Old Geezer's Diary
Old Geezer's Diary
Old Geezer's Diary
I'm an old geezer and I make video that reflects my life, my interests, and my opinions.

The Old Geezer's Diary was founded by Chris Gosling, who spent around 6 years making minority interest programmes for Sky niche channels, about caravanning and boating, and then went on to create commercial online-only video channels, which he has since sold to new operators after building them up for around 8 or 10 years.

"As I get older, I still enjoy making video content, but like to focus more on topics which really interest me now, and less on commercially attractive subjects".

To discuss advertising and sponsorship opportunities, please contact us via the email address below.

*in the 2021 census, 18.6% of the total population
Taking a look at the Sea, 10 July 2024
21 день назад
The Day After! 5 July 2024
21 день назад
A Riverside Stroll, 4 June 2024
21 день назад
Good morning, Wednesday! 3 July 2024
28 дней назад
Nuclear Power = Fatter Fish! July 2024
28 дней назад
Sunday morning natter! 9 June 2024
Месяц назад
Old Geezer's Diary: Let's Ride This Wave!
2 месяца назад
How Can an MP Change Parties and not Quit?
2 месяца назад
Beside the sea - Wednesday 8 May
2 месяца назад
Old Geezer's Diary, 6 May 24
2 месяца назад
Old Geezer's Diary, Sunday 5 May 2024
2 месяца назад
Time & Tide Bell at Harwich,  29 April, 2024
3 месяца назад
Favourite Places, 28 April 2024
3 месяца назад
Beautiful Friday afternoon 19 April 2024.
3 месяца назад
@wirewalker 4 дня назад
There is an annoying pingin noise on the sound track
@OldGeezersDiary 3 дня назад
Yes. Apologies for that.
@elvishprincess321 4 дня назад
There is a big difference between age & ability, some 90 year olds still go out for a jog & are 100% there mentally while others get dementia in their 70s. Trump is in far better health than Joe Biden & is fit to run for president. Joe falls down stairs & needs help standing up, Trump gets hit by bullets & gets up to give a fist pump, please stop watching the BBC.
@ShipsandShipping 3 дня назад
Quite true - BUT in this segment of our lives, you can't what tell is going to happen, or when it will happen. So Mr Trump may get elected on 5 November, and collapse with a heart attack on the 6th, or whatever. He's starting to display a dictator complex as it is (you'll never have to vote again), so keep watching that space!
@adrianbanks2089 5 дней назад
Thanks For The News Update ! Have a Safe Weekend ! ( From The Old Sea Dog ! )😊
@OldGeezersDiary 3 дня назад
Thanks, you too!
yeah right trumps old as hell!
@OldGeezersDiary 5 дней назад
78 - same age as Joe when he was elected.
@puppybreathwales 7 дней назад
Just look at the labour-run welsh NHS run by them since my wife was trained there in the 1980s a total disaster with the new super hospital failed from day 1 and sending the wrong bodies to families multiple times.
@elrjames7799 13 дней назад
Another bunch of obtrusive, scruffy and ubiquitous 'old fossil' time wasters propelled by a noisy and poisonous diesel.
@SamiiYou 22 дня назад
The reason that politicans lie is because if they told the truth then no one would vote for them: No politican is going to admit that the UK has been in a progressive decline since at least the early 90s - well, since the WW2 if we're being completely honest - with both Labour and the Tories being at fault and that there are just no real fixes to this situation, or immediate fixes anyway. To provide a very, very loose example if you raise taxes then that leads to decreased growth which in turn leads to less funding, however if, conversely, you lower taxes then you simply get inflation that in turn lowers the value of capital that in turn leads to less funding. Almost all governmental policy follows this damned if you do, damned if you don't vicous circle. The idea that one lot is going to get in and fix everything that the other lot buggered up is just the lie that politicans push because reality just doesn't work that way, especially when, in the case of Labour, they're actually the ones responsible for buggering things up to begin with, or at least as much as the Tories are. In an ideal world we could just end this pointless Punch and Judy show and replace it with something better, but we're just stuck with what we've got, short of a revolution, and well the last time they tried to have a revolution in Britian it rained and everyone went home - I wish I was making this up. In the same way as the Devil is just going to give you what you want; a politican is just going to tell you everything you want to hear. With one lot being no better than the other lot. It's like a fat person going to a doctor that tells them they look beautiful over going to one that tells them that if they don't lose the weight then they might not see much of the wrong side of forty. Sure you could blame the doctor for pandering to their patients just to get a little extra business but at some point you're going to have to attribute some blame to the patient for disregarding the flipping obvious. Look, we're a cynical and skeptical people, maybe if we returned to that and stopped treating these idiots like Gods that are going to solve our problems then that would be a start.
