Ginger C
Ginger C
Ginger C
Grey Squirrel Call
7 лет назад
@AlsoHope 6 дней назад
Oh my God the gray squirrel
@Googleearthfun891 Месяц назад
Sandy cheecks is that you
@TrooperLeary 3 месяца назад
This sound echoing out of my mouth is half the reason I have a 12 week old squirrel treating me like a jungle gym now...😂
@meganvinson4908 5 месяцев назад
8 years ago now.
@thatlightbulbsimp2002 5 месяцев назад
I didnt know sqirrels bark 😂
@jean-lucburch2860 7 месяцев назад
lil dude smokes a pack a day
@Kaloven 8 месяцев назад
Such a awesome fucking video
@Mike-sp4iz Год назад
That's hilarious, I didn't know they made those types of noises. I've one giant grey living on my property amongst the many reds and a chipmunk or two. I'm going to pay more attention t the sounds he makes now.
@noyzmunky 9 месяцев назад
Jesus christ, kill it! Or say goodbye to your reds.
@tonybahama6817 Год назад
I’m watching one of my squirrels in a tree 35 feel from me & he’s been squawking & shaking his tail. I played this video and he stopped, listened & chilled out 👍🏼
@ryansmith6786 Год назад
I’m very curious what Sandy Cheeks is saying.
@BSA_Airgunning Год назад
Ideal for shooting them
@marshallhosel1247 Год назад
Thanks for the video.
@noblehatred978 Год назад
Don't use this to call - it's a warning this squirrel is pissdd off and scared
@SquirrelTheater Год назад
The sound it’s making is a threat warning sound. It’s trying to notify the other squirrels in the area of a potential or imminent danger.
@noblehatred978 Год назад
This is a warning not a breakfast call or a friendly call - this is what you hear when they see a predator
@zackleidecker1528 Год назад
That is a distress call. Telling other squirrels to her away and hide
@lorrainedean Год назад
The screeching sound that a squirrel uses is a way of threatening any intruders to leave the area. Another type of sound made by a squirrel is the alarm call, also known as a warning call. Hope this helps
@protoolpat1 2 года назад
The gray squirrel in my backyard does this in the morning as a way to say HEY WHERES MY BIRD SEED BREAKFAST! He also taps his front legs very fast making tiny tapping sounds☺
@mkp3824 2 года назад
Trying to be intimidating, just makes him/her self cuter!
@CrystalCat24 2 года назад
Should we be concerned about this noise?
@rawsonakther1420 2 года назад
আসসালামু আলাইকুম। ভাইয়া, আমি একটা কাঠবিড়ালির বাচ্চা কিনতে চাই, কেউ দিতে পারবেন? প্লিজ।
@kentoxymoron6857 2 года назад
The squirrels in my garden immediately stop when I play this!
@alphaomegalandscapes 2 года назад
Might bring on some haters but I use this video a good bit when I'm squirrel hunting lol. Yes it works
@robreeves201 Год назад
Works a treat 👍
@echodelta9 2 года назад
It sounds like they are saying "suck suck squirrrreeell"l I wonder is that is where they get the name. Mine are silent till breeding season then they get musical like wild sax playing. They live under the eaves and are on CCTV and stereo sound.
@donnavrahnas9154 2 года назад
@mozartsmate6358 2 года назад
They're everywhere.......
@Insanitypants80 2 года назад
Noisy buggers, aren't they! Like a lot of people, I had no idea what the noise was until someone told me. I posted on Facebook "There's a very odd bird call out in my garden at the moment. Alternates between a sort of 'quack quack quack' sound and a 'squarrrrrrkkk' sound. No, it is not a duckparrot", and a friend immediately replied "Grey squirrel. Seriously". Great video, btw. 👍
@youngmasterchu 2 года назад
A feisty one 😍🐿
@misbahailia3345 2 года назад
Aw, sounds like Donald duck.
@irisheyes9912 2 года назад
It's mating season, that's their mating call.
@youngmasterchu 2 года назад
Didn't know that, so cool 🥰
@amandachan696 2 года назад
Is this a good sound? It sounds angry but its body movements dont seem aggressive
@amgcrossley8019 2 года назад
THANK YOU! Keeping this to play back to the grumpy little tosser that shrieks at me through my bedroom window.
