City of Mesa
City of Mesa
City of Mesa
Short form productions fromMesaAZ TV, Mesa Arizona
Planning & Zoning Meeting - 9/11/2024
8 часов назад
Council Study Session - 9/9/2024
15 часов назад
CIty Council Meeting - 9/9/2024
15 часов назад
Why I am a Park Ranger
День назад
Council Study Session - 9/5/2024
День назад
Planning & Zoning Meeting - 8/28/2024
14 дней назад
Economic Development Annual Report 2024
14 дней назад
Council Study Session - 8/26/2024
14 дней назад
City Council Meeting - 8/26/2024
14 дней назад
Disagree Better, Arizona!
21 день назад
Council Study Session - 8/22/2024
21 день назад
Council Study Session - 8/19/2024
21 день назад
City Council Meeting - 8/19/2024
21 день назад
Council Study Session - 8/15/2024
Месяц назад
General Election 2024
Месяц назад
Permanent Base Adjustment
Месяц назад
Parks, Recreation and Culture Bond
Месяц назад
Public Safety Bond
Месяц назад
Planning & Zoning Meeting - 8/14/2024
Месяц назад
Planning & Zoning Meeting - 7/24/2024
Месяц назад
Helmet your head!
Месяц назад
Fraud Altert!
Месяц назад
Honor Heroes, Build Legacies
Месяц назад
Planning & Zoning Meeting - 7/10/2024
2 месяца назад
City Council Meeting - 7/8/2024
2 месяца назад
Council Study Session - 7/8/2024
2 месяца назад
@NoNow-zf5qb 2 дня назад
Along with the high rate of pay for city employees, they are only having to pay a token amount as their portion of the health care premiums. People that work in the corporate world pay at least $3000/year for the same coverage. This isn't earned money by how great your company is doing; you just raise our taxes and give it to yourselves. On top of that, they get a special place to go for wellness treatment that, from what I see, is not open to the general public. The city manager even acknowledged that one of the perks of working for the city is the benefits package. This makes it sound like we aren't already paying top dollar in salaries to city employees. I don't begrudge them the same treatment as people in the private sector, but I fail to grasp why they need to set up on a pedestal above us when we are the ones paying for it. On utility rate increases, council member Freeman made an excellent point about keeping the base charge as planned and raising the usage charge for water enough to meet the budget. This is a much fairer proposition and is less regressive, making the highest users pay the most. I am much more concerned with the quality of water than the cost. Right now the quality is pretty low. This was a long meeting. I hope this sums it up for you.
@NoNow-zf5qb 2 дня назад
I have no sympathy for a bunch of rich people that don't want development near their palatial estates. If they were really concerned about this, use some of your riches to buy the land and set it aside as a preserve.
@NoNow-zf5qb 5 дней назад
The only interesting thing about this meeting is that they might actually hold up a liquor license.
@NoNow-zf5qb 10 дней назад
The Hibbert St parking garage should be rental spaces for cars. This includes city employees, not just the general public. Using valuable downtown real estate to provide free parking is a waste of tax dollars. As easy as it is to commute via public transit to this area, there is no reason for the taxpayers to provide free parking. If you refuse to take public transit, then have someone drop you off at work. Set a good example for the community rather than looking for more free perks. What’s worse, as Council Member Freeman noted, this is currently planned to not have solar panels on the roof. Why would you design a structure this large, with a flat roof, without incorporating solar capacity into the design? Now we’ll have to add more cost to do this later. At the tune of $15 million once it is all added up, just think of how many improvements that would generate for public transit into downtown instead of this obsession with car storage. Stop patting each other on the back that this is such a great idea and work toward the elimination of single-occupant driving or you will not have to worry about parking because we will all be gone. Good job on the federal money for water infrastructure improvements. This is a good use of money. Quality water is way more important than car storage. As far as multi-family EV charging, all we really need is access to Level 1 charging, which is essentially a dedicated 120v outlet like you plug in most of your homes’ appliances already. These should be mandated by the city in every garage and carport at the facility. They should also be in parking garages at workplaces and destinations. It is not that big a deal. Those big podiums for level two charging are seldom needed at your place of residence and are a bonus service that apartments will add without any kind of mandate just to make a few bucks more. The only people that can’t use a Level 1 charger to fill their cars are ones that are driving too darn far or have too big of a vehicle. If you plug a normal car in at night you will have around 50 miles of charge to get through your day. Drive like a sane person, going slow so you can avoid running over pedestrians, and you will have plenty of charge. I speak from experience because that’s what I do, and I have never been without a charge. Council Member Somers is expressing a concern on the rise of rental rates if it is mandated that they provide any EV charging at apartments. That is not anything that needs to be worried about if you mandate that carports and garages at the newly built apartments have solar on the roof and a level one outlet or a level 2 outlet in paid parking at apartments. The fee is already overwhelming for both garage and carports so no extra charge from the owner should be added.
