Celluloid Cinema
Celluloid Cinema
Celluloid Cinema
@Jolar70 Месяц назад
THX is still my favorite Lucas film, but that doesn't come close to saying how much Walter Murch shaped it! Francis Ford Coppola's movie, The Conversation, confirms what a genius Murch was as a sound designer, editor, and just plain artistic creator, that was part of their American Zoetrope era! That being said, the "Director's cut" of THX is full of the post-tinkering Lucas revisions / CGI inserts, so I personally prefer the 1971 release, if you can find it.
@groovydoo Месяц назад
It is a great film, Hollywood did not ruin it.
@tallsoldier Месяц назад
This video blew me away. It was so good and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I didn't want it to end. So damn interesting. Hollywood needs to let you make a feature film. p,s I want to know why this the only video on the channel
@matthewgaudet4064 Месяц назад
the 1977 directors cut of THX 1138 and the 1978 directors cut of American Graffiti along with their gritty techniscope look both should be on blu-ray and 4k. No cgi, no remix audio. They ruined Graffiti on 4K i'm sure Thx isn't far behind.
@chucksucks8640 Месяц назад
It was a shitty film to begin with. Hollywood ruined nothing.
@viarnay 23 дня назад
Honey is not made for the mouth of the donkey...
@mrskitty68 2 месяца назад
My Dad did the sound and had a cameo on this film. RIP Daddy ❤
@HighStrangeDrifter 2 месяца назад
I don’t know, Man; I love American Graffiti, as well as the first version of THX1138, but when I saw the director’s cut, the only thing that stood out was he had added CGI lizards and shit. I really loathe this habit of goes back and adding and moving things around, like Han Solo’s head. Coppola seems to have kept his “director’s compass”, but Lucas seems to be adrift. Another director that seems to have a very vision of his films and finds ways to tell those stories would be David Lynch.
@gevansmd 2 месяца назад
I ssaw some Brice Conner films in the late 1970s in NYC. One I remember was Symphony for a Sinner.
@jasoncammarata8476 2 месяца назад
It’s too bad that you clips of THX are the special edition littered with new CGI and not the actual film. It inadvertently makes your narrative misleading. I’m sure the cost of the digital enhancements made in the early 2000’s far eclipse the film’s original budget.
@ericsilberstein667 2 месяца назад
This generation of filmmakers Spielberg, Lucas, Coppola, Scorsese, DePalma, etc. were the best.
@pedropola882 2 месяца назад
what´s amazing is that even with the cuts this is the most important movie in the history of cinema. Just imagine how good this movie was as the true director´s cut.
@bhs6252 2 месяца назад
Who's idea was it to put the budget in the script?
@Nedski42YT 2 месяца назад
THX 1138 WAS my favorite movie of all time. It was the first movie I PURCHASED on VHS tape. It was one of the first movies I PURCHASED on LaserDisc. When the DVD was released it was NOT the theatrical cut but was labeled as a "directors" cut. It was not a "directors" cut. It was a directors "redo cut." If the DVD release had scenes that were excluded from the theatrical cut I might have been satisfied, but it had NEW scenes that were never made during the original production. Many of the NEWLY REDONE scenes ruined some parts of the visual story. I would like to PURCHASE a HD (1080 or UHD) copy of the theatrical cut. I would not mind a "directors" cut that reintegrated what the studio foolishly deleted. Give ME the choice as to which version I want to see. Of course no one, especially George Lucas, will give a damn what I want. When I saw the "Final Cut" of Blade Runner I was satisfied because most of the changes were simply improvements to the visual story.
@ultranova05 3 месяца назад
I honestly don’t understand why this film isn’t a bigger cult classic. Forget the Delorean, I want a T70 replica on my shelf!
@RockStock6 5 месяцев назад
THX 1138 was a mid film there wasnt much to ruin
@3576alan 5 месяцев назад
😏Ever considered the fact that your eating "yellow" food under a blue light? Of cousre it's going to look like vomit.😘
@3576alan 5 месяцев назад
Sodium isn't that bad for ya. There's plenty of reputable videos that proves it. It was a propaghanda campain by the sugar industry.
