Backyard Birds Cincinnati
Backyard Birds Cincinnati
Backyard Birds Cincinnati
See and learn about outdoor birds. How to identify them, feed them and where they live.
Last Week's Bird Encounters (Dec 4, 2023)
5 месяцев назад
Red-headed OR Red-bellied Woodpecker?
6 месяцев назад
Bird Feeding MISTAKES
7 месяцев назад
Sunset with Birds Singing
10 месяцев назад
Dark-eyed Juncos - Snowbirds
Год назад
Northern Cardinal - singing
Год назад
Cardinal singing - Spring 2022
2 года назад
Carolina Wren eating at brush pile
2 года назад
Eastern Bluebird - tu-a-wee call
2 года назад
Eastern Bluebirds - early 2022
2 года назад
@outoaguitar3320 6 часов назад
Thanks for the information I'm going to try I'm going to build a platform off the ground
@wandakelley1074 11 часов назад
I have a squirrel and a crow that are the best of friends. You never see one without the other. The other crows like to put their food in the bird bath before eating. It is not unusual to see 4 crows perched around the top of the birdbath. I ❤ my crows.
@CrowswithKevin 17 часов назад
Caaaaaaw caaaw caaaaaw!
@dboyette42 20 часов назад
I have two crows to my starter group. Mine like hot dogs or hamburger, dry dog food and they dip in in the water bowl before eating
@gesto211 День назад
We have a crow that's been hanging around in our back yard. We think it may have been injured, because it never seems to fly very far. There's some shade, and we've been putting out water and trying some of the foods you've mentioned. It's only been a couple of days, but so far it seems to be doing OK.
@delirium8020 2 дня назад
Awwww big stretch🥹🥹🥹
@TheNecessaryEvil 3 дня назад
How long til they perch on my shoulder and preen my beard
@longliveavalon 4 дня назад
@Ead32180 6 дней назад
But how do I get them to eat? Im afraid of just throwing the food down in the yard and having it getting covered in ants
@backyardbirdscincinnati5166 5 часов назад
If crows are coming around at certain times of the day, try putting food out a bit prior to those times. It can be tough if they are not (other birds or animals eating it first).
@myhounddog 8 дней назад
These brilliant birds keep the mice and pigeons out of my yard ❤. Absolutely adore Crows
@PiaTrujillo 8 дней назад
Hi! I found a baby crow 🐦‍⬛ I think he is about 5 weeks How long would it take for them to start eating by themselves? He only wants to eat its raw chicken . Everything else I try he tends to ignored it. Please any advice 🙏🏻 Thx ☺️
@backyardbirdscincinnati5166 День назад
Try hard boiled eggs and water soaked cat or dog kibble. (thought I replied a few days ago, but it disappeared?)
@earlsimon8474 9 дней назад
There are only four members in the Corvid family. Crows, ravens, jays and magpies. A special kind…
@laurengeddis4743 11 дней назад
Thank you so much! This was so informative and well thought out.
@janlev-qj2ud 11 дней назад
Crows go goofy for peanuts, peanut butter, pizza, bread, apples, pretty much like people.
@thefreestylefrEaK 12 дней назад
Meat scraps.
@iclite3656 12 дней назад
How bout giving the yellow jackets their own? 😊. That's what I did and they appreciated it. 😊
@youtubecensors5419 14 дней назад
A word of warning: what do they do when you stop feeding them? I slowly cleaned out my pantry, dropping food for them around my truck as I left for work. They quickly began announcing when I came out with a unique call as they flew down to eat. Well, after a while I ran out of things to give them. After a few days, I went to my truck and saw one on a branch a few feet above it. Then... SPLAT! The biggest mess I'd ever seen right on the windshield, on the driver's side. It flew away laughing. Every morning was the same for a few weeks... Right on the windshield or the center of the hood. It seemed to be a symbol to other crows too, "Hey, this guy's a jerk, unload on his truck!" So wherever I parked, same thing happened. For three weeks it went on. I refused to be manipulated, and they finally gave up. So feed them as much as you want, but they'll punish you if you ever stop.
@iclite3656 12 дней назад
Nah. You were just using them to clean out your pantry...and they knew it😂. I have not had something for them, and they knew that also. As soon as I went to the store, they knew that and came and got the food. It's about heart and soul with them. We are spiritually connected💯. Some peanuts here and there won't break the bank😂.