@SumaiyaAkter-N 13 дней назад
I hope this message finds you well. I recently came across your RU-vid channel and was thoroughly impressed by the quality of your content. It's evident that you've cultivated a dedicated audience who appreciates your work. As a fellow enthusiast of your content, I have some ideas that I believe could further elevate your channel's success. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss these ideas with you. Warm regards.
@felixtekat5355 19 дней назад
A couple of zoning and annexation hearings that went without comment and were approved by the whole council. Not much else to this meeting.
@felixtekat5355 19 дней назад
Kudos to Council Member Freeman, who questioned how much involvement there was from local artists in deciding the Arts Center mural. I understand it was the idea of a visiting artist, but I’m curious as to what would have been said if the same idea was brought up by a local, unknown artist or student.
@InvestingForTomorrow24 20 дней назад
Heartfelt thanks to John Giles for having the wisdom to stand up to the lies that have become the substance of the GOP crime syndicate.
@jirafapurpura 21 день назад
This is a great video! This would be useful for gen z students to learn more on assumptions and stereotypes.
@azdesertnews7563 22 дня назад
Time for our TURN COAT MAYOR, go away please your a disgrace as proven by this video. Hurry up and go away please. I disagree with you mayor, you do make a perfect democrat.
@felixtekat5355 24 дня назад
Mesa doesn’t have a housing shortage; it has a shortage of “missing middle” housing options suitable for young workers and retirees. Young workers don’t want to spend more than 25% of their earnings on a place to live, and retirees don’t want to maintain a single-family house that includes yardwork and upkeep on a bunch of rooms they will seldom use. We need condos over retail, duplexes, townhomes, high-rise apartments (or condos) and 1-2 bedroom houses. All of which need to be priced so that someone with the average Mesa income can buy or rent using 25% of their income. That’s affordability. Most people I’ve encountered in Mesa are spending closer to 50-60% of their income on a place to live which leaves them zero money to spend on anything else in the city other than basic necessities. Housing may be the end goal of some, but it is not the end goal of most of us. If Mesa wants to avoid state control of their zoning authority due to the shortage of affordable housing which has resulted in people living on the street, then it is going to have to abandon this laissez faire free market thinking. The developers only want to build large, single-family homes because that’s where they make the most money. Somebody needs to build small homes to fill the demand, and they won’t unless the city puts a boot on their neck and tells them that’s the only way to get a permit to build. That’s going to be a hard task because the greedy city wants ever higher property taxes, but that’s the only solution. The same is true of apartments. Nobody is building high density, 10-20 story apartments because that costs more and the NIMBYs don’t want anything built that makes their little shack look bad. So, we all end up with oversized single-family houses or 3-story walk-up apartments, both built fast and cheap. The answer surely is not to provide taxpayer money to allow low-income home buyers to pay the over-inflated prices of new homes. That's the path that led us to the 2008 great recession. The only way for home prices to return to reasonable levels is to let overpriced homes remain unsold while taxing the owner until they decide lowering the price is a better option than letting it sit empty. I wish John Giles could stay on as the mayor. Our choices in this mayoral election don’t seem to grasp the needs of society. Scott Somers should consider a run.
