The Kandari Chronicles
The Kandari Chronicles
The Kandari Chronicles
Committed to sharing knowledge, stories and commentary about the Middle East through video essays about topics such as history, folklore, society.

The sharing is not strictly about relaying knowledge, but also about documenting and preserving elements of culture that in today's educational system might be challenged by oversight or struggling with potential gradual irrelevance.

The commentary revolves around looking at simple realities or concepts, but with a slight change of perspective; hoping that this minute change of view, will shed new light and provide fresh understandings.

A final angle is to introduce old stories but told in a modern way to grab the attention of an audience that is now challenged attention wise and expects content to be packaged in a speedier and more engaging manner.
ROGUE NATION - Is Israel Above the Law?
3 месяца назад
@carlajoseph5091 6 часов назад
Hey, stupid enough for the foolishness,,, they left black,, came black, white.
@bornforthc1247 День назад
Sunan Abi Dawud 67 : describes Islam perfectly. “Islams clean trust me bro” Meanwhile it’s full of that….. lol
@bornforthc1247 День назад
I call your profit a PDF file you will attack, you insult me by “oh we know Jesus too” when you know ISSA is what you mean. Perhaps you forgot who invited the Jews to Palestine or who had projected having WMDs? I will work from now until my last breath to advocate against the antichrists of Islam.
@safuwanfauzi5014 День назад
Qedar Confederation or Nabateans Kingdom? in Negev, Jordan and North Saudi Arabia?
@mazinal-siyabi2719 День назад
where are you from?
@majidpersona9346 2 дня назад
Hollywood is jewish ,always has been.What do you expect ? Its main goal is propaganda and manipulation.
@Piltzintecuhtli-7 2 дня назад
Thank you for sharing this knowledge.
@Piltzintecuhtli-7 2 дня назад
The Star of Remphan
@mpty2022 3 дня назад
i love this guy, he portray the reality unlike taking sides
@thekevguy9966 3 дня назад
Funny how arabs defend this as saying this is not colonization because it was during a different era but sure, going to Spain and Portugal or places like Iran, India or Afghanistan it was just a simple travel to see what was there to the natives that had nothing to do with arab and islam at all.
@Jamaal4Jesus 4 дня назад
Islam was spread by the sword. This is even found in Islamic sources. You're just biased. Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), a Maliki jurist, renowned philosopher, historian, and sociologist, summarized these consensus opinions from five centuries of prior jihad: In the Muslim community, the holy war is a religious duty, because of the universalism of the Muslim mission and (the obligation to) convert everybody to Islam either by persuasion or by force…. The other religious groups did not have a universal mission, and the holy war was not a religious duty for them, save only for purposes of defense…. Islam is under obligation to gain power over other nations. (Ibn Khaldun, The Muqudimmah: An Introduction to History, Vol. 1, p. 291) Ibn Kathir wrote of Muhammad’s aggression: When Allah, Most High, ordered the believers to prohibit the disbelievers form [sic] entering or coming near the sacred Mosque. On that, Quraish thought that this would reduce their profit from trade. THEREFORE, Allah, Most High, COMPENSATED THEM and ordered them to fight the people of the Book UNTIL THEY EMBRACE ISLAM OR PAY THE JIZYAH. Allah says… (At-Tawbah: 28-29) Therefore, the Messenger of Allah decided to fight the Romans IN ORDER TO CALL THEM TO ISLAM… (Ibn Kathir, The Battle of the Prophets, pp. 183-184) The following is a source that reveals how the people of Mecca wanted to leave Islam but were forced to remain Muslim. `Attab Ibn Asid was the governor appointed by Muhammad over Mecca, and Suhayl Ibn Amr was the military leader who governed most of the soldiers who had conquered Mecca: Ibn Hisham says: It is narrated on the authority of Abu `Ubaydah and others that when the Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him] died the majority of the people of Makkah intended to renegade from Islam so much that `Attab Ibn Asid feared them and concealed himself (from them). On that Suhayl Ibn Amr stood up and praised Allah and lauded Him, and made a mention of the death of The Messenger of Allah [peace be upon him] and then said: “No doubt, this (death of the Prophet) but increased the Islam in power. Whoever rouses doubt, we will chop off his head.” Thus the people retracted and desisted from what they intended to do and `Attab Ibn Asd appeared. (`Abd Al Malik Ibn Hisham, The Prophetic Biography - Sirah of Ibnu Hisham, p. 670) Muslims were sent out to conquer the surrounding nations. This is even recorded in the following hadith: Narrated Jubair bin Haiya: `Umar sent the Muslims to the great countries to fight the pagans. When Al-Hurmuzan embraced Islam, `Umar said to him. “I would like to consult you regarding these countries which I intend to invade.”