunya Pak Bagus 👍
@ristidindaassyifa 2 года назад
Absen : Risti Dinda Assyifa H
@diyaharifah5759 2 года назад
Presensi insani: Diyah Fatwati Arifah
@giartoofficial8509 3 года назад
Materi yg luarbiasa
@anisazahrawijayantinugroho8337 3 года назад
Anisa Zahra WN_Bogor
@mbak_ifa 3 года назад
Absen: Alifa Fauziah Hardiani
@devianingrum4787 3 года назад
Absen : Devia Purwaningrum
@fijayyyyyy 3 года назад
Absen: Firdaus Aulia
@_archicature 3 года назад
Absen: Citra Maharani
@kangboy3925 3 года назад
jazakalah khair bapak ilmunya
@femidaghazala9843 3 года назад
Absen: Ferzya Pertanyaan: Assalamualaikum wr. wb. terima kasih atas ilmunya hari ini, saya mau bertanya. Tadi disebutkan bahwa tazkiyatun nafs adalah proses membersihkan diri. Jika demikian, apakah ia dan tasawuf adalah hal yang sama? terima kasih.
@GuruNgajiKampung 3 года назад
Terimakasih atas ilmunya pak DR. Bagus
@alkiautar3464 3 года назад
Masya Allah, Jazākumullāhu khayran, Dr. Bagus.
@alkiautar3464 3 года назад
Bārakallāhu fī kum, Doktor Bagus. Terima kasih atas ilmunya, jazākumullāhu khayran.
@udanggalah4170 3 года назад
i think, the main problem of common muslims and including most of their Quranic scholars, are too much "legalistic," (fiqh oriented), as if ayatollah (god guidance) is only one: al Quran (holy scripture) and its derivatives (hadist, ijma, qiyas, etc). factually, God him self, in very first revelation to Muhammad, is not asking Muhammad to study (iqra) the holy Quran (cos the kitab doesn't exist at that day), instead He command Muhammad to study (iqra) other ayatullah, we called as ayat Kauniyah (universe and all of His Creations in it). That why in serious and encyclopedic Islamic traditional school, we always taught that beside al Quran, there is another god guidance (ayatullah) called ayat kauniyah (the universe and all god creation in it). and for qur'anic scholars, we also know --from al Quran it self, there are two others god guidance (ayatullah), that we as muslims should seek for God Guidances: called as ayat insaniyah (human being) and ayat tarikhiyyah (human history). if common muslims and it scholars, uses all 4 God Guidance in balanced ways, we will not always fall into legalistic point of view when we talking or examining Islam point of view about woman/feminism, politics, evolution, LGBTQ issues, democracy, secularism, separation between religion and state, on terrorism, etc. for me, if sociology, political science, statistics, history on the rise and fall of civilizations/countries (as interpreters of ayat kauniyah and ayat tarikhiyyah) comes to the conclusion that democracy with separation between religion and state, is the best political system in the world for advancement human civilizations, then all Muslims should choose democracy with separation between religion and state, as preferable political system to practice in all Muslims majority countries. also if expert on biology, doctors, psychiatry, etc (as interpreter of ayat kauniyah and ayat insaniyah) , said that beside man and woman (as gender), we also has intersex, hemaprodyte, woman with more testosterones, man with more X chromosome, etc, then all Muslims should choose to agree that god him self gave us guidance / ayat that beside man and woman as gender, there also another genders/pronouns that we should cherish, protect, and respect (cos if we don't respect others God Creations, are similarly with we don't respect our God as their Creator). if we stubborn, only picks, one ayatullah, we called al Quran (holy scripture/ayat Qauliyah), as the one and only god guidance to follow, then muslims and it scholars, will always fall upon into legalistic point of view (fiqh oriented) when we examining what is islamic point view on everything under the sky. wahabbiyah, isis, al Qaida, etc are trapped in this narrow point of view about Islam and its believe. of course, for responsible and encyclopedic islamic teaching, all those narrow point views on Islam are wrong (at least incomplete), misguided, and disrespecting God. umar bin khattab, as on of few sahabah (closed friend of Prophet), several times choose to disregarding some textual issues stated clearly in al Quran, and pick other decision after he choose as Muhammad successor, as leader (khalifah/amir), if there are more fairer and more justice way (socially) on making decision as Amir/Leader, rather than choose from what already state very clear in al Quran. he always choose more fairer and more justice decisions, even others sahabah question his decision. and as we know it, umar bin khattab is one of several sahabah (closed friend of Prophet) that guaranteed (informed) by the Prophet that he is going to heaven. his way of leadership decision, was a hard evidence that the closest friend to Muhammad, also not only consider holy scripture (ayat Qauliyah), but also social aspect, fairness, and justice (ayat kauniyah), when he making decision as a leader. nobody in umar bin khattab time, dare to called umar bin khattab as heretic/bid'ah, kuffar, or