@thomriley1036 5 месяцев назад
It's so weird to think that this may have lead to the later Michael Jackson / George Lucas / Coppola / Disney collaboration... *CAPTAIN EO*
@greatguytv 6 месяцев назад
Okay so I had some truth.. The prototype a short of 15 minutes was made.
@greatguytv 6 месяцев назад
My metal construction was that THX was made as a student project It's his 1st film I thought he worked out before But apparently we're going to get the truth
@greatguytv 6 месяцев назад
Merry Christmas
@galadrielgaladriel7375 7 месяцев назад
THX 1138 is like watching the Gensis of Adam & Eve.. my favorite film and I cant stand the star wars franchise.....
@sigvardbjorkman 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for this
@chromodyn7769 8 месяцев назад
Bro was that a dig on Paint Your Wagon….. that was a great movie tho
@koomo801 8 месяцев назад
The Director's Cut is much worse than the original. There may be a bit added here and there in the editing that improves it, but the added special effects detract from the original. The ape-like creatures so close to human workers make no sense (why aren't the robo-cops eliminating them?) and, worst of all, the signs of a bustling underground civilization with vehicles moving around in an open (although subterranean) environment detracts from the extreme isolation and limited scope of the world being depicted. In the original, it's fascinating to find a car at all (some suspension of belief is required to buy into Duvall's character being able to drive, when his co-escapee clearly could not...and in the DC he suddenly drives like a stunt-driver!) and it's journey through miles of tunnels makes the audience wonder, like the driver, where it could possibly lead (which is spoiled in the DC...it's just a tunnel leaving a subterranean bustling economy!). Like Lucas' other Director's Cuts, it's a shame his co-creators that made his original movies so good were not around to tell him "no".
@NorthWestPvPlolrektnoob 8 месяцев назад
It's crazy you only maybe one video then left. The quality of this video is right on par with any of the other Cinema channels, Idk why you wouldn't continue. :(
@okisukmawan 8 месяцев назад
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@okisukmawan 8 месяцев назад
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@okisukmawan 8 месяцев назад
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@okisukmawan 8 месяцев назад
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@okisukmawan 8 месяцев назад
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@okisukmawan 8 месяцев назад
george lucas' s (pak george lucas' s Sam sep di yang yours ag sek lag SE rekimend ir'# sen SM yang oas memb di tahun 2021 di Jik Ju l. SE di thx kemb sep semul or:$ Berg berl ir'# Dar yang - yang agvtid terg dari: USD 800 Mill wal kylur usdc209 Sebag bes Sud kemb Deng pak e. iger' yoy ag Dae sel di cbbnn or;$ Dar 7 tahunn Ir Sud mekbe di AOL twim exe exec pecat saj jucl lset SBY Ju l l Dar Dar kartu kar yang oadr superm hidup & etc lik this too ag seen Sem saj jug' l l., di: usa.,j b a j l l l
@lohphat 9 месяцев назад
And HE ruined his own film with that horrible 2004 "Director's Cut". Just like adding CGI to A New HOpe -- it just...ruined it. Just leave it alone. Or put the original cut footage in but DON'T add NEW footage and CGI -- it just takes you out of the film.
@Seven-Planets-Sci-Fi-Tuber 9 месяцев назад
Thanks for telling this story.
@NewOrderOfAlexandria 9 месяцев назад
Hearing all this only to remember the crime against cinema Disney did to Star Wars is honestly heart breaking 💔 they basically made him relive his most tragic moment in directing, by scrapping what he wrote and doing something terrible and cheap most people hate, all over again. At least we got the OT and PT, now we all stand by George and see how studio interference results in nothing but misery...
@tolanstout 9 месяцев назад
The Director's Cut of THX is Lucas making revisions (a la Special Edition Star Wars) that will end up looking dated and unnecessary. He should've just added in the 5 minutes and left it alone but these Godless goofs can't help themselves.