… Our Prophet, the Messenger of our Lord, has ordered us to fight you till you worship Allah Alone or give Jizya (i.e. tribute); and our Prophet has informed us that our Lord says:- “Whoever amongst us is killed (i.e. martyred), shall go to Paradise to lead such a luxurious life as he has never seen, and whoever amongst us remain alive, shall become your master.”… (Sahih al-Bukhari 3159, 3160) One of the earliest surviving Christian texts from the Islamic period in Syria, dated around 640 AD, describes the rise of Islam in this way: They take the wife away from her husband and slay him like a sheep. They throw the babe from her mother and drive her into slavery; the child calls out from the ground and the mother hears, yet what is she to do? And so it is trampled under the feet of the horses, camels and infantry …. They separate the children from the mother like the soul from within the body, and she watches as they divide her loved ones from off her lap, two of them to go to two masters, herself to another …. Her children cry out in lament, their eyes hot with tears. She turns to her loved ones, milk pouring forth from her breast: “Go in peace, my darlings, and may God accompany you.” (Seeing Islam As Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early Islam, Robert G. Hoyland, p. 262)
@patricksharp1063 5 дней назад
Without its fears and Taqiyya, Islam dies.
@thekandarichronicles 4 дня назад
I know we disagree.
@alexelshami8723 5 дней назад
I'm a Druze originally from Syria, and back in 2015 I accepted an invention from my Muslim neighbor to attend the Friday prayer in the upper class Almalki neighborhood in Damascus, the Imam literally shouted: "Khorasani Muslims are closer to you than your unbeliever Syrian neighbor", I was horrified and shocked, because that's not what my community taught me about Syrian pertinence, then in 2018 ISIS attacked our mountain killing hundreds and we didn't saw any sympathizes from our Muslim country men, no offence but minority groups in the Muslim world has been discriminated violently especially in the last tow centuries and are collectively witnesses to the "Muslim Mob" anger syndrome
@thekandarichronicles 4 дня назад
I can understand your sentiment. Yes the mob is a terrible example of any faith, not only Islam. But as you would know, theirs is an anger that is outside of religion. Unfortunately in some Arab nations, this isn't limited to minorities behaving in such a way but the majority.
@pederchristopher 5 дней назад
Was greatly moved by the conclusion. The gap between the teaching and the customs. I have wrestled with this issue so much. Was in Pakistan at the time of those riots against the RU-vid video... Ishq e Nabi I think they called them. There really is an underlying rage in the culture, ready to burst at the slightest provocation. Pakistan's national poet Allama Iqbal captures this in his most popular poem 'Shiqwa' (The Complaint) in which he laments the subjugation of the faithfull by the misbelievers. Hugely important in the nation's psyche, and included in every 10th grade Urdu exam. The outrage and humiliation are strong. But on the other side of the spectrum I feel so many Muslims in the west try to pander to western sentiment by this cheap party line of "Islam is a religion of peace". Which it really isn't... i.e. look at the top 100 Islamiat curriculums and see how often 'peace' as a concept is discussed. HOWEVER, take those same curriculums and see how much 'sabar', or self restraint is discussed, its probably one of the top concepts for practitioners of the faith. And one of the hardest things to learn in life. There is this beautiful meditation recited by one of the characters in Ashfaq Ahmed's short story "The Shepherd" which I feel captures the ideal... I have sometimes recited it to myself: To the servants of the man on whose head the people of Mecca threw their waste, I am but the lowliest slave.
