Vatican News - English
Vatican News - English
Vatican News - English
Welcome to our Vatican News - English Channel.
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This Channel opened on December 16th 2017 and is updated daily.
Vatican News is a service provided by the Vatican Dicastery for Communication.

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Vatican & World News 26.10.2024
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@miadahhajbi6442 22 дня назад
ما تجبلي شكلاته يا بلاش يا ولا
@miadahhajbi6442 Месяц назад
Be happy if all Jewish become Muslim no drugs no drinks no gamble no killing their own kids
@DavidSunseri 2 месяца назад
Without migrants, the catholic church in the USA would fall apart. Migrants (Irish and Italians)supporting the church for 200 years in this country have kept it afloat. That is why catholic clergymen always describe the institution as a "community of migrants". At first this sounds so idealistic and wonderful but in actuality it is a formula for keeping this brain-dead church alive. No migrants = no church.
@swisstunisian 3 месяца назад
@thatisabsolutelykooooge2211 5 месяцев назад
LOL yea OKAY!!!!!
@miadahhajbi6442 7 месяцев назад
Hahaha you never teach me how to love you man shut up
@jurajkovacik2430 7 месяцев назад
do we have the opportunity to look in the eyes of a mister who is responssible for fall of the twins in 2001?
@ВикторияКосковски 9 месяцев назад
Dziekuje za pomoc ,byles wiele lat sponsorem naszych projektow,ale jak poznalismy sie miales za pierwszym razem tylko 15minut bo byles wlasnym samolotem,to byla tez nauka,albo pracujesz albo odpoczywasz,nic poza tym,tylko praca i rodzina
@msgoody2shoes959 9 месяцев назад
A man can cum into a his wife’s vagina and scoop it up, grab a woman’s egg, throw it into a Petri dish and the when large enough, implanting it into the uterus, is just fine. An embryo that develops outside the womb is ALWAYS DISCARDED-viable or not. This is usually called an ectopic pregnancy or a miscarry. What do you want women to collect all of her menses and search thru it to see if there’s a fertilized egg that did not attach and bury it?!?!?!?! What the he’ll is wrong with the men in this church?!
@miadahhajbi6442 9 месяцев назад
Don't use his makeup it's all poison
@miadahhajbi6442 9 месяцев назад
Jewish killing Jewish stop helping them they use your names to cover their crime
@SmithsnMoz 11 месяцев назад
HOPEFULLY he converts to the Catholic faith before he dies! 😮
@SmithsnMoz 11 месяцев назад
@chriscon818 Год назад
I would love to meet Christophe Pierre. I’m on a mission to learn the upper echelons of life. Someone as honorable and righteous as him is who I can learn from.
@SmithsnMoz 11 месяцев назад
Hahaha 😆...
@miadahhajbi6442 Год назад
You know something if iam a Jewish I converted immediately to anything else. Come on man hates speech is come from the jewish mouse cuz they have nothing to say when they see the reality. Jewish killing Jewish like crazy. Are you serious? Go to the hospitals. See for yourself
@zegblaz3875 Год назад
Don't worry, we will pray.
@IesusLucero Год назад
Another coward modernist heretic made a cardinal?
@Tyler_Skye77 Год назад
I wanted to watch it 😔
@Tyler_Skye77 Год назад
How is this not available? Because it’s over 700 hours long? It streamed 6 minutes ago. Also, comments are on?
@briendoyle4680 Год назад
Get rid of this fascist preist: This Pavone 'preist' is a threat to everything that Democracy represents! He is against Women and their rights! Why was Fr Pavone laicized? Laicized priest Frank Pavone was accused before his laicization of sexual harassment, grooming behavior, and coercive physical contact with young women, several sources close to the allegations have told The Pillar. He was dismissed from the priesthood and laicized by decree of the Dicastery for the Clergy for "blasphemous communications on social media" and "persistent disobedience of the lawful instructions of his diocesan bishop". The social media controversy likely also involved Pavone's tweets, including calling then-Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden a “[expletive] loser” and that the Democratic Party was “God-hating” and “America-hating” and that Biden’s supporters “can’t say a [expletive] thing in support of their loser candidate without using the word Trump.”; The Amarillo Diocese issued a statement disavowing Pavone’s comments, saying he used “scandalous words not becoming of a Catholic priest.”
