Guilt Grace Gratitude Podcast
Guilt Grace Gratitude Podcast
Guilt Grace Gratitude Podcast
We exist to help bridge the gap to Reformed Christian theology. Guilt Grace Gratitude is hosted by a layman (Nick Fullwiler), a pastor (Peter Bell), and a pastor/teacher (Danny Hyde), who are joined every week by the top academics, professors, authors, pastors, and teachers from across the world. We produce seasonal episodes explaining various Reformed doctrines, #BookClubs with authors from broader theological backgrounds, and short confessional episodes to introduce you to our historic tradition!
Andrea Burke | A Bit of Earth
Месяц назад
Adriel Sanchez | Praying with Jesus
2 месяца назад
L  Michael Morales | Commentary on Numbers
2 месяца назад
Elizabeth Oldfield | Fully Alive
2 месяца назад
Important Update
2 месяца назад
Michael Licona | Jesus, Contradicted
2 месяца назад
1-2 Chronicles
2 месяца назад
J.V. Fesko | The Giver of Life
2 месяца назад
Ezra & Nehemiah
3 месяца назад
Hans Madueme | Defending Sin
3 месяца назад
Esther & Daniel
3 месяца назад
Michael Horton | Shaman and Sage
3 месяца назад
3 месяца назад
Song of Songs
3 месяца назад
Charles Kim | The Way of Humility
3 месяца назад
3 месяца назад
Aimee Byrd | The Hope in Our Scars
4 месяца назад
4 месяца назад
The Psalms
4 месяца назад
Harrison Perkins | Reformed Covenant Theology
4 месяца назад
Haggai - Malachi
4 месяца назад
Richard Burnett | Machen's Hope
4 месяца назад
Joel - Zephaniah
4 месяца назад
Prasanta Verma | Beyond Ethnic Loneliness
5 месяцев назад
5 месяцев назад
@dianehayes8385 2 дня назад
So Beautiful
@dianehayes8385 2 дня назад
My kin,
@dianehayes8385 2 дня назад
Thanks David, just recieved book today
@DoyleFreda-u9r 4 дня назад
Harris Sarah Perez Angela Jones John
@DoyleFreda-