infidel. but in modern era, several of loud muslims, loud muslim scholars, and most of jihadist will immediately call us heretic/bid'ah, kuffar, or infidel if we also uses 3 other God Guidance's beside ayat Qauliyah, when we speak, analyze, examining islamic point of view on everything under the sun. how strange is it, if we following completes God Guidance's, then be called as infidel, kuffar, or bid'ah. legalistic approach (fiqh oriented) on Islam has bad impact on advancement of Islamic civilization, and has backward effect on development of its peoples: the Muslims. but yes, in Islamic jurisprudence (ushul fiqh), we also has similar concept with Umar way, but unfortunately has more narrowed approach and clearly far from sufficient to be implemented in modern era, we call them: maslahah mursalah (public good principle) and maqashid syariah (ratio legal over legal specific). if muslims also incorporate social science, biology, technology, history, political science, psychology, etc (as part of rightful interpreter all of God Guidancs/ayatullah), many problem we faced today in many part of Muslim countries, will be addressed in responsible way. Muhammad him self, in his own word (Hadits Bukhari Collection no 6015), said: muslims should follow person with specific expertise on handling matter, so let political scientist handle political matter, health matter should handle by doctors, etc. do not let everything under authority of quranic expert. in general, muslim should treat expert on other ayatullah (scientist as rightful interpreter whole universe and all of His Creations in it, as rightful interpreter human being behavior and it history) equal to expert on holy scripture (al quran). Furthermore, on all wide range of social issues, every new founding/understanding as result from responsible research by scientist, should supersede (abrogate) any old interpretation from holy scripture, cos all of new founding/understanding as result from responsible research by scientist, are also rightful interpreter of God Guidance (ayatullah). falling to do so, should be interpreted as a disqualified argument/opinion. Many argument/opinion base on fiqh (islamic legal specific), kalam (theology) and falsafah (philosophy), factually in most areas are quite obsolete for addressing social, economic, and political problem in modern era, cos most of them are derived only from ayat Qauliyah (Quranic centric), which is an incomplete way to sorting our problem in modern era. Most of old argument/opinion already supersede/abrogated by new founding/understanding as result from responsible research by scientist. Muslims should back to the complete of God Guidance in balance way on solving problem in Muslims world, not only using holy scripture as final say. and stop kuffar/infidel calling game, cos that game from a complete, genuine, and responsible interpretation of 4 God Guidances, is simply un islamic. and, as an open end conclusion, there is a deeper question: why common muslims and its scholars dare to disregarding 3 other God Guidance's? why muslims and its scholars become legalistic (only focus on 1 ayatullah / 1 God Gudance (ayat Qauliyah) called alquran, as if salvation of a civilization fate can be and must be depend on 1 cause only? as brief answer is: corruption and abuse of power by people in high power, it cronies, and big business that closed to muslim countries rulers at that time. all of them, almost single handedly creates and propagate common muslims and its scholars into disregarding 3 other God Guidance's. peoples in power, it cronies, and big business that closed to muslim countries rulers push and push relentlessly to narrow interpretation on morals and public interest thru perverted interpretation on the holy scripture. even, they dare to appoint unqualified islamic scholar as qadi for them to uses as fatwa producers in favors to their vested interest. since then, islamic civilization goes down spiral into inevitable decline from it's greatness. many fatwa produced in their regime will makes serious, genuine, and responsible islamic scholar scratching their head and shocked. fatwa on mihnah policy, on banning printing technology, banning radio, tv, google, youtube, etc, are among of perverted interpretation on holy scripture. it lead to tradition/repetition/reinforcement on using narrow interpretation islamic law for beating and punishing dissent and discontent on social injustice in islamic society. furthermore, it lead islamic society to become close minded, anti science, and trapped in textual approach tradition on just 1 god guidance called al quran (ayat Qauliyah) only, with narrow and more narrow interpretation. common muslim today and it scholar today are the real victims of bad fatwa born from dark alliance between high power, it cronies, big business that closed to muslim rulers before them. lets wake them up, by spreading the real genuine of God Guidance's and it's rightful interpreters that we called: sciences. amen.