@edgars514 Год назад
La idea de una renta básica universal (RBU) es tan antigua como la civilización misma. Algunos países, como Finlandia, Canadá, Kenia y Holanda, han realizado experimentos piloto con la RBU. Los resultados han sido alentadores, mostrando que la RBU tiene un impacto positivo en la salud mental y física de los participantes, y que puede ayudar a reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad. Sin embargo, un obstáculo para la implementación de la RBU es su costo. Los gobiernos no disponen de los recursos económicos para financiarla. Hope Solution propone una nueva forma de financiar la RBU: la distribución de las ganancias de la publicidad. La publicidad es una de las fuentes de ingresos más abundantes del mundo, y todos los ciudadanos, independientemente de su situación económica, invierten su tiempo viendo anuncios. Creemos que es momento de plantear si el formato expuesto es el que corresponde, sin modificar el objetivo de la RBU (garantizar que todos puedan optar a un nivel mínimo de ingresos para cubrir las necesidades básicas y reducir la desigualdad) www.linkedin.com/posts/edgar-solis-a46b51201_la-renta-b%C3%A1sica-universal-un-sue%C3%B1o-que-puede-ugcPost-7091307225100550144-stCa?
@edgars514 Год назад
La idea de una renta básica universal (RBU) es tan antigua como la civilización misma. Algunos países, como Finlandia, Canadá, Kenia y Holanda, han realizado experimentos piloto con la RBU. Los resultados han sido alentadores, mostrando que la RBU tiene un impacto positivo en la salud mental y física de los participantes, y que puede ayudar a reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad. Sin embargo, un obstáculo para la implementación de la RBU es su costo. Los gobiernos no disponen de los recursos económicos para financiarla. Hope Solution propone una nueva forma de financiar la RBU: la distribución de las ganancias de la publicidad. La publicidad es una de las fuentes de ingresos más abundantes del mundo, y todos los ciudadanos, independientemente de su situación económica, invierten su tiempo viendo anuncios. Creemos que es momento de plantear si el formato expuesto es el que corresponde, sin modificar el objetivo de la RBU (garantizar que todos puedan optar a un nivel mínimo de ingresos para cubrir las necesidades básicas y reducir la desigualdad) www.linkedin.com/posts/edgar-solis-a46b51201_la-renta-b%C3%A1sica-universal-un-sue%C3%B1o-que-puede-ugcPost-7091307225100550144-stCa?
@edgars514 Год назад
La idea de una renta básica universal (RBU) es tan antigua como la civilización misma. Algunos países, como Finlandia, Canadá, Kenia y Holanda, han realizado experimentos piloto con la RBU. Los resultados han sido alentadores, mostrando que la RBU tiene un impacto positivo en la salud mental y física de los participantes, y que puede ayudar a reducir la pobreza y la desigualdad. Sin embargo, un obstáculo para la implementación de la RBU es su costo. Los gobiernos no disponen de los recursos económicos para financiarla. Hope Solution propone una nueva forma de financiar la RBU: la distribución de las ganancias de la publicidad. La publicidad es una de las fuentes de ingresos más abundantes del mundo, y todos los ciudadanos, independientemente de su situación económica, invierten su tiempo viendo anuncios. Creemos que es momento de plantear si el formato expuesto es el que corresponde, sin modificar el objetivo de la RBU (garantizar que todos puedan optar a un nivel mínimo de ingresos para cubrir las necesidades básicas y reducir la desigualdad) www.linkedin.com/posts/edgar-solis-a46b51201_la-renta-b%C3%A1sica-universal-un-sue%C3%B1o-que-puede-ugcPost-7091307225100550144-stCa?
@alphonsecetenz9260 Год назад
Il ne dit presque rien. Took a long time to include our Lord and the the Holy Spirit
@miadahhajbi6442 Год назад
Can you tell us why your Jewish going crazy when they see any Muslim person you can't even tell them you are a Muslim what you doing in every school teaching the kids sex all your life you live with Arabic how come American people heat Muslim so bad asshole tell us the secret you killing them and tell them the Arabic killing you they all on drug drunk you guys talking to them in every bars lie in the same time you feeding them the snake poison answer the question
@miadahhajbi6442 Год назад
Are expecting to hear Nice speech from your victims. Lost their parents. Their kids in every hospital's in every bars shut the f*** off
@miadahhajbi6442 Год назад
Lucky you find something to talk if i am you I resign him deeply and never show my face to nobody. You belong behind the bar. You and all this rosechild family
@dlc435 Год назад
Child Rapist Ronald, you deserve to be arrested, tried, convicted, and SODOMIZED for the crime of Child Rape.