@iclite3656 12 дней назад
One more thing. I had a big ole maple tree in my driveway. One day, I w As mad at my car and called it a piece of crap😮. The next day, no joking here, about 50 birds pirched in that tree and crapped all over my car my car😂😂😂. Again, we are ALL spiritually connected💯.
@thefreestylefrEaK 12 дней назад
@@iclite3656 500 fps bb's does the trick. .22 if you want to see them come down like a kamikaze.
@austinpratt1923 15 дней назад
Our crows love the high quality kibble we feed our dog. That gives them a protein boost.
@how2pick4name 16 дней назад
I have a pair here that rules the area I live in. Every morning when i air my apartment they get a peanut breakfast and if they're lucky and I was lazy the day before they might get some mince or chicken. (They love meat lol) So now is breeding time and I know their young is big enough now because mom joins the party again in the morning. I'll be getting introduced to the new one soon I guess, like every year. It's always a bit hit or miss with the trust because mom trusts nobody. I used to give them shelled peanuts and she would first attack them to see if they were "dead". She is that panicky. I hope this one doesn't listen to het either, like the last one that just wandered into my hallway. :D
@anikauluc1322 17 дней назад
İ feed them but we have big problem with seagulls around.They steal crows food and i need to be around to frighten them.Now we are going to 10 days vacation i don’t know how to leave food to crows that seagulls can not reach it ,any advice?
@backyardbirdscincinnati5166 16 дней назад
Another commenter mentioned feeding them peas (the gulls apparently don't like them?).
@iclite3656 12 дней назад
Any friends or neighbors that will help out?
@debmellentine5254 17 дней назад
We have up to five crows visiting our backyard. We started with just a pair over the winter. One is a bit larger than the others, not sure if that means it's a male or a female, but the husband decided to start calling it Edgar Allan Crow. I know, lol. For a while it was chasing off some of the others away early this spring, but has now quit that. We feed raw whole peanuts. Once in a great while they get some salmon. They like any mice we may trap in this old house of ours as well. I will also treat with some raw burger once in a while. That never lasts long. If I sit really quiet on the deck the larger one will come down and grab a quick peanut. It will sit on the electrical pole across the street from where I put the peanuts and other goodies and watch me put them there. It will make a few calls and fly off and return when I go inside. I will be trying some fruit now as well. Does anyone know why they soak the peanuts in the rain puddles? I've seen a couple of them doing that now. I think I'll be known as the nutty old squirrel woman or the crazy crow lady. Then there's the bluejays. I like watching them weigh the peanuts before deciding on which one to take off with. Anyway, enjoy your crow experiences.
@backyardbirdscincinnati5166 16 дней назад
I've also seen Common Grackles soaking food in the bird bath as well. Far as I know, these birds will do this to add water to the food if they are going to feed their young. Also, I read about them trying to eat hard food (like pasta noodles) and would soak them first. For peanuts, not sure if the nut itself would absorb much water.
@Sweethappybirdy 17 дней назад
Trying no success.. they feed when i dont put anything, but wont take my offering.
@waterwitch8902 17 дней назад
My crows live on my property. I feed them, they have water and plenty of trees to rest and nest in. I love the little gifts they leave for me. They also let me know if something is coming on my property. They are very smart birds and great company.
@willowraine5514 18 дней назад
I give them dried meal worms.
@aladrasullivan9018 18 дней назад
The ones on my property love the cat food
@Legi0n21 18 дней назад
I live on the path of a large flock of crows but only a few pairs live here all year round. Their needy young used to wake me up every morning at 4am since I sleep with the windows open during the summer. One day I got fed up and sent some lead towards the young. One mature bird ended up with half an upper beak. That bird is still around. All the mature birds are still around, quiet and respectful. They also abandon their young as soon as they leave the nest. Bliss. They are intelligent birds indeed.
@iclite3656 12 дней назад
Nooo. WTF. Just clap your hands🙄.
@Legi0n21 3 дня назад
@@iclite3656 not going to do that at 4AM. I need my sleep. Guns were invented for a reason.
@hexefroschbein8486 18 дней назад
Peas are a favourite treat and great if you have tons of seagulls competing since they don't enjoy them.
@fredford7642 20 дней назад
Thank you for this great video, I have been looking for this information for some time. I live in the country and crows and ravens visit my squirrel feeders occasionally , but would like to bring them in more often.
