Tyler Onder
Tyler Onder
Tyler Onder
The most random barrage of content you will ever imagine. Vids can be about anything whether it be rants, vlogs, reviews, or anything else you can think of.
@travzimmerman1340 День назад
Cry harder. Ends was the only original idea in the cinematic abortion that was the DGG trilogy.
@Horrormaster13 2 месяца назад
To put it bluntly: Blumhouse Productions, David Gorden Green, Danny McBride, Chris Bernier and Paul Brad Logan have took a huge dump on the Halloween Franchise for the fourth time with Halloween Ends. I'm really not sure if this Franchise can recover from this disaster again. The makers of this film put Friday the 13th Part 5: A New Beginning (1985), Jason Goes To Hell: The Final Friday (1993), A Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2: Freddy's Revenge (1985) and Christine (1983) in a blender. Mixed those four films together with the worst elements of Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989) and Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995). Thrown in a dash of Halloween H20 (1998) and voilà! The result is Halloween Ends and it's gloriously awful. And yet this new Halloween Trilogy got off to a good start with Halloween (2018). Yes, it stumbled with Halloween Kills (2021), but Halloween Kills was just a bridge movie in this trilogy. That had been a big problem. Halloween Ends isn't just a big slap in the face for these two movies, oh no! This film is a huge slap in the face to the entire Halloween Franchise. It doesn't feel like a Halloween Movie at all! It's just boring, frustrating and disappointing. So many new characters are introduced in this one. All have zero personality, are simply one dimensional and a bunch of assholes. I didn't like the Corey storyline at all. It had ZERO Pay off and was just pointless! Allyson is all over the place in this film. Her decisions made no sense and were completely contradictable to her character in comparison to the previous two films. Not to mention how annoying and unlikable she became in Ends. She really reminded me of Scout Taylor-Compton's Laurie Strode from Rob Zombie's Halloween 2. Michael Myers himself (when he appeared) seemed bored, disinterested and tired. To add insult to injury, he was completely disrespected in this movie. You really want me to believe that some 24 years old douchebag who was bullied and beaten by some high school bullies, can beat the f*cking Michael Myers and steal his mask. Are you serious with this bullshit?! Heck, when this movie FINALLY decided to be a Halloween Movie, I was about to walk out of the theater. Not even the Kills are good in this movie imo. How can you screw up so much with something so simple! Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode is the only shining light in this awful film. She's the only thing stopping me from giving this movie 0/5 stars. If David Gorden Green really wanted to "Season of the Witch" the Franchise then he should have NOT bring Laurie and Michael back in Kills and Ends. He had the opportunity to give those characters a nice send-off in 2018 but he didn't do it. He is a hack! His Halloween Trilogy is so inconsistent. Like he and Danny McBride can't decide whether or not Michael Myers is a normal human being or a supernatural entity. In Kills, Laurie said and I quote: "I always thought Michael Myers was flesh and blood, just like you and me, but a mortal man could not have survived, what he's lived through." Then in Ends she says and I quote: "I thought maybe you were the boogeyman. No, you're just a man [...]." Is he supernatural or not? David Gorden Green and Danny McBride be like: "Who knows, who cares!" Halloween Ends (2022) gets 1/5 stars from me. I can deal with a badly made movie that has bad writing and bad acting as long as it's still entertaining. The worst thing a movie can do to me is if it bores me and waste my time. Halloween Ends did that to me. I have never left the cinema so speechless, confused and angry at the same time. It's by far the worst movie in the Halloween Franchise. Yes, it's WORSE than Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers (1989), Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995), Halloween: Resurrection (2002), Rob Zombie's Halloween 2 (2009) and Halloween Kills (2021). I'm dead serious! I would rather rewatch those movies than this piece of shit ever again because at very least those movies felt like actual Halloween Movies to me, even so they suck. I HATE Halloween Ends. After this travesty, whatever other studio who will own the rights to this Franchise should really just do Halloween Anthology Movies. Do what John Carpenter and Debra Hill envisioned for this Franchise to become after Halloween II (1981). It failed with Season of the Witch in 1982 but now it is the right time to do that in my opinion. Michael Myers character is so played-out at this point that I don't think a new Reboot with him will be any successful, especially without Jamie Lee Curtis. Even if they will bring back Danielle Harris as Jamie Lloyd and make a direct Sequel to Halloween 4 and delete Halloween 5 and 6 from the timeline, so what? They gonna f*ck it up again! They do it everytime! Everytime they made a decent or a good Sequel to the 1978 Original or 1981 Halloween II, they immediately do a Sequel/Sequels that ruins everything. They did it with Halloween 4 which was ruined by Halloween 5 and 6. Then with H20 which was ruined by Resurrection and now with Halloween (2018) which is ruined by Kills and Ends. This makes 3 strikes now. You're out! As far as I'm concerned the Story of Michael Myers ended with Halloween II (1981). Michael Myers died in that movie with Dr. Loomis who sacrificed his life and died in a blaze of glory.
