TableTop BROs
TableTop BROs
TableTop BROs
Just a Couple of BROs, doing TableTop Stuff. Warhammer, D&D, Gaming, & Hobby Content!
@Djdeathwatch День назад
As always great watch and seeing these lists. I'm running blood angels with sake kind of list, although have some jump packs and DC with Astro but so far 5 n 1! Just waiting for points update for B.A!
@TableTopBROs День назад
awesome, i'm glad you enjoyed these. i'm thinking of reigniting my blood angels with the new range, and codex! i'm just super busy, and not sure i'm ready to jump into a full project from the ground up! i was expecting to play my deathwatch all year, and obviously had a few wrenches thrown in the gears! but i see by your name, you are one of the few, and proud! Long Live the Deathwatch!!!
@Paranormal-Stupidity 6 дней назад
I've had some games with the Vanguard Spearhead. I haven't been as successful as you have been. I generally end up playing against Tau or Guard, and their units just out perform everything I'm taking. I usually end up doing really well in the early game, but end up with nothing to work with in the late game. Tau are especially bad. They have so much firepower that the -1 to hit makes no difference, and the riptides just ignore it anyway.
@TableTopBROs 5 дней назад
ya i can relate to that. i had 2 games against tau yesterday, and the ignoring modifiers, and cover, def make the detachment rule useless lol. also depending on army composition, the rule can also be a bit lackluster. with the mechanized list, i can basically outshoot anything, so it forces my opponent to get close, or get shot off the table. then when they get close the reapers pick them up in droves, and the assault intercessors jump out, and clean up whats left. usually the first 2 turns are close in points, but by about turn 3, my opponent is running out of resources, and with the majority of my armour remaining, the avalanche goes in my favor. i typically focus fire anything that is a threat to the tanks, and then in the late turns, they just cant kill stuff fast enough, and i run away with the score. the main reason i'm using vanguard, is for a couple key strats for scoring. i drop the LTs and inceptors in key areas to score, or kill (in the case of the inceptors) then pick them back up, and do it again. up down strats, and 3" deepstrike are two of the best abilities in the game for scoring, so i almost always max secondaries. then the real fight is to stop them from maxing, and keep the primary close. its worked very well.
@Paranormal-Stupidity 5 дней назад
@@TableTopBROs You are definitely playing the detachment different to me. I mostly use it defensively. I really like infantry and dreadnoughts, and I love having the reactive move to stop my Hellblasters getting charged. I should run more tanks. My current list has a Repulsor, and two Executioners. I love the way my list looks, but it is trash since the last few rounds of nerfs to marines. I'm holding out for the next points update before I change anything else in my army. I'm hoping to not have to change much, because I just don't have the time to paint too much at the moment.
@PTurbo4th 6 дней назад
I like your thought process. I've been debating using that phobos Lt as a utility piece like that. Also, I'm just curious... would having 6 Bladeguard vet + judiciar in 1 of the transport be too expensive? Good threat out of phase, it slaps ok and, I know it's 2CP, but the whole Squad could get precision (maybe getting a CP back if near a coms array.
@TableTopBROs 5 дней назад
the LTs are amazing. i played another RTT yesterday. 22 people. the LTs consistently scored 20 pts per game, or one of them blocked out infiltrators/scout moves, and severely limited my opponents early mobility. i highly recommend at least 1, but i love having 2. bladeguard with the judicar is a very nice unit. but its about the same points as the inceptors. i dont have much mele in my list, but the inceptors have done so well, i cant imagine swapping them out. the assault intercessors are my only real melee, but i'm typically only using them to jump out, and kill little stuff thats engaging the tanks. otherwise anything big that is a melee threat, just kills whatever it charged, and then i shoot it. or else i just fall back, and shoot it. obviously my list is very skewed, but you could make a much more balanced list, with some actual melee units, like the bladeguard, and still be successful
@Paranormal-Stupidity 13 дней назад
Those look awesome. You did a great job on that glow effect. Will you be running your space marines as Salamanders now?
@TableTopBROs 12 дней назад
thanks, i love how they turned out! the glow in particular! these are just a side project, while i do love salamanders, i'm still running "deathwatch" until the wheels come off (i played vanguard spearhead, with no scouts or characters, to be "deathwatch" compliant). very similar list to my last tournament, and got 1st again in a local RTT. i've been really busy lately, and enjoying my Floating Thunder, mostly tank marine list!
