ConFoo Developer Conference
ConFoo Developer Conference
ConFoo Developer Conference
ConFoo is a non for profit, multi-technology conference. We bring the learning experience to a whole new level.
Advanced PHP - Rasmus Lerdorf
4 месяца назад
What is the spirit behind ConFoo?
4 месяца назад
The Myth of Culture - Ken Coar
6 лет назад
ConFoo in a Nutshell
8 лет назад
Soirée innovation - reelyActive
8 лет назад
Soirée innovation - Motsai
8 лет назад
Soirée innovation - Vrvana
8 лет назад
@_ocotech 10 дней назад
One day I would to enjoy this meeting and share my point of view about this topics
@AdamLeis 17 дней назад
tl;dw: Speed of delivery isn't enough - be brave/courageous enough to do the hard work. Keep learning new tech skills. Do the hard work too.
@Teleschmiede 2 месяца назад
@bernard-ng 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing
@b43xoit 11 месяцев назад
JS has not only `null` and `undefined` but furthermore `false` and `NaN`. Lisp just had NIL.
@AmericanWithTheTruth Год назад
As a 25 year IT veteran and looking for part-time work for the last two years with no success, this is the most depressing, but enlightening video I’ve seen on IT in a long time. I wish I would have known this 20 years ago before I would’ve never went into the IT tech field to begin with. It is one of the very few career fields where ageism is a real thing and experience means nothing compared to other fields like medicine, 19:17 and education,where experience is every.
@lmor7110 Год назад
Excellent thought-provoking presentation. Thank you Clarissa
@SamJoex Год назад
18:34 oof she accidentally called Google "Gorilla"
@Sindoku Год назад
Disagree. Tabs do spark joy!
@Sindoku Год назад
I love the Pied Piper shirt!
@fennecbesixdouze1794 Год назад
Names with spaces would not be good. Imagine a language where you have nicely expressive syntax using things like "... if ... else ..." ternary operators or Python-like boolean conjunctions etc. If you have spaces available for names you could easily want to write out exactly that expression for your name. Now suppose later you use that same expression. The algorithm he proposed will use that as an identifier because you've assigned to that name. For example: ``` from my functions import fun1, fun2, fun3, do something to from my favorite constants import a1, a2, a3, a4 x = fun1(a1) y = fun2(a2) x or y = x or y do something to(x or y) fun3(x or y) x = fun1(a3) y = fun2(a4) fun3(x or y) ``` The final use of "x or y" will be interpreted as the name in the block above rather than as the or of the new x and y. The main problem is that if you say the compiler gets to figure out what the longest string that makes sense as an identifier is, it introduces really bad non-locality issues. I have to keep in my head the entire source code so I can remember all the possible identifiers at any point in the program to be sure that some syntactic expression I'm writing wasn't used as an identifier previously. Good programming languages need good locality. I want a language where I can look at a single line of code: `x or y` and I can be certain what it is: x is an identifier, y is an identifier, and this is the result of using the or operator between x and y. I might not know what x or y are, but I know what this line of code is doing. If identifiers can have spaces, then I will no longer be able to figure out what this line of code is in isolation.
@quintencabo Год назад
Also you could make the null object thing with a proxy right?
@quintencabo Год назад
Tab reduces file size though
@fardelian 2 года назад
I have scheduled meetings to decide whether a parameter should be in the headers, the URL, the query string, or the request body. Please send help!
@bruslag 2 года назад
Tab is very important to systems with Hebrew, Couse yoo can mix sentences which have both Hebrew and English words
@DriveandThrive 2 года назад
Null and undefined are not the same. My turn to be pedantic. They provide specific information that a generic bottom value wouldn't and it is helpful information so I must disagree
@DriveandThrive 2 года назад
Let vs var sure but again having both serves a purpose in niche situations where you might want the global scope. Just leave everything alone. Coders are used to being pedantic but don't let that harm the tools we use.
Nah, var was a mistake. We should just never use var; there's never a situation in which you want to use var and can't do it somehow else.
@DriveandThrive 2 года назад
Space 4x space 4x space 4x...an apocalypse indeed
@DriveandThrive 2 года назад
Tabs are a gift from god. Whoever invented it should be mentioned alongside Edison and the Wright Brothers
@raashidkhan1 2 года назад
@anupam kher’s doppelgänger
@JohnnySomaliIsGay 2 года назад
TECH I.S. is a school that discriminates on age, they only take students who are only 40 y/o or younger.
@poojaghormade6727 2 года назад
Clarissa, you are amazing! Every example you give is so relevant. This got to be reaching more and more people. Take responsibility of what they do.
@fatbubble123 2 года назад
We are the workers. We have the power to chose who we work for, and how our work affects the world.
@sadcat520 3 года назад
Annoying mouth sounds
@RabaDabaDoba 3 года назад
KTH squad!
@IanBussAudio 3 года назад
@IWD40I 3 года назад
Tokimeku desu ka?
