Faisal Masood
Faisal Masood
Faisal Masood
@ryankeshet5820 12 дней назад
You have to be totally gifted to get a score like this after 4 weeks of prep - I wish you would mention this in order to not give average people unrealistic expectations
@Starshoot555 3 месяца назад
I started with a 508 this month this is motivating me hahaha
@methodepremicenkoua7850 11 месяцев назад
@maddeleein Год назад
Would you recommend a double major in biology, to someone on psychology (who also works 20 hrs /week) ?🤔 This means that every every semester would be at 18/19 cr. plus keeping in mind that a high gpa is needed for graduate school 🙃
If you think you can handle all of this while maintaining your wellness, I think it's possible! However, I think consistently overloading on credit hours while working 20 hours a week would have been pretty tough for me. If grad school is the goal, prioritizing your GPA, exam scores, and extracurriculars might be more advantageous to you in the long-run!
@maddeleein Год назад
@@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 Tysm! 🙌🏼
@lukeismael4218 Год назад
Step 1: be incredibly smart
@backtobasicsbtb8718 Год назад
pls stop posting about these Mcat numbers , Man look in the mirror , the Mcat freaks out when sees u …. I laughed when I heard u said u had a weak points 😂😂😂 …. This is the humble of god 🙏🙏
@zainabfarrukh7041 Год назад
@BlacFireSan Год назад
You’re a show off
@andrewhackshaw837 Год назад
Dude, I am a sophomore pre med biomedical engineer and the problem i have, is how on earth do you balance all your classes while trying to have fun? Seondly, what app did you use for active recall? Also any tips on tough engineering courses?
It is definitely tough to balance! The only possible way for me was to plan and schedule out both fun and school. Waking up a few hours early on the weekend and knocking out my studying on Saturday morning was also a great way to have most of the weekend for fun college things! For active recall, I use a free program called anki! It is an incredibly powerful tool used by many medical students; there is a robust infrastructure and premade decks for medical students, but playing around with this software and making your own flashcards may be helpful in undergrad! Might not help as much in some math-heavy engineering courses, but certainly will help with bio/chem/premed recs. Best of luck!
@aaliyahgaffey5786 Год назад
I'm a premed engineering student at UIUC too! (Aerospace) Watching this for motivation as junior year approaches...
@tabeenasif3238 Год назад
Can you please show your master sheet? Just for reference.
@dndkat Год назад
I second this 😂
@hailylazore2021 Год назад
Most useful video I've found so far thank you
@miguelsalgado3351 Год назад
Did you have no job?
@li-fengslife9772 Год назад
well, I will summarise for people who wanna save time Schedule tips 1- Do a little bit every single day , make it a daily habit ,getting in the routine of studying every single day, space repetition . 2- Do the assignment on the day it is assigned , 3- know your cut off time , when your efficiency plummet , figure the time when u most work efficiently study techniques 1-interleaving - intersperse the topics ,break down the subjects into chunks and switching the topics back to top 2-active recalls- constant testing yourself 3- take practice exams -can identify your weak areas ,solidify the information
@JephGadi-Tv Год назад
Honestly I really Appreciate God bless you
@maryamaman8312 Год назад
‘If you’re smart, unlike me’ 😭😭🔫
@therealistmusic2491 Год назад
Your story is inspiring Faisal! It really is hard make an honest commitment to studying daily for hours at a time; I tip my hat off to for doing what you did! What medical school are you at currently?
@natashamcadam7335 2 года назад
SUPERB!!! Thank you so much for making this video. Mine scheduled end of Jul 2022.
@yasminm1934 2 года назад
Hi Faisal, thank you for sharing this video its definitely very helpful! just wondering did you also study psychology and sociology based on the kaplan books or did you use the 100 page doc? and also did you practice for cars in a specific way?
@persianmusic216 2 года назад
Thank you for your tips! Great video!
@comoplaysdestiny5106 2 года назад
Testing May 27th. I was doing pretty well and went from 485 diagnostic to 495 but recently got a 490 after eating my time up on some tough passages and not being in the zone. I’m gonna try not to be hard on myself and keep pushing forward I have nearly 2.5 months so I’m gonna do my best to be consist even though it can feel really draining
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 2 года назад
You're where you need to be for 2.5 months out! Plenty of time to take stock of your weaknesses and adjust accordingly. It's very easy to be hard on ourselves, but try to conceptualize your studying as a marathon. Good luck - you got this!
@pokemonlover6639 2 года назад
I'm currently a junior in high school and I really want to become a physician, I also want to major in biomedical engineering!!!!
@Damnto 2 года назад
Bro how do you move your mouth???
@markcali626 2 года назад
Roughly how many hours a day did you dedicate to school (classes+studying) a day?
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 2 года назад
On an average weekday, I would estimate I spent roughly 10-11 hours on school + research. I would also work 5-7 hours on Saturday and Sunday.
@taklungegamer1363 2 года назад
Which university did you read biomedical engineering???
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 2 года назад
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign!
@greciar471 3 года назад
Please share how you approached CP & BB passages!