@Tombonzo 15 дней назад
Very helpful and great job, doing mine now with some tweaks. I too think terrain should get a little more attention. I like to make it look really good. It’s a part of the whole battle scene…. Brings more life and character!!
@TableTopBROs 15 дней назад
thank you, i love terrain! it should def get more attention. the mdf stuff is great for tournaments, where you need a lot, but for regular games, the good stuff is much better for emersion. cheers!
@Paranormal-Stupidity 20 дней назад
That is a really nice terrain piece. It's awesome that GW did another run of these. I really hope they do the same with their 40K terrain. I need a bunch of the old stuff to complete my collection.
@TableTopBROs 15 дней назад
yes i love it, i'm so glad they are bringing the classic stuff back for warhammer fantasy, and 40k. i really want to see some of the other 40k kits back next!
@Griffonbait 24 дня назад
I keep coming back to this video, to remind me of creative possibilities of this terrain. Thanks!
@TableTopBROs 24 дня назад
of course my friend, i'm glad you enjoy it. i had no idea how great the mechanicus terrain sets were, until i actually built and painted a set. absolutely blows my mind, how limitless the configurations you can create with it. i've combined it with a lot of the other terrain sets, for awesome results as well! cheers
@Griffonbait 24 дня назад
My preferred way to set up an army is the Battle Force/Army Intro box + multiple CP boxes (yeah, I know you have looked at this on your WHMS channel). I have been doing this for years now, with the only problem being it tends to be infantry focussed, especially with the newest CP releases having limited vehicles. Also, if the troop choices supplied in these boxed sets are poor quality, that's when you need to look outside this method of acquisition. But as you have identified, the Blood Angels choices are quite good within these boxed sets. My infantry focus tends to come from my interest in historical wargaming, and the fact that a mechanised force needs infantry support to really be effective.
@TableTopBROs 24 дня назад
ya this is a great way to get a nice core force. i tend to prefer "stat check" type armies. so tons of infantry, and no vehicles, or tons of vehicles, and very little infantry. try to heavily skew my list in a single direction, to overload more balanced opponents lists. i think the first additions i'll add to my BAs are scouts, infiltrators, sanguinor, dante, and mephiston. may leave the dread at home, and go all infantry. but i do have quite a bit of blood angels already painted up. just not necessarily the stuff i want for my list haha (or its older models, and i want the new sculpts)
@Nazgull2k1 24 дня назад
2 tactical squads, 1 dread, and an HQ... $550 dollars.. JFC Im so glad I dont buy GW shit anymore
@TableTopBROs 24 дня назад
i mean, technically yes. but it also comes with a codex, datacards, and 4x upgrade frames... so thats $235 in product you are basically ignoring, when you make your statement. but yes GW is expensive, and i understand why people use alternative brands, games, and 3d print. as long as you're enjoying your hobby/gaming, thats what really matters
@gammothdraws 25 дней назад
Starting my Space Marine army with this and half a box of Cataphractii to act as Assault Termies. Definitely excited to kitbash and customize the crap out of my Homebrew Chaoter
@TableTopBROs 24 дня назад
very nice, nothing better than a kitbash, custom chapter! cheers
@Paranormal-Stupidity 26 дней назад
That is a great set. If I had a Blood Angels army I would have definitely picked it up. Those new sculps for the characters look so good.
@TableTopBROs 24 дня назад
its a really nice set, i love the new models! i hope we see space wolves get a similar treatment, and am very excited for the Emperors children to come!
@Paranormal-Stupidity 24 дня назад
@@TableTopBROs I imagine both of those armies are going to get awesome upgrade sprues and unique units. Next year is probably going to be really exciting for 40k.