@m.x. 3 года назад
I'm sorry but this guy has no clue what he's talking about. It's just a bunch of _mambo jambo_ ideas all mixed up without proper organisation. I recommend Ken Coar and everybody else to read *_"El mito de la cultura"_* by Spanish philosopher Gustavo Bueno. The best book about the topic by far. Unfortunately, it's only in Spanish. Instead, you can check out the following article published in Gustavo Bueno Foundation's website, the best source in English on the topic: *_"The Kingdom of Culture and the Kingdom of Grace"_* www.fgbueno.es/ing/gbm/1991cult.htm
@fer86bd 4 года назад
Please make a conference in getting rid on non international unit sistem units. They are never 10based, they never even fit between each other in integers! jajajajajajajaja
@DominicVictoria 4 года назад
Me ~ Languages aren't the problem. It's people that uses it. It goes in couple of ways. If it's the proper language for the job and you're having a hard time fixing its code. It's the people that wrote it. If the language is inappropriate for the use, it's the people who used it. Edit- If the language sucks... it's just the language's fault. Jk, it's the f people who wrote it.
@EricHogue 4 года назад
I've seen this talk at the conference. It was awesome. Worth watching again.
@llIllIlI 4 года назад
// V.A.R. var varEquals = 'View Angular React';
@coolworx 4 года назад
Post = Add a new document Put = Replace an existing document Patch = Edit an existing document.
@subvind 4 года назад
The Channel JavaScript Apocalypse
@rowdyghatkar 4 года назад
I never knew that Anupam Kher is an expert in JS...
@SamuelKarani 4 года назад
anyone else like the idea of pre/post contracts for functions?
@tomaskraus47 4 года назад
The TAB key on keyboard is very useful. The TAB character in a character set is pure evil...
@artgreg2296 4 года назад
wasm wasi rust
@danh5637 4 года назад
Web assembly. I don’t know why people in JS don’t see what’s going to finish them.
@KerryOConnor1 4 года назад
I dont think the demographics of worldwide js devs and future C family web devs overlap very much though ppl use js largely because it's easy, not because it's powerful
@ToddPressleyy 3 года назад
Wat? If you feel so strongly, please elaborate... Taken straight from webassembly.org: "Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications." The important bit being "compilation *target*" as opposed to "Javascript (or any other language, for that matter) replacement." Also, "people in JS" is, what, like 99.9% of people entering/operating within our field? Not defending javascript, just skeptical of (yet curious about) your point.
@theshermantanker7043 3 года назад
Not sure why PHP isn't used on front ends either, the Zend Engine isn't difficult to embed and now even has a JIT Compiler
@arjob 4 года назад
Guys this is not a joke. Not just a mean to earn money. Folks what we create really touches many lives. More and more people are relying of software written by others. Take responsibility.
@jhierry 5 лет назад
like id lose my job if i started doing 1/100th of these things. the issue isn't the engineer... Its that we are forced to do specific stuff. when she gonna make the connection that it is capitalism making these things the best decisions to make profit.
@mikalbrown3227 3 года назад
@@agenticmark LOL people act like socialist countries are broke. Canada is right next door and is doing fine with good wages. Stop listening to propaganda and use some critical thinking
@MarcusHammarberg 5 лет назад
That guy on the poster... I think it got me about 20 times during the prezi... "Oh, two presenters now?" No... not this time either
@DarrinCullop 4 года назад
It's not a poster. He's helping hold him up. He'd fall right over if that guy wasn't there.
@kapral18 5 лет назад
"The web is cluttered and full of errors" - Melisandre Crockford
@911madza 5 лет назад
the title should be "how long will it take for WA to take over?"
@kolyxix 5 лет назад
I say we get rid off those pathetic frameworks and keep react and nodejs. If you can accomplish cool UI in react why tha hell do you need Anguluar js or vue js, backbone.js, ember.js, electron.js. And offcourse there are so-called tooling like wepback, npm, gulp, and babel. Just stick with to react, node, npm, and babel. keep it simple, make FONT END FUN AGAIN. All these flavor of the month front-end frame work is destroying front-end.
@tommach4313 5 лет назад
@alexk6745 5 лет назад
I think we should get rid of Javascript and replace it with F#. BTW, this is already possible to avoid Javascript and use Blazor. I would not say that I hate Javascript, but no spark of joy. With F# completely different story
@robertzeurunkl8401 5 лет назад
I don't believe in getting rid of things just because they are not "pure". Date() is a useful function. It's not *meant* to be "pure". I don't care if it is pure. I want the date, not "purity". Same with several others of these objects/functions.
@diegocfq 2 года назад
Did you watch the whole thing? Because it seems you didn't get the joke (not even when he mentioned: get rid of users)
@robertzeurunkl8401 5 лет назад
I used to respect Doug. But now I hate him. LONG LIVE TABS!!!!! But, seriously, I don't want to you to hit return, and then 4 space bars, or 8 or 12 spaces to get the next indent right on every single line.
@InfiniteRain_ 5 лет назад
Do you program in MS notepad? All the modern code editors have a functionality that would insert 4 spaces when you press a tab. Shift+Tab will remove 4 spaces. This is such a non-argument, Jesus Christ.
@wilsongaturu134 5 лет назад
17:36 I thought Object.assign returns a new object and doesn't mutate the original object?
@paschalobba4001 4 года назад
It doesn't deep copy.
@b43xoit 11 месяцев назад
It takes two arrrrrrrrrrrghuments and mutates the object pointed to by one of them.