J&K Seminars
J&K Seminars
J&K Seminars
Women Veterans
14 дней назад
Advanced Clinical Supervision
Месяц назад
Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder
2 месяца назад
Challenges in Diagnosing Autism
4 месяца назад
mom singing at wedding
4 месяца назад
Dr. Yapko on Client Stress and Depression
4 месяца назад
How Mindset Affects Resilience
4 месяца назад
Anxiety and Depression in Seniors
4 месяца назад
Ambivalence - Motivational Interviewing
6 месяцев назад
Cognitive Theory Related to PTSD - Dr. Resick
7 месяцев назад
Sudden Traumatic Loss - Educate the Mourner
8 месяцев назад
Dr. Meichenbaum Legacy Course Introduction
9 месяцев назад
Causes of Chronic Insomnia
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Social Anxiety Treatments
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JK Panelist Example
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Why Diets Don't Work
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Weight vs Fitness Research
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DSM-5-TR Neimeyrer Overview
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Gender Dysphoria
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LGBTQ Affirmative Psychotherapy
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@BakerDeirdre-v4z 9 дней назад
Miller Melissa Wilson James Walker Donna
@NaturalEarthTones 11 дней назад
Thank you doctor. I'm reading a lot of your work.
@kussemeinkont 11 дней назад
Shoving people into categories is no different to "othering", who gives you that right?
@JeffreyWilliams-dr7qe 11 дней назад
You can have mine. Sadly does not work anymore. Antipsychotics not even on the freaking table! Thanks!
@MauriceMucker 12 дней назад
@davidbishop1239 15 дней назад
lol gay client’s
@anasshamid8694 23 дня назад
Thank you so much for uploading this video, very insightful and helpful
@ZenithE8 2 месяца назад
If the Auto Industry asked you to park outside your neighbor's house at night and HOOONKK HOOONKK would you? Would you do it day after day after day after day? Then please lock your vehicle Quietly.... No Honk. ... Light Flash Only.... so people can sleep at night and have peace during the day. The Light Flash Signal confirms your car is locked and armed. You do not need the HONK. The Auto Industry Really screwed up with this technology. They need to GET RID OF THE HONK. Thank you.
@ZenithE8 2 месяца назад
If the Auto Industry asked you to park outside your neighbor's house at night and HOOONKK HOOONKK would you? Would you do it day after day after day after day? Then please lock your vehicle Quietly.... No Honk. ... Light Flash Only.... so people can sleep at night and have peace during the day. The Light Flash Signal confirms your car is locked and armed. You do not need the HONK. The Auto Industry Really screwed up with this technology. They need to GET RID OF THE HONK. Thank you.
@ZenithE8 2 месяца назад
This is whay causes me panic for 7 years thousands of times If the Auto Industry asked you to park outside your neighbor's house at night and HOOONKK HOOONKK would you? Would you do it day after day after day after day? Then please lock your vehicle Quietly.... No Honk. ... Light Flash Only.... so people can sleep at night and have peace during the day. The Light Flash Signal confirms your car is locked and armed. You do not need the HONK. The Auto Industry Really screwed up with this technology. They need to GET RID OF THE HONK. Thank you.
@ZenithE8 2 месяца назад
If the Auto Industry asked you to park outside your neighbor's house at night and HOOONKK HOOONKK would you? Would you do it day after day after day after day? Then please lock your vehicle Quietly.... No Honk. ... Light Flash Only.... so people can sleep at night and have peace during the day. The Light Flash Signal confirms your car is locked and armed. You do not need the HONK. The Auto Industry Really screwed up with this technology. They need to GET RID OF THE HONK. Thank you.
@ZenithE8 2 месяца назад
If the Auto Industry asked you to park outside your neighbor's house at night and HOOONKK HOOONKK would you? Would you do it day after day after day after day? Then please lock your vehicle Quietly.... No Honk. ... Light Flash Only.... so people can sleep at night and have peace during the day. The Light Flash Signal confirms your car is locked and armed. You do not need the HONK. The Auto Industry Really screwed up with this technology. They need to GET RID OF THE HONK. Thank you.