@felixtekat5355 24 дня назад
Whenever Councilmember Julie Spilsbury (District 2) speaks it is about parking or family which get repetitious. Councilmember Scott Somers (District 6) was next and is usually full of good ideas, but this time he was bragging about a new gas powered energy generator. Why would any city lock in a fossil fuel plant that is going to last for decades instead of renewables? The rest of the Councilmembers were either repetitive or didn’t have anything to add. One of the items that was repeated was crossing guards for schools which is now a hired position. What happened to the responsible 5th and 6th graders doing the job and learning about being responsible citizens? Between the stroads and high-speed racetracks that are located in front of all the schools, I guess the job is considered too hard now. I’m sure liability insurance is coming into play here.
@felixtekat5355 24 дня назад
It starts out with a prayer, then the swearing in of two new magistrates. What does an imaginary god have to do with city meetings or the honesty of a judge? We’ve all seen how unethical and biased the US Supreme Court has become, and every one of them swore to god to uphold the constitution too. The first amendment grants us freedom of religion, which is also freedom from religion mandated or encouraged by our government. Next was the great voice of Mr. Christopher reading the consent agenda, which was very long this week, but that’s not a problem because he speaks clearly and at a record speed. If I wasn’t watching him, I would think it was recorded in advance.
@NoNow-zf5qb 29 дней назад
On “renewable” energy, there are two portions that make me laugh. First, what you refer to as “renewable natural gas” is actually better known as methane, and it is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Secondly, biomass is a suspect way of generating renewable energy. The trees you are cutting down are a carbon sink, and removing them not only stops their ability to capture more carbon from the air, it also releases their stored carbon when you burn them. A lose-lose situation.
@felixtekat5355 29 дней назад
Agreed. Read this book for more : 42 reasons to hate the universe : and one reason not to. It's at the Mesa Library. Or watch videos by ClimateTown.
@AtGnat8 Месяц назад
RE: Lead: Everyday at Falcon Field, piston driven aircraft fuel up with leaded fuel and circle over the city. Wonder what the lead levels at the nearby schools look like.
@NoNow-zf5qb 29 дней назад
Great comment. That's terrible that these are still allowed, knowing the effects of lead on cognitive development.
@NoNow-zf5qb Месяц назад
Your pictures show more recreation for children, what will it add that is adult oriented?
@NoNow-zf5qb Месяц назад
If this extra money will be used to buy a few smaller emergency vehicles for smaller emergency needs, great. I suspect it will be used for more oversized fire engines like you already have that from what I can see are not in need of being replaced.
@thelizfamilyvlogs6187 Месяц назад
As a former cashier, I have seen a customer walk into a store, then collapse from a brain aneurysm and die, no matter what efforts we did to save him, then later on find out that his 3 year old child was alone in the car. The 3 year old turned out to be OK and is alive and well today. But thank God we found out he was in that vehicle. It was a hot day as well. Don't leave a young child in a hot car. You never know what could happen to you while in the store, and people might never find your child until it's too late.
@edoxtator1238 Месяц назад
This is exactly why I don’t go to arena shows or festivals. The music is so distant.
@EloyMatana Месяц назад
Am is leaving on monday
@EloyMatana Месяц назад
Will you go to the prom with me
@EloyMatana Месяц назад
Unliscned roc felons making money
@EloyMatana Месяц назад
No more disability checks for drug dealers on wheel cahair and selling dope on public schools and bus stops
@EloyMatana Месяц назад
On main st. No more probation excuses snitches 2500 dollars giving up people while getting disability checks and so ial security checks to sell drugs stop it now
@EloyMatana Месяц назад
Stop all fetanyl crisis and also family organized banner baywood fetanyl crisis
@-JonnyBoy- Месяц назад
Little did we know he was a democrat hidden in plain sight all along. Supporting Harris??? WTF
@fidelcordova9381 Месяц назад
Is mesa building this property center! For what?
@carolynnmarkiewicz6015 Месяц назад
This Mayor supports Harrises policies not Pres Trump. Harries policies are in fact not wgat Republican voters support. Why doesn't he just switch his party to Democrat? We are not anti Semitic as Harris is. We are pro life Harris is pro abortion full term. Harris is for openborders . Republicans are for closed boarders. This man is a wolf in sheep's clothing. He is a Rhino. A Serpant. We have been praying God would expise and remove the unrighteous from our government. I see this as an answer.