@johnw574 22 дня назад
lowering tax leads to inflation - only because taxes exist only to reduce inflation while government printing of money and spending stays the same. If taxes decrease and public spending decreases, people gain more from the work that they do, they work harder, they produce more goods, the goods cost less per unit, inflation reduces. Governments are damned if you do, damned if you don't because people want their cake and eat it. They want a nice cushy, easy life but also be prosperous. It doesn't work like that. You can have an easy life and be poor or you can work hard and be prosperous. It works on an individual and societal level. People will say, oh but we work hard and we want what's owed to us, blame big business and capitalism for hoarding all the wealth and then spend every penny at Amazon, Disney and Ebay.
@GaryWarren-gn8zg 22 дня назад
Lol they dont exist, Labour voters will soon realise this
@martinhambleton5076 23 дня назад
An honest politician? Do they tell you that they are going to rob you, and lie to you?
@Badger21288 23 дня назад
Honest politician is a contradiction of terms. Beside which Kier Starmer has been shown to be a liar. He was called out on it several times during the campaign. Plenty of compliation videos out there showing him saying one thing at interview A, and saying another at interview B. Not only that but it was also shown he would say anything to win votes. Whilst the latter isn't necessarily a Starmer only problem it's hardly a glowing recommendation for someone who is supposedly different to the normal crop of political leaders. We'll also not mention the fact he stabbed his "friend" Jeremy Corbyn in the back, again not a good look. I've also noticed he's very quiet when it comes to the Post Office scandal. He prosecuted hundreds of innocent people - people the Post Office knew were innocent, and he did so remorselessly. He is just as responsible as the Post Office for those people who decided death was a better alternative to shame wrongfully forced upon them. If Starmer is the man everyone wants in charge, then god help the UK. The man has no principles and will change his viewpoint at the drop of a hat (like has done several times already) if it gets him political points. We've simply kicked out one bunch of liars for another. Sorry but I would rather have a politician that stands his ground, and fights his corner regardless of how he looks or how it affects his popularity.
@christophergray1977 23 дня назад
I always knew I was going to get old and therefore made provision for my future pensionable years and while I was young enough to earn and save I did just that. The one thing I always tell younger people is to start saving and investing now and secure a brighter future for yourself.
@bobeyes3284 23 дня назад
Jamila Azad - Buying regulated drugs Shammi Akter - Child cruelty Liam Byrne - Expenses scandal, Breaking electoral law Chaudhary Mohammed- Jailed, Election Fraud Asaf Afzal - Postal vote fraud Tony Newman - Corruption Simon Hall - Corruption Harman Banger and wife - Fraud Devina Ram - Breaking electoral law Apsana Begum - Fraud Charlotte Nichols - Breaking electoral law Haqeeq Dar - Suspended, alleged sexual harassment Dipu Ahad - Jailed for stalking women Joe Anderson - on charges of fraud, bribery, corruption, and misconduct in public office Shabina Qayyum - Fraud Tariq Mahmood - Fraud, many counts. Councillor Ansar Ali - Antisemitism Richard Strangward - Antisemitism Cllr Angus Ellis - Antisemitism Colin and Linda Watson - Antisemitism Cllr Samantha Hemraj - Antisemitism Kit Hubback - Antisemitism Cllrs Mahboob Hemraj - Antisemitism Cllr Shabina Qayyum - Antisemitism Cllr Aasiayah Joseph - Antisemitism Cllr Mohammed Jamil - Antisemitism Sue Ellis - Fraud and corruption. The leaflet theives - Common thrives stealing mail. Tracy Brabin - Bribing voters.
@chrisbeard1750 23 дня назад
Since when was any political party, of any colour or creed, honest. Come on Old Geezer, get real.
@OldGeezersDiary 23 дня назад
@@chrisbeard1750 Well, we don't really know enough about the current Labour party to judge. We do know for sure that the Tories have liars, like Johnson, loonies like truss, and self server like the ten or twenty who made millions out of COVID PPE . . .
@Topcat002 24 дня назад
I love visiting Felixstowe ❤
@wotdoesthisbuttondo 25 дней назад
@OldGeezersDiary 24 дня назад
Who are you getting at here? Care home workers? The Labour Party? How about the Tory government led by Johnson, who told the hospitals to send old people with Covid out of hospitals into care homes? He also told colleagues that he thought older people should "die gracefully" and make way for others!
@wotdoesthisbuttondo 24 дня назад
@@OldGeezersDiary I would blame the types that encouraged/enabled/carried out Ian McEwans evil elderly exterminating wishes as in 2017 he said "if 1.5m old people die within 2 years we can reverse Brexit" not forgetting the fact his son is a virologist of course so he was able to make pretty educated guesses as we all know what happened at the end of 2019.