@ZenithE8 2 месяца назад
If the Auto Industry asked you to park outside your neighbor's house at night and HOOONKK HOOONKK would you? Would you do it day after day after day after day? Then please lock your vehicle Quietly.... No Honk. ... Light Flash Only.... so people can sleep at night and have peace during the day. The Light Flash Signal confirms your car is locked and armed. You do not need the HONK. The Auto Industry Really screwed up with this technology. They need to GET RID OF THE HONK. Thank you.
@ZenithE8 2 месяца назад
If the Auto Industry asked you to park outside your neighbor's house at night and HOOONKK HOOONKK would you? Would you do it day after day after day after day? Then please lock your vehicle Quietly.... No Honk. ... Light Flash Only.... so people can sleep at night and have peace during the day. The Light Flash Signal confirms your car is locked and armed. You do not need the HONK. The Auto Industry Really screwed up with this technology. They need to GET RID OF THE HONK. Thank you.
@FrostJack-tv6op 3 месяца назад
Yeah I have this. The system in the late 80s kidnapped me from my dad and held guns to our heads . The weaponized faulty sick Lucifernarian cps, and their co conspirators the twisted police departments and judges . Took me to the airforce base in Colorado springs co . That really messed my head up good . Then after that a divorce I stayed with my dad because my mother abused me . Then the school system took 4 years because I left home at lunch time . The institutes used it to make money of me . A 15 year old knows bribery when it happens. See I never been sued because it's true . Now I'm older and my body is shot from all the cortisol that got pumped through my body when those freaks decided to do that to myself and dad psychopaths . Now I listened to and trusted people who said they were friends, but they used my abilities, because I can see, hear and sense danger it's like a gift and curse . also energy and a couple other abilities. I can even see subliminal messaging. I've scared a few friends by showing them this . Hypervigalence and highly intuitive. The people who said were my friends, I was helping unknowingly threw me away like trash . But I have God he's always there for me to talk to . Its strange as well because speaking of those people, are so called Christians. I never hear from them and I even spent money on books that I never got and wish to never get now. They do shows that make a lot of money. which I don't care to have because when you eat out of garbage cans at 9 you know how to survive it humbles you quick so money to barley live is ok . I'm great full, so much for them , good old military. Now I'm on my own . Anyway just thought I'd leave a mark to anyone struggling in the future that reads this . Best wishes. I'll leave with a simple song lyric . Trust nobody don't be no fool , what ever happened to the golden rule ? We got stranded caught in a cross fire ~ srv .
@chesneymigl4538 4 месяца назад
I absolutely resonate with these quotes. It does seem that ADHD-IN is really just the presentation of SCT and ADHD comorbidity. That's how it feels in my head, least.
@lizmorgan1646 4 месяца назад
@christinechan821 5 месяцев назад
"we're really getting distracted in significant ways (by focusing only on) symptoms" Well said.
@hrishikeshchaudhari72 5 месяцев назад
ERP JUST DON't ruminate and don't do compulsions
@Shujyunuen 5 месяцев назад
Thank u thank u thank u . You saved my life thank u teacher
@billyghostal 5 месяцев назад
Theres about 5 states that claim to be the buckle of the bible belt, lol.
@manixburn6403 6 месяцев назад
Since dawn of time big pharma has bless the world with life...and sickness... And so forth we might swallow our pills to bring the salute to our impure souls. And raise the heaven kingdom of capital, and his divine son dollar. We're sick, please give us our daily pills... and maybe less toxic in our food production ?... We're definitely sick, give us our holy pills...and this is it, right ? Right !
