Working on it
Working on it
Working on it
Can your workplace be more empowering, more meaningful? Are there ways to relieve stress, and to enjoy what we spend a third of our lives doing? Well, we think it’s all possible. We just need a different point of view. In this channel, we're going to talk about the stuff that makes us unsatisfied at work - and deal with them, to let people know they're not alone in facing these challenges. That's why this channel is called "Working on it" - because these things are a process and we’re here to figure it out together. To help us make sense of it all, we spoke to some experts and filmed our colleagues at monday.com. We asked them to tell us how they really feel at work. We hope what we discovered can help create a conversation about work.
@marianitapitufresa 5 дней назад
I am currently being micromanaged, My boss asks to review every single email and piece of work I do, When I confronted her, she said, "Growing can be uncomfortable, and I am just trying to help you grow"
@sugarandspice2136 27 дней назад
I once had a macromanager turn into a micromanager in the blink of an eye.
@gurugamer8632 2 месяца назад
I just resigned from a job due to to toxic micromanagent work place
@MerylKeioskie 2 месяца назад
Remember. It is never about you, and try your best to not take it personally. Micromanagers are control freaks, and any act of control reeks of deeply rooted insecurity. Protect your energy, sweet people! ❤
@mondaypositivitea 2 месяца назад
❤ I'm HSP and I totally agree.
@austincurtis636 3 месяца назад
Yep I used to work in an office environment that was extremely demanding and busy. I found myself completely overwhelmed by the ever-increasing department that I worked in, I was a project manager, that is, until I had a mental breakdown and had to leave on a 4-month stress leave. I found a new job but was laid off within a year and after that I found I couldn't return to an office environment. Now I have repetitive nightmares about that place and I am not able to work in that filled because of all the triggers. So yeah there may be some productivity advantages and such but the emotional toll it took on me personally has been devastating.
@lhm1586 3 месяца назад
Great content, thanks ;)
@rachaelseider2944 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the video. What is means to be a highly sensitive person is throughly misunderstood by society.
@T01M3 4 месяца назад
Being micro managed and I don't work n haven't worked anywhere that would do this. I believe it's husband his family as well as my family. What should I do? I would never consent to this sick mess.
@TinaLouise73 4 месяца назад
Every job I've had in my entire life has been micromanaged to the point i self harmed at work as I suffer from emotionally unstable personality disorder and thst excerbiated it
@SongofaBeach2012 4 месяца назад
I'm so sorry! I have CPTSD from early childhood trauma and my toxic workplace is making me have S ideation. I'm trying to stick it out just a few more months so I can use my dental benefits to get my poor teeth fixed. Idk how I'm even going to get thru til Friday at this point. I'm empathizing with you so much. I wholeheartedly believe those of us who are empaths, neurodivergent and/or struggle with mental health conditions unfortunately are magnets for these types of toxic managers/workplaces. Just know you're not alone and that We deserve better than this ❤
@TinaLouise73 4 месяца назад
@@SongofaBeach2012 tysm xxx
@amberabracadabra 4 месяца назад
Especially in the behavioral health field ❤
@Robert_11911 5 месяцев назад
Apparently they don't know WHO i am?
@Pentax67 6 месяцев назад
I was micromanaged by a crazy guy in France in welding industry. Every time asked if I did that or this, called me multiples times when he was in business trip and asked me to tell everything I did during the day. What a sick person. Gave me a lot of pressure, scolded me because I did my best and helped clients because my manger thinks I did more than my functions (he did same things and he said I can but you can’t lmao). He didn’t cared about my opinion, I was like statue or object. I was every time afraid of him . He didn’t care about my boundaries He judged my family and parents . He did illegal things just to please his favorite clients behind CEO Back. It’s hard. I’m so glad I left the place. What are your recommendations to ask before joining a new place and avoid potential micromanagers
@marckemp9955 6 месяцев назад
Mine are 5 minutes or less. Sometimes 90 seconds or less. I read until my phone drops out of my hand and wake up on it's way to the floor.
@g8779 6 месяцев назад
When a "floating" manager decides to use your boss as his mouthpiece and then they contradict each, which leads you into trouble and being gaslit.
@erunstoppable1174 2 месяца назад
My current predicament, I feel you.
@unicornwitchprincess1004 6 месяцев назад
I just called out my manager for micromanaging. She said “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Later on, I found this video and yes, thank you for confirming exactly what is going on.
@Pentax67 6 месяцев назад
Leave that place
@ZBM-jj1xr 5 месяцев назад
"I'm sorry you feel that way" translates to "I'm unwilling to look at my behavior and refuse to change". Like Pentax said, leave for your sanity, because they will never let go control.
@UMBR. 5 месяцев назад
"I'm sorry you feel that way" is LITERALLY the Narcissist's Apology.
