Guido Belcanto's Zondereigen
16 лет назад
Baarle-Hertog anders bekeken (2)
16 лет назад
Baarle-Hertog anders bekeken (1)
16 лет назад
@issooosos221 3 года назад
@baarle-hertogiinfoantwerp3528 6 лет назад
Welkom | Welcome !
@baarle-hertogiinfoantwerp3528 6 лет назад
Welkom of voor het buitenland : Welcome !
@baarle-hertogiinfoantwerp3528 6 лет назад
Welcome !
@maxhess3151 6 лет назад
When the reporter has to check which country he's in before signing off...
@alanzeng1128 6 лет назад
And I saw a reporter had to check the place where he's reporting at,when he was staying in a fake Paris symbolised town in Hangzhou,China...
@MeatNinja 7 лет назад
"And now we're in Holland" Goddammit. You're in Noord-Brabant.
@LeCombat86 8 лет назад
This is ridiculous. They speak the same language, they share the same culture and they work together. Flanders should join the Netherlands.
@philippenachtergal6077 7 лет назад
There was a tiny bit of an independance war to get away from them... (It was tiny by most independance wars standards I guess)
@zachg9421 9 лет назад
im american btw NETHERLANDS!!!
@rosstedfordkendall 11 лет назад
You pay taxes to the country where your front door resides, but I read there is one house where the border bisects the front door... so what do those unfortunate people do?
@haku8645 10 лет назад
If I'm not mistaken, in that particular case, the man actually demolished his old front door and moved it so he could still be resident in Belgium instead of the Netherlands
@HANSMKAMP 10 лет назад
That house has two adresses, a Dutch one and a Belgian one. The Belgian address is Loveren 2, 2387 Baarle-Hertog in Belgium and the Dutch address is Loveren 19, 5111 TA Baarle-Nassau in the Netherlands. Baarle is the weirdest town and only for that reason I am against annexation of either whole Belgium or the Belgian Baarle enclaves by the Netherlands. The town would lose a lot of tourists which are now looking at the weird border situation.
@CSLucasEpic 10 лет назад
They pay taxes for both countries. The house also has two Electric meters, so it pays the electric bill for the electricity the use in the Netherlands and another bill for the one they use in Belgium. The house also has two numbers in the front (one for Belgium and one for the Netherlands) and one dorbell on each side of the door (one for Belgium and one for the Netherlands). Also, there is only one police station, but it is shared by both the Netherlands police and the Belgium police at the same time.
@CSLucasEpic 10 лет назад
haku8645 No that's for a house that was in one country but the man wanted to live in the other country. He tore down the door and placed it on the other side of the house.
@licewithrice 11 лет назад
The account you responded to has been deleted. I am curious what they said about that, since I have Asperger's
@DessislavaJeleva 12 лет назад
I was thinking the same thing. It is North Brabant, it is not Holland! I guess living here for an year has made me sensitive to the whole "Holland" thing. I guess calling Het Oranje "Holland" is not helping the matter outside the Netherlands.
@FrisianDroneAviator 12 лет назад
Why is the reporter is saying Holland? We don't say scotland when we are in London? This is North Brabant and that's in THE NETHERLANDS!
@Kjell14081 12 лет назад
Living in Belgium, i actually never visited the place, but i just want to see it once, will be a fun ride crossing so much border.
@Laufgraf 13 лет назад
@fb767 This is really exciting, i understand your love with borders... I MUST VISIT Four Corners at least once in my life... and Baarle-Nassau/-Hertog isn't far from where I'm living =)
@fb767 13 лет назад
@Laufgraf Woah, that's pretty cool. Also, if you're a fellow border-lover then you gotta check out Nahwa on Wikipedia, it's the same idea as this video, a territory of the UAE that is inside a territory of Oman, which itself is inside the UAE. Can't explain the love I have with borders...
@Laufgraf 13 лет назад
@fb767 you know "Four corners"?
@fb767 13 лет назад
i love borders.
@brentjeh 14 лет назад
@zakyboss hoe bedoel je dan met die weduw en weduwe ?
@brentjeh 14 лет назад
@zakyboss je hebt het tog flink mis hoor er wonen wel allochtonen en zo super klein is het niet ;)
@brentjeh 14 лет назад
@zakyboss ja tuurlijk is het daar leuk en accent dat is eigelijk wel wat verschillend er word daar soms echt brabants gepraat door de boeren en belgisch (soms nog meestal door de ouderre bevolking) ook en dan nog gwn algemeen beschaafd Nederlands
@brentjeh 14 лет назад
haha ik woon daar :P
@SrCl2 15 лет назад
Ik fiets graag in het Nederlands-Vlaamse grensgebied. Twee jaar geleden heb ik de grensovergang Baarle Nassau/Zondereigen gefilmd, typ maar eens "Zondereigen SrCl2" in de zoekbalk...
@SrCl2 15 лет назад
Zondereigen... Ik woon er een kleine 300km vandaan, maar kom er nochtans graag!