@no_dot_0_dash 6 месяцев назад
Three years ago one of my group therapists showed us this video, just for me. It was useful for everyone there, but the therapist was helping me at the moment. And I was doing this session remotely, so here I was ugly crying over zoom while the other patients could watch me on a TV monitor. As soon as she said, "We could respect her decision." I just lost it. The therapist had to stop himself from spoiling the whole message because he couldn't help gushing about how powerful it is. And I'm living testimony. This one short video is the cornerstone that helped me heal my relationship to my abusive mother, who at the time had just killed herself two months prior. I finally heard the permission to feel what I really wanted to feel, not just what I was expected to feel. I am eternally grateful for Dr. Abram. ❤❤❤
@gillmahoney4742 6 месяцев назад
I have rapid. Cycling bipolar two mixed moods but not manic but agitated het up angry etc, i gofrom ok to very depressed and suicidal ideation, to enthusiastic and hyper creative andnpositive, to no depression but extremely anxious this is my most common symptom. My psych has prescribed lithium sulphate but i am very doubtful. I feel i havent made it clear what my symptoms are, and that is unsuitable, therefore i am not going to take it. I sm 8mstead taking lithium orotate only one pill a day which isnt doing anything either
@ParkerGuy89 2 месяца назад
Lithium Orotate is a tear drop in the Atlantic ocean. The dose is way lower than prescription grade. I'm not surprised it's not doing anything.
@AbdullaHernandez 6 месяцев назад
Does caffeine have a similar effect, and can it be corrected in adulthood?
@JaredOBagley 6 месяцев назад
“Reduce economic burden”…no economy lasts forever and the people that benefit the most from the economy are the ones who jack it up and cause it to collapse. I couldn’t support an economic collapse more than I already do
@GodHelpMe369 7 месяцев назад
Next time you experience a strong emotion that's overpowering you, stop for a second and observe it. Just observe the feeling without any stories about it or whatever it means to your life. Just feel the emotion as it is. Perhaps it involves a burning sensation in the stomach or maybe a flutter in the heart. Observe its physical manifestations in your body. But also observe its effects on your mind. Maybe it makes the thoughts start racing. Maybe it confuses the thinking apparatus. Observe all the facets of the overwhelming emotion, scientifically. The way you might observe a strange bug you see walking nearby. Or maybe the way you observed raindrops on a window when you were a kid. Really the goal is to learn to ride your emotions the way a Surfer rides waves. You don't just crash into them and you don't just let yourself get pulled under. With practice you can learn to ride them to shore. (Jesus said when you learn how to suffer you also learn how not to suffer!)
@GodHelpMe369 7 месяцев назад
I pray to God I go to sleep tonight and that I never wake up grief rapes and tortures my soul I have 999-trillion oceans of tears buried deep inside of me may him and her suffer for all eternity for what they've done to me RED HOT WHITE BURNING HOMICIDAL RAGE I WANT TO SELF HARM I WANT TO JUMP OFF THE BALCONY Jesus, I cry out to you in faith and desperation, pleas pleas please HELP ME! I desperately want to die there's no escape from this hell I'm in I am tortured and raped alone and lonely desperate to die; desperate for escape paralyzed from with trauma he raped me he was supposed to be my best friend I die inside rage and grief eat me alive I'm in hell 6 INSATIABLE DESIRES: - the man that left me. he discarded me like last week's garbage. he took my heart and my soul with him. I'd do anything to have him back. - LOVE. the real thing. in it's purest truest realest rawest form. romantic and sexual and intimate. twin-flame union. - sex. intimacy. attention. affection. romance. passion. cuddles. kisses. - to be wanted/needed/loved/desired. to be seen as beautiful and attractive. - to have all my past traumas erased/deleted/dissolved/healed. gone forever. - A TRIBE OF REAL FRIENDS PRAYER: - to (re)unite and be with the true real love of my life (my twin flame) - total and complete healing, permanently: physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, generationally, cellularly - perfect health: on every level, in every way, for myself and my family - abundant wealth - closer healthier deeper relationships with each person in my immediate family - freedom in Gaza, for the Palestinians (from the satanic hands of Isra-hell!) I MUST REMEMBER: Trust God, and lean not on your own understanding... Speak those things that be not, as though they were... We have the power to literally SPEAK things into existence... Beloved Presence of God I AM, and Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain, I love you! Come forth with Your Angels of the Violet Fire of Freedom, and help me! I command this in Jesus' precious and mighty and holy name. BLAZE Your Violet Fire through my emotions! Take out all feelings of grief, terror, panic, horror, despair, suicide, rage and fear of every kind - their cause and their core - and REPLACE them with Your feelings of Divine Love, Purity, Harmony and Calmness, which is truly who I AM. As such, I affirm the manifestation of my (re)union with my twin-flame beloved counterpart: - He loves me deeply - He makes me feel loved and cherished and honored and cared for and protected and taken care of - He’s confident - He is masculine, and is the full embodiment of the divine masculine - He’s a perfect gentleman - Thank you Jesus for bringing him to me 🧡🙌 I AM GROUNDED. I AM SAFE. I AM CONNECTED TO THE EARTH. I AM HEALTHY. I AM A FRACTAL OF GOD. I AM HEALED. I AM A HEALER. I AM DIVINELY PROTECTED. I AM SAFE AT ALL TIMES. I AM BALANCED. I AM LOVE. I AM PERFECT HEALTH. I HAVE ABUNDANT WEALTH.