@wotdoesthisbuttondo 24 дня назад
​@@OldGeezersDiary That's weird, i posted a reply and it's disappeared. Ok i'll try again, Well i would primarily blame the particularly evil Ian McEwan who said in 2017 "If 1.5m old people die within 2 years we can reverse Brexit" clearly vying for his Iron Cross medal with that kind of mass elderly exterminating tabletalk eh then of course the just as bad obviously pro EU types who then started carrying out his warped wishes. It's interesting how McEwan has a virologist son who was able to assist him in making pretty educated guesses as in late 2019 a disease targeting the elderly indeed appeared though the press avoided focusing on the elderly targeting aspect shortly afterwards.
@OldGeezersDiary 23 дня назад
@@wotdoesthisbuttondo Thanks! Interesting viewpoint!
@adrianbanks2089 26 дней назад
You Are Spot on ! ( Have a Safe Weekend ) ( i Will Be Having a Few Dark Rums ! )😊
@OldGeezersDiary 26 дней назад
Glad you have a plan! 😄
@adamcrane3571 26 дней назад
Hello ​@@OldGeezersDiary
@nottherealmccoy4955 26 дней назад
All you need is lies, lies, lies are all you need..
@OldGeezersDiary 26 дней назад
Think that you can say that the conservatives have lied their way out of government - even the UK electorate can eventually see the truth!
@adrianbanks2089 27 дней назад
Thanks For The Great Update ! I Miss The Great Views ! 😊
@OldGeezersDiary 27 дней назад
Thanks - more to come!
@Rancid-wd3ty 27 дней назад
Don't worry ol' fella they are f......g gone
@salan3 27 дней назад
#Wobbly voice# "When I were a lad...." lol
@OldGeezersDiary 27 дней назад
"When I were a lad" of 54! :-D
@digitalzips 27 дней назад
Meet the new rulers, same as the old but with different faces.
@adrianbanks2089 28 дней назад
Thanks For The Great Update ! Stay Safe ( From The Old Seadog )😊
@josephtdi8764 Месяц назад
All sorted now and it’s glorious
@ShipsandShipping Месяц назад
Good News!
@beverlysbrookes8247 Месяц назад
He's learned from the master...the clown 🤡 Johnson
@Don-lw4cb Месяц назад
Well said!
@malgoode Месяц назад
My pension is only £152.19 and that includes graduated pension that i paid extra for and 25 PENCE a week for being 80 years old! I do not understand why I had to have 14 years NI more than others just because I was born in 1943. 44 years they tell me I needed when I only had 39 so lost a lot of my pension but others slightly younger only needed 30 years. Why? And as for pension credit, first I couldnt apply because my wife was below pension age so I am also treated as below pension age and now she does receive her pension I am still not eligable. The answer, I am told, is to divorce my wife and I will then be eligable. Started to work at 15 but can't afford to live at 80. What a crazy world we now live in.
@adrianmist6681 Месяц назад
If labour did decide to raise income tax, it still wouldn't come to £2000 per person, higher earners would pay more but average and lower earners would pay less. I'm all in favour of higher earners paying much more 😅
@donaldmackinnon4621 Месяц назад
rishi sadsack is a spoilt asshoo. How did he gat £5000000 to start a hedge fund? When his father was a lowly doctor and his mother a lowly chemist?
@jackplane7408 Месяц назад
Lying toe rag. Tories Out
@revd.phillipwallace-pugh9955 Месяц назад
Even if he was telling the truth then he was disrespecting the American veterans.
@PAULWICKS-xy6kt Месяц назад
thanks for sharing this, I don’t watch tv, that was the most pressing a sky journalist has been for years. Every mp, bar a handful, since 1997 could be described as a traitor, in both the 2 party gov’t. Traitors.
@user-rw1rq8jz6g Месяц назад
Vote reform
@jubrum2476 Месяц назад
Sunak and Starmer ar both useless!
@OldGeezersDiary Месяц назад
Rishi is great at his job - conning people into believing him . . .
@julienash3049 Месяц назад
Big fat lies….dont & never had done anything for ex servicemen….FACT
@OldGeezersDiary Месяц назад
Yup - you are exactly right.
@julienash3049 Месяц назад
Disgusting how they are treated 🤬
@Noel-ji8nm Месяц назад
​@@julienash3049You should have voted for Corbyn.
@julienash3049 Месяц назад
@@Noel-ji8nm u having a laugh
@user-lm2vs1sl3v Месяц назад
You couldn’t make this up.
@julienash3049 Месяц назад
Get him out 🤬
@adamcrane4851 Месяц назад
@nottherealmccoy4955 Месяц назад
They want you to die!!