@tyleronder11 3 дня назад
Agreed with most everything you said. The perfect ending I think is 1978. No sequel at all. Just your own mind to imagine what happens next. I love H2 (my favorite Halloween sequel) regardless and it is the best ending for any timeline in my opinion!
@dino91001 9 месяцев назад
i hope that david gordon green and the other 50 writers of this atrocity see every single one of these VALID reviews of that dumpster fire of a script they all somehow green lit. not a single one of them opposed it. i’m sure Jamie Lee Curtis was not happy with it. THIS is how they decided to conclude the end of a legacy. by nerfing, emasculating, and disrespecting Michael. Laurie Strode was also disrespected. side note, why bring back legacy characters like Marion Chambers if she’s just gonna be killed off in 20 mins in Kills? and Lindsey Wallace literally does nothing in Ends except for a short bar scene and at Laurie’s house playing cards wtf. also, they should have had Jamie Lloyd’s character Danielle Harris play Laurie’s daughter Karen in this trilogy or at least another contributing character. she would have been amazing
@valeriajackson1580 Год назад
this film and Greens trilogy are confirmations the Carpenter and his views on the world and evil are complete nonsense.I feel sorry for the fans who blindly follow the creator of this franchise, because they are stupid and weak, cowardly.
This trilogy was nothing but really expensive Laurie strode fanfiction
@Torsten87 Год назад
Really great!
@tyleronder11 Год назад
Not enough words to express my appreciation for your support, brother!
@thebipolarbear1 Год назад
Great accurate review bud
@tyleronder11 3 дня назад
Very late but thank you!
@mikeharlow Год назад
I oddly enough loved the movie but also loved this review 😂
@tyleronder11 Год назад
Thank you so much. I’m really glad you enjoyed the film, Mike! I wish I could say the same :(
@cherylholtsclaw5587 Год назад
Blah, blah, blah…. A great trilogy!!!!!!
@Horrormaster13 2 месяца назад
Garbage trilogy
@tyleronder11 3 дня назад
Agree to disagree!
@tyleronder11 Год назад
I don’t even think this is necessarily a “demo” but I’m just calling it that. This is extremely raw and unfinished, but I just needed to post this to compare it to later once I record it and produce it in a more professional and studio-like manner. Enjoy!
@SeetherFan666 Год назад
The non-sensical complaints of Halloween Ends: "Michael was weak in Ends" - Uh, yeah. That's literally the point. Throughout most of Kills, he was probably pumped up on adrenaline. The mob beating absolutely wrecked him. He was dying from years of untreated, infected wounds. And he's 65. He is quite literally an old man. He's still a human, afterall. "Michael got beat up by a nerd who got beat up by band bullies" - This one is my favourite. First of all, at this point in the story, Corey was infected with Michael's evil. THAT'S WHY he was able to go toe to toe with him. With this, it also made him stronger. Also, he never "beat up" Michael. He used Michael's own momentum against him, tripping him up causing Michael's head to smack into the ground. Secondly, those "band bullies" (I love how people have to shoehorn the word "band" in there) were literally the same size as Corey. Anyone can get their ass kicked by a group of teenagers. You're lying if you can't. What's more, Paul Brad Logan, the screenwriter of Ends and author of the Ends novelization, said in a recent interview, that he himself was once bullied by members of a marching band. The fact that they are in a band is irrelevant. "It's just an Allyson and Corey love story" - No, it's not that. It's a story about one person's descent into darkness and it showed that his attraction to Allyson turned into obsession because the evil was taking over. THAT is the point of that relationship. "Michael is hardly even in it" - Okay... But he was there the whole time. You could literally feel his presence seeping through every crack and crevis of Haddonfield. He tainted the town with his evil. And you know, he actually had less screentime in the original. Hell, Freddy Krueger only had about 7/8 minutes of screentime in the original Elm Street. But did that matter? No. Because you could still feel his presence. It's all about quality over quantity. Using him sparingly. "It's not a Halloween film" - Except, it quite literally is: a) It continues the story of the OG, 2018 and Kills. b) Michael Myers is in it. c) It takes place on Halloween. How is it NOT a Halloween film? Oh, I get it. Because it's not 2 hours of Michael going house to house, stalking and slaughtering people... Is that what you all wanted? Just a repeat of 2018 and Kills? Then you would all complain that Ends was just the same as the others. Now you complain that it's too different. These filmmakers just cannot win with this fanbase. They made the right choice. They branched out. Gave us something fresh. Something unique. And you know what? I would have them do it again. Oh, and let me just touch on what Laurie said in Kills. "The more he kills, the more he transcends into something impossible to defeat: Fear. People are afraid. THAT is the true curse of Michael." How people cannot understand this is beyond me. People thought she was talking about Michael himself becoming unstoppable, which is why they are pissed off with how he is utilized in Ends. She was literally talking about the fear he creates. The more people are afraid, the more Michael's evil taints the town of Haddonfield. For 4 years after the events of 2018 and Kills, his presence was felt throughout the entirety of Haddonfield. Haddonfield was just a cesspool of dread and fear. And when watching Ends, you can feel it yourself. Not one point did I not think that Michael wasn't there. He was there the whole time. His evil presence was seeping through every crack and crevis of Haddonfield. SYMBOLISM people. It's not that hard to fucking grasp
@tyleronder11 Год назад
Bro. Okay you have different opinions than me. But all my points still stand. I’m so glad you enjoyed the movie and think the way you do. I really do. But I still stand by EVERYTHING I said. I was beyond disappointed.