@KairosDBT 7 месяцев назад
Too fabulous.
@RossNerdyScotsman 7 месяцев назад
problem is when i try to breathe through panic the second i take deep breath in i freak out so i can't do deep breathing properly
@nicolas_-_-_ 5 месяцев назад
Hello! I don't think breathing techniques help.
@LujzaJJ77 3 месяца назад
My biggest anxiety scare is breathing issue ,how can u accept when u cant breath??😢😢
@razanzahhar3794 12 дней назад
@@LujzaJJ77 I think by knowing that your breathing is shallow because you have panic attack and knowing that it is not gonna do you any harm. I know it sounds crazy to be calm in a panic but jut by knowing and keep reframing your thought of oh no im gonna pass out and uh oh im gonna die, keep telling yourself in your mind or vocally say that this will pass like I always have and that will ease u a bit in floating through the panic.
@ratchetswelcome 7 месяцев назад
This bitch is a fucking quack. Nothing she has summarized has helped a single thing I go through. Stop listening to these charlatans. They’re not even bipolar.
@marie-evest-louis6536 8 месяцев назад
I have all them they come all at once plus few non mentioned. And still no care and no justice for me.
@jacquismith3277 7 месяцев назад
Unfortunately, I don't think you will have justice if you mean having the perpetrators feeling guilt over what they did. But please persevere. Find a therapist who practises EMDR. It is painful but worth it. Thinking of you and wishing you well.❤
@graemegeorgeharrison2468 9 месяцев назад
What does this drug actually do?
@OfficialRogue 7 месяцев назад
Lithium itself is just an ion/element in the periodic table, basically a salt/rock like magnesium, sodium etc. But in this context, lithium is formulated as a drug (often in the form of lithium carbonate), to be used by psychiatrists as a mood stabilizer for bipolar disorder (it's the gold standard as he said), and as an adjunct treatment for treatment-resistant depression. It's often the first-line treatment for maintenance in bipolar disorder. It's used at therapeutic (relatively high) doses in this setting, well high in comparison to anything you'd find naturally (say in over-the-counter lithium supplements like lithium orotate). It has anti-manic and anti-suicidal properties. It can even be found in water in very low amounts. Studies even showed that in villages where the water contained more lithium, on average suicidality was lesser and mood (in the clinical sense) was better.
@mystmuffin3600 9 месяцев назад
Upload the whole video!!! Stop hiding this useful information from insomnia patients ... 😔
@SuperMichelleDJ 9 месяцев назад
Doctors get away with murder by victim blaming. If we could all blame the people we killed, we would all never be punished for killing them. That's basically how it works. For me personally, I've already decided that I'm never going to accept help before I get put into the hospital against my will. So when I get let out, I'm still never ever going to accept help. If I wanted to accept help, I wouldn't even be forced into the hospital, I'd go in there voluntarily.