@clivepenning9294 Месяц назад
Kia starmer the same
@OldGeezersDiary Месяц назад
At least he stayed, Clive.
@Noel-ji8nm Месяц назад
​@@OldGeezersDiaryStayed for a photo op.
@OldGeezersDiary Месяц назад
@@Noel-ji8nm And had an excellent one, along with national leaders who he will soon join - while Rishi nipped back to the UK to pre-record an interview.
@Noel-ji8nm Месяц назад
@@OldGeezersDiary All those national leaders will soon be joining Sunak on the scrapheap.
@Noel-ji8nm Месяц назад
@@OldGeezersDiary They'll soon be joining Sunak on the scrapheap.
@nottherealmccoy4955 Месяц назад
Can't beat the ocean - salt air, brisk breezes & the mesmerising sound of waves crashing on the sand - better than any chemical mood enhancer! :)
@nottherealmccoy4955 Месяц назад
Haha, good for you, Chris - nothing like a bit of a road trip!! Even with my 4cyl Honda, petrol is very expensive $2.00 litre here, so I tend to do mostly local excursions. I grew up in England but we emigrated when I was 12! Cheers!! :)
@nottherealmccoy4955 Месяц назад
G'day from Australia, Chris! I like the cut of your jib, young fella, SUBSCRIBED!! We have finally kicked out the loathsome & incompetent LNP (Tory) Govt here, Labor (that's how we spell it here - we're all upside down, please make allowances!) is back in power after 10 long years of austerity, misery & hopelessness - finally a Govt I'm not terrified of & one that is at least trying to make the lives of pensioners more comfortable! I'm 69, still surfing & riding an electric skateboard (currently in a knee brace after crashing!) & thrash my 16 yo Honda around in a most disreputable manner! The Grim Reaper will get me eventually but he's going to have to catch me first! :)
@OldGeezersDiary Месяц назад
I just love the idea of an electric skateboard!
@nottherealmccoy4955 Месяц назад
@@OldGeezersDiary Lot of fun - accelerator & brakes range 30km & 50kmh top speed - with helmet, pads & wrist guards pretty safe (my knee injury from push skateboard!) Never say never! :)
@OldGeezersDiary Месяц назад
@@nottherealmccoy4955 It can be a risky business - but I am a disciple of the late Susan Jeffers, who wrote "Feel the Fear and do it Anyway" - I quit my last proper job back in 2020, and took a year off to go sailing singlehanded . . . I was only a boy of 54 back then, though!
@nottherealmccoy4955 Месяц назад
@@OldGeezersDiary Haha, Chris - you're just a lad at that age! Fantastic!! Ocean sailing is a real challenge - especially solo! Good for you mate - none of us are getting out of this alive, might as well have as much fun as we can!! :)
@gingerali Месяц назад
Its about time the National Health Service was renamed ‘ International Health Service’
@OldGeezersDiary Месяц назад
Tell me why?
@gingerali Месяц назад
@@OldGeezersDiary tell you why ? Really ? Do you not know that every Tom Dick and Mohammed is coming over to the UK in order to use our NHS under the guise of asylum seekers and 40 year genius foreign students? ( and their families )
@gingerali Месяц назад
As long as we keep swallowing their BS , they will keep feeding us with their BS!
@jeta1f35 Месяц назад
We must learn from recent past experiences that 'manifesto' promises are pure fantasy, they should be treated with utter contempt.. 🤬
@OldGeezersDiary Месяц назад
Spot on! And the people who make them!
@thezanzibarbarian5729 Месяц назад
Hey! Old Geezer. There is good political news to be had today. Nigel Farage has taken the helm of Reform UK. so now we, the British people have a person who's going to be championing Britain for once and not doing what the other main parties are doing which is following the WEF and globalist agenda for an open borders policy. *They've already gotten my vote for the General Election.*
@HoratioBlogs Месяц назад
The National Health Service isn't. It's Regional, and Trust based. The "service" accruing to the general public can vary markedly from region to region, and even NHS Trusts within a region. Good management is the key. I can''t speak highly enough of the Freeman & RVI Hospitals and staff in Newcastle. Hexham and Sunderland are reportedly good too.
@barnbersonol Месяц назад
Too many pensioners retire to the Med and are robbing the very same people who pay their pensions!
@OldGeezersDiary Месяц назад
Lol - more pensioners are returning here than are moving out there!
@barnbersonol Месяц назад
@@OldGeezersDiary oh really thank fk
@adamcrane4851 Месяц назад
@johndavidson8450 2 месяца назад
Pensioners should vote for The Peoples Party. We stand for ordinary folk - including all those living below the bread-line. Many of our party members are pensioners, and know exactly how difficult it is to get from one week to the next week. Pensioners need a political voice, and The Peoples Party is that political voice.