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 3 года назад
I'd say these sections require the most prep as this covers all your hard science. There's no one best way to approach them, but I was very deliberate in using process of elimination here. If I could use some basic science principal I knew to rule out an answer choice or two, I did my best to do so! Also, I'd say don't get bogged down with equations too too much for CP. It's much more important to know the relative relationships between the variables in a equation, but you don't have to calculate values too often. Best of luck!
@valeriehernandez5709 3 года назад
This gave me hope! Do you think I can email you?
@prescillaromero8775 3 года назад
Thank you so much. This was so encouraging. Ive been studying for months. I’m burnt out and struggling. Thank u for reminding me to not allow this to consume me
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 3 года назад
I know how all-consuming MCAT prep can be, but I’m glad this video was able to serve as a gentle reminder to not let it overwhelm you. You got this and I’m rooting for you future doc! No matter what happens, this exam does not define you. Good luck!!
@robot2217 3 года назад
Hi, how did you do research and shadowing? Also did you work any jobs?
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 3 года назад
In terms of research, the most popular method is to cold email professors! It may take some persistence and following up, but you just need one yes. Make sure you read some of the PIs papers and send a well-informed email. In terms of shadowing, it is probably easiest to have a contact make the first introduction with a doctor. If you're volunteering and have a good relationship with a doctor, you can ask to shadow them. Otherwise, you may need to ask some professors or other connections to make the first point of contact. If all else fails, you can also try emailing physicians (but I've had less luck with this). I did work a job! I worked part-time as a TA for a cell and tissue engineering lab
@jaydenallegakoen6797 3 года назад
I’m really grateful for this video. You’re obviously really smart but this gives me hope and I’m excited! Best of luck to you bro
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 3 года назад
Your kind words are much appreciated, Jayden! I am rooting for you on your own journey and wish you the best of luck :)
@dragonfly8485 3 года назад
I find this type of videos a bit funny and somewhat ridiculous. What is the point? Are they saying, if we study just like them, we will all get 520 lol? MCAT is a test of your intelligence (aka IQ test). We don't have the same brains so this won't help at all for most people.
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 3 года назад
Hey Daniel! First of all, thank you for checking out the video. Any and all feedback is helpful, so I appreciate you stopping by. With all due respect, I think I have to disagree with you on the intention of this video. I can't guarantee that everyone will get the same score if they put in the exact preparation (everyone is starting from a different foundation). My intention however was to share an extremely efficient, high-yield method of studying that resulted in a 13 point increase over 4 weeks. Regardless of where you're starting from, applying any one of the discussed strategies has the potential to enhance your own methodology.
@soroushdarvish9281 Год назад
I believe with studying anyone can get 510 on the MCAT. rest maybe due to ability to efficiently learn and use process of elimination. Obviously the OP has strong foundation in aademics given than he got 507 on the diagnostic. Most of "good" students already have developed a strong foundation for standardized tests while studying for the SAT.
@EboniseStBrice 3 года назад
Thanks for the helpful video !
@Wafflemakerguy19 3 года назад
Thank you for the vid! Gonna be testing in March 13 and started prep two weeks ago so I will definitely follow your tips!
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 3 года назад
It is my absolute pleasure! Best of luck on the 13th - you got this. Let me know if you need anything :)
@penelopepeck5024 3 года назад
This video is so helpful thank you so much!
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 3 года назад
I am so happy to hear that - best of luck :)
@marcololeng6250 3 года назад
speaking the truth as always man! I could never find the discipline to stay efficient and consistent each day and it's been one of my biggest regrets. committing those fundamentals to long term memory is the best thing you can do for yourself imo. I find myself having to relearn a lot of things I learned at school for interviews, projects, etc. miss ya bruv, been catchin up on all the vids lol
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 3 года назад
Thank you for the support my man, I appreciate you <3 It's a give and take. Given how quickly college ended with the rona, sometimes I do regret taking that extra hour to study instead haha. I've been lacking recently, but got some interesting video projects I'm excited to film. Miss you big time brother - let's catch up with the gang soon
@earthworm-filledstomachbyc4254 3 года назад
Seek Christ Jesus YHVH God...
@thelongevityproject 3 года назад
Love this video man! I just came across your channel and subscribed. Looking forward to more videos from you!
@rahilatre8203 3 года назад
Real talk if I ever move to Illinois I want you as my doctor man lol. Like I barely know anyone that made it out with straight A's throughout the entirety of college so that is an amazing achievement man, and I also can tell your passionate about the things you learned. Glad you shared these tips I'm sure people will find this helpful if its worked for you.
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 3 года назад
haha I really appreciate you, Rahil - you are too kind my friend. It was definitely a grind that probably wasn't worth it, but I'm proud I got it done! I'm even more excited now to finally be learning skills and reasoning that will be useful to my career. Sometimes undergrad felt a bit random. Thank you again for the support :)
@Dylan-jn3dq 3 года назад
Calculus III for freshman year???! Wow my man you are definitely a genius I could never I couldn’t barely get a B in precalc 😭
@faisalmasood-medicalstuden1936 3 года назад
I appreciate your kind words, Dylan! I wouldn't call myself a genius - maybe I am just a little neurotic about my studying haha. And honestly for med school, I don't really need calc 3 or the other advanced math classes I had to take as an engineer! Getting a B in precalc is still something to be very proud of if you worked hard for it my friend :)