@GregoryBoyce-wf2ie 9 месяцев назад
Garbage i got well on true hope stop believing in this crap
@deniserouthierledoux8133 10 месяцев назад
She was not a psychiatrist--she was a GP-she knew how to deal with anxiety because she herself had it.
@jed88 4 месяца назад
A doctor of science too! Ultimately, blessed with an open, curious, enquiring mind vs a worried one.
@willi1978 11 месяцев назад
so what is dbt?
@dreamign3828 11 месяцев назад
We'll said dr but Claire weeks was not a psychiatrist she was a GP😊
@MsDearne 5 месяцев назад
She did do psychological science studies
@albin2232 Год назад
PTSD is caused by eating sugar, dairy products, and wheat.
@guyincognito7211 11 месяцев назад
@morbidmusing 11 месяцев назад
LOL sure
@albin2232 11 месяцев назад
@@morbidmusing I was diagnosed with CPTSD years ago, but I'm far enough along in my recovery to sometimes joke about it! Lots of therapy and lots of EMDR really helped.
@StarBitt97 7 месяцев назад
You laugh but as one with an eating disorder, there is some truth to those things being triggering…☺️
@Laura-tp8wz 7 месяцев назад
Not necessarily
@AstarAcea Год назад
Thank you so much for this incredibly clear elaboration!
@wyattwatson9848 Год назад
Paychiatry’s perfect drug! It doesn’t cure depression but will stop your clients from killing themselves! More money!
@symbolsarenotreality4595 Год назад
I am a residential youth worker, a social worker and a bouncer. When I was on one residential site the site lead was describing a client, an 11 year old girl who had 'adhd' and was on ritalin. He also said she had trouble sleeping, eating and was hypersexualised. I told him day dot straight up, 'Thats what uppers do.' He was brainwashed by the medical industry. I have grown up with mates with 'adhd' who were on ritalin and they were all messed up from it. They didn't need it and it just messed them up. Imagine making a child addicted to stimulants. Absurdly unethical and unscientific.
@mchl252 6 месяцев назад
They might have been misdiagnosed as having ADHD (in which case they didn't need those meds), might've been on wrong dosages or meds (there's a few), or lack of therapy in addition to meds (which is usually necessary). There might've been other conditions or traumas besides (or instead of) ADHD. For genuine properly diagnosed ADHD these medications work and there's tons of research to back that up.
@justinnengel3473 5 месяцев назад
No, this stupid anecdote is what's absurdly unscientific.
@manna6147 Год назад
This is my grandfather:)
@owenrouse5945 Год назад
Can someone help me. Ive got a really really severe form of SCT, im at a loss! This should be a recognised condition!
@ranc1977 Год назад
Quotes: Since most non-HSPs do not seem to enjoy thinking about solutions, they assume we must be unhappy doing all that pondering. Preferring toughness, the culture sees our trait as something difficult to live with, something to be cured. The Highly Sensitive Person, Elaine N. Aron When you tell someone to calm down - there's a Power Dynamic that's implied. “I, partner, am calm and have everything under control, and you, someone with ADHD are whacked”. That will not bode well for productive conversation. 🟥Sharon Saline, PsyD I go out and I have a blast. I see people I know, watch show in a club, I talk. And it feels good, invigorated. And..next day I will feel anxious again about doing the same thing! You would think after so many times of positive reinforcement 🟥JamesCamacho Defend Survivors, TWITTER: There are so many “positive” messages that are aimed to inspire and help survivors. But when you really listen to these messages, they often guilt or blame survivors for either how they responded to the abuse, or for how they are healing now. Make sure the messages you share with survivors are honoring and respecting them, their courage, and their choices. Defend Survivors, TWITTER: Survivors don’t need anyone else telling them what the ‘should do’ or ‘have to do’ to heal. The last thing they need is someone else trying to control them again. Survivors need to know they are in control and that they are the experts in their experience and healing. Five themes of microaggression against people with mental illnesses 1. Invalidation When other people dismiss their illness or symptoms through minimizing their experience, symptomizing their normal experiences, and patronizing 2. Assumption of inferiority When other people assume that people with mental illness have lower intelligence, are incompetent, and that they do not have control 3. Fear of mental illness When other people fear them because they believe that they may be dangerous or unpredictable 4. Shaming of mental illness When other people tell them that they shouldn't let others know about their mentali llness 5. Second class citizen attitudes When other people treat them as if they don't have the same rights as the dominant group of society. Mental Health Forum, 2016 Things autistic people get judged for - Asking in-depth questions on a content area that get perceived as challening the authority - Working harder than expected on tasks and projects can get perceived as "brown-nosing" or "being weird" - Asking clarifying questions to understand what is being said to them - Over-explaning in an effort to be understood and out of anxiety of not getting their thoughts across clearly - Being focused on a task and not on chatting/socializing - Caring deeply about the quality of work they produce and giving in their full effort Yulika Forman, PhD, LHMC In society if you have behavior that is much healthier than a commonly accepted delusion, you're gonna probably be called crazy. 