@treomobiel 3 года назад
Israel is terrorist state.
@jag0937eb 3 года назад
both poops
@zorankafadar5133 4 года назад
There is many Gods , pope Francis will never pray to God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob ? He will pray just to God ! but witch one ? God of Babylon, God of Baal, God of Hindu , God of Mohamed , God of Shiwa , God of Nemrod or Tamuz etc. ?????
@zorankafadar5133 4 года назад
Vatican is Babylon , we can read in the Bible .. Pope Francis is Jezuit !! Jezuit is the most evil people in the world ..we Catholic , we don't want Vatican rules any more ...we want separate like ,orthodox and protestants ..we see Catholic church is going in wrong way with evil Jezuit and many Catholic want get out from Vatican ...
@thaliarose8741 4 года назад
May Lord God have mercy on us..in Jesus name we pray
@zorankafadar5133 4 года назад
He is Jezuit ? Do you know who is Jezuits ? The most bad think in the world...
@crisguia 4 года назад
May Pope Francis be especially blessed by God so that he will stay healthy throughout this coronavirus19 ordeal in Italy and in the world. While on lockdown, I've been watching religious films, like David and Bathsheba, where God punished King David and his people because of their sinfulness, esp. David's. God sent drought and calamities that caused people to blame David, esp. his wife who they wanted to stone to death. The king decided to go to the Ark of the Covenant to pray for God's forgiveness, mercy and help, and God saw into his heart that he meant all he said and so he was forgiven, and the drought and calamities stopped. The world needs someone close to God to pray before the Ark of the Covenant too on behalf of mankind and the world so that coronavirus19 and other diseases and also the calamities will stop. God in His great mercy will forgive and help us all.
@zorankafadar5133 4 года назад
Pope Jezuit Francis is so bad person and he cant do nothing with prayers ...he is Jezuit ! Go to search and see who was Jezuit or see Alberto Rivera who was member of Vatican ..!!
@timekeeperg2112 4 года назад
Of course they preach mercy... They are desperate for it... Well I believe in a just God and in Him they shall find just mercy!!! As for their millions of victims ... They should not try to guilt the oppressed into forgiving their immoral sins and murders and theft of billions.... They do not and will never have my respect... They are of Satan not Jesus Christ or the Father.... They only commit blasphemies and are the woes hypocrites of all the history of mankind!!!! Just calling the head pedo the Holy Father is utter blasphemy!!!!!
@sagegarden5310 4 года назад
Listen up brah.....as a openly Gay , New Thought Christian , I have my share of dislikes against the Catholic Church. Pope Francis has really earned my respect though n even though I'll likely never go back to the Catholic faith , I think this is a good time with the virus happening to self reflect n think on how we can all be better rather than pointing finger, judging n condemning someone else's Faith. Unite with the greater good of all humanity n look within to self improve.
@jjuukojjuuko4730 4 года назад
THANKS BE TO GOD...! THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL! FOR TODAY, "HE HAS SHOWN TO US, HIS ANOINTED PROPHET, WHO RIGHT NOW, IS IN CHARGE OF MOSES 'S ROD! WITH WHICH, HE USED TO STRUCK THE NILE!" Glory Be TO The Father and to the Son and of the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall Be world without end. Amen. Oh Jesus of Nazareth!...! We Humbly Beg You O Dear Lord, to SPARE our Lives in this CRITICAL situation of Coronavirus! For we CLING to You O Lord and we TRUST in Your Mercy! CHRIST, GRACIOUSLY HEAR OUR PLEA! In Jesus Most Holy Name we Humbly Pray! Amen.
@MindbodyMedic 4 года назад
Quotes Elie Wiesel, the scumbag who supported Israel's ethnic colonisation program in the West Bank.
@tomjones8608 4 года назад
Dear Mr. Lauder, If you TRULY want to fight "antisemitism " , You need to assemble your lonsmen to stop insane Jewish individuals like, Barbara Lerner Spectre, that started a campaign years ago to, " calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies" (@ that hold sway over weak political leaders who cuck their own people's safety and well-being to at her wish, advocate and lobby to bring in insane and incompatible cultures to European countries and America that wish to do harm, EVEN TO OTHER JEWS. You can not hide this fact, while you fight to end "antisemitism" .
@tomjones8608 4 года назад
Dear Mr. Lauder, If you TRULY want to fight "antisemitism " , You need to assemble your lonsmen to stop insane Jewish individuals like, Barbara Lerner Spectre, that started a campaign years ago to, " calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies" (@ that hold sway over weak political leaders who cuck their own people's safety and well-being to at her wish, advocate and lobby to bring in insane and incompatible cultures to European countries and America that wish to do harm, EVEN TO OTHER JEWS. You can not hide this fact, while you fight to end "antisemitism" .
@tomjones8608 4 года назад
Dear Mr. Lauder, If you TRULY want to fight "antisemitism " , You need to assemble your lonsmen to stop insane Jewish individuals like, Barbara Lerner Spectre, that started a campaign years ago to, " calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies" (@ that hold sway over weak political leaders who cuck their own people's safety and well-being to at her wish, advocate and lobby to bring in insane and incompatible cultures to European countries and America that wish to do harm, EVEN TO OTHER JEWS. You can not hide this fact, while you fight to end "antisemitism" .
@tomjones8608 4 года назад
Dear Mr. Lauder, If you TRULY want to fight "antisemitism " , You need to assemble your lonsmen to stop insane Jewish individuals like, Barbara Lerner Spectre, that started a campaign years ago to, " calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies" (@ that hold sway over weak political leaders who cuck their own people's safety and well-being to at her wish, advocate and lobby to bring in insane and incompatible cultures to European countries and America that wish to do harm, EVEN TO OTHER JEWS. You can not hide this fact, while you fight to end "antisemitism" .
@eduardorivera4343 5 лет назад
Say that to Palestinians.
@thebestofallworlds187 4 года назад
@tdevry 4 года назад
Say what to the Palestinians? that they should stop hating? That is not going to happen.
@thebestofallworlds187 4 года назад
@@tdevry stop invading their land and trying to conquer it.
@tdevry 4 года назад
@@thebestofallworlds187 Their land? Jews have been living there for 3500 years.....long before the Palestinians which are not indigenous or true Palestinians. How about giving back all the land stolen from fleeing Jews all over Arab countries?
@toofastforyall8590 4 года назад
@@tdevry Philistines have been living there for 6,000 years. It's Philistine Roman land not Arabia or Jewish
@L.M1792 5 лет назад
This is a measured step in the correct direction, and needs to be countered by a need to educate before the conflicting mistakes are made and the courts of man, readily built to persecute and encourage ruin, are once more overrun with too many needless victims. LM Remedy? More reading of the bible and learning via holy men and women, people true to the calling of God to turn to assistance from. * * * I honestly thought our organisations already worked towards these ends. Ban petrol and diesel from public environments, as a severe danger to public health.
@thebestofallworlds187 4 года назад
yeah yeah hush.
@MrAquinas1 5 лет назад
A rare honest professional in journalism, but I hope she understands the difficulties inherent in one matter that hasn't been mentioned much in this synod. Obviously, the evil of past indifference must be confronted, but there must be mechanisms, which would also benefit real victims, for identifying false accusers. She somewhat alluded to the fact that their are ideologues in journalism who are not interested in truth but seek to exploit bad events in the Church to damage it.
@jackgibes9623 5 лет назад
sister is 100% right, but from what we see and hear most bishops are gonna stay silent and do nothing Cupich to sit there is a disgrace to American people, he himself covered up like many present there bishops or their brothers it is a joke
@Charity-vm4bt 5 лет назад
Sister says deliverance is needed. Exorcism and deliverance are needed because this type of perversity is caused by occult Masonry and Satanism. Only Jesus can deliver, not human determination, nor human willpower. Church needs prof'l services such as pastors from non-Cath denoms and psych services. Fr. Gabriel Amorth wrote about rise of satanism and increased need for exorcism/deliverance. They are still dealing with this as a legal and administrative nuisance. The Church is not able to correct itself. It is still a "blame the victim game."
@johnmurphy7747 5 лет назад
Good stuff
@michaelgreenan7196 5 лет назад
She is delivering some tough words!
@dobramuza176 5 лет назад
Why this is in german? It is english channel