Thor Skywalker Plus
Thor Skywalker Plus
Thor Skywalker Plus
What we got from Star Wars at D23
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@dianesinger9729 14 часов назад
I agree I would love a series of Mando more than 3 or 4 seasons....
@kendrathompson5207 17 часов назад
I think there should be just two series of all the Disney series. Prevents overkill
@RaikenXion 18 часов назад
11:58 Yes, thank you Naboo. You can't just make one movie in a trilogy that's heavy on nostalgia, very "safe" even and heavily similar to a original beloved Film in a hugely popular franchise; then do a complete heavy un-turn and make your next follow up sequel, the complete opposite, where it's heavily subversive and expect that very same audience and Fans to just be completely onboard with what you've done. That's going to upset alot of people, and what really did not help was the way inwhich Disney treated us fans who had issues with that movie afterward. They made it into this whole thing of if you criticize this then you're a bigot, ist/phobe. Infact Disney completely dismissed Fan criticism of TLJ at first, it's like they just didn't want to believe or pay attention to how many of us out there had issues with the movie. They caused all of this now, Disney and KK have turned starwars into this purely Identity Politics thing. Disney deliberately used the mainstream media to twist Fan's criticisms and paint us as sexist, having some problem with Rey cause of sexism, and a problem with women being in starwars in general; and that was never the case. It's all just gone upside down now and Disney don't seem to have many places to go now, it's all gotten stale and fans are losing interest. I get tired even going over this but its true, just don't attack fans, take constructive criticism onboard Disney, and stop making everything about Race/Gender and Identity, in your shows movies, but I also mean making that a huge thing regards us Fans and audiences that don't like how you handle these IPs.
@AndreNitroX 18 часов назад
The real Star Wars will always live on. But modern Star Wars has been drowned by Disney, KK and the current political climate, perhaps it is best to let it rest until a better time comes
@Banedraven День назад
That’s all good news imo. It’d be even better news if they sold lucasfilm 😉
@vekunde День назад
S2 wrapped everything up with a nice bow on top. Then, they got greedy and made whatever S3 was supposed to be.
@ericnetterville2108 День назад
Katheen Kennedy feels she will be forever known as "The woman who destroyed Star Wars"? Good. If the shoe fits, lace that bitch up and wear it, Kathleen.
@fredlusyk6741 День назад
...The Profit of ONE Movie! ...The Profit of TWO Movies!! ...The Loss of MMMaaannnyyy... 《Moana 2: One Too Many》 (*TV Series Turned into a Movie) Nov. 7, 2024 《Mufasa Minus One: James Earl Jones》 (🖤RIP🖤) Dec. 20, 2024 《Captain Falcon & Red Han Solo: Brave New World Order》 Feb. 14, 2025 《Snow Weirdo & Wonder Woman》 March 21, 2025 《Thunderdolts》 May 2, 2025 《Mando & Grogu: This Was The Way》 (*TV Series Turned into a Movie) May 22, 2026 《Elio: Turning Blue...?》 (*from the creators of "Turning Red") June 13, 2025 《Fantastic Four: Fourth Time is the Charm...?》 July 25, 2025 《Tron: Tres》 Oct. 10, 2025 《Dull Blade: Resharpened》 Nov. 7, 2025 《Zootopia, Too》 (*The Original "Zootopia" was Released in 2016) Nov. 26, 2025 《Rey The Grey: Brave New Jedi Order》 (*Ghost Written by Kathleen Kennedy) Dec. 18, 2026 👽 🖖 🤖 ...Personally, i beliEve At Least Half of these movies Will Not be Profitable...?
@WorldPeace21 День назад
Could they replace Pedro Pascal with another actor?
@zufalllx День назад
If season 4 is anything like season 3, I'm okay with it not existing. And there is no Mandoverse! There is no Andorverse, there is no Reyloverse and there is no Filoniverse. There is only Star Wars.
@dougstephens1979 День назад
I called this over a year ago, that there would be no Mando season 4 but just the movie. Favreau is done and they're cashing in.
@kevinvassago День назад
Coming from someone who generally likes Disney Star Wars, it's still a pretty well known fact in this community that KK destroyed star wars. It's not nearly as tragic as some ppl make it out to be imo, but it's impossible to deny the negative impact she's had
@TheMightyCookieShow День назад
As far as Mando goes, if they're doing a full on movie...there's no point to the series.
@miragewizard День назад
I'll believe that a Star Wars movie will come when I can buy tickets on Fandango, but not until then.