🟥 Daniel Mackler We cannot get healthy if we're unprotected on a sick environment. If we try to be secure inside of these environments where insecure responses are actually the most adaptive. It is not random, our attachment strategies are intelligent and they have perfectly adapted us to the environments we had to navigate when we were very young. It's only when we have more choice they become maladaptive. 🟥 Heidi Priebe When people told me “Let it go, move on”, “Don't focus on the negative” is these were people who were pretty dissociated. Really strongly disconnected from dealing with the painful things that happened to them. I had to be under the authority of people who didn't really treat me well. The way I survived was by letting it go, trying to be positive, put on a happy face, be “normal”, not talk about painful stuff, not grieve. 🟥 Daniel Mackler The experiences and behaviors regarded as indicative of mental illness were really "strategies that a person invents in order to live in an unlivable situation". Anti-psychiatry Neurotypical (NT) personality: - strong social and communication skills - navigates socially complex situations with ease - makes friends and establishes romantic one with ease - ability to participate in loud, crowded, or visually overwhelming settings with ease (verywellmind) "neurotypical individuals often assume that their experience of the world is either the only one or the only correct one"
@ranc1977 Год назад
Orgy of ableism and neurotypical nonsense. Social anxiety is not only going to parties. Social anxiety is also not having money, it is socio - economic issue. It is neurodivergence, so it is biological, there is nothing to cure. Being HSP is not sickness, nor abnormality. CBT is committing Dispositional Attribution, (it is something within the person we observe ie their personality) as oppose to Situational attribution (caused by something outside the person we observe, ie their situation). This happens because CBT is "therapy" intended for rich Americans, to extort money from them. CBT will work only for the rich neurotypicals only - someone who has money to buy off their stress (change job quickly, have influence and matrix to protect them). For example white entitled heterosexual male born into privilege will find another job quickly and be paid much more than anyone else and will experience much less abuse and mobbing and bullying. Similar to Brown Eye Blue Eye experiment by Jane Eliott from 1968. Then for white heterosexual make, CBT appears as some magical cure for any anxiety while in reality it is their white genitalia that is opening doors to happiness and success in his entitled and privileged life. 3:55 "Go up to hiker and tell them Can I speak with you for a moment" Why would you feel entitled to harass other people around you just to clean your anxiety away? Do you know how privileged and entitled and narcissistic this is? People are not here to serve us. What if hiker has severe social anxiety and stranger approaching would seem like trauma shock. That never occurs to you because you are egocentric and narcissistic and see the world and people as something that revolves around you that must kneel down and serve you and your needs and issues at your whim. Highly narcissistic, entitled and privileged. 4:04 "Tell them you have been struggling with social anxiety your whole life" Why would we harass other people and frighten them with psychological concepts which 90% of population have no idea that exist and they see it only through the prism of serial killers and stigma? Simply horrible entitlement and narcissism here. Disgusting really. People are not our slaves that we can abuse whenever we feel down. 4:38 "You're going to do that" That is coercive control. That is actually criminal offense in some states. This is manipulation and control and it is highly ethically and morally wrong to order people to do something which is none of their will. You are literally abusing patients. Your license should be revoked. 4:40 "If you want to be cured" You are making people dissociated, you are not curing them. You are making them to suppress their natural emotions and push them down. You are instructing socially anxious to develop personality disorder and to become zombie depended on your orders and commands. 