YoloTalks is a humble project between Pedro Parada, a Spanish boy with a suitcase full of dreams, and Marta Adaamska, a Polish girl with a restless mind and an out of the box sense of humour. A perfect cocktail for a podcast in which they will
tackle any subject, from mundane to deep philosophical questions.
We will also host all kind of guests, ranging from mainstream to any regular person. The important thing for us is what people has to say regardless their condition.
@mrstyle4863 5 месяцев назад
Demographics isn't destiny...what nonsense. I'm glad she is young so when the population starts declining she can eat her words.
@VladimirVladimirovich1952 7 месяцев назад
Fuck me that intro music was long and annoying
@dantedante839 Год назад
How Charles Darwin and America's "Arian-only" migration led to Nazism...
@s2a1ha1j2a Год назад
Thanks Dr. Hicks! And to the hosts!
@annettegardiner7270 Год назад
Watching Richard for years now.. Helping lots of ppl..
@BreezeTalk Год назад
Aliens might exist, but we will be scammed by the NSC if we take their public-message word on it.
@annettegardiner7270 Год назад
Good discussion well done 😁
@darylcampbell3364 Год назад
I really enjoyed listening and learning
@VReyesMusic Год назад
Grannon's Spanish, WOW! Mad respect....
@fortunatomartino9797 Год назад
4 cremation ovens killed over a million people? What!
@jdzentrist8711 Год назад
I grew up in Texas. The more I listen to Tucker Carlson, the more I think maybe I should "think twice" before posting my opinions. The other night, he said that, "if you are against our war against Russia, you could be arrested" (presumably for "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" or even "treason"). I guess it would depend on how abrasive and vitriolic your opinions against our govt are. All it might take, is one offended individual. This is pretty scary stuff. I mean, could this happen in a free country that supposedly is "liberal," and that has "freedom of speech"? Although generally calm and kind and friendly, my blood boils when I think of our crimes, in Vietnam, in Iraq, in Syria and Libya, etc. And so I do "vent" online, as I'm doing now. We're now in an environment where differences can become "criminal acts," requiring arrest and prosecution, ruined lives and suicides. Jail and prison. That is my fear. Maybe I should not post things like this. But put my head back into my little turtle shell, and be "safe rather than sorry." I'm not personally violent, but as a lifelong student of psychology, I'd imagine that paranoia like mine, can become the seed that, if it were to grow after being "nurtured," could eventuate in "acting out." I look with horror upon the violence in the USA, which is unlike that of most other Western countries, e.g., Canada and Spain, the UK and France, etc. Sorry for digressing here! Is there now a "vibe" in America, such that passionate, "opinionated" people, should "think twice" before voicing out loud their opinions? On a related issue, I'm wondering what Dr. Hicks thinks about the highly publicized, ever-increasing instances, of reputable authors being forcibly stopped from giving talks at universities in the USA...
@kevconn441 Год назад
"First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me".
@StephenHicksPhilosopher Год назад
I enjoyed this discussion. Thanks, Marta and Pedro.
@martefact Год назад
I wish Richard Grannon would stop reducing the origins of Narcs to a history of having been adored and annihilated at the same time. I was raised - dragged up inside this toxic polarity of fictions - and I will take ANY test there is to show I am not anywhere near narcissism ! Yes - been working f"""ing hard for a f"""ing long time unraveling the mysteries of my own toxic co-dependancies - which have played out in ALL of my relationships after the poison of this Family of Origin! He is I believe describing severe trauma inside this polarity - this 'splitting' - but this does not necessarily generate narcissism. His is absolutely incorrect in this ! I am living proof of my conviction and willing to prove it! Upsetting it is to be so aware of the environment I suffered and hear someone describe the resulting "I" as a narcissist. It is SO not true! It is Richard Grannon's hypothesis ! That is all!
@donnawoodford8145 Год назад
If one's desires are relaxing in nature, breathing fresh air, and such these are things you can obtain without a Narcissist. But, if you don't keep your ego and desires in-check, you may be seduced into an unwritten contract that leaves you powerless bc of your agreement to go along with a morally deceptive person. So, I'd rather be by myself in nature than be in a chaotic state of existence with a "Charmer". First red flag should signal for me is to take a step back, allow sufficient time to reassess what I truly want & choose another path, if necessary.