@RagingHorn7795 Месяц назад
I've got to be honest but nothing about this army is actually deathwatch specific. A little retinue of Vets and a Watchmaster could have added. Glad you did well, and it's an impressive list definitely. I'm having to redo my deathwatch and realising that I can't give them any stratagems as a retinue also sucks. But I'll be putting them in anyway, because I want some actual deathwatch in my list. Thinking I'll be making an Imperial Agents Deathwatch army, probably won't do very well, but I'll enjoy it for what it is, Deathwatch. All the best ☠️
@TableTopBROs Месяц назад
thats where you're wrong though, its not just What you Take, its also what you Dont... this army would be substantially better with a couple of scout squads, and a legendary character, but deathwatch restricts you from using them. so you say "nothing about this army is actually deathwatch specific" but its very deathwatch specific. the reason i didnt use a watchmaster or vets, is because right before the new book came out, i upgraded my rhinos to Predators, so i didnt have a ride for my non-primaris marines. If you want to see what my actual deathwatch army running blackspear looks like, just go a few videos back, before the new codex was revealed, and you can see why i'm not using those units, because 90% of them are no longer legal. the problem with the new Agents book, for deathwatch, is they lose everything, and gain nothing. no oath, no double strats, no thief, no tome, no space marines. just vets.... so they basically are complete trash, and outside the book, are just as good as inside the book. you can literally make a better deathwatch army using the vanguard detachment, and including vets. but i took the statistically worst army in the game, and had a great run with them, 2nd place GT, 1st place RTT, top 3 Deathwatch players in the world... but the jig is up, says GW. cheers
@richardbrooks5899 Месяц назад
I'll never understand why they let kits like this go out of print so fast.
@TableTopBROs Месяц назад
it was around for years, but i do agree, they should bring it back. the old terrain is amazing. GW just doesnt like it, because its big, heavy, and the margins are way lower than selling 1/4 sprue character for $45.
@richardbrooks5899 Месяц назад
@@TableTopBROs I think if that was all it was they'd just stop producing terrain.
@cloraformsgood5340 Месяц назад
Really inspiring the way you go about things in the hobby, if more 40k or AOS players had your positive attitude the games would be is such a great place. Again great job with the tournament and dont be to hard on yourself for the paint job still in progress, iv seen many photos of armies in tournaments that look like the minis have been assembled and painted by someone with a blindfold on.
@TableTopBROs Месяц назад
haha thanks man. i love warhammer, and always make sure its fun! not just the game, but the hobby too! i try to represent the hobby/game how i want to see it, and know i have a net positive affect on the community, which is my goal! haha i know i've seen it all in tournaments, but i do like to have a nicely painted army, that i'm actually proud of haha. cheers
@Paranormal-Stupidity Месяц назад
I'm really sorry to hear about Deathwatch being all but completely killed off by GW. You seem to be doing really well with Ironstorm, though. A lot better than I ever did. I ended up dropping it and switching over to Vanguard. I've been having far more success with that detachment. It had a bunch of tools to help me deal with the guard heavy meta in my area. I'm also going to run two assassins now. I painted up the Eversor after I saw yours. The Calidus and the Eversor is such a good combo right now. Really excited to see your army when you finish it.
@TableTopBROs Месяц назад
ya i've been considering running this same list with vanguard. i really like the rules for vanguard detachment, and very similar strats to Deathwatch. i dropped my eversor. he's a lot better now, but from 75 to 120, for what i do with him, it made more sense to just use the combi-LT. but the extra points are more than justified for how he's basically a suicide bomb that can kill almost any character before getting slapped back. calidus is really good, but if i wasnt doing "deathwatch" which restricts scouts. i'd just drop the cali, and take 2 scout squads for a couple more points. they do everything she's ever done, and with 2 squads, they are twice as good at going somewhere, doing an action, or just dying, instead of her. cheers
@mayofrench5170 Месяц назад
Looks like birthday or Christmas present material for gamers. Could provide a segue from video games into table top. Most of the kits were probably bought by existing 40K or Kill Team players. The pricing is just high enough to keep regular 40K players from seeing this as a discount box.
@TableTopBROs 27 дней назад
ya i agree, nice box to pickup for a gift, but a bit less appealing to a savvy war-gamer. i think it should have been priced around $80 similar to the other bookstore games GW offers. i def think they put a premium on the price, because of the Darktide name, which is unfortunate. the space marine box was substantially cheaper, not nearly as much value, or as good, but much more likely to grab the attention of a video gamer, familiar with the IP.
@boskvonlivingdreams4269 Месяц назад
Good unboxing. Bad review. You haven't played it? Then it's not a review. Call it "Honest Opinion" or "Honest First Take" instead. It's hexbased, so I doubt it's an introduction to Kill Team.