4:48 "He was trembling" You are abusing patients. You are guilt tripping them. This what you are doing is narcissistic abuse, it is psychological abuse. You weaponize psychology to harm and hurt traumatized victims of abuse. Your CBT method will not make them stronger - social anxiety is trauma, it will not go away with exposure. 5:48 "I am shy, he told to this fellow" This is hiking trip. In real life we will meet narcissists and psychopaths who will actually abuse personal information and personal fears to abuse victims of abuse. You have no idea what kind of damage you are doing here with your weaponized psychiatry. Just horrible what I am listening here. 6:35 "They become best friends" That is great fantasy - but in real life - social anxiety will occur with narcissistic abuse and bullying and mobbing. And telling abnormal psychopaths that we are afraid of them - predators will use this crucial information for free abuse. They will know we have no boundaries, that we lack self worth due to exposure to narcissists like you, they will know we are easy to manipulate and control and they will destroy our lives with constant criticism which caused social anxiety in the first place during ACoA ACE childhood. I can't believe the amount of over-generalization which actually CBT uses to label fears and trauma as sickness in the first place. 7:18 "All of our feelings including social anxiety comes from negative thoughts, messages we give ourselves and those thoughts are always nearly disorted. And when you change the way you think you stop believing those thoughts. You can change the way you feel" OMG. Jesus Christ. First of all, social anxiety comes from Operand Conditioning. It is hypnosis. It is trauma - it stems from ACoA, ACE- when we have untreated mentally ill parent who criticize us all the time, invalidates us and finds faults and errors ALL THE TIME. That is where social anxiety comes from. We were not born with negative thoughts. We did no caught negative thoughts in the cold like some random cold or sneeze. We are born with only 2 fears: fear of falling and fear of loud noises. Everything else is learned and programmed. Secondly, when we follow CBT ideology that we cannot trust our own brain - we will develop severe personality disorder. We will distrust our brain and our common sense - and then we will develop severe codependency - where we will depend on other people to explain us reality. That leads to fawning and narcissistic abuse - where predators will sniff our self hatred and exploit it. Thirdly, when we change how we think - we are nitpicking our brain - and we are abusing ourselves. We go through the same narcissistic abuse which causes social anxiety in the first place - since we are now terrible afraid of being different or abnormal, and we are instructed by faulty CBT to chase perfectionism and narcissism: building a fake image of superiority and overcompensation for our deep seated abnormality which CBT brainwash us to believe in. Fourthly, CBT will gaslit us into distrusting our own conclusions - when we are abused - we will believe we are experiencing social anxiety - which CBT says is hallucination - and now abusers are free to abuse us, since we won't do anything to protect ourselves. We will believe we are causing all the problems. CBT must be banned, it is doing incredible psychological damage to victims of abuse, mobbing and bullying. 7:45 "Behaviorist think avoidance is the cause of all anxiety" Bunch of BS. I can prove this in a second: Socially anxious person will not feel any anxiety when he is 1-on-1. Therefore, avoidance or non-avoidance has nothing to do with social anxiety. This is CBT myth. CBT is horrible ableist therapy, it is horrendous that CBT medieval techniques are used in 21st century. Think of Rush Stockton - he believed that his carbon fibre can work in deep pressure environment - until it imploded. The same way as trauma - it is carbon fibre. It will implode in deep pressure, it will not become stronger, as Rush believed himself due to his entitlement and narcissism. Another example is Michael Jackson or Prince - they both had severe social anxiety - which was Functional for them. This means - they exposed a lot. They had concerts in front of billions of people - without any anxiety at all, they made movies without problems. But their unresolved trauma ended in tragedy for both of them. Quotes: Dr James Davies (PhD), TWITTER: DSM defined 'mental disorder' as a 'dysfunction in the person' - as if suffering stems from a faulty self. This of course is pure ideology, with no objective evidence to support it - an ideology erasing any notion that our suffering may have meaning or something vital to teach. Dr. Roger McFillin, TWITTER: If you sit down with people and have an honest conversation about their emotional lives most people will report some difficulty. It's only in the modern mental health system where this can turn into mental illness & easily into a drug prescription. It's a scam.