@safeeffective385 Год назад
Very sad, pathetic, and lame AF watching you Vaxxers crying to each other about those of us that just didn't fall for the bullshit. But this popcorn sure is tasty! 🍿
@safeeffective385 Год назад
Vaxxer Pedro and Vaxxer Marta, we get it that you are out of your minds livid at those of us that just won't be participating in this. But, that's your own personal problem to contend with, and not ours. It takes a strong person with healthy self esteem to allow theirselves to say “I was mistaken” and obviously, most just don’t have that today. Then, there are those of you that live under the delusion of that you are of “superior intellect”, so can never admit when wrong (about most anything) as it would be a devastating blow to your delicate ego and delicate psyche. Cry us a river. Build a bridge. Get over it.
@pickle9753 Год назад
So when are the experts going to make sure the courts recognize the difference between this type of abuse, and a “regular break up”??? In this life time please?!?!🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Why do we all have to wait until EVERYONE has experienced this abuse…so they UNDERSTAND how much WORSE it is from what they know. 😳🤦‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ This cycle blows my mind. So many KNOW…. But what is being done about it, to change it, or hold them accountable???? This is not just “drama” and is abuse that is very seriously endangering lives. If they ruin your mental and emotional health, it WILL RUIN YOUR PHYSICAL HEALTH TOO, EVENTUALLY NO MATTER HOW STRONG YOUR ARROGANT ASS THINKS YOU ARE!! 😳 these are other humans DELIBERATELY CAUSING PAIN AND TRAUMA, RUINING QUALITY OF LIFE for their victims, and invading their nests…like chicken hawks. 😳😂🤷🏻‍♀️ It needs to be recognized by the courts already!!! 😳😳 Why are the ones who can do that…only continuing to talk about it to the ones who already know 😳😳😳 it’s never going to end until it’s legally exposed. You know that Richard, so does Sam, and JP, and every other professional I follow on the topic. 😳😳 You’re correct Richard, the system currently encourages it, enables or rewards it. So, Who else would be the ones qualified to change that??? 😳 Only the ones with the degree to discuss it, will ever be able to do any thing to make changes 😳🤷🏻‍♀️ Aren’t you getting tired of talking about it, and repeating yourself?
@annettegardiner7270 Год назад
@pickle9753 Год назад
@@annettegardiner7270 Jordan Peterson
@pickle9753 Год назад
@@annettegardiner7270 this abuse, personality disorder LITERALLY causes AND caused OR CREATED EVERY Fuckn PROBLEM ON THE PLANET!! Every…every….🤔🤔🤔every 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️😳😳😳😳 every 😳😳😳😳🤷🏻‍♀️ and it’s not even a balance any more…. ☯️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ we all now know too much…and how are we all just supposed to carry on like we don’t???! 😳 things have to change or the jungle WILL consume our species eventually. Being greedy and playing with fire is a very tricky game, and with out balance..a burn will always happen. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ idk how many more metaphors I can possibly use any more really 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m just so confused how every one can be so confused about it all. It’s a little unsettling, and now why I prefer to isolate hahaha For real…this feels like I’ve already done this shit “in the last stupid lifetime” that was probably a fuck up too…lmao I’m truly extremely grateful for my own life and blessings, understanding, strength and determination, but to be honest…the rest of “all y’all” scare the hell outa me now. Even the systems. Like WTAF man?!?! I’m not a big fan, or supporter of much of it any more…the way it’s all going….to be honest..and I think our entire species is in “big trouble” if people don’t recognize and deal with their own “shadow possessions.”