@TableTopBROs 15 дней назад
its part of the kill team universe. its even listed in the store under kill team... thanks for the input. good engagement, bad comment.
@SmoughTown Месяц назад
Great video, about to paint mine - so good timing
@TableTopBROs 27 дней назад
oh very nice. the models are great, i'm sure its going to be a load of fun to paint and play!
@semajnollissor661 Месяц назад
Based on my rough measurements: the sector mechanicus columns are 4.8 inches tall the Bheta Decima columns are 2.4 inches tall, exactly half the height of the sector mechanicus columns the sector mechanicus and Bheta Decima platforms are 0.2 inches thick the zone mortals walls/columns are 2.3 inches tall. The zone mortalis columns are design to stack with either a platform piece in between two columns, or by using a spacer piece that is the same thickness as the platforms. I believe that the sector mechanicus dome is also 2.4 inches tall
@michaeltopholm3588 Месяц назад
Nice 💪🇩🇰
@TableTopBROs 15 дней назад
thank you sir. the league has been fun.
@Griffonbait Месяц назад
Great job! I like the use of the different golds. I think terrain should be painted to the same quality as the army models. It just enhances everything when viewed from the same distance. Thanks for sharing.
@TableTopBROs Месяц назад
thanks brother! i love the terrain, and it came out great. i agree painting the terrain is just as important, but i know not everyone shares my sentiment. we already played with this set, and it looks even better on the table! cheers
@Griffonbait Месяц назад
@@TableTopBROs I am green with envy. I have yet to work on my own Skaventide terrain.
@goforitpainting 2 месяца назад
Cool 👍
@TableTopBROs Месяц назад
glad you enjoyed it!
@manbearpiglett-4110 2 месяца назад
29 miniatures for 175 dollars. I'll skip thanks
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
no problem. not sure what you mean by 29 minutes though. takes hours to learn the game, and the campaign is pretty thorough. so its def got more than 30 minutes worth of entertainment!
@manbearpiglett-4110 2 месяца назад
@@TableTopBROs Miniatures, not minutes. I've got 24 years in this hobby, I KNOW it takes many hours! 😂😂😂
@d-rex7043 2 месяца назад
I like this channel! Informative and cheerful. Makes a change from all the negative clickbait channels out there...
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
glad you enjoy it. just focused on hobby and gaming here, i know everyone has different tastes. cheers
@hawkgamedev 2 месяца назад
$170 for that?? no thanks!
@Seeric85 2 месяца назад
I got it for 123,94€ from Amazon. No shipping costs either.
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
GW def not cheap, but its a nice box
@Seeric85 2 месяца назад
@@TableTopBROs I love it thematically. Last time I played a GW Skirmish game that was Mordheim about ten years ago. I got the box just because I'm stoked about building and painting the minis and because it is a selfcontained thing you can play with a friend.
@diyfireking 2 месяца назад
Great 👍👍
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
glad you enjoyed it
@cloraformsgood5340 2 месяца назад
I have been debating buying this , thanks for going through the box for us.
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
for sure. its def a nice box, good minis. the terrain is a bit lacking though, and they def cut some corners, but kept the price more reasonable than the last few sets for necromunda
@stevenprimrose8677 2 месяца назад
I cant wait to see how far they take secundus after all there are many dead hive and the one I want is the hive that the orks were in but sadly the patriarch will be forge world but the alpha may not have to see this preview coming
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
ya i def thought the patriarch was included in this. i really hope its plastic. def not getting it, if its resin, def am if its plastic. i like the new setting, much more in the traditional flavor, with a nice spin!
@stevenprimrose8677 Месяц назад
just have to wait to see what gw do for all of us lets hope its the right one
@mickeyb337 2 месяца назад
Looking forward to trying this out. The paper play mat is very disappointing. It really should have been thicker stock.
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
ya its clear GW cut some corners on this, to keep the MSRP down. but even the $300 sets had the fold out paper maps. i have the plastic tiles, so i wasnt bothered, but its def lacking compared to some of the terrain heavy sets
@TheMartinCaesar 2 месяца назад
Congrats, man!
