Hi I'm Aiden
Hi I'm Aiden
Hi I'm Aiden
I make random stuff on the internet.

All art is done by @IceicalSkater they're pretty cool ig
@arkelon Месяц назад
The Trap Queen remix of Stickerbush Symphony goes unbelievably hard
@williampittman2432 Месяц назад
For the samll amount of time I played Subspace on (some version of) Project M, the pacing was noticeably more bearable with the non auto scrollers. So, I feel like Vanilla Subspace suffers from Brawl's overall game speed and is definitely part of why some people were hoping for its return in Ultimate.
@FectoElfilin Месяц назад
Apparently, SSE's story and enemy designs were handled by some of the people who worked on the Kingdom Hearts series, and Birth By Sleep released 2 years after this game, so... Make of that what you will. :V
@jackdeli4154 Месяц назад
Seems like you came into this wanting to play it all in a day and get through it as quick as possible to make the ranking. Playing Subspace with my brother was one of my favorite experiences in gaming ever; we definitely didn't complain about "This level is wayyyy too long" once.
@ivrydice0954 Месяц назад
I couldn't be bothered to beat subspace twice so thanks for this breakdown. Great video I find it strange how many things I heard complained about for WOL I also found while playing thru subspace. Cool Bosses, but in repetitive levels, insane padding, and tedious movement (at least for the WOL map) The stand out difference is the reward for playing thru it. They both give you music, characters, and the game's respective unlockable (Mii outfits or trophies) More exlcusive upgrades (Skill spheres & Stickers) Subspace gave you boss battles and a movie. WOL gave you boss battles (after you platform a bit), and spirits. And I'd generally say the latter has more replay value when you account for all the dojos, abilities, and combinations, and summons you could do. I think that's the real reason Sakurai didn't want to make subspace again. It's not _just_ that the cutscenes were put online. (Which sounds petty on paper. I thought that too for a while) If the cutscenes were uploaded then the gameplay needs to be rewarding enough to make you want to beat it, and that doesn't seem to be the case for either single player outside of rare high moments. Regardless of how good they are they take a lot of effort, and if the most notable reward could be achieved only by playing smash bros then I understand why spirits are the way they are and in the long term I find it more satisfying than Brawl's take with how crazy busted they can get at times.
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
Really sick comment, totally agree.
@CaptHayfever Месяц назад
Great Maze couldn't have autoscroll sections because you need to be able to go both ways through every room. The 4 teleports aren't random; they're arranged to align with their map positions.
@CakeCreepZ Месяц назад
Now this. This is my kind of tier list ranking thing video topic
@BitchChill Месяц назад
Infinitely better than World Of Mid. I can't believe how hard they fumbled that but rushed in some ways
@Snt1_ Месяц назад
I love the subspace emmisary. By simply existing, it makes Brawl the best smash game imo
@lifeiswonderful22 Месяц назад
S tier: Any level with Stickerbush Symphony
@MAST1 Месяц назад
Duon reference
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
I love The GWIF
@kikigarza9092 Месяц назад
Am I the only one who likes this game mode in this comment section?
@kikigarza9092 Месяц назад
And also Am I the only one who likes the great maze
@ivrydice0954 Месяц назад
I like it. I don't think it's that good. But I can still like it.
@anonymousguy7005 Месяц назад
@nickk3077 Месяц назад
12:33 This auto scrolling section doesn't look as bad as you are making it out to be. Honestly, the moving ladders seem like a decent unique challenge and the auto scrolling doesn't take away but adds to the challenge by forcing the player under a time limit. It's cool. I just don't think the mentality of "just because it's an auto scroll means it's worse" is the right way to think about these levels.
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
The scroll is slow as hell so your just stuck at the top of ladder waiting for ages.
@slenderMax28 Месяц назад
It is interesting to see how much room for improvement there is in the level design. Makes sense for a game that's literally unique, I don't think a single platformer or beat-em-up with Smash mechanics exists outside of Subspace. Makes it that much worse that World of Light is such a shitshow. What a wasted opportunity.