@chryssesandchaos 6 месяцев назад
Micromanagement is a great way to make employees feel burned out in short period of time.
@laurened6505 7 месяцев назад
Hypersensitive people argue often with others. We are very sensitive to criticism and have more often than not, an anxious attachment style. We are prone to protest behaviour when we perceive changes of pattern in people behaviour. Also, we can get really triggered when people lack empathy and we just assume that caring for others feeling and well being should be an obvious thing.
@rachaelseider2944 3 месяца назад
I think we argue because society rejects us and we can’t stand injustice.
@lacesspace Месяц назад
This is most likely connected to childhood trauma/abuse and not knowing how to regulate and process our emotions. 😅It’s me.
@lyndeemacaskill8059 7 месяцев назад
Thanks for posting this! I'm an a HSP, and I appeciate the recognition of our traits in a positive light!!
@SKTopStudio 7 месяцев назад
via freelancer
@SKTopStudio 7 месяцев назад
helo there
@aureline09 8 месяцев назад
Before anyone disagrees with the "it's science saying, not me", hsp people criticise themselves more than anyone else does to them.
@rachaelseider2944 3 месяца назад
I am HSP but my own family criticized me for it my whole life. It is only because they didn’t understand. But, of course, in addition to their criticism I criticized myself and now I’m just learning to recognize and love this part of myself.
@KJ-he6hf 8 месяцев назад
I quit my job because of this. My ole mgr drove me crazy. She didn't even know our job.
@erinb1815 8 месяцев назад
That makes so much sense! I am a PTA and working in the open clinic was so hard and distracting with all the PT’s vying for space, the conversations and music, now I do home health and love it! One on one and alone driving time. I’m so thankful my teen daughters told me they think I’m HSP, took a test and boom, had it all!
@Elodie_N_INTJ_Analyzes 8 месяцев назад
Hypersensitivity don't come alone, it definitely comes with the neurodivergent brain : the person is Autistic, Asperger, Gifted, ADHD, or something else, and can have many of them. As a gifted, Asperger, and ADHD person. My hypersensitivity come from my conditions. And I don't think that I have an extraordinary emotional intelligence. I agree that reading the mood in part come from the high intuition (cognitive function). Think twice before criticizing : I think more than twice, but I never criticize. I am not generous. The studies are very poor. HSP are not better or worse employees. People should do 10x research and 10x think before share misinformation. Please learn about Neurodivergence, MBTI cognitive functions & enneagram.
@casparfait1125 9 месяцев назад
This was great!
@madanto2394 11 месяцев назад
Being told you can't leave the company premises for lunch breaks when they're unpaid.
@ball3677 12 дней назад
Had a job like that before. Straight up enslavement conditions
@prasonreguri6178 Год назад
HSPs are ones mostly targeted by bullies
@CJ-ft9yo Год назад
it’s depressing people like this that made me have my own business for 10 years, loneliness bought me back and here i am again with a carbon cutout version of a work Nazi - upsetting everyone and it’s day 3.
@briananderson8663 Год назад
I Have Been micromanaged and Bossed Around By Tina on What i Eat and When i Eat and Samething With What Time i Go to Bed but Thing is No one is entitled to take charge of what or how much another independent person eats. The truth is, it's a thankless task, it doesn't help anybody and it can sometimes make the person's eating worse and With Being The Bedtime Police ’’’No one is entitled to take charge of what Time when another independent person Goes to Bed and Get’s up in the Morning’ My Mother Use to Tell Me When Someone Tell’s you to Do Something it Make’s You Not Want to Do it’’’that’s Exactly What Being Micromanaged by Tina Doe’s to Me’’and the Other Micromanaging Tina Does is Ordering Me to go on Three Long Walks a Day and if I Don’t Do as Many Steps as She Want’s She Will Be unhappy ‘if I Do as Many Step’s as She Wants i Will Get a Prize’’’’i Wonder if i Had Girlfriend or Was Married How my Partner Would Be With That Micromanaging ?
@wintrywinter Год назад
Should we put it on our CV?
@pensiveidea Год назад
Wtf is wrong with you that you put the most obnoxious irritating background trumpeting f noise in and so loud it drowns out the speech. JFC I wish to the sky faeries RU-vidrs would stop it.