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
thank you my friend, always happy to do well with the deathwatch. every game is fun, and i love doing well with them, always a surprise to people. turns out space marines are still good, even if they have black armour and silver arms lol
@cloraformsgood5340 2 месяца назад
Love the positivity. Im really looki ng forward to the new codex, my plans to get some elite kill teams mixed with sisters and arbites. Iv already ordered the elucidian team and will be getting an eversor and vindicare assassin's next ( just for the reminiscence of the old day's, i had the originals) then its a Deathwatch kill team. Basically the whole army is just going to be miniatures i like and will probably not function well together but im going to enjoy painting and then gaming with them for sure.
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
thanks man. i love me some deathwatch. i think you're on the right track. i usually run starstriders, kill teams, assassins, etc. so you cant go wrong with any of that. i'm looking forward to the new book, and some preview rules. the new boxes look ok, some better than others. i have all the assassins, and they are great little tools in the tool box!
@Djdeathwatch 2 месяца назад
How did it go!?
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
2-1 3rd place. i'll do a recap
@Djdeathwatch 2 месяца назад
@@TableTopBROs great achievement. Look forward to seeing it.
@Djdeathwatch Месяц назад
​@TableTopBROs what happened to your recap 😂😂😮
@BAGELMENSK 2 месяца назад
No amount of enthusiasm will plaster over the complete gutting that the deathwatch are about to receive.
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
i dont agree. you can gut the deathwatch, if thats what you want, but you cant stop people from still using them as generic marines. its fine to be disappointed, or mad, but letting it kill your excitement for the game, or stop you from playing, is a terrible take. i'm in the deathwatch groups, and they are dead, i regularly attend tournaments, and am the only deathwatch player out of over 200 ppl. so regardless of what changes, its for the better.
@DisasterLord 2 месяца назад
Nice, I would have personally found a way to put a repulsor executioner somewhere and maybe some infiltrators with a Phobos librarian to prevent the enemy from tying up your tanks first turn but this sounds fun and clean I really can't stress how good the infiltrators and eliminators with a Phobos librarian has been for me this edition, so much stuff just loses its ability to tie up your lines if you screen them properly, if they can't tie you up at the start just the intercessors in the back with the Phobos librarian joining the eliminators instead to snipe a character or two has been great this edition
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
repulsor is nice. i run them a lot. but the extra 60 pts didnt work with this list. i considered it though. i almost always run 3 infiltrators. not a fan of eliminators (especially in deathwatch, where i can just give my entire army precision for a turn on crit hits) . i've used the phobos librarian with infiltrators before. its not bad, but a lot of points to sink unnecessarily. especially with the nerfs to indirect fire. even the strongest lists, using indirect arent that effective against 5 infiltrators, and if they are pouring enough fire into them to kill them, they are getting overwhelmed by my offense. but i play competitive. casually phobos librarian is cool, but when you're optimizing your list. you might as well be running 2 infiltrator squads (which i have done as well)
@michaeltopholm3588 2 месяца назад
Good luck champ 👌🇩🇰🥳🤞🤞
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
2-1 3rd place. could have won the last game, but the mission, deployment, and some crazy dice... wasnt meant to be!
@Paranormal-Stupidity 2 месяца назад
I really like your list. It's a shame that GW looks to be discouraging people from playing Deathwatch as a stand alone army. Fingers crossed, you will be able to run a viable list after the new book comes out.
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
ya i agree, GW should keep the index viable regardless. but this list/detachment uses no standalone deathwatch rules or units. so regardless of what happens this is technically just generic space marines, so there is zero possibility i cannot just continue using this list as i ran it
@coreywhalen1615 2 месяца назад
By the Emperor's balls! It looks great, can't wait to hear how it turns out. It gives me ideas for my own DW army that I've been building.
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
went 2-1, got 3rd place. i won my first two games pretty easily. lost to chaos knights. got destroyed, my worst score this edition lol
@Djdeathwatch 2 месяца назад
Now what will you do!? No more deathwatch full army...
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
i've been still playing them, but experimented with the generic space marine codex, and just using my models.