@sim8663 Месяц назад
Nice vid Aiden you've got a very clean editing style and it was a pleasent surprise to see your name pop up in my recommendeds! The most recent time I played through subspace was on project + on intense difficultly and I really think it shores up a lot of the big negatives with sse. The movement in general is more satisfying in p+ which makes the platforming sections more interesting imo and the higher difficulty increases the speed of the auto scrolling sections and makes the beat em up stages actually pretty challenging. Look forward to your next vid!
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
Come back to events we miss you man
@Sebberboi Месяц назад
I haven't really given Subspace a whole lot of thought to be honest. As you mentioned it's a monumental achievement that this story mode in a crossover game even exists, and think I've always kinda viewed it though that lens. I did not grow up with Brawl and I started my Smash Journey with Smash 4. So Subspace to me has always been that cool mode my friends always talked about, and how it should've been in Smash 4 also. So after finally getting Brawl and playing Subspace I kinda just looked past all of the auto-scrollers, played it with set friends who loved it so much and was just in awe that these characters were interacting with each other. But I think even if something an achievement like this should be held to higher scrutiny so the the team who made it can strive for something similar again, and be rid of flaws that Subspace had while emphasizing the strengths too. And I think this video illustrates that pretty well. Well done Aiden, I'll drop a sub for you 😎
@KibblezanBitz Месяц назад
Subspace was a great proof of concept. I personally enjoyed it, but agree that the flaws are there. I think it would have been best to improve on it in future installments, but they don't care to for whatever reason. The lack of a Subspace style Adventure mode killed my interest in Ultimate to the point that I've barely plsyrd any of it.
@gamenwatch6269 Месяц назад
....... I like Glacial Peak.
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
thats rough buddy
@E-102GammaMKII Месяц назад
18:05 - Actually, that's the Falcon Flyer, not the Blue Falcon. They are different. The Falcon Flyer is a Smash-exclusive element, debuting in _Melee_ on the Big Blue stage.
@gargator4888 Месяц назад
Subspace is marginally improved by Project M's better physics, but most of the levels are still stinkers. I think subspace being one big great maze level would have been awesome if they didn't gimp the character physics and centered the level design around platforming rather than beat em up sections. On another note, I'd recommend Slap City's store mode. It's not as grand as subspace and it's rough around the edges with every character proceeding through the same levels, but each level on average is much better designed than any subspace level since the focus is around using character movement tools to platform.
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
I'll check it out, cheers for the recommendation
@masonasaro2118 Месяц назад
subspace might not be as good as everyone says, but it’s still the best smash bros story mode by default. (FUCK THAT GLORIFIED SM4SH U EVENT MODE THEY CALLED WORLD OF LIGHT)
@redstealth5106 Месяц назад
Other criticisms aside, it sounds like you've become too good at the game and it's taken the oomph out of certain bossfights! 😅
@Beastmd Месяц назад
Never knew everyone’s speed and physics were normalized, good catch and nice vid idea even if I didn’t agree all the way. Subbed!
@Joker938 Месяц назад
It took me about 10 fricking years to complete The Great Maze. There we're long periods of time where I didn't play Subspace at all but still lol. I was so happy when I finally figured out what the hell I was doing.
@moosesues8887 Месяц назад
Literally all the enemies in subspace are just diet heartless and nobodies from kingdom hearts without the phenomenal animation and raw aura 😭 primids literally look like they would be a heartless 💀
@ManuCarrotman312 Месяц назад
Honestly I loved Subspace as a kid and a several years ago, right before Ultimate's release I got to play it again, and I gotta say, I genuinely don't mind the stuff like auto-scrolling sections and horde battles. I kinda feel that unless someone is trying to speedrun the game, autoscrolling parts are more a race against time to keep up with the camera while still avoiding obstacles and I like that. Like you said, it is kind of a beat-em-up mode, not just a platformer, which given the fact Smash is a fighting game it kinda makes sense. The only parts I find boring are the ones where you stand on one moving platform for a bit too long. I still wish World of Light would've been something like it. I ain't even looking at Subspace with nostalgia glasses, I just genuinely think for what it tried to do, it did its job pretty well.