@genevieve1963 Месяц назад
I like what Scott Neely has to say!
@AtGnat8 2 месяца назад
More like Title Altert
@kesa7669 2 месяца назад
Scott Neely is a MAGA Republican who doesn't know anything about businesses in Mesa if he truly believes that there are no dining options in Mesa. No good for mesa. Focused on not having to drive to Scottsdale for dinner and then calls themselves blue-collar.
@markheidt870 2 месяца назад
You will never get a donation from our family
@markheidt870 2 месяца назад
No backgrounds will be accepted, ever.
@markheidt870 2 месяца назад
Then, those charities can never have any of our money
@felixtekat5355 2 месяца назад
As usual, a dozen requests for liquor licenses. A much needed update on water pipes along Westwood and University. The water treatment plant is getting more equipment and supplies. I will bet it won’t get rid of the sulfur dioxide in the water that reeks and tastes awful. I don’t understand why they are not adding more chlorine like Chandler does or a carbon filter to the list of things the city needs. I’m sick of listening to the neighbors complaints and no action is taken. 4 million seems like a lot to spend on city laptops. Prove me wrong. I look forward to hearing when the next Eco multi use living development will be completed. It is much more valuable than the current parking lot. Build up, not out. I understand the frustrations that the owner of the music store has stated about being blindsided on this project, but free access to parking in a downtown business is almost impossible since this is really valuable land, and surface parking is a waste of that value. Downtowns are successful when walking traffic is increased, and adding more customers living at your backdoor is certain to do that. This is the way cities developed for centuries, and has only changed during the past 50 year obsession with cars. Sprawl did not work. It is time to go back to cities for people, not cars. Expanding gambling at a restaurant near the Red Mountain Library. This seems like something the city could do without. Soon to be followed by gambling anonymous.
@timmello1121 2 месяца назад
These are all new market-rate apartments, where they're already OVER-BUILT this is another Big Box Boondogle give-away for unrealized capital gains to Sprague-Worsley enterprises
@felixtekat5355 2 месяца назад
The first Eco is 96% occupied. It looks like that is what the people want. So it is not overbuilt in any capacity.
@timmello1121 2 месяца назад
Exactly who is Jeff McVay carrying water for???????????????
@timmello1121 2 месяца назад
Item 5-a is OFF the Consent Agenda ---- and "the developer is" ________________________________
@timmello1121 2 месяца назад
Watching the clock as the mayor glances at City Manager Chris Brady....Spilsbury complains about the rush and misinformation regarding EcoMesa,---- A ROBUST DISCUSSION IS NEEDED
@eltorocal 2 месяца назад
"No Cameras! Please - Please... No Cameras!" - Mesa PD With No Cameras throughout the interior... they now have the POWER to Pry Into, Swap and Sell the confiscated Narcotics, Weapons and Money!!!
@maureenneckes2834 2 месяца назад
Touch my phone BUT NOT MY FRIES😂😂😂
@DeePaw-bt3oi 2 месяца назад
That was very bias. Translates to we are patting our own backs.
@user-ys4rs2ed1v 2 месяца назад
After about 2 minutes you guys are putting me to sleep boring
@user-ys4rs2ed1v 2 месяца назад
Do you want a public safety you don't call the police
@user-ys4rs2ed1v 2 месяца назад
You guys suck
@HappyBaos 2 месяца назад
Thank you, Mayor Gile sand the City of Mesa, for your continued support through the years, and for taking the time to share our story! We are so excited and honored for the opportunity to continue sharing our food and our culture with our beloved community. See you soon! 🥟
@eltorocal 2 месяца назад
Christopher Ruff KNOWS Mesa... and the Criminals they employ, who are collecting a Social Welfare Tax Payer Funded Salary. Cops don't become Psychopaths... Psychopaths become cops. Now imagine their Home and personal lives, like Philip Brailsford who murdered Daniel Shaver with a Military Mass Assault Weapon.... Mesa cops do NOT have an "off switch".
@fernandezocean1 2 месяца назад
I like 😊❤
@fernandezocean1 2 месяца назад
Good company😊
@fernandezocean1 2 месяца назад
I like it