@pickle9753 Год назад
@@annettegardiner7270 my neighbour approached me and asked if they could build their fence to keep their dogs in, on my land since their tarp shed is already built on the property line, and “it would be a pain to move it” 😳😳😳 when I informed him that the Md rules are to build their own fence on their own land, and that they would have to ask the Md the feet require rn from the property line according to code, when they get their permit. And also that they are not supposed to be building their tarp shed right on the property line either. He simply just kept rebutting with “that’s where the grass is cut too” 😳😳😳🤯 …ummmm because that’s where HE cuts his grass too, because the owners and renters before him cut it that way and I didn’t worry about it…was only grass. But that doesn’t mean the grass is now the “new property line” like this new neighbour seems to think. 🤦‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤯 So then a few days later..my other neighbour calls me to discuss it. 😳😳 (we are on a dead end road and only three properties down this road, and mine is the largest of the three acreages.) the second neighbour and I get into discussion about it, and he starts saying things like “well come on” “rules are meant to be broken” “we can help each other out” and “we need to have our neighbours backs”…😳😳😳 all of that I agree…but in the past any time I’ve asked them for help, I’ve been turned down or had to pay them….so this is the way the world is going, even in my small community that’s been here for years . Very one sided “neighbourly” entitlement, taking advantage of a person who has old school values and ethics, and does appreciate fair trade work to help each other out. They ask and I give but then it’s never reciprocated and they expect me to keep giving…like now I should shave off some of my land for them and their entitled laziness? They can clearly see where the property line is, but chose to put their tarp shed on the boundary, so the ass end is now on my own property. Not even on the line, but on my side, and he wants to build on my side of that even more now. How absurd of humans to even ask and behave that way putting me in that position to have to say no and set boundaries literally with them as they are trying to just take actual land. What the hell is wrong with people?? And then have the other neighbours calls to try to talk me into it?!?! We are not even friends, we don’t hang out, they have never done me any favours so why would they all feel so entitled? We literally have never hung out and they just moved in two years ago. But now have the neighbour who grew up with my mom, trying to talk me into giving them permission to break the mds rules and regulations, so they can steal some of my land and have a bigger yard 😳😳🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤯 It seems like majority of our species really doesn’t want to be liked or get along genuinely, and only wants to exploit like greedy pigs??? This is absurd and needs to change. Humans are going backwards and becoming stupider with all this tech feeding and grooming their entitled asses into being mentally ill, and actually believing they should get away with stealing or manipulating or abusing people into being exploited. It’s sickening and it’s also why our species will basically “implode from our own gluttony one day” if changes are not made 🤷🏻‍♀️ Wow..sorry, that was kinda deep haha I have mental and emotional diarrhea from all this bullshit I’ve had to put up with in this life, and tend to just go with it most the time now, haha fuck it, why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ sometimes I have the most interesting realizations in my ramblings 😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️🤪 I’m starting to wonder and question if he narcissistic personality disorder is actually a personality disorder, or if it’s a disease that is created by our environment. A disease that is inflicted on the brain and spirit of humans?? 🤔🤔🤔 seems the more time I spend away from people like that, and stay engaged with people who are not exploitative, the more I see the division in ways of thinking 🤔 I’m very grateful I’m waking up in this life time…I’m not doing this bullshit again in the next 🤷🏻‍♀️😂😂😂🤪🖖😉
@annettegardiner7270 Год назад
@@pickle9753 totally understand that and agree.. I'm old now, don't really know how these minds work these days.. Good luck with it all.. Stay safe
@bpassion4fashion581 Год назад
Richard is so brilliant ! Been following him for a decade now . I love the mixture of his street smart -street fight and psychology. I love , love that he knows Spanish ( he also loves salsa dancing and bachata 🕺🏻if you didn’t know 😊). He is amazing overall!
@dougg1976 Год назад
Wow so good , love the interview thank you
@yolotalkspodcast Год назад
Thanks for listening
@cynthiathomas5754 Год назад
Ritchie gets better at this subject everyday. He is more of a gift than he knows.