@SeetherFan666 Год назад
@@tyleronder11 Fair enough. Btw, this is just a post of mine that I copy and pasted from a group, so it's not intended to be insulting or provoking towards you yourself, although it may seem that way.
@tyleronder11 Год назад
@@SeetherFan666 You're all good. Thank you for watching and please don't get me wrong, I am so glad you enjoyed the film. I sadly just really hate it.
@tobymattana5320 Год назад
Not even top 3 worst in the franchise, this is the worst halloween movie in the franchise by far. Resurrection or RZ H2 is right behind it.
@gabeee92 Год назад
Thank you for this review! I really hated this movie as well and I was hoping someone also share this feeling, you did great. I think this movie was so poorly made that it almost seems intentional
@tyleronder11 Год назад
Glad you enjoyed it! I completely agree with you
@ArthurVega1992 Год назад
@tyleronder11 Год назад
@Nukarot Год назад
Halloween Ends good actually
@ashgreninja-flurriko2173 Год назад
As much as I hate Halloween Kills, that movie at least had a consistent tone from Halloween 2018 that makes you feel that fear of the shape, despite how much I fucking hate "Evil dies tonight". When I go to watch a Halloween movie, I should not be seeing any comedy, love interests, or dumb decisions while I should be seeing the actual main antagonist doing what he does best, not get his mask stolen by some teen and being a goddamn punching bag. I came here to see horror, not a fucking drama. And for those people saying Michael has to kill to regain his strength after 4 years of Halloween Kills. Then maybe Michael should've been very very weak in Halloween 2018 since that movie took place 40 YEARS AFTER THE ORIGINAL HALLOWEEN!!! Think, people. It helps
@MisterMusicMouse Год назад
Oh wow, this is pretty scary! I'm glad you're watching with me! And it's great to see you back again, Tyler!
@tyleronder11 Год назад
Thanks man! Always appreciate your support on the videos
@MisterMusicMouse Год назад
@@tyleronder11 Keep your vids coming!
@ethanbokalski2878 Год назад
great video bro
@tyleronder11 Год назад
My brother love you dawg🐐
@josephdeboard5664 Год назад
Love what your doing Tyler, keep it up brother!
@tyleronder11 Год назад
JOEEEEEE! love you bro
@chrisalderson6335 Год назад
@Tomas_France_ Год назад
Such a bad movie
@ginaginabeat Год назад
Halloween ends is so disrespectful. I've commented a few times, and as I said, one would like to take all the rolls of film and symbolically put them in a scrap press. When I saw Michael Myers in the sewers in the movie it made me think of IT Pennywise and if Michael Myers could talk he would say Corey do you want to fly too? We all fly with you here. Just stupid and I knew from the start that Jamie Lee Curtis doesn't like horror movies and I don't like this Franchise Halloween ends from David Gordon Green.
@ginaginabeat Год назад
I am also very disappointed in the film and most of all in Jamie Lee Curtis. I hope it's a flop and it really doesn't have much to do with the Michael Myers cult. I grew up watching the movies and I hate this Halloween Ends script. I compare it to Terminator and I would prefer the actress to Jamie Lee Curtis because she appreciates the role of the cult Terminator more. I know the interviews of both actresses and was also initially a fan of Jamie Lee Curtis but she often has something to criticize and I think she worked a lot on this script and I'm angry because Michael Myers wasn't the main character but Jamie Lee Curtis and She didn't like the acting role in the first Halloween film and even in Halloween 20 years later she felt fooled that the films continued and she killed the wrong person but she did it for money and I would have preferred she had gotten out before but she's a good actress. It give a Petition for Halloween ends reshoot. I'm for Michael Myers.