@thekandarichronicles 4 дня назад
Wow! Again you overwhelm me positively with your sharing. Always look forward to your additions as they are sharp and pointed, full of wisdoms
@albarrany-ny2ol 5 дней назад
Thank you
@thekandarichronicles 4 дня назад
My pleasure and I am very glad you enjoyed watching.
@shadowsquid1351 5 дней назад
Brilliant video as always! In a successful society we need freedom, justice, fairness and enlightment through science, religion, art & philosophy in order for us to gain falah or success as nations in this life, especially as groups not just individuals. Especially in islam since it demands from us to seek knowledge & apply it to good causes. The collective mind of the arab/muslim world sometimes tends to fall into similar problems from the past & I think it might be bc of the glorification of the past, as well as giving in too much to the mainstream "religious figures" who change their tune under influence of money or power or the celebrity status, fallacy of authority is an extremelly dangerous pitfall to fall into. I noticed some comments talking about the afterlife as if it's the only goal but they tend to forget that the path to the next life is through this one, that we are responsible for building this world, ethically as well as physically, building societies that accept & respect the responsibilities we inherited as humans to make the world a better place, we shouldn't give up on this world just bc our reality is challenging 🤷‍♀️
@thekandarichronicles 4 дня назад
Your last point hits home. That's the shift we need to look at this life in the original concepts of Al Fallah.
@eldraque4556 5 дней назад
fascinating, thank you
@thekandarichronicles 4 дня назад
Eldraque4556 I appreciate your wonderful support.
@JimMaisonneuve-ri9vg 5 дней назад
The first victims of Islam are muslims themselves!
@mosada101 5 дней назад
Amazing video... Leaves one ponder..
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Pondering is ideal. Nothing feels better than neural links being formed.
@awadnofal 5 дней назад
The best channel on RU-vid.
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Away you make my day every time you comment! Appreciate it.
@infrared2084 5 дней назад
Muslims have been subjected to war and tyranny Things are changing
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
True, and also true is that Muslims have also been subject to their own tyranny as well. But yes things are definitely changing.
@tafheemyeasir1606 5 дней назад
It only appears to some as "anger" because it is of another language. It is a style of emotive oration that you can also see in christian sermons. You can put an old Bill Murr sermon and a friday sermon by any Sheikh side by side and you can see the resemblance
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Not entirely sure Tafheem. Excitedness or passion can easily be differentiated from anger, even when you dont know the language. Christian sermons can also be labelled anger fuelled. Doesn't justify either scenario.
@lunassr7212 5 дней назад
for me its just hadeeths from 1.Africa Nizaris Ismail Al Muta'alliyah Al Bathinai Ad in Islam Buchari Moslim 2.Asia/Israel religion Al Duruzi/druze is Hashishin =Nizaris ISmaili Fatimid Al Muta'alliyah Al Bathini Ad Din Islam Buchari Moslim have 7 part with different Angel live-in Ibadis most very wide scope Allah and Angel not different,Nushairi Turkey,Allawy Syria,Ismaili Sabah,Fatimid Africa and Europe,Maslaman Yaman/Irak/Iran/Pakistan/Afganistan with ordo Roshinaya from Ribat AlFuttuwah adopted in Katolik Rosicrussian.in Indonesia call Siwed activit by pencak Silat Malayu 6 movement and Pagaruyung Silat 5 movement tehnik under kingdom Mayimun Aceh. and Aga Khan with Ordo Nizaris with holly book Baha'i. in Kuwait this time Hasan I sabah generation 33 is dead(1996-2004) and leader now is HAsan I Sabah 34-why Irak attack Kuwait order by Sadam Husien with power his tareka military Irak:Irak News in Budha Blood/have Hashishin with ordo preach and have anti tesis is sayyed NISAHSAh (Global Review News)
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Thank you or sharing your insights and knowledge @lunassr7212.
@lunassr7212 5 дней назад
@@thekandarichronicles your wellcome i am from Indonesia,but much Islam country be research about one mysterious ordo the Hashishin could be Budha Blood/black magic Budha and anti HAshishin in Budha type is NISHASHAH/Nizaris have power by Ikzabti work effect 7 Prophet among 30 Ulema and 30 Dajjal-with target among line 1001 accident/1001 News,all is depends Sura Al Qadr the anti tesis is Sora Idza ja'anash rullohi walfathu
@Loveandpeace2357 5 дней назад
Read clean break report
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Yes people should read it. It's a short outcome of decades of US Zionist strategic alignment.
