“Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭20‬-‭21‬ ‭
Christ Conquered Death | Conrad Mbewe
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from the message that SHOCKED THE WORLD
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The ESSENTIAL gospel | Voddie Baucham
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Even the Pot and Pans are Sacred |Paul Washer
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Paul Washer speaking on spiritual gifts.
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The gospel.
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We Are Not Home \\|\\\\ Paul Washer
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Let This Motivate You | Paul Washer
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What is Christ’s worth?
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Christ will return || Paul Washer
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It’s not about us || Paul Washer
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Look what you have been given!
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many SHALL come
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God Saves | Steven Lawson
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Our MIGHTY GOD | RC Sproul
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Plan Your Life | Abner Chou
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@slownews6220 4 дня назад
I love how this video is title "the REAL gospel" and then it goes to show a FALSE Gospel. 1. Go and read the entire book of Acts. Not even once the Apostles warn of hell when they preach the Gospel. This is the real Gospel, what the Apostles preached in Acts. What peters preaches is some mixture and he only ends up confusing people. 2. In order to be saved you need to change your mind in regards to Christ and Salvation and believe in him. There is no such thing as a total necessity to be "really grieved". And this is what "repent" means, change your mind about who Jesus is. Justin peters needs to read the bible. Most people who believed in Jesus believed because Jesus healed them first, not because God gave them a "godly sorrow" - that is Calvinist nonsense preaching. If anything the desire to forsake sin comes as a result of receiving the Spirit - it does not come before. Peters up until now does not understand that "repent" has a different meaning depending on context.
@sbag11 11 дней назад
And now I wonder, Steve...is YOUR faith a saving faith?
@andreastruble 11 дней назад
But for the Grace of God I have not wondered I don’t even leave my home
@aleguitarra 12 дней назад
@aleguitarra 12 дней назад
Si sad
@mariafinke9913 13 дней назад
@shallonskinner8710 22 дня назад
This is the true gospel ! Preach brother Justin Peters no person is good before a holy God and repenting from your sin doesn’t mean you have to be perfect it’s just a change of mind from sinning and fleeing from your sins and fleeing to Christ. Only Christ can save us we can’t save ourselves it’s all about the work of God that does his works in his children to make his kids holy
@superdoobo Месяц назад
Repentance of sin is NOT a requirement for salvation.
@mwmann Месяц назад
Being a Christian requires sacrifice. Of our time feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, the orphans and the widows. Giving our time and money to those in need while sharing the Gospel. It's not meeting in churches to preach prosperity. It's meeting in homes for the edification of believers. And to plan out our missions for the days, weeks and months ahead. Regardless of our sacrifice, or in spite of any we face. To glory in prosperity is a falsehood that must be crushed. The glory comes in sacrifice and in the cross we boldly carry in the Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen and Hallelujah. Symbols, church buildings, temples, expensive stained glass, altars, routine traditions, clothes, cars, boats, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, and all of the adulation that comes with those things mean nothing. It's only our Lord and His Word and our personal sacrifice of our money and time doing His Will that matters. All else is for show !!!
@Andy-m8b Месяц назад
WRONG! Once those kids accepts Jesus, they are saved on the spot eternally no matter how bad they rebel in life. Sounds like Washer ranting. This ranting screwball is basing the maintenance of Salvation on WORKS!
@Andy-m8b Месяц назад
Lawson didn't even finish a point. He just accused other Churches that are actually teaching correctly vice himself a false teacher.
@Rey-pi4yi 2 месяца назад
I think Paul is clear, and doesn't take away or add to the gospel, to not corrupt the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV [1] Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; [2] by which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. [3] For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; [4] and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: Put your faith in the shed blood attonement of our Lord Jesus Christ, his blood cleanses us from all sin, mine are taken away. Are yours? My flesh is still sinful but my soul, my soul has been wiped clean with the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord, he paid it all. It is finished, So be careful when you believe in, when people say you have to repent and believe and clean your life those are works
@slownews6220 4 дня назад
You speak right. Peters is a guy who even admits he always thought it does not make sense to say repent and believe and say that Salvation is a gift of God by grace through faith when we have to do works aka as "repent of sin". But as he explained: He finally "understood" that when a "godly" sorrow overcame him, that repentance is a work of God. He still does not get it that repent only means "change your mind". He still does not rely on Christ but teaches work salvation like all Calvinists.