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
I disagree, autoscrollers CAN be what you said but 90% of the time (and 100% of time in Subspace) its just padding that actively takes control away from the player.
@ManuCarrotman312 Месяц назад
@@HiImAiden Fair enough, figured it just doesn't work the same for everyone.
@keksidy Месяц назад
Ik Subspace is pretty mid, but I just like the novelty of a platform fighter becoming an actual platformer
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
I think that concept is really awesome too, the mode just doesn't have enough actual platforming
@Jc27uhh4h4h4 Месяц назад
you sound like if you have fun they don't let you eat that night
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
It's true
@Jc27uhh4h4h4 Месяц назад
me when I'm in the enemy home world and have to progress through a horde of enemies:
@ivrydice0954 Месяц назад
I though subspace was invading the smashers world not the other way around?
@Jc27uhh4h4h4 Месяц назад
@@ivrydice0954 when he got annoyed there was lots of enemies in the subspace level
@ivrydice0954 Месяц назад
​@@Jc27uhh4h4h4 I thought they was getting mad at the uninspired, and repetitive level design. Like the constant use of horde battles, and the tedious enemies like mites. Their favorite level was the Great Maze which has some of the most enemies in any level.
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
@@ivrydice0954 Spot on also I go by they/them*
@TheBoringLlama Месяц назад
@davidnazarian1640 Месяц назад
9:04 "What do you do if your opponent just gets a lead and sits behind these walls?" boy do I have the smash ultimate character for you
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
He doesn't exist here in Aus LOL
@kayden2119 Месяц назад
@@HiImAiden Damn no wonder everybody sucks there if they just run away from their problems 💀
@CaptHayfever Месяц назад
You don't even need Ultimate. Even in Brawl, PK Thunder or Nikita will give them grief.
@davidnazarian1640 Месяц назад
@@CaptHayfever this is a joke about minecraft steven
@guythatdosethingssometimes2651 Месяц назад
Subspace may not be the best game but it at the very least isnt world of light. Trying to get through that game mode may have actually made me enjoy the game less. That game mode is a slog.
@fernando98322 Месяц назад
Great Maze in S tier, that's what I like to hear
@caioleite5579 Месяц назад
I think what made Subspace great was seeing characters from diferent franchises interacting with each other, almost like a fanfic a kid would create. I for example loved Star Fox 64 and Donkey Kong 64 as a kid, so playing as Fox and Diddy together in Brawl was a very unique experience. It is the whole point of a crossover Subspace also makes you like characters you didnt even know. For example, I of course had never played Kid Icarus when I played Brawl, but after playing Subspace you kinda get a little attached to Pit; he is no longer a random obscure character from a game I never played, he is that cool guy from Subspace. Smash 4 didnt have this, so many of its characters ended up just being random characters to me. Shulk is a great example of this
@elius1548 Месяц назад
Tbh I think so much of the levels are made the cutscenes. For example, The reason the hoard battle in the final research facility level works is because the entire game has been building to ROB’s reveal. Talking about levels without mentioning their cutscenes takes away a lot of the appeal of subspace
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
That's fair
@PizzaBagels589 Месяц назад
While I think that's a good point, I think the gameplay should be able to stand on its own, or at least somewhat on its own. If not, you end up slogging through gameplay just to get to the next cutscene.
@blackbabyyy4782 Месяц назад
You're a real complainer
@Asian_Glow Месяц назад
a yapper too lol
@Magic_Ice Месяц назад
You misremembered the Great Maze. You don’t collect the fighters in the maze you collect them in the 2 Subspace levels with Dedede gang and Kirby. The Great Maze you collect no powerups or characters, you just fight every character and bosses using the characters you obtained from the Subspace levels. And also even if you did collect the characters in the Maze, The Great Maze wouldn’t be considered a Metroidvannia because that genre is focused on allowing upgrades to access new areas while the Great Maze any character can access the whole map. Great video though. It really goes into detail why Subspace isn’t as good of a crossover as many people view it as due to having bad Kirby level syndrome for the whole game.