@karinajones1121 Год назад
Gift that keeps on giving🥳
@safeeffective385 Год назад
(Massive yawn) Think I'd still be far more concerned with what is happening to countless other Vaxxers: Christopher Stalford, (photographer) Chris Coulter, Jamal Edwards, Gaia Young, Michelle Hayes, Jordan Robinson, Cameran Wheatley, Lucy Taberer, Ernesto Ramirez Jr, Leah Carolan, Dr. Paul Farmer, Founder Of Partners In Health, Jamie A. (Knox) Bouchard, Katie Novak, Kevin Gregory, Madison High principal David Robinson, Conall McGuiness, Autumn Tennison, 21… RIP. Betsy Castle (elementary school principal), (college student) Heather Marie Rotz, Paula Cohen-Martin (author), coach Stephen Spitzer, Sandra Clifford, teacher Cathy Malgieri, Labour MP Jack Dromey, Preston Settles, Tobiloba Taiwo, Javier Silva-Biotti, Daniel Perkins age 36, Alice Koh, Christopher Cowe 15 yrs old, Victorian Labor Senator Kimberley Kitching, Calvin Middleton, Knoxville teacher Eric Robertson, Shane Warne (cricket player), Dr. SarahBeth Hartlage, Senior Australian investment banker Chris Forman aged 48, makeup artist AJ Crimson age 27, pharmacy owner Lakeram ‘Mike’ Singh, Kelly Ellis age 33, European Parliament President David Sassoli, technologist Erin Julia Beebe age 26, History teacher Morar Ashburner… RIP Essex high school student Ryan Heffernan, age 12, Firefighter Kenneth Enright, officer Joseph Kabungo, Kim Lockwood 34, Kasey Turner 18, Rugby player Maddy Lawrence 20 yrs old, John Paul Viggiano 45, Mary Jane Thomas, director Uwe Bohm 60, 14 yr old Aaron Vasquez, …RIP to Petra Mayer (NPR), Dr. Sohrab Lutchmedial, Kim Mi-Soo and Brittany Lauderback , Marvelous Marvin Hagler, Alexandros Lampis, Eric Blumreich, Coach Ron Frederick, EMT Matthew Clancy, Bradley Bowman, Serbegeth Singh, Breck Denny, TikTok creator Candice Murley, Rickson “Ricko” Williams 21, Scottish parliament official David Hill, Irish UN Jim Kelly, 16-year-old Welsh football player Elgan Jones, cyclist Tomas Walsh 43, cyclist Andrew Oliver 36, Edinburgh dad Darren Dickson, Ryan Lerkee age 33, NI businessman Ciaran McGuran age 43, Christopher Crisler age 38, Tomas Walsh age 43, footballer Thomas Rankin age 26, Robert Doogan 33, Rutgers U student Ronald Anthony Croce 24, St Louis County executive Cora Faith Walker, PLYMOUTH - Town Clerk Pearl Sears, vocalist Keaton Pierce, country singer Jeff Carson, Zarife Imeri, 23, Cedric baekeland 28, Helena de Marco Lavalle- 5 Year Old Girl From Brazil, math and science teacher Amy Depp, footballer Jorge Salmerón Mezcua age 13, Gregory F. Scelzi, "Greg" age 17, journalist David McKechnie age 45, Michael 'Mikey' Hynes, 22, Jody Keenan 39, Michael Hynes 22, Emily Louise Throckmorton 44, musician Simon Clulow 39, Allen Ray Grimes, II 32, Adam John Ocker, 35, Dru Curtis Gladney 65, Maria Cristina Taralli 45, Cuban Judo champion Estela Rodriguez 54, John Paul (JP) Ramel, bass player Tim Feerick age 34 yrs, 20 yr old softball player Lauren Bernett, Amanda McManus 36, Robbie Roper 18, Julian ‘Jools’ Sweeney 14, Neil Campbell 45, Rachel Quinn 27, Sushant Singh Rajput 34, Karly Scott, 24, Mary Frances Cronin, 23, Oliver (Ollie) Heimreich 12, principal Philip Carollo 56, Lazar LaPenna 10, high school teacher Charles Pyng, Anna Burns 12 yrs old, Scottish DJ James Roy age 33, high school teacher and coach Charles Pyng age 45, Denis Ruano 18 yrs, cyclist Rab Wardell 37, bethany jones 23, Charlbi Dean Dies at 32, 55, Olyvia Cowley 24, Clinton “Clint” David Hopkins 33, Elia Fiorio 24, Eli Palfreyman 20, Joe K. Vissers 34, teacher Desrene Steer 48, Jalen Hill 22, Eitan Force 13, musician Casey Alan Sanderson 44, Naomi Young 41, Tyler Erickson 17 yrs old, Canadian News Reporter Matthew Rodrigopulle age 24, RU-vidr Katie Donnelly 18 R.I.P, publicist Scout Masterson age 48, Vincent Ciantar 