@yungblade7 Год назад
Nothing is explained in this movie, you have to be on mushrooms for this to even make sense & how did Michael know he was going to dr.mathis?
@SoundWaveChronicles Год назад
Decided to help ya on the road to 100 subs! I came for the Halloween Kills/Ends takes ,and stayed for the Spider-Man ranking. Keep up the good work. As far as your personal list, Far From Home gets far too much shade thrown overall in my opinion, it's easily a top tier MCU film. We can both agree that Spider-Man 3 and Halloween Ends are at the bottom of their respective lists... Look forward to see what you review next!
@tyleronder11 Год назад
Thanks for the sub! I hope to be reviewing more stuff soon
@devontehuntley6274 Год назад
The high school kids were seniors not freshman and Lauries hand was never actually in the garbage disposal at the end.
@tyleronder11 Год назад
Either way no 23 year old would take crap from high school seniors
@devontehuntley6274 Год назад
@@tyleronder11 I agree, I found that to be silly especially from marching band kids.
@joshualester5154 Год назад
If they really needed to make a trilogy then they should have ended with Kills. That would be a trilogy. Just remove that ending scene with Karen being slashed, because it never matters anyway, and the series would be instantly much better.
@tyleronder11 Год назад
I agree!
@staticsoul Год назад
Cory sounds like a shitty self-interest character (especially with the the shit romance) which is bad enough. But the fact it's in a SLASHER movie is worse. Not too mention that Michael and Lori are practically just old people fighting at this point.
@MrGean83 Год назад
The last Halloween is always the worst.
@SlasherPepper Год назад
"ONE OF THE WORST FILMS I’VE EVER SEEN!" I can't believe that. Have you seen these: Children of the Corn Genesis August Underground Hellraiser Hellseeker Demons of the Mind Wishmaster 3 Cannibal Holocaust Leprechaun Origins Killjoy Wrong Turn 6 Silent Night Deadly Night 3 Jeepers Creepers Reborn I get different opinions and all but from a filmmaking perspective Halloween Ends is fantastic! The cinematography is just phenomenal. Wether you like the Corey character or not, there's no denying he's fantastically portrayed by Rohan Campbell. The film has some amazing kills and obviously the score by John Carpenter is super kickass. Not buying the love angle is obviously a different point of view. For me it made a lot of sense and totally bought it. I fell in love with love at first sight a similar way. So I thought it was realistic. Don't get me wrong I agree with some of your negative points but they didn't bo.ther me so much. It's my third favorite in the franchise. Obviously agree to disagree! :)
@tyleronder11 Год назад
I have not seen near as many films as most people my man I will admit lol
@danieldalton6544 Год назад
Way too many plot holes for a franchise film to sustain. Swiss cheese. Moment after moment going huh? What?! I always felt the guy known for doing Pineapple Express was a weird choice, I was skeptical. But, 2018 was ok and Kills was ok, but Ends was not ok. I won't be getting excited to see another movie by him. Isn't his next franchise The Exorcist. At least that property is already in the dumpster, so he can only go up, but no re enacted scenes or flashbacks to the original which is my biggest gripe about his Halloween trilogy. He's a very derivative director. Needs to try to be more original.
@kennymike7937 Год назад
This movie seems to forgotten that Michael was locked up for 40yrs and had no problem killing people when he escaped.
@maulressurected4405 Год назад
The he needs to kill to become powerful is weak excuse, he had a forty year draught of not killing between the original and reboot so by that logic he would have started weak in the first film in the new trilogy.
@diegofavaratozfilms962 Год назад
0:06 it’s Pixar not DreamWorks
@tyleronder11 Год назад
@VenomandEddieBrock Год назад
It’s the worse because the film shows Corey doing the killings instead of Michael Myers
@tyleronder11 Год назад
@pipq8809 Год назад
Hey great video man agree with you completely on every point. Got a new subscriber 😊
@tyleronder11 Год назад
Thanks Pip Q!
@pipq8809 Год назад
@@tyleronder11 No problem mate, I agree with you also what you also said about the love story I go to Halloween for a slasher flick not a dam romance novel lol. An talk about anger I’ve seen some movies in my time that were a let down but Ends Oh boy it just made me mad as hell an still dose. I don’t think I’ll be rushing out to get the 4K blu ray anytime soon. The question I ask myself is what the F happened they set up everything so good with Halloween and Halloween Kills only to stuff it all up. Like did they just decide to follow the trend of bad or not so good Halloween movies.