@lagomorphia9 Год назад
Can this brain plasticity apply for adult brains too, people who werent diagnosed until adulthood, or only children.
@bomcimtube Год назад
they probably do since brain plasticization happens in adults too
@yfdvjjjhvdd Год назад
@walidsarwary Год назад
Hello bro, I wanted to know that does sluggish cognitive tempo effect memory? like let's say if someone give you 5 words to memorize, can you do it ?, I have sluggish cognitive tempo I have a very hard time to process information and learn new things I had always trouble at school job and everything in life now I am concerned about my memory does this happen to you?
@Desh681 Год назад
Yeah it does, affects memory retrieval pretty sure. And I think memory storage in a heavy fog/lethargic state. Important to note that, like ADHD, it’s symptoms don’t occur _all_ the time. Generally when you reach the bottom of your executive function tank
@walidsarwary Год назад
@Desh681 because I think I developed dementia I wanna know if this is because of SCT or this is normal , my prossesing information is very bad that's why ? I am different from normal people
@Desh681 Год назад
@@walidsarwary Dementia? Whats your age (can give rough estimate). And symptoms of dementia
@walidsarwary Год назад
@Desh681 I am 39 I'm concerned that I might have mild cognitive imperement cause the symptoms overlap
@ranc1977 Год назад
Social anxiety is condition that is reaction to narcissistic abuse and ACoA trauma in childhood. It is also neurodiversity - where brain is functioning in different manner than with neurotypicals. These techniques therefore are useless. If we are in mobbing situation, it is not problem with our will - we are abused, problem is with evil person which society does not punish nor isolate from general society. Instead - target of abuse is institutionalized and pathologized. Exposure will not help at all. It is the same as to say that Carbon Fibre will become stronger with each exposure to deep pressure - it will only crack under pressure and implode eventually. CBT's wrong explanation that social anxiety means "weakness" and that the cure is "being strong" will end up as pathologizing victims of narcissistic abuse. It is the same as to say that Ukraine is weak and it must be strong in the face of Putin and Wagner psychopaths. Exposure will only bring Dissociation, which is mental illness. When we are brainwashed with CBT wrong explanations that our emotions are equal to our self worth, that is called Thought Action Fusion and it leads to mental illness. This means - we equate feeling panic with our core being - that we are pathetic and weak and abnormal for having reactions to psychopaths and sociopaths around us. Also CBT's explanations are called Dispositional Attribution: where the person is being stigmatized and proved to be the cause of problem and issues with social anxiety - while situational causes are totally ignored. "Dispositional attribution assigns the cause of behavior to some internal characteristic of a person rather than to outside forces. When we explain the behavior of others, we look for enduring internal attributions, such as personality traits. This is known as the fundamental attribution error." quote by SimplyPsychology In this way, CBT is narcissistic abuse and ableist therapy - which uses narcissistic control manipulation techniques to abuse: such as gaslighting and forcing the socially anxious person to doubt their own mind and ability to interpret reality and what is going on around them. For the rich white heterosexual male born with privilege and entitlement and silver spoon in their mouth - it is highly likely to be narcissistic and egocentric and easily conveniently blame other people for any problems that happen to them. Social anxiety is fear of expressing own opinion and thoughts and to know how to recognize narcissistic abuse and toxic people - where not expressing anything is the best solution to handle sociopaths. This way exposure means being authentic and honest and follow own gut and common sense and goals in life - where CBT's exposure will happen naturally and as a result of own's brain capacity to process data and make decisions in life - not as coercive control CBT manipulation and making socially anxious brainwash with idea that they do not have mental capacity to make decisions in life or calculate reality and processing it.