45, Jack Grozier, 23, reality star Jazz Burkitt 28, Tuqiri Blackwell 18, Adam Bradshaw 37, Manish Jain 35, Christian Hobbs, 17, Christopher M. Coha 25, David Sutton 31, Robert Cormier 33, Jack Burnell-Williams 18, Jack Pollock, 14, Emma Horrell age 31, David A. Arnold died 54, football player Sam Westmoreland 19 yrs old, Mark Herbison 33, Samantha Crosbie 32, Preschool teacher Megan Fisher 39, John Thomas “Jack” Duffy, Jr. age 35, Arsenio Puro 46, Edward John Scarisbrick 46, Gareth Moore 40, Daniel Moshi 17, Samuel Awkasi 13, Radio personality Josefa Salinas 53, Thomas Signorile, 18, author Marcus Sedgwick 54, Rai-Lèyah Parveen Saddique 10 yrs old, Dudley teacher Andy Blunt, Daniel Moshi, 17, Poet Courtney Kampa 49, French football referee Johan Hamel 42, Layk Scowen, 18, James R. Blaauboer 26, hockey player Eric Homersham 13 yrs old, Rai-Lèyah Parveen Saddique 10yrs old, Santino Godoy Blanco 4yrs old, student Daniel Duyungan 20, Keith Farmer 35, Siddhaanth Vir Surryavanshi 46, Conor McCaughey 19, Euan McNamara 15, Actress Emily Chesterton 30, golfer Gary Wardlow 42, physiologist Pete Moxon 51, DJ Mighty Mouse 48, ABC radio star Sarah Tomlinson 40, Geronimo Warner 21, Carlow woman Rachel O'Connor, Molly Brogan McBeath 22, Shaynah Olyvia Smart, 28, Adam Zimmer 38, Michaela Bateman 34, Kaydee-Louise Lucas 15, Colorado House Minority Leader Hugh McKean 55,Victoria Moody 18, Delaine Ford 17, Jorja Halliday 15, Samantha Holden 15, Henry Best 21, Portadown man Aaron O'Neill 36, Ryan McCarroll 27, Andreas Frey 43, Doug Brignole 62, Drew Howe 26, 18-year-old Victoria Moody, Drew Cockton 36, Former Louisville Cardinals Cheerleader Eric Ortiz age 30, Euan McNamara 15, Suzanne Crossley 58, Henry Best 21, Toronto councillor Cynthia Lai 68, Congressional Candidate Richard Rowe 41, Josh Shotton 27yrs old, Henry Best 21, Annabel Greenhalgh 11 yrs old, Ross McComish , Syed Sheraz Ahmed 19, Jack Aidan Strehl age 16, coach Rui Guimarães, 37… RIP, country singer Jake Flint 37 yrs old, Dean Mason 26, teacher Denise Irving, 44, Eric Fleishman 53, filmmaker Frank Tartaglia 45, crypto founder Tiantian Kullander 30, Joel Matthew Addyman 20 yrs, Australian builder John Indrizzi 46 yrs old, musician Don Newkirk 56, Josna Cotha 23, Annabel Greenhalgh 11, Roberto Garin 52, soccer player Carla Heaton 22, Principal Karen Sinders 61, rugby player Tom Edwards 29, Taekwondo champion Ian Ford 20, Kahina Anais Ourkhou 17, Ticktocker Mega Thakur 21, barber Lee Dixon 29, Luke Hatherway aged 33, Healthcare worker Melanie Leffler 39, Brad William Henke 56, Gareth Moores, 48, teacher Jennifer Bible 48, runner Abby Hills 30, actor David Robinson 50, Coy Gibbs 49, Elon University staffer Meredith Smith 35 yrs, Nikki Ramsay 16, Roxanne Shante Brown 34 yrs old, Trista Deanè Martin 18, John Thiessen 60, Ryan Johnson 34, Shirley Adderleyn 18, Grant Wahl 48 RIP, Chef Paul Kitching, Superintendent David Hicks 55, student Niamh Finneran Loader 25, teacher Kelly S. Cusano, age 55, Village of Elmwood Place mayor Joseph Anneken 63, Wales Rugby team doctor Julian Widdowson 63, journalist Khalid al-Misslam 49, publicist Lesley Land 41, State Senator Scott Bennett Rezin 45, Mississippi State football coach Mike Leach 61, footballer Marvellous Onanefe Johnson 13, Irish teacher Shane McGregor, University of Central Florida tight end Jake Hescock 26, Jacob Scott Henry age 25, Security deputy Daltan "Bubba" Janz 22, Whitney Oliver 22, Maham Majeed age of 21, 28-year-old Betsy Dayana Jaramillo Ramírez, 13 year old Jackson Mohr, Jack Last 27, ABC News Producer Dax Tejera 37. RIP! ABC news producer Erica De Gonzalez 38, Dr. Wilson Chin, NBC’s Katherine Creag 47, Jordan Brister 18, Uche Nwaneri 38, Jake Hescock 25, Hunter Brown 21, Lisa Marie Presley 54, Ravi Srinivasan senior TIFF programmer 