@Rey-pi4yi 4 дня назад
@@slownews6220 yes indeed Calvinism is such a heresy can't believe I was entangled in that, I thank God through our Lord Jesus Christ he took me out of that, I asked the Lord to show true doctrine and he did, I know lots of Calvinists are saved like peter himself, but it's dangerous for sure
@slownews6220 4 дня назад
@@Rey-pi4yi I am happy to hear that you came out of this cult. If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
@Rey-pi4yi 4 дня назад
@@slownews6220 amen
@marionpowell-pb8kf 2 месяца назад
Amen and Amen again 🎉❤
@SavedByGrace11 3 месяца назад
Thank you for this beautiful message, and God bless all who read this in Jesus' name, Amen 🙏 ❤
@JaidenBloodworth 3 месяца назад
@Doyathinkurfunny 3 месяца назад
God is the Saviour of All mankind, specially of believers-1 Timothy 4:10 All that he desires, he does-psalms 115:3 He wills that all be saved and come into realization of the truth-1 Timothy 2:3-4 Scripture in INERRANT(no lies, no errors)- 2 Timothy 3:16 Where Sin increases, Grace superexceeds- Romans 5:20 🎉🎉🎉 Love , Grace & Peace
@TrentonJackson-pl3le 3 месяца назад
Please pray for me.
@eric_sandstrom 4 месяца назад
In the presence of God but without a body until the first resurrection. Correct? It's weird to think having knowledge in the presence of God without a body
@MikicharnEsky 4 месяца назад
Even a piece of paper like money can make someone evil for they love and value money more than God like those people who steals people piece of paper so called money that most good people earn from working like dog and those false teachers with their currupted evil spirit of greed in money corrupt those good people by manipulating them making them more greedy than they are because of their false teachings
@MikicharnEsky 4 месяца назад
Even a piece of paper like money can make someone evil for they love and value money more than God like those people who steals people piece of paper so called money that most good people earn from working like dog and those false teachers with their currupted evil spirit of greed in money corrupt those good people by manipulating them making them more greedy than they are because of their false teachings
@anabelrios1968 5 месяцев назад
He is filled of Holy Spirit. I have 100% certainty. He speaks with the authority from above. I am 100 % sure
@jimkraft9445 5 месяцев назад
To repent of sin, or turn from sin, is to reject Jesus who died for our sins. It is a perverted gospel. It is man trying to save himself. We come to Jesus as sinners. He gives us eternal life as a free gift. Turning from sin is mans way of salvation. Not Gods way. Acts 16:31 PERIOD. Matthew 7:15-21 Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheeps clothing preaching a false gospel of works salvation. They will say, But LORD, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons, in your name, and did many wonderful works, in your name. And Jesus says, you trusted in what you did, not what I did for you. You never did the will of my Father in heaven. John 6:40 and John 6:29. Depart from me ye that work iniquity, I NEVER KNEW YOU. Not I did know you and now I don't, I NEVER KNEW YOU.
@jimkraft9445 5 месяцев назад
First John 1:8 IF we say we have no sin, we are DECEIVED and the TRUTH is not in us. First John 2:2. And He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but for the sins of the whole world. John 3:18. Believers are no longer condemned, but UNBELIEVERS are condemned already because they have not believed on the name of the Son of God. Romans 6:23. The GIFT of God is eternal life. We have to do nothing to receive that gift but BELIEVE Jesus took the punishment we deserve. He paid our sin debt in full so we can never ever be condemned again. Romans 3:26-28. John 3:18.For He is the JUST and the JUSTIFIER of them that BELIEVE in Jesus. Where is boasting then? IT is excluded. By what law? By the law of works? Nay, but by the law of FAITH. Therefore, we conclude a man is JUSTIFIED by FAITH apart from the deeds of the Law. For by the deeds of the law shall no flesh be JUSTIFIED. Galatians 2:21. I do not void the grace of God, for if RIGHTEOUSNESS come by the law, then Christ died for nothing. First John 5:13. These things have I written unto you that BELIEVE on the name of the Son of God, that ye may KNOW YE HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. John 10:28-29. No one can pluck us from His hand. John 6:47. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that BELIEVETH on me HATH EVERLASTING LIFE. The gospel. First Corinthians 15:1-4. Romans 1:16. Galatians 1:6-9. Anyone who preaches any other gospel LET THEM BE ACCURSED. You do not have to give up any sins, or do anything to receive a free gift. Jesus finished words on the cross. "IT IS FINISHED" That is an accounting term, meaning paid in full. John 3:18. Jesus paid the debt of sin we owe God and set us free from the old law of sin and death. John 6:47. Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that BELIEVETH on me HATH EVERLASTING LIFE. Gods word, and He cannot lie.
@scottnovak8903 6 месяцев назад
Sugar corrupted strawberry natural sweet great analogy, sugar is a addictive substance. Problematic is sugar is bad for teeth and lost a lot as a boy, let alone the horrible tooth aches. Amen.
@emmanuelmakoba6085 6 месяцев назад
@seatedabove 6 месяцев назад
Jesus i put my trust in you and turn from my sin save me from my sins ......jim
@devindubow2546 6 месяцев назад
Important subtitle correction: it's supposed to be "if your husband or wife CAN complete you, you're lost".
@seatedabove 7 месяцев назад
i confess my sins to Jesus and i ask Jesus to save me ..........jim
@debbiesheppard1302 7 месяцев назад
Where’s the full sermon please?