@matthewgaudet4064 Месяц назад
He did the 1977 directors cut of THX 1138, that is the version he originally intended. Just like he had the 1978 theatrical cut of American Graffiti remixed in Dolby Stereo his cut of the film. There was no need to recut either again or add cgi.
@MyEyesBled 9 месяцев назад
Much like Pinewood Studios ruined Terry Gilliam’s film Brazil!
@ThunderZandor 10 месяцев назад
CeLLuLoid CineMa: What does, at 13:45 , Production ControL DIR 11 mean or signify other than the tag which is from the film THX-1138? Or is it just random babble text on the tag?
@cesarflores2405 10 месяцев назад
When are you making more videos. This is so 🤬 good!!!!!🎬🎥📽️🎞️
@pancudowny 11 месяцев назад
This kinda explains why Lucas' next feature-length film was "American Graffiti"... an homage to his final youthful days of innocence in Modesto in '62. While THX 1138 didn't really break any ground as a feature film from a big production company--due to it's somewhat confusing, non-self-explanatory complexity--American Graffiti started an enduring style of entertainment that still lives to this day in the form of movies & television which many can appreciate... and will continue to endure for many generations to come: Nostalgia.
@pancudowny 9 месяцев назад
Further note: Having dug deeper into American Graffiti, I found d George's reasons for doing it were partially because of the failure of THX-1138. Even hs own wife asked why he didn't do something more whimsical, and his reasons were that it went against his fill school sensibilities, responding "You want to a whimsical film? Fine... I'll show how easy it is to make something that appeals to people's sense of whimsy!"...and did it, out of spite. Needless to say, he learned his lesson about appealing to the public with his work, as seen by his next few major movie studio pictures: Jaws and Star Wars.
@patcoston 11 месяцев назад
23:27 why are you pronouncing "escape" as though it was spelled eks-skape?
@Thundera2908 11 месяцев назад
I will always support a filmmaker, or an artist of any kind, to go back and change their own work. I don't have to agree with it, I don't have to like it, but I feel it is an artist's right to do as they wish with their work. That said, I do think the changes Lucas made to both THX 1138, and Star Wars, were overall improvements to the films.
@cloneNK1124 Год назад
I saw the movie in 1971 and liked it. The masses are very simple people and easily controlled. e.g. Donald Trump
@Johnconno Год назад
Pasolini should have directed it. Lucas made sure that every executive involved in tampering with THX1138 died of loneliness.
@marcmedina4376 Год назад
@donaldfuller5058 Год назад
I have paint your wagon. It is funny
@synthetic240 Год назад
THX1138 really is under-rated. Sure, it's difficult to name a stranger movie but just the last few decades have seen extremely influential "weird" movies like "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", "The Truman Show", "Fight Club", "Everything, Everywhere, All at Once". Whatever I think of Lucas today, he really deserves to be proud of this movie.
@victordesouzasperduto 10 месяцев назад
Yes,i Just watched and its impressive How much content the film has
@zeriousvolt1245 Год назад
The only thing wrong with THX-1138 was in the ending scene; You could see birds flying in front of the giant sun.
@George-rb6bv 11 месяцев назад
How so? Maybe it's a sign that it is now safe to live abovè ground.
@jonmcinnis1645 4 месяца назад
@@George-rb6bvI pretend the world of THX 1138 takes place after Modern Civilization collapsed after Humanity finally destroyed itself through Warfare BTW right in 2024 I think THX 1138 should get a sequel
@jeffjames_elheff Год назад
Pretty sure we wouldn't have The Godfather had all of this gone down any differently!
@greenvelvet Год назад
It's strange how you kind of gloss over how his director's cut is heavily altered with CGI which sticks out like a sore thumb it has not aged well much like his alterations in Star wars movies. It would be nice to see his original film. But it's now forever destroyed because he couldn't leave the original visuals alone