@Loveandpeace2357 5 дней назад
History is repeating itself
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Indeed it is.
@humanitarianH 5 дней назад
Thank you for your continued teachings. Great work.
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Always appreciated and glad to see your support here.
@abdalazizariff5154 6 дней назад
WHAT WERE THE REASONS ,ENGLISH,FRENCHDUTCH AND GERMANS COLONIZED. US ? [OUR OWN DEEDS] When Napoleon Bonaparte invaded Egypt, the high priests of Islam at Al-Azhar were doing what is called KHATAM--E -BUKHARI -IT DID NOT WORK EGYPT WAS CONQUERED. AS FAR AS FRIDAY PRAYER- "Quran itself is the explanation and above all, God’s preemptive use of the very same terms the sectarians use for their sources as a warning. God describes the Quran as the “Best Hadith” Quran 39:23 and the “Best Tafsir” Quran 25:33 Let us not settle for less than the best that God has to offer.This whole sectarian mess can be traced to the curse of “different interpretations” notion. Quran cannot be interpreted differently if one were to stick to the Quranic guidelines of how to interpret the verses of the Quran found in the Quran itself.Islam is the ultimate do it yourself religion both on an individual level and community level. Islam is definitely not based on “reviews” of others, it is all about research and understanding of God’s words directly, using the God-given faculties of observation, reason, and logic. Failing to do so opens the possibility of being declared less than cattle by God Himself.Unlike the third parties review methodology, the reason and logic methodology have a huge advantage; besides the only methodology sanctioned in the Quran itself (in fact, detailed foolproof guidelines of interpretation of the Quran are embedded in the Quran as one would expect from a Divine message) anybody, Muslim or non Muslim who uses these embedded guidelines will arrive at the same conclusion unless one breaks the established rules of logic, sound research, and rational thought.Since man has a forgetful nature, a few reminders." "Add to it the strange omission of the Friday Sermons and we are left with gaps that no God-fearing thinking person can ignore. While the Friday sermon is ubiquitous in the Muslim world today, it may come as a shock to many that out of an estimated thousand or so sermons reportedly delivered by the messenger of God, not a single sermon was committed to memory by any of the thousands of attendees and passed on. Given the scale and reach of these supposedly regular sermons, it is more than strange that the famed memory champions of the time could not manage a single complete sermon so that it could make it into any of the popular collections.These Friday sermons were the perfect opportunities for the recording of mutawatir reports, as the Quran demands. So if we were to go with the famed memory champions narrative then it is not at all unreasonable to imagine that they were systematically pruned from all collections. The question is why?" Marvelous Quran [may 2023] Why There are No Friday Sermons from Muhammad? Did they hide them? What else was hidden ISLAMIC DAYS WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS [1-] (Yaum) al-Aḥad دحلأا (first day)[2-] (Yaum) al-Ithnayn نينثلإا (second day)[3-] (Yaum) ath-Thalaathaaʼ ءاثلاثلا (third day) [4-] (Yaum) al-Arba‘aa’ ءاعبرلأا (fourth day)5- (Yaum) al-Khamīs سيمخلا (fifth day) [6-] (Yaum) al-Sittah هتسلا (Sixth day) [7-] (Yaum) al-Sab’a ةعبس (seventh day) BUT THEY CHANGED IT TO [6-] (Yaum) al-Jumu‘ah ةعمجلا (Friday) ??? Most Muslims Don’t Really Believe That the Quran Is the Word of God
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Amazing insights Abdulaziz. I have never really thought of the missing sermons. Great opportunity to document knowledge and wisdom by the Prophet but somehow, we only have a shadow of their number.
@briancordero7674 6 дней назад
If we look at the Ancient Greeks , it was their agricultural surplus that afforded them armies for security, leisure time for philosophy, and interaction with other peoples for resources in knowledge. The same reigned true for Rome and its vast powerful armies and conquests . America's prosperity financed science, technology, military, industry investments and banking. You need money to have time for intellectual growth and discovery , otherwise the labor of seeking a basic livelihood will consume the people's time and lives .