@CitAllHearItAll Год назад
Am I doing something bad? Could I do it better? I recognize myself in some of these, but it's situational. If you're getting your stuff done, I leave you alone. If you aren't, I start doing some of these things. I think of it as mentoring, where I increase my involvement. I'll set up pair programming meetings. If you're consistently taking forever on tasks, then yeah, I'm going to check in and see how your tackling the problem. If there's the same thing that needs done 20 times, I'll insist on doing a review after 1 before letting them move on with the other 19. I think of it as catching it early. So shoot! I micromanage underperformers and people who are green. But once you have your legs under you, I leave you alone. I trust that if you need help, you'll reach out. I trust you'll reach out if stuck or just want to double check. It's a trust thing for me. more info if interested: I have 1 person on a team of 5 who I do this to. He slacks hard until it gets to the point our VP sits him down (I'm team lead. No power to fire, so I'm not a threat). Then he perks up, does his job. Gets a few pats on the back. And once the coast is clear, goes right back to slacking. He'll take an entire month to do a task that could be done in a few days. We give him a week to get it done because we all know things pop up. Then when he's done, what he delivers is not even close to what was asked. So then go over it again, where he asks the same questions he asked the first time (never takes notes), understands, and then needs another week to do it. That week turns into 2. I've tried teaching, career/financial incentives, positive reinforcement, everything. So now I ignore him unless his works directly affects my own. Then I guess I micromanage.
@sheiladay-od2me Год назад
Well said.
@Naheda07 Год назад
I worked in a place where I had to darken the number 8 if the number 8 written didnt "look right" to them. Then put my initials by it. I still have no idea to this day what the issue was with that number 8. lmao.
@SongofaBeach2012 4 месяца назад
That's insane! Good thing you're not at that job anymore
@moniquelance1032 Год назад
I commend the initiative - its so important to find meaning at work.
@workingonit5211 Год назад
@alexanderredhorse1297 Год назад
i was a warehouseman in iraq and a supervisor told me to count every can in the room. i told him to back off, he bowed up on me and almost got himself sent to the military hospital. i dont do that micromanaging stuff. ill kill a mf - it's a warzone big dog people die out here daily
@Happy2be4c Год назад
I worked at one job where the manager cursed at me for not micromanaging my team. He had my 2 weeks notice the next day!!!
@workingonit5211 Год назад
Good for you!
@muskduh Год назад
Thanks for the video.
@taddmajercin8454 Год назад
Very nice, thanks for posting!!! Need views? Check Pᵣₒmₒˢᵐ.
My old boss was like " why are you still using your old mug? what happened to the company logo mug that I gave you yester day?😄
@workingonit5211 Год назад
That's extreme micromanagement
@aymenlouhibi5775 Год назад
Here's another one but not sure if it's relevant to micromanagement. Your manager knows you don't like the way they treat you so they send a co-worker to you who starts a chat with you about shit stuff that's happening at work and how they're annoyed about it so you agree with them and share the shit stuff you've been through as well, including how your manager is treating you, which eventually gets reported to your manager. Oldest trick in the book? Maybe but I still fail to see the signs haha
@stfupendeja_ Год назад
@AryBerry85 Год назад
There's a special place in hell for that person who reports back to the micromanaging boss.
@terrytitus5291 Год назад
Left a job that questioned everything I did despite having lots of experience and could work very well independently not to mention going home early,clocking out for breaks alot!
@oncallempath Год назад
I asked to be transferred to another boss because my current one was micromanaging me. I was denied 3x by upper managment. After several months it just got worse. It was irrelevant that I was the top producer and had no say in the matter. I started having serious health issues to the point I was considering resigning. It took a 3 letters from my doctors to finally grant my transfer. I probably ruined any chances of moving up in the company as I could tell upper management didn’t like that fact I went to HR and told them about my health issues. The company doesn’t value top performers which makes no sense. They just want obedient workers that play the game. Those who kiss the most ass gets promoted. I’m looking for another job as we speak.
@workingonit5211 Год назад
Good luck with your job hunt!
@Naheda07 Год назад
Unfortunately, thats how it is in lots of places.
@PearlPaisley Год назад
I'm in a similar situation. I hope by now you have a new job where you are valued for your work.
@oncallempath Год назад
@@PearlPaisley thank you.
@serrie85 Год назад
11. someone told me to watch this video right now.
@chilledmoulestr7075 Год назад
i was microdamaged
@workingonit5211 Год назад
Join the club!
@UMBR. 5 месяцев назад
Unfortunately, I think MICROmanagement leads to MACROdamage.
@theskeletonsskeletons9495 Год назад
Micromanagement is a much more serious issue than what people think of it as. It's pretty brutal and can often leave people with mental trauma for life. It's akin to infantilization. It's de-humanizing, degrading, psychologically abusive, and a sure sign of a sick workplace.
@alaskanactressp30 Год назад
Micromanagement is narcissism in command .
@rickquesada925 10 месяцев назад
No kidding.
@silentowl2812 7 месяцев назад
Awwww shit thank you!!!!!!!!!!
@alaskanactressp30 7 месяцев назад
@@silentowl2812 you’re welcome ☺️. Happy Holidays 🎁🎄
@silentowl2812 7 месяцев назад
@@alaskanactressp30 😎🥳
@amberscott4262 Год назад
management flipped out on me when i blocked time out on my calendar without "Asking". My 2 weeks was in their inbox the next morning.
@workingonit5211 Год назад
Good for you!