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
You can't play as those characters until you've beaten them in the void/soul/whatever that thing is so I'd still attribute it to power ups. The 2nd part though yeah I got that wrong. Nice pfp by the way, As an awesome character.
@fernando98322 Месяц назад
You definitely can play from the start as any character you have saved in the previous two stages. Were you using a mod or something?
@Magic_Ice Месяц назад
@@HiImAidenNo? I read the Smash Wiki and watched videos, you start with every character you got in Subspace 1 and 2 and you don’t unlock them or gain access to them by beating the soul characters. But thank you for the compliment, I love A…a lot lol.
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
​@Magic_Ice dude they're so cool
@ManuCarrotman312 Месяц назад
​@@HiImAidenCan confirm without a doubt, you have everyone you rescued in Subspace 1/2 right off the bat, which means pretty much the whole roster (minus Sonic/Toon Link/Jigglypuff/Wolf) unless you left someone behind. You still fight clones of the mandatory characters aka King Dedede, Luigi, Ness, Kirby and Bowser. Might be some World of Light memory mixed in to think defeating a character unlocks them.
@BB_Boah Месяц назад
Someone finally says it. I played this as a kid too but never understood the reverence even back then. 9/10 stages are either boring or completely obnoxious
@_Tygon_ Месяц назад
Unsure if you're aware, but the stickers actually buff stats and change characters attributes dramatically
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
Yes I'm aware it has no relevance to this review
@oi6915 Месяц назад
The Great Maze feels like a reenactment of sorts for the Great Cave Offensive from Kirby Super Star, it's even split up into 4 sort of sections
@LG555 Месяц назад
I would compare it more to Kirby and the amazing mirror.
@moosesues8887 Месяц назад
@@LG555amazing mirror is literally open world tho 😭
@ultrascarlet5275 Месяц назад
This is quality, why does it have so little engagement?
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
Because I don't upload much and I tag stuff even less haha Hopefully that changes this year, appreciate the support dude.
@bobboberson8297 Месяц назад
@@HiImAiden you should try tagging stuff. I saw this video in my recommended but clicked off the page and it took like 10 mins of searching youtube to find it again (maybe youtube search is just bad now though) but with better SEO more people would see your videos
@vanillajellyfish Месяц назад
Subspace was pretty fun for it's time but I think the bigger reason people have nostalgia for it is because, like mentioned in the video, the cutscenes are still really cool for their age with the little story it tells with (almost) all the characters, and there is hardly any actual dialogue, it's just "show don't tell"
@5thkiechannel Месяц назад
Not only that, but having a dedicated story mode automatically opens it up for speedrunning and challenge runs. Honestly that itself is a really underrated part of a video games lifespan.
@Batstewie Месяц назад
Pretty funny seeing all the tropes of these levels repeat over and over again, cool video!
@Themostcring Месяц назад
great vid, love the editing especially
@Themostcring Месяц назад
also btw, for a better experience (i havent played the original subspace), play subspace in p+, thats how i played through most of it and it seemed that the movement felt a lot better compared to normal brawl movement in subspace
@HiImAiden Месяц назад
@@Themostcring I've heard this a lot but I think having to mod the game to make it better shows that its already a flawed expierence
@thewalrusman2796 Месяц назад
the family all gets together when hi i'm aiden uploads
@JEANS__ Месяц назад
coin launcher mentioned 🥶🥶🥶
@Teckbreak246 Месяц назад
I forgot Coin launcher exists 💀
@swaggamergirl9821 3 месяца назад
good movie
@vboy11 4 месяца назад
What a wild set indeed, good video, thanks for the laughs! Looking forward to future content👍
@JEANS__ 4 месяца назад
@thewalrusman2796 4 месяца назад
I drop everything to watch the new hi i'm aiden video
@froggo3820 4 месяца назад
"big rock fella" HIS NAME IS DUNGEON MAN
@HiImAiden 4 месяца назад
nah he's a fella