@kingofthesharks День назад
I actually didnt finish mandalorian 😅 i chose to unsubscribe from D+ right after ep 3 of season 3 (coruscant) in order to switch over to an ACTUAL Pedro Pascal show that was debuting on HBO Max at the time lol but i guess ill finish it on the side once i resubscribe for Andor S2 🔥
@richardspears6849 День назад
I believe on all the rumors you mentions
@ForceMaximus84 День назад
Everything that has been made or being made leads to her awful trilogy, so why would fans waste their time and money on it? Lucas’ VII-IX or Nothing
@kingxkishi4904 День назад
Thank you for being frank, Thor.
@nichlaschristensson1055 День назад
Hi Thor and Naboo. I actually think that Mando ending after this movie can be partly Jon's original idea when he started this project. He gave us a few new characters and then we get a movie to end that part. Then we get some new characters in a few new series. Then a movie again. He said that he wanted fans to get the chance to see the OT heros together again.. So a few series building up the story for a trilogy of movies, sounds like a plan Jon could have had from the start. He lost Gina (Cara Dune) but also creative conntrol after Mando s2. So hopfully he can still give us something great if he gets a chance
@Kevin_Street День назад
The Taika Waititi and Steven Knight rumors make total sense. Maybe too much sense? They seem to fit with our beliefs about what's going on behind the scenes, anyway. Waititi has been doing other things like Time Bandits, which suggests that Star Wars isn't even on his horizon. Meanwhile, Knight hasn't mentioned the Rey movie in some time. If you Google his name the Rey movie isn't even in the first page of results. I hope the Mandalorian rumor isn't true, although it very well could be. It would make artistic sense to end it with a bang in a big, popular movie. But if that happens it makes Disney+ look pretty bare. After Andor next year, what have they got? Almost nothing, it seems. Not much reason to stay subscribed.
@kingxkishi4904 День назад
Am I the only one that isn’t shocked about Mando after season 3…
@doubleupload5620 День назад
Mandos success really was its biggest problem
@Chibiknux День назад
On one hand I really hope the Mando movie is good, but at the same time, I'd prefer Star Wars to go on a deep 8 or 10 year hiatus and start from scratch. If Mando does well but the Rey movie is bad where would that leave us?
@RepublicOfBridger День назад
Hey Thor, when are you and Naboo going to do an update on Star Wars Unlimited. You talked about it way back in May or April I think. I was hoping you guys would play a game or something.
@generalkenobi9782 День назад
@thor I have an interesting question. Is it really Kathleen Kennedy tho? Does she deserve all the heat? She has to answer to shareholders. She has to answer to someone. And I am of the opinion there is someone worse behind KK.
@bobbymauro3721 День назад
Please stop making more watered-down SW! Please! It's destroying everything we hold sacred!
@bmarshy День назад
The Mandalorian season 3 is where it all went wrong. For the record, i actually enjoyed season 3 and didn't understand a lot of the problems that many people had with it, but Mando and Grogu should NEVER have been reunited in BoBF. Season 3 of The Mandalorian should have been split between Mando's quest for redemption and Grogu training with Luke, only for them to reunite at the end perhaps after Thrawn's return. However, they (meaning Disney and Lucasfilm) could easily fix this. Give us either an intermediary live action series or an animated short series between the season 2 finale of The Mandalorian and the episode of BoBF when they are reuinted. That way, we would get to see more of Din as a lone-ranger bounty hunter while also seeing more of Luke training Grogu. It could work...?
@michaelkohl2250 День назад
This show was such a shitshow, pls make it stop
@achaudhari101 День назад
No it wasn’t.
@michaelkohl2250 18 часов назад
@@achaudhari101 s1 ok, s2 meh, s3 garbage
@jimdaniels7531 День назад
Wish I could share Thor's optimism, but I just don't think the Mando & Grogu movie is going to be good. Season 3 was awful, and the movie announcement felt like a desperate move by a studio that knows it's in trouble. Even the title and initial concept art felt rushed and basic. Prove me wrong, Lucasfilm. Please.
@tomradcliff6859 День назад
Lucasfilm: "We have ONE thing that has worked for us over the past 5 years. It's ending." Star Wars Fans: "What???"
@istari0 День назад
All of this could be a sign that Disney is realizing that their Star Wars strategy has failed and they are dumping projects that will not be profitable. I am surprised about the info regarding The Mandalorian though, seeing as it has been the most successful Disney+ Star Wars show.
@dozyproductionss День назад
Of course it will be shit. You havent learned this yet?