@gospelterritory1414 7 месяцев назад
This is from a sermon preached at the Founders conference early this year, so unfortunately they have not posted the full sermon as of yet.
@debbiesheppard1302 7 месяцев назад
@@gospelterritory1414 thank you, I listened to it live stream when he preached it but it was so good I want to hear it again. Can’t wait until it gets posted. Thank you
@susanl1195 7 месяцев назад
Acts 2:38, John 3:1-8 is the gospel the disciples taught. You must repent, be baptized in Jesus name and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. This is all through the book of Acts. Just believing in Jesus does not save you. Demons BELIEVE and they are not saved. It's in James 2:19. Belief IS the beginning of salvation. But Jesus himself in John 3 said you must be born again or you cannot see or enter the kingdom of God. He said you must be born of WATER (baptism) and SPIRIT (recieve the baptism of the Holy GHOST). Acts 2:1-4, Acts 10:45-48, Acts 19:1-6, 1 Corinthians 14:39, John 3:1-8. Jesus' own words! Obey Acts 2:38 and John 3:1-8. Go by the Bible's word. It's the truth!
@jackspringer3039 7 месяцев назад
Do a Google search on "Voddie Baucham net worth"
@shepherd7744 7 месяцев назад
Mr. Washer, must I remind you calvinists ALL the time, hey you're not allowed to come over to our side philosophically, you're a calvinist Sir, none of what you just said matters, according to your own teaching, God before the foundation of the world already decided who's in and who's out, please quit speaking philosophically like you believe they way the Bible actually teaches, that there is a part that each individual plays in salvation, to submit or not submit. Calvinist confusion, double talk and out right contradictions are COMPLETELY irrational!!!!
@HowNow 8 месяцев назад
can you send me a link to this seron?
@gospelterritory1414 7 месяцев назад
This is from a sermon preached at the Founders conference early this year, so unfortunately they have not posted the full sermon as of yet.
@coachmarc2002 8 месяцев назад
What is Paul worried about. Didn't God decree before the foundation of the world that all that stuff would happen? But he's talking as if people could choose a different way to teach those kids.
@Jesus_is_Lord4444 8 месяцев назад
Thats good thinkin, but what do we do for those kids is the real question
@tinfoilghost 8 месяцев назад
You miss the heart of the commandment. You, yourselves, have made this man an idol.😢
@felixcat648 8 месяцев назад
My kids go to Sunday school from 10am to 11am and join us for service from 11 am to 12:45 pm. But the meat of Christian education happens at home with us.
@davidmudry907 8 месяцев назад
Why would they go to hell if they have faith in Christ?
@HowNow 8 месяцев назад
i absolutly love your videos. i rewatch some of my favorites very often. it would be nice if you would put the sermons u took for your videos into the video description so we can watch it. (; this is my new favorite video. from what sermon is it taken?
@gospelterritory1414 7 месяцев назад
Praise God! And thank you. I can’t remember which sermon this is taken from, but I will begin to post where the clips are taken out of. Thank you for telling me to do so, I realize many people ask for the same thing. 😁👍
@HowNow 7 месяцев назад
THANK YOU@@gospelterritory1414
@JimmyTuxTv 8 месяцев назад
You know the world is better off for this exact reason so skip the part about hell until you can find evidence hell exists.
@ChristianContent-l8t 8 месяцев назад
Good thing we’re not saved my good morals, but by putting our faith in Jesus. Go read the book of Acts and study what Paul said to his accusers. He made it very clear, those of the Way put their faith in Jesus. It’s not the evangelicals sending people to Hell, its people like Paul Washer who thinks people are saved by good works. I pray you would understand.
@BluStarGalaxy 8 месяцев назад
Or pastors lie to kids about the Bible and later the people read it themselves to find out the false religion it is.
@KevinMillsap 8 месяцев назад
Do you can’t repent and change? You’re not forgiven? No matter how long it takes you to start walking the path??
@stmichaeldefendusinbattle9876 8 месяцев назад
Is there a full video of this?
@chadbarel9867 8 месяцев назад
Where is the full sermon?
@DoctorDewgong 9 месяцев назад
Protestants are so funny
@jgrajeda8854 9 месяцев назад
Away from Media 😂 In the Media
@Raymond-rr5iv 9 месяцев назад
Contemplate your life and the lives and souls of everyone you've been a part of. That is your investment to interact in developing your spiritual purpose in this life ❤🙏.
@jairopacheco9974 9 месяцев назад
Is that Paul Washer?
@Matthew-307 8 месяцев назад
@jairopacheco9974 8 месяцев назад
@@Matthew-307 niceee
@apolloforabetterfuture4814 9 месяцев назад
When I was a Christian I loved apologetics. Then I became an atheist and destroyed all the bad apologetics arguments I loved as a teenager. There is no good argument for Christianity, there is no good apologetics, I've seen it all heard it all.
@blessed2bwifemommy343 9 месяцев назад
You were never a Christian then