@websterwilliams5807 22 дня назад
The crows here land in nearby trees and wait until I walk away. I have a plastic call and make the same number and rhythm of caws, so they know immediately the food is there, if they can hear. They know me, and they know I won't sit around forever. Just as soon as I'm 20 feet away, they're on it. Often the blue jays are the most fearless and will swoop right down while I'm there sometimes. They play a game of trying to catch peanuts in midair. They all know I'm not to be feared; I've been doing it for years, and I'm pretty sure the adults show their youngster where I am (the high pitched caws sound like begging). (I can identify at least four by their voices and rhythms of caws; they announce themselves in terms of their location to others.) Occasionally squirrels come to take peanuts from my hand. I do wonder what the crows think about that (I know they think something-they watch). The problem is, you're really not supposed to give unroasted peanuts to squirrels. Roasted peanuts cost more than unroasted, and it's not cheap to roast them. Whatever you do, don't give birds and squirrels salted nuts. Sometimes I cook eggs (hardboiled or scrambled) in bulk and keep them in the fridge; I break a couple in the shell and leave pieces out-crows here adore that. The squirrels are pretty intrepid these days about eating lightly hot-sauced nuts, and too much hot sauce turns off all the birds. Squirrels eat suet too. I haven't found the perfect balance about using hot sauce. It can't be great for their digestion, even though they eat it (apparently they don't taste it or mind the taste). I like feeding crows & squirrels, but everyone goes all the food It's interesting to see which other birds come, but they mostly only eat the unshelled nuts. The crows tend to get upset (they scold) when people they don't know are around outside nearby. I've left a few shiny trinkets out occasionally to see what would happen, but never any takers. Maybe someday someone might come right up to me. Hunger is a motivator. But who knows? If I were them, I'd be very careful too.
@donnautsch536 23 дня назад
I absolutely LOVE feeding our family of crows. However, I'm really struggling with keeping the squirrels away and eating all of their food. AND these dog gone squirrels are aggressive and ALWAYS chase away my wonderful crows. Any suggestions as to how to keep squirrels from eating their food?? Any help will be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!
@backyardbirdscincinnati5166 20 дней назад
The only thing I've had success with is the hot pepper sauce for ground feeding. A large tray feeder high enough off the ground so the squirrels can't jump onto it and protected with a baffle (prevents climbing) also works.
@iclite3656 12 дней назад
Why? Squirrels are sweeties. All of the creatures like an easy meal to help em out 💯. I've found they all show up for breakfast Peanuts 😂. Crows, grackles, Chipmunks, Jays, squirrels, starlings😂. It's fabulous. I try to see where they go and make them their own piles😂. Best to you.
@MysteriousResearcher 23 дня назад
I fed crows a food they came back for over and over again for a few years until we left the property: avocados. It is a delicacy to them.
@martyjewell710 23 дня назад
I have started leaving my surplus quail and chicken eggs for my crow visitors. I keep them raw to keep it natural. They definitely love them. I don't know if they are aware yet that it's me leaving it for them but in time they will figure it out. Definitely going to build a feeding station for them with running water. (solar pump). I also am thinking of leaving a photo of myself there.
@iclite3656 12 дней назад
❤. That's great💯.
@gregz510 24 дня назад
i feed crows in local park , with suet pellets. i tried peanuts,but seems like european carrion crows prefer suet balls or pellets rather than peanuts. i have been feeding them for 3 weeks,everyday but i cannot make them eat from my hand. tho,one crow come very close ,and he likes spent time with me , sitting near me for an hour or two after he gets fed.sometimes he stares at me strangly,,just in front of me ,with open beak ,not moving at all for like 20 min.
@rexluminus9867 24 дня назад
Go to the red ZONE to Canada🇨🇦 & you'll see thousands or crows!!! Student.Winter is no problem.😂😅
@PaddyCrypto_ 24 дня назад
i lived near a murder of crows for many years, & grew to appreciate them (they're/i have them addicted to suet pellets & cheese here..) to be near them when they gather at nightime in winter is beyond..🧡
@cosmiccharlie8294 24 дня назад
I've been feeding crows/ravens in shell unsalted peanuts on my driveway apron. They wait for me now and do not seem afraid, perching in trees close to where I am. Once I learned just how intelligent they were I quit hunting them. I enjoy having them around the house.