@Griffonbait 2 месяца назад
When I bought and opened the product, like you showed, I expected all 7 individual models and the 8th as a duplicate. This was not the case! I only received 6 of the models, with 2 duplicates - that sucked big time, especially when they say you actually get the full 7 in the KT with 1 duplicate as an advertisement for buying the complete set over buying individual items. Lucky for me, when I ordered, I ordered 2 sets. Get this: the second set had the exact same problem - 6 of the models, with 2 duplicates - 1 missing team member in each set! Why lucky you ask? Because the second set had duplicates of the missing model from set 1 and the 1st set had 2 duplicates of what was missing from set 2. The sad thing in all this is that, after swapping the missing models, the final duplicate model was the _same_ for both sets - crazy, huh? Extra bits-box bits for me though!
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
thats wild. i'm still not sure what the deal is with these. everyone i've talked to got the exact same thing. 1 of each, and then a duplicate of the exact same intercessor. you are the only outlier i've heard so far. but you should 100% be getting the full set, as it says that on the box
@klaykid117 2 месяца назад
Sadly the last hurrah of the standalone Deathwatch
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
where there is a will, there is a way. i'll keep pushing with blackspear, until its not an option!
@zep5229 2 месяца назад
Love the straight forward approach to explaining your practices/methods. Keep it up - been subscribed since the first video in this series & I am new convert to using the airbrush😊
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
thanks man, glad you enjoy it! airbrush is the way to go. clean it after every use, and practice makes perfect!
@arturogomez8173 2 месяца назад
i was thinking about add a couple of biologists to my own kill teams but you are making a great point about playing for the missions
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
the biologus are really nice for adding to the damage output of the big kill teams, and the extra OC is great, but i find that the extra points are spent better elsewhere. in my case i'm going with 2x phobos LTs to drop down and do missions. i've found that the killing is usually not an issue, especially with tome, and spending a CP to re-activate lethals, or sustained on 2x kill teams is a better use.
@Paranormal-Stupidity 2 месяца назад
You did really well. So did the Genestealer player. Hellblasters are my favourite unit too. I'm having a practice game with a new list on Sunday. I'm still trying to make Ironstorm work. I'm giving it one last chance, and then I'm switching to Gladius. Anyway. Enjoyed the recap, and congrats on 2nd place. That's amazing with Deathwatch. I really hope they don't reduce your options to play them in the new Codex.
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
thank you. i love the hellblasters. played against nights on wednesday, and between deepstrike fire, overwatch, and shooting on death did the 24 wounds to kill an almost 500 pt knight, with my 230 pt squad. gotta love hellblasters. its all rumors so far, i dont believe anything until i see proof. its the same people always spreading rumor, and they never talk about the 75% of stuff they make up, only the 25% of the time they are right! cheers
@SeniorKrazytt 2 месяца назад
Go deathwatch
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
thats right! we're still doing the thing, even if GW has forgotten us completely! where there is a will, there is a way!
@michaeltopholm3588 2 месяца назад
Great list champ and good work 💪🇩🇰
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
thank you my friend. i've really been enjoying the deathwatch, and using a lot of "off meta stuff" the number one thing i've found, is that anything can be good, if played with a purpose!
@arturogomez8173 2 месяца назад
a very fun looking list, great job man!
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
thank you my friend, it was a ton of fun, and a great list. i really enjoy using off meta stuff, and trying to make things work, that other people write off!
@Griffonbait 2 месяца назад
Thank God for that link at the top of your WHMS channel page! I am really looking forward to your finalised painted miniatures.
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
haha, for sure, it was a great suggestion, from a loyal subscriber... cheers
@JamesThompson-ye4mz 2 месяца назад
Good review, love your paint scheme 👍
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
thank you so much, i love how the mechanicus stuff looks all painted up, and while playing!
@JamesThompson-ye4mz 2 месяца назад
No double reinforced units for 4.0
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
ya thats wild, but i think its a good change. not having unit maxes in composition is good enough, to let us use our collection. but with the new buffs, and abilities, bigger units could be overpowered. i think this change will help balance
@Griffonbait 2 месяца назад
Have you seen Chapter Master Valrak's latest video? It is titled: NO MORE CODEX DEATHWATCH? Talking 40K Rumours!
@TableTopBROs 2 месяца назад
lol i've heard the rumors, seems likely that deathwatch and Agents get rolled up in a single book, but i dont believe GW will just get rid of deathwatch. i think putting them together in a single book would be good though, as i'm already using multiple assassins, and occasionally agents in my DW army. cant wait to see the reveal though!