37, teacher Rachel M. Morgan 22, chef Gary Goldie 48, Tamsin Duvall 22, Clarissa Manzanero 24, Logan Holgate 18, Hunter Brown 21, Rai-Leyah Parveen Jayne Saddique 10yrs old, Student Lindsay Heck Dies Suddenly 25, Liam Coward 27, Alicia Groeblinghoff 30, Jordan Brister, 18, Peter Szarafinski 47, mma fighter Victoria Lee 18, basketball player IMO Essein. Max Sorenson 17, reporter Gregory Yee 33, Ashari Hughes 16, Uche Nwaneri 38,Kit Hesketh-Harvey 65, Duncan Pugh 48, Hunter Brown 21, Patrick Stone 57, Arne Espeel 25, Arne Espeel 25, Pierre Lipton 26, Detroit Lions linebacker Jessie Lemonier 25, BBC Radio Lisa Shaw 44 yrs old, Zoe Green 26, Jack Last 27, Dr Gregory Michael 56, Gwen Casten 17, Libbery Peverall 20… RIP!
@safeeffective385 Год назад
It's now well established that all they offer is a few weeks of reduced symptoms (maybe), if you do get sick. Plus, they come with about a 1 in 800 chance of thrombotic disease and/or long term condition such as myocarditis... along with completely unknown long term potential side effects. But, those of us who won't be participating are just “nuts”? Funny stuff.
@mac-ju5ot Год назад
It was difficult because he like ve be moved me then let looking for anything that supply. It's depends on the way the winds blows for them..I don't care I've been through and back.not doing circle time at n any rehab where other big jarcs call u a whore but they want to bring rrpw twenty bucks... but atoniams are crass Don ntrust them
@marilouashi Год назад
My mom who took full custody and moved away, this is worst then dealing with someone with alzheimer
@garryellison2273 Год назад
Thanks Richard. You've given me some 'price-less' insight into a very toxic work environment that I have happily left!! Full Marks mate 🙂
@liza.radley Год назад
Richard helped me many years ago & I'm now in happier, healthier relationships. I like to re-visit his insights occasionally to jog my memory & flex my instincts. Excellent video & I wanted to say to anyone who watched this that's having a hard time, there is hope!
@SophiaBro Год назад
Great explanations RG - thank you! Thanks also to YoloTalks! 😊
@yolotalkspodcast Год назад
Our pleasure!
@emmahawkins250 Год назад
YoloTalks, thank you for this great interview - you guys are really lovely podcast hosts! Richard Grannon, thank you so much for this interview! - the information you shared is immensely valuable for me. Now I understand how NPD occurs in a person and have light and clarity on my childhood experience for the 1st time ever. This is amazing and I feel so much better about things in my life now, because I understand them properly. I look forward to reading your book at some point - I'm a writer too and can certainly relate to what you said about writing! - since I was a teenager, it's been a life raft for me
@yolotalkspodcast Год назад
Thanks for your kind words Emma! We are really glad you enjoyed the interview!
@lucijavolcansek1939 Год назад
This analysis sucks.
@gartenbaum8609 Год назад
Excellent description of narcissistic abused. Thank you!!
@Wingedmagician Год назад
26:45 WOW that rant about narcissism shook me to my core. So good
@unmaskscience111 Год назад
The idiot that worked to get me hooked on our head turning and his abs doesn't know this ain't my first rodeo and I'm getting revenge abs. That's all he's got on me I discarded him by throwing his abusive psycho a$$ to prison I'd been listening to Grannon and Vaknin for years. Before I met my ex but he used extreme control and terror with extreme romance to break my brain and self dependence.
@samuelfoston4556 Год назад
He’s a fraud, delivering junk pop psychology to the traumatised community, doing untold harm, for nothing but his ego and profit. Research the people you promote better.
@JJ-yt8ww Год назад