@kevinhaskett-ev7tf 25 дней назад
started feeding this year---its a real challenge--very skiddish --
@user-ih6nw1li9l 25 дней назад
This is helpful!!! THANK YOU!!! I've been wanting to start to feed crows at my new place❤ I live more in the country and have high hopes of attracting crows!!!
@gboutdoors5198 25 дней назад
my mom had thrown out an old ham from Christmas and the crows went nuts I saw maybe 15 to 30 crows
@hucks1000 25 дней назад
Love this guide of what crows prefer! Thanks
@LTeppler 25 дней назад
Last summer a large male arrived and started looking around. I called him Poe. He was a bit skittish, but was very interested in a large potting tray that filled up with water next to the compost pile. He began bringing his own food to wash in the tray. Midway through the season, I discovered a mouse, one hole through the head in the driveway. This was also when I started leaving some mandarin oranges and apple pieces on the ground next to the tray. He liked the apples. I tried some sugar free peanut and sunflower balls I liked myself, those barely lasted fifteen minutes. I convinced him to eat off a small ceramic tray and he inhaled everything I put there. He also helped himself to worms in the garden. He vanished for the winter and this year he came back. He was only peripherally concerned that I had put the trays up on a platform to try to avoid other ground dwellers (the cats). Chicken, walnuts, sausage, no sugar added fruit cups, he even stole one of my pizza crusts I didn't watch carefully enough. He followed me to the store down the road and began hurring (his begging call) then followed me to another store and did it again! He now leaves a "present" almost once a week. If I don't get outside by 2pm I know the hurring call will "hurry" me on my way to feed him hahaha. Water must be absolutely clear or he will "stalk" the driveway until I come down and clean it.
@Crocs4cats 25 дней назад
I thought crows couldn’t have fat?🤔 Been feeding a flock that I walk past nearly every day for past few months and it really motivates me to go out! One or two will spot me as I come out of the woods and then they all ( about 30 ) come swooping in cawing. I love the way they bounce towards you across the grass! They loooove monkey nuts and after I’ve thrown a few handfuls to them all you can hear is surround~sound crunching!😆 They really make my day!
@ZachValkyrie 26 дней назад
Eagle be like: "Dude! You told me the Red-Tailed Hawk would be providing vocals! It's in my contract! Don't make me call up the secretarybird."
@marinecorp179 27 дней назад
I always put down peanuts but they lounge around. They apparently dropped off a glove for my wife a few years back and haven't seen them since. I tried getting them back by throwing all left over food. Once in a while I'll see one in the backyard but they don't hang out on the roof right next to our bedroom window or our deck patio anymore like they used too. I miss the crows.
@Green_Expedition_Drgn 27 дней назад
The little birds with the mohawks are my favorite. I have one that uses a birdhouse in my backyard to raise babies.
@user-qi2cx7hj3m Месяц назад
I feed the crows in my back yard. I used to have lovebirds, but they died in an accident. I'm not at home as often now as I was, so I feed the little birds, squirrels, and crows. I've seen a Raven the last couple of days. Last year I named the only squirrel I saw Peanut. She was very friendly and would come up to me. She had 4 babies, and they all survived. She chased them away and now she comes this year alone. I enjoy feeding and watching all of them. The little birds like to eat before the sun comes up, the squirrel comes after the little birds and the crows come before nine a. m. Thanks for your video, I feed my wild friend's bread and peanut butter cut up in tiny pieces, unsalted - peanuts, walnuts, mixed nuts and sunflower seeds. I live in sunny Santa Cruz, California.
@GhostEric813 Месяц назад
I live in Oregon and the crows by my house enjoy eating, rotten meat, cooked steak, unsalted peanuts, suet, birdseed of all different kinds. But every time I put a plate out with all the different items the first thing they go for is either the rotten meat or the steak. It’s hilarious. They will dump the plate before taking any food.
@theparanormalentomologist2234 Месяц назад
Thank you for the advice!
@linda7279 Месяц назад
Thank you. I feed the squirels peanuts. There is one crow who follows me around when Im in the yard. I throw him a few peanuts on the shed roof. He seems to chase other crows away. I saw him chase a vulcher off a pole to back next door where he belonged. I did see my crow grab a piece of banana peel I throw into my staghorn fern.
@RobertH-qb5it Месяц назад
Who needed to be told how to feed crows? You could put out anything edible and they will eat it.