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Great insight. They always have said, culture is a luxury for the rich. Normal people don't have the time.
@user-th5ui4ib3y 6 дней назад
seems like the anger is more (geo-)political than religious.
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Very much so. A candid perception. To be honest, all things that are portrayed as religious fanaticism have nothing to do with religion or faith and are more involved in the world of politics and power.
@Zoraiz.B 6 дней назад
Great work as always. Time well spent. Mashallah keep growing and guiding.
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Thank you so much. Your comments as always are wonderful and greatly appreciated.
@amro7798 6 дней назад
Salaam alaikum brother, every one of your videos is perfectly done with beneficial knowledge, information and facts. I agree with you in that as Muslims we have to change and we must not let things others do control our reactions. One principle I have lived my life by is, ‘what would the Prophet (pbuh) do in this situation?’ For me it makes it easier to know how to live in this world.
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
Spot on Amro. To be honest anger is not a bad sentiment, but it becomes bad when we let it control our reactions and decisions. Your method is also commended, do as the Prophet would. There is great wisdom there.
@bigsmoke4568 6 дней назад
All the Muslims I've ever met have been extremely violent. Especially when I tell then that I left Islam
@xp9901 6 дней назад
Brother, great video. I suggest adding/saying "saw" after mentioning Muhammads (saw) name. You are appreciated.
@bigsmoke4568 6 дней назад
@Octa-x5m 6 дней назад
Why are we having to explain our rage? Isn't the US-Israel meddling with our govts, sanctioning and starving of our people, the murder of around 5 million Muslims and the displacement of million others in the global war of terror enough reasons for any sane person to justify our anger?
@thekandarichronicles 5 дней назад
I understand your sentiment and all the injustice that takes place, but uncontrolled rage and in the sake of optics in the hope of people agreeing with any cause no matter how inhumane in the long run doesn't really resolve anything, in fact it complicates it and creates an environment of confrontation. Anger is unjustifiable if it becomes the main outcome of reaction.
@ashleyoasis7948 6 дней назад
its the jays that are experimenting and poking christian turned the other cheek and are constantly humiliated in media as of muslims its rage.i rather be angry at being disrespected than being simpish like christians.however i reverse the argument always bring the small hats up and they get even more angry sit back and watch.and there guard of being an ex Muslim christian or white western nationalist or neo con.will go once you insult isreal.then u know.
@brendasmart553 6 дней назад
Ahhhh, if only the world were a better, kinder, loving place... Thanks Tareq for this tough topic video. ✌️💖
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
Yes for sure. If it is kinder, it will be better but wishful thinking these days unfortunately.
@genzigzag 6 дней назад
You speak of the 'civilized' world... are riots after a sporting event civilized? Is attempting to burn down hotels civilized? Is looting and burning shops civilized? This has been the Western world for over half a century.
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
That's of course not civil at all. Western world claims civility but it is far from it. Its violence and barbarity happens in the darkness.
@bornforthc1247 День назад
@@thekandarichroniclesIslam needs to be deported from the west it is nothing but hate and a ishmaelite heresy.
@user-km3cw2ic6o 6 дней назад
Well done video 👍
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
Thanks 👍 Appreciate your support.
@HM-px5ei 6 дней назад
Emotion is often a trigger for action but also often misunderstood. Look at what the World is going tbrough now
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
I rarely find that emotion is a good trigger for anything. There needs to be time in between to analyse and tactfully decide the next best step.
@HaneenEbeid0 6 дней назад
I'm a Egyptian girl when I was a 3 of preparatory I studied the cv of samira moussa she was a intelligent scientist woman and she was a power of atom in her time ... really so sadly to kill a scientists arab and Egyptians specifically R.I.P samira moussa may Allah a.w enters her in heaven
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
For sure RIP Samira. She was a major role model that needs her flame to be increased in size so that she inspires many more generations of Arabs, both men and women.
@zarailyas7739 6 дней назад
Thank you a very relevant topic for our time.
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
Yes indeed Zara, relevant because we see in many events around us the ambitions to misrepresent the Muslim faith and people, by the West as well as by some Muslims in power who want to maintain the status quo.