@bigdaddygru Год назад
Yeah this movie was garbage!! I have no reason to EVER watch it again! I don't care how many times SyFy plays it in October in about 2 years!! Never again!!!
@hideousruin Год назад
The only part I disagree with you about is the kills. I like the brutality of them. Only Rob Zombie's remakes have more brutal kills (Yes, the white horse crap in the second one ruined it, I'm just talking about the kills. That stripper in the hall with all the mirrors - sheesh!) Anyway, I didn't find the ones in this trilogy to be excessive. It's not like they veered into torture porn territory.
@tyleronder11 Год назад
Aye I am glad man… the gruesomeness is cool just never goes well with enjoying a Halloween for me. :)
@hideousruin Год назад
The director said he just wanted to force a romance in there, essentially because he was bored. As if someone forced him to accept the job of director. Personally I think he made Michael little more than a cameo in his own movie to spite the series fans. Hating the IP and fans you're directing a movie for almost seems like a requirement for directors these days - and not just for fantasy and video game IP anymore. And as is normal in Hollywood these days he's failing upward to direct The Exorcist remake. I don't know why they would choose to remake that movie these days. Assembling a cast that is even a shadow of the original's would be a feat in itself. Got to love that this director s*** on Friedkin a few weeks ago. As if he'll ever do anything as remarkable as the original Exorcist, The French Connection, etc.
@hideousruin Год назад
The part where the the rain was pouring down and the music swelled and Corey ran into Michael's arms and Michael lifted him up and spun him around romantically - I couldn't hold back the tears.
@dino91001 9 месяцев назад
halloween + notebook 😂
@hideousruin Год назад
People defending this piece of crap remind me of those who shit on Rob Zombie's remake (Part two did suck tho, I don't know what the f he was thinking with the white horse crap) or Halloween III but never bring up Michael getting his ass kicked by Busta Rhymes' ghetto-fu. Kills had some great, well... kills - but otherwise it effing sucked too. "Evil dies tonight" lol. I mostly like 2018 but that part near the end with the doctor having masterminded the whole thing just about ruins it for me. The audacity of this director to s*** on Friedkin... I'd like to be able to say "I can't believe they gave the Exorcist remake to him," but really they could do much worse. I suppose we should be grateful they didn't give it to Jordan Peele - if it were up to him they'd be exercising the demon of "whiteness."
@mscottlawrence2037 Год назад
It's tough for me to get on board with Corey as Michael, I am old school and I gotta have Michael, he was literally the terminator in kills and now this? I've heard many say because he's older but damn only 3 years isn't that much
I was so excited for this movie 😔
@sharksfan81hj73 Год назад
I’m still very salty that my favorite horror character got disrespected in just a matter of 6 minutes. I’m done with this movie & will not acknowledge or rewatch this movie at all.
@josemanzanilla115 Год назад
Halloween 2018: The true sequel and ending of the franchise. Halloween Kills: Nice sequel but thanks to Halloween Ends it makes no sense at all. Halloween Ends: Pure garbage.
@tyleronder11 Год назад
Yep. I just pretend Halloween 2018 is the only sequel in this timeline of movies now.
@lalliselove Год назад
Great video bro! I agree, it was a mess. The returning characters were so wasted! Lindsay, Hawkins, Laurie, Alison were all given nothing or stupid things to do. I love trying something new but finish what you got first. They could have introduced Cory and had him and Michael killing at the same time early on. All the characters working together and a huge showdown. Wasted potential.
@jonathanvalle6582 Год назад
Agreed! This movie was horrible! Corey and michael meyers kill someone together as a team, WTF! Michael rolls solo!
@pikeflowed Год назад
haha, love it Jonathan, we should Start a campaign for a proper Trilogy -Capper, a proper HALLOWEEN ENDS film and print t-shirts with ***MICHAEL ROLLS SOLO!*** on them ! lol ;)
@hjbit Год назад
watching the movie in the theater there was this guy who was drunk/high and starts yelling "TTH TTHIS SISS FUCKIN BULLSHIT!!.....WASSTTE UH FF FUCKIN MONEY!!" and i mean he wasn't wrong! lol
@TheSantach Год назад
Never watching Halloween Ends again. Michael didn't kill anyone for 40 yrs and yet he was destroying everyone. But after 4 yrs he is weak as shit. Shit writing
@n.b.l.5709 Год назад
I didnt even finish it yet lol so its about corey? Lol