@daneg День назад
I'm genuinely uncertain which I would prefer: a 90-120 minute movie with full-on production values commensurate with what a SW tent pole film more or less demands? or do I want a TV series limited to 6-10 eps and far reduced in budget? Iger has come out and said that theses miniseries Disney has been bankrolling for SW and the MCU have to stop. They simply cannot recoup their investment by throwing $150m+ into a series of 8ish 35-minute episode series. But a $150-200m movie could justify that price tag given the initial release run and then using it to collect subscriptions on the back end. personally, I'm out on SW and MCU TV series filmed like your average TV series. I loved BtVS, but that level of production value is a hard no for me on SW. and the charm of something like BtVS lies in witty back and forths, not elaborate sets, clothing, and action pieces. I don't need a CW drama from the late 90s or another Mutant X series. I want HBO-style limited series or just stick with movies and throw the animated serials on Disney+ to pacify the less discerning section of the SW audience (kids).
@atlasdesnyder4747 День назад
Mandalorians have been by far my favorite aspect of Star Wars for as long as I can remember, so having a Mandalorian show was super exciting -- and I loved the first two seasons despite having severe problems with the portrayal of Mandalorian culture as a semi-mystical, non-pragmatic, and almost Jedi-like in some ways order of warriors. I won't go into these issues further, as I don't want to write a whole essay, but suffice it to say that I was very disappointed with season three, as it had the perfect setup for expanding the scope of the story and furthering the personal character growth of Din Djarin, Bo-Katan, and others -- the reconquest of Mandalore could have been a season or two of these and other characters gathering their forces and resources, building a coalition of disparate and disagreeable Mandalorian clans and groups, avoiding scrutiny from a misguided and compromised New Republic government, and navigating and overcoming the diplomatic and interpersonal conflict these things brings with them, all for the common goal of retaking Mandalore from the Imperial Remnant (and, if they wanted to add a sense of actual scale rather than implying a whole culture is just like 20 guys randomly spawning in basements and caves at random, securing the entire Mandalore sector from the Imperials, pirates, and other concerns). As it stands, though, all that potential story and character growth was squandered out of studio anxiety, rushed writing, and a cheap and cynical choice to bring back Grogu, and we got season three as it was. I'll still watch the movie for the more superficial action and such, and maybe it'll be pretty good, but I can't say I give a damn whether it gets a season 4 or not, as there's no stakes or clear direction for the characters and story like there was at the end of season two, which is frustrating; I want to like Star Wars, I want to be excited for it, but this culture of corporate cowardice and whatever other ego and/or ideology driven agendas of any sort are at play within Lucasfilm, in conjunction with their ever worsening financial and public relations conditions, have made that impossible.
@achaudhari101 День назад
Season 3 was an overhated season.
@RaikenXion День назад
That first "rumor" I absolutely do believe is true, BUT IF the "Mando & Grogu" movie does become hugely successful, I have a feeling Disney will be tempted and want to continue on with those characters in some way. Taika's movie is cooked lol! There's no way that happening, he's had two mixed projects, Thor: L&T and that Time bandits reboot which I havnt even touched with a barge pole. Disney now know Taika is not good for franchises. The Lando movie I do feel could happen one day, they'll make it somekind of heist, to show how Lando hits the big time and gets his foot in the door to become the "Administrator" running Cloud City. It will only need one big, cool movie for Donald Glover and Disney will snap him up straight away for that Lando project. The Rey movie, I can totally believe KK pushed for, and part of Disney's thinking was they felt Rey can lead the franchise because they always intended the Sequels to be the main thing; they just ended up becoming so heavily divisive. I'm wondering if Iger is just now hoping KK will get fed up and chose to step down from Lucasfilm soon, because if she does he will quietly cancel that Rey movie; although that will pee off all the sequels fans, all 100 of them lol.
@jimdaniels7531 День назад
Yeah, they could always resurrect The Mandalorian tv series if it looks like there's money to be made. I get the sense they are trying to focus more on the Filoniverse with a big Thrawn movie to cap it all off, but if that flops they could always go running back to Mando.
@RaikenXion 20 часов назад
@@jimdaniels7531 True, Filoni needs to get Zahn to write "Thrawn" in live action though, cause he just doesn't have it in him I don't think. Filoni is too like based in his animated field how he writes his characters; Bad Batch was cool though. Havnt seen tales of the empire though, heard some mixed vibes to that show. Favreau needs to be allowed more creative control I think, it shouldn't be this "Filoniverse" it was meant to be the *Mandoverse* until he got sabotaged by KK.
@daneg День назад
Mandoverse? more like the Filoniverse or Rebels-verse? good point about 2 season being a good/complete story for Mandalorian. still free to appear in other projects.
@morgansheppy1584 День назад
Man they really messed up mando. Should have been many more years of weekly bounties and adventures, and a slow drip of mando lore and the eventual retaking of mandalore. They just speed-ran that shit into the ground
@rogerpalsgrove9678 День назад
I doubt the Taika and Rey movies will happen. At this point I feel like it's the general audience that is going to have to save the Din Gro-gu movie. Just seems like Disney shunning the old Star Wars audience in a quest for a new audience has done its damage.