@udanggalah4170 3 года назад
from 1 ayatullah only, quranic perspective only, Maryam Khan dissertation in York University on LGBTQ issue nd many ulama in her dissertation with similar spirit with Maryam Khan, also categorized as islamic argument. but all of those argument on her dissertation still categorized as incomplete arguments, cos her dissertation and many ulama in it, still not considering "ayat kauniyah", "ayat insaniyah", "ayat tarikhiyyah" (with it rightful interpreters that we called as "sciences") as part of their arguments. most of them, only or heavily citing and interpreting al quran (and it's derivatives). Maryam Khan and many ulama on LGBTQ issues still fall into similar category: quranic centric (fiqh oriented). yes they quoting and interpreting God Guidance in from of al Quran (ayat Qauliyah), but their opinions, cannot and will not solved paradigmatic problem on interpreting God Guidance's, cos their interpretation has similar problem with any ulama who has opposite opinion: based on similar sources (al quran and it's derivatives only). They should incorporate new and latest finding by scientist when they try to understand biological aspect, psychological aspect, chemistry / hormonal / dna aspect of LHBTQ+ people. from islamic teaching their object are also God Guidance's, we called it: ayat kauniyah and ayat insaniyah. cos scientist found out that beside man and woman (as gender), we also has intersex, hemaprodyte, woman with more testosterones, man with more X chromosome, etc, then all Muslims should choose to agree that god him self gave us guidance / ayat that beside man and woman as gender, there also another genders/pronouns that we should cherish, protect, and respect (cos if we don't respect others God Creations, are similarly with we don't respect our God as their Creator). also, if from al quran it self, we know that God create everything we know in couples and "everything we don't know in couples, " could be intersex, hemaprodyte, woman with more testosterones, man with more X chromosome, etc should have their own couples. and furthermore, from history (as ayat tarikhiyyah), we know that Lut Tribe only punished by God after they tried to rape Guest of a Prophet (an angel). God did not punished Lut Tribe before they tried to rape Guest of a Prophet. and, from history, as far as we know it, God never punished others people with similar cultures. so, to me, any LGBTQ peoples who only practices their sexual act between them selves, and not raping other peoples, we also should not punish their sexual behavior. if we widen the analysis on fatwa making in general, then i have some questions for u, do you think fatwa on "mihnah" (inquisition) and fatwa on "banning printing techonology" are baseless fatwa from quranic (fiqh only) perspective? as far as i know, all of those fatwa has quranic considerations, and produced by renown ulama (qadhi) and endorsed by islamic leaders. do you think modern fatwa such as on banning tv, radio, internet, etc, are baseless fatwa from quranic (fiqh only) perspective? as far as i know, even many ulama disagree with those fatwa, but u cannot deny, all those fatwa derived from their understanding, their expertise as ulama, and their analysis on al quran (ayat qauliyah). all of those fatwa's are acknowledged and part of islamic sharia law during their reign. but we also know all of those fatwa has ugly consequences on islamic civilization (many sunni muslim used "hasan al bashri" as their sons name is part of ugly consequences, and from God Guidance that we called as ayat tarikhiyyah, those fatwa / fatwa on mihnah, should part of our considerations so we may not fall into similar history when we producing another fatwa). and many narrow minded fatwa contributes on bringing down islamic civilization from it greatness, even from quranic perspective (fiqh only), all those fatwa has quranic considerations, and produced by renown ulama (qadhi) and endorsed by islamic leaders. newageislam.com/islamic-society/gurvinder-singh/the-fatwa-that-destroyed-empire/d/108812 if we not uses all of God Guidance's on "ayat kauniyah", "ayat insaniyah", "ayat tarikhiyyah" (with it rightful interpreters that we called as "sciences"), and ayat qauliyah (al quran) in balanced way, all of those fatwa will not categorized as "complete, responsible, balanced fatwa". if we uses all 4 God Guidance's, we will not produced incomplete and irresponsible fatwa's cos all of argument will be scrutinized from 4 corners in balanced way, we may save our civilization from declining that caused, socially, by peoples in power + it cronies + big business that closed to muslim countries rulers, who push and push relentlessly to narrow interpretation on morals and public interest thru perverted and vested interest interpretation on the holy scripture. from today scientific findings and understanding, fatwa on banning printing tech or internet or youtube or reactivates "mihnah," are plainly stupid act, no matter how much u quotes al quran, hadits, ijma, and others derivatives. Pls remember the quran today is still same when muslim leader quoting the same al quran for banning printing tech or for killing hasan al bashri with many sunni ulama. people in power + it cronies + big business that closed to muslim countries rulers, from political science perspective (as a rightful interpreter of ayat kauniyah, ayat tarikhiyyah, and ayat insaniyah) always push push push and try try try to lead all tradition in any religion to uses narrow interpretation islamic law (or any other law) for beating and punishing dissent and discontent on social injustice in society. so, if we also uses other ayatullah, and treat their interpretation as equal to quranic interpretation, we will not repeat ugly history on bad fatwa's produced by ulama that only serve peoples in power + it cronies + big business that closed to muslim countries rulers. they always uses similar modus operandi: citing al quran and its derivative only, and serve for their vested interest. U will see in afghanistan, they made and will keep makes different fatwa on similar issues, before usa invade, when usa invade, and after usa left afghanistan. They still reciting al quran and its derivatives on similar issues, but with different result. even international pressure will loosen up their fatwa, but all those fatwa still a valid fatwa from ayat qauliyah (al quran and its derivatives) only. This phenomena part of inherent problem in islamic jurisprudence: fiqh oriented (quranic and its derivatives only) on fatwa making, cos theologically, filters for their fatwa only came from 1 ayatullah (and its derivatives) only. They disregarding ayat kauniyah, ayat tarikhiyyah, ayat insaniyah as part of main pillars of complete and responsible fatwa's making. the biggest flaw of one sided fatwa making is: very high risk being used to served muslim countries rulers + its cronies + big business vested interest + their school of thought, as if they are the only ulama's / authority that understand God Guidance's, but by ignoring 3 other majors ayatullah. As closing, apathy towards science on seeking God Guidance's, is based on the fallacy that the sciences are some what in competition with God or cannot be apart of equal tool with ayat Qauliyah on seeking God Guidance's. In fact, all the laws of nature and sciences are Allah's creation. Human being is only trying to understand ayat kauniyah (laws of nature), "ayat insaniyah", "ayat tarikhiyyah". As soon as Allah created the earth, the laws of sciences also were born. when good created human, then ayat tarikhiyyah (human history as ayatullah) and ayat insaniyah also born.
@msuratman2099 3 года назад
@msuratman2099 3 года назад
@@udanggalah4170 lgbt100 ciptaan Allah untuk dinikmati bukan untuk dibuli! 👌
@aydafitriani9109 3 года назад
terimakasih atas ilmunya ..... sangat bermanfaat :)