@01K02K95K 2 года назад
I just played this to a squirrel in my backyard eating a persimmon in my tree he straight bailed LOL
@stpeepy Год назад
that was me sorry
@benwebster4746 3 года назад
Squirrels make a ton of noises in the woods we dismiss as other animals. Particularly the Laughing Monkey type sound and a dozen bird type sounds. In fact Most of the sounds u hear early morning in the woods are squirrels. But here we have only deer, racoons,fox, and coyotes and an abundance of birds
@richard-fish-monger 3 года назад
Y'all know this is an aggressive noise?
@Stellectis2014 3 года назад
Am I the only one that thought this was a WARNING SOUND? They only make this sound when squirrel looked scared.
@Anon_-oq5pk 3 года назад
I can hear the whistle after he makes the noise.. such a cutie.. 😄🐿️
@annedd173 3 года назад
where is the pie ?
@justinsikes2221 3 года назад
I have a pet squirrel who refuses to beet go, and he loves this
@richardkagle114 3 года назад
Calling its mate,when arm goes to heart.that's hurt feelings,mate isn't responding.
@robertstallard7836 3 года назад
Those sounds aren't to do with it's mate, Richard. Grey squirrels don't pair up with mates - it's "wham, bam, thank you ma'am" at breeding time, and then the females and the males part. The male has nothing to do with raising the young, which the female does very much on her own in a nursery drey. What you're hearing is a classic alarm call, with the paws up to the chest and the incessant barking Kuk...Kuk...Kuk....followed by long Quaaas. If you listen caredfully there is a sort of "rattle" in there as well, the meaning of which seems to be territorial in nature. I'm not exactly fluent in squirrel, but I have picked up a bit.
@alittlereddotinaseaofblue9565 3 года назад
There are many squirrels that frequent my yard so this sound is very familiar to me.
@youngfollower1411 3 года назад
I’m huting then right now great call
@robertstallard7836 3 года назад
This an alarm call, and whilst it may cause a few squirrels to poke their heads out to see what's going on, it's the "young squirrel is distress" squeak that you really need to bring them in to you. Females in particluar often respond to that by coming closer to investigate. The Kuk...Kuk...Kuk....followed by long Quaaas that you hear here is more likely to have them scanning the sky for a hawk and freezing in the hope of not being seen.
@mikeprzlomski2092 3 года назад
Amazing footage !
@atki2004 3 года назад
That's a horrible noise
@mozartsmate6358 2 года назад
They're everywhere...........
@atki2004 2 года назад
@@mozartsmate6358 like rats
@Perryscope123 3 года назад
Been wondering what has been making that noise. It's been driving me nuts!
@salamanderchild1601 3 года назад
My mom told me that we’ll get a dog if I touch a squirrels tail. I am currently standing in the middle of my yard playing this at full volume.
@Anon_-oq5pk 3 года назад
Lol.. i think this is an alarm call.. the squirrels in your yard would be afraid to go near you if you using this 😅 they'll think there's a predator nearby..
@artemis6828 3 года назад
did it work???
@salamanderchild1601 3 года назад
@@artemis6828 Nope. She changed the goal to getting straight A's.
@yur3199 2 года назад
@@salamanderchild1601 lucky I get one when I’m 16 😂
@jaxsonmiller8915 2 года назад
What’s ur address I’ll bring u one lol
@somebodyelse9130 3 года назад
People are saying this is an alarm call, but I don't think it's entirely accurate. The part that sounds like a bird squawking is an alarm for danger, but only alone. That trill or rattling call you hear sometimes in between that squawking sound is a territorial rattle. You can hear it alone sometimes. When it's mixed in with the alarm call, it's still territorial, it's just at a closer range. So this squirrel is probably managing a territorial dispute nearby. Also, to be clear, I'm not an expert at this. I just looked up squirrel calls on a website, and it mentioned that sometimes there are calls that sound like a mix between territorial trills and alarm calls, and that they signal a close range territorial squabble between two squirrels.
@rinreese 3 года назад
Whatever he's saying made my neighborhhod problem squirrel fly off the bird feeder and run into the woods at top speed.
@DarkOceanShark 3 года назад
When you realise a squirrel can beatbox better than you!
@Martin_L478 3 года назад
That's how squirrels communicate. I always wondered what that sound sound was.
@kattrakee 3 года назад