@radelc День назад
The only reason this would be happening is that Favreau is fed up with the Disney machine and his plans were gutted with Season3/boba fett.
@saintmanuel День назад
TW should stay as far away from beloved franchises as possible. what he did to thor is an abomination and showed how little respect he has for the characters. his own projects are solid and some are actually entertaining. so keep him away from dc, marvel and star wars.
@achaudhari101 День назад
You’re acting like he’s some kind of demon.
@saintmanuel День назад
@@achaudhari101 Not really, if you read both parts of my argument. I think jojo rabbit and what we do in the shadows are both entertaining. But while ragnarok was only a bit over the edge in its portrayal of its protagonist, Thor Love and Thunder was such a letdown in terms of staying true to the character. Branagh introduced him in such a great way and he stay that way basicaly until age of ultron. but turning the god of thunder into a joke was a bad move. I don´t know why Feige let TW do it, but the director said himself, that he didnt´t really care about the source material. So I don´t think he is some kind of demon, but the wrong guy for the thor movies.
@achaudhari101 День назад
@@saintmanuel Well it won’t be the last we see of Thor.
@saintmanuel 14 часов назад
@@achaudhari101 Hemsworth as Thor is great casting. But I think he did the character more justice in the earlier films. Not due to his acting but because of the scripts and directing. Thor should stay somewhat distanced from the human characters due to his heritage and origin. He was introduced quite well and adapted to certain degree, but shouldn't be in balance with earthly-human behaviour and traditions. And he has to remain mostly serious. Nothing against some humor, and Hemsworth can deliver that great, but the focus of Thor as a character should be on other things. If that means less involvement in the main avengers storyline so be it. But he has to have gravitas, a royal presence especially after becoming worthy again in Thor 1 and overcoming his arrogance. I don't expect Branagh to return for Thor 5, but I'd welcome it if the script is great and a good story is being told.
@piotrziemba2257 День назад
continueing mando series after the film makes no sense to me the movie will be finishing chapter is good , waititi movie canceled is very good coz i don't see him making a good star wars movie , rey movie propably wouldn't happend so all of that are basically good news.
@magnusmotor1364 День назад
I called it! After Mandalorian season 2 was such a hit Favreau turned season 3 into filler and focused on films. I would bet the plot of the film is based on the original script for the season 3.
@debelmeis2311 День назад
KK is a Narcissist that is holding back the franchise, she doesn't want to write she wants writers to magically figure out the garbage she wants so she can distance herself from the inevitable failure
@debelmeis2311 День назад
Killing the Mando Series would be suicidal
@nightgirlgaming1985 День назад
No more Mando sounds crazy. Sure S3 wasn't as popular as the previous seasons, but it still had a lot more views than most of the other series right?
@achaudhari101 День назад
@OswaldPHaygood День назад
I thought the Taika Waititi movie had been announced as canceled a few months back. Maybe I was just dreaming the future.
@Ptaaruonn День назад
Disney is being run by clowns. Sorry real clowns, you are awesome. Also Mando should have ended with Grogu being handed to Skywalker. It was a good ending and they stole that from us.
@achaudhari101 День назад
They stole nothing from you.
@paulemge9156 День назад
None of the Disney+ shows are making money. It doesn’t surprise me at all. Also I doubt they sign on the dotted line.. at least not on any meaningful way
@achaudhari101 День назад
Yet the service finally made money after 5 years.
@paulemge9156 День назад
@@achaudhari101 they showed a profit for a quarter in the direct to consumer category. They are still way in the hole
@achaudhari101 День назад
@@paulemge9156 But to say none made money is factually wrong.
@dancingvalkyrie День назад
This is good news. The Mandalorian was always mediocre garbage that had little to no plot.
@PhonosTPOS День назад
If Kennedy is overseen everything, how come some shows are good and others are bad, if she's the problem, shouldn't all of them be bad??
@achaudhari101 День назад
Because some of them are experienced enough to create something worth watching.
@nicklibby3784 День назад
Because even a broken clock ⏰ is right twice a day (Andor & Mandos 2 seasons). Also, she wasn't very involved in some of the shows, while other shows she had a heavy involvement in. We are starting to notice a correlation between KK involvement 📈 and show quality 📉. The more she is involved, the worse the show is. Now, obviously correlation doesn't ≠ equal causation, however given all the evidence we have, it is safe to hypothesize the most likely conclusion is that KK is negatively impacting the franchise as a whole. Hopefully you understand the answer. That was good question.
@achaudhari101 День назад
@@nicklibby3784 I think we all knew that for a while.