@warfaali 6 дней назад
Aggressiveness or a harsh voice is often linked to high testosterone. However, as a Muslim, I believe Muslims are among the least angry people. For example, my parents never get upset over misfortune; they accept it as the qadar (destiny) of Allah. In Somalia, people rarely express anger or despair about the country’s state, viewing life as a test with both good and bad times. I don’t trust statistics from the West, known for manipulating data and showing hypocrisy. They claim we are violent toward women, yet many Western women are converting to Islam. Islam attracts converts because it opposes practices like usury, gambling, alcoholism, fornication, and LGBTQ, which Western institutions often endorse.
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
I agree with you about the false narrative on ill tempered Muslims. I think there is much more anger in the West especially from those that are beyond liberal, who have nothing going except to cause chaos and damage to society. But this narrative is out there and fed by all those who either want to damage the reputation of Islam or who use it as Muslims to keep the fear factor high within their populations.
@aminrehmani3400 6 дней назад
You know you trying to please Westerners to fit in, but they will never accept your apologies you’re digging your own-hole deeper and deeper you born Muslim you know the consequence of and time
@ABN_Youtube 6 дней назад
Tareq, your on fire wth this one. The west perpetuates this false narative about muslims and arabs, framing us as inherently angry and barbaric. It's mind blowing how they paint themselves as the "civilized" ones when history is littered with their atrocities. millions of innocent lives lost to their endless wars of agression. They bomb entire nations into oblivion, displace millions, and yet somehow manage to twist the narrative so that we are the uncivilized ones. It's not just hypocrisy, it's outright deception on a global scale. Your episode on hollywood's vilification of arabs really ties into this broader discussion. It's all part of the same strategy: demonize, divide, and conquer. the west has been doing this for centuries, and the fact that it's still so effective in the 21st century is a testament to their control over the global narrative. It's a deliberate campaign to dehumanize us, to make the world fear us, and justify their own violent interventions. the portrayal is not just wrong; it's a calculated effort to mislead and manipulate public perception. And what's even more tragic is how some muslims in the west have internalized this propaganda, turning against their own in an effort to assimilate or avoid scrutiny. But the truth is out there, and content like yours is crucial in fighting back against these lies. Keep up the great work it's voices like yours that will eventually turn the tide.
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
Agreed with every single word you say. The narrative needs to be combated, but in a balanced, well presented manner that can be way more impactful than any emotionally triggering raised voices.
@deanjackson2102 6 дней назад
western leaders do not tell there people the truth about what they do in these countries = thats the problem= westerners are brainwashed them self -apart from a few that see through the lies
@Shook1917 6 дней назад
Reality is the hatred and bias against Arabs is so deep; the land of the prophets is definitely not given its true place in history for a reason. Stereotypes of the dumb greedy Arab is created to have Christian Arabs reject their Arab heritage.
@mohammedal-hawri920 6 дней назад
He stated at the beginning of the video that if u ask arabs which is the first kingdom, you will get hundreds of answers. He wasn't wrong looking at the comments😅 but I ask all my brothers to stay respectfull, there is no need to get offended around what humans can figure out with little data they have.. + great video, man!
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
Thanks for support Mohammed. I guess some times emotions get the better of some who feel that their opinions or thoughts about the matter might be left out. But there is never any intention disrespect when omitting any one civilisation at any point.
@Mae-px1fl 6 дней назад
Angry black man, angry black woman, angry Muslim...all to silence the oppressed. GET ANGRY, VERY ANGRY AND REPEL THE OPPRESSORS ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!
@shadowsquid1351 6 дней назад
This topic about the lack of arab art/paintings has always annoyed me from a young age, I knew it affected waaay more than just art for art's sake, it affects history, education, culture & much more.
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
I agree wholeheartedly. It’s much bigger than art. It’s about information that gives us first hand knowledge of the times. Human behavior and expression. The unsaid is as important at as the stated within art. So many levels to read the art that we are unfortunately prevented from.
@shadowsquid1351 6 дней назад
Really appreciate this channel 👍🏼
@thekandarichronicles 6 дней назад
@shadowsquid1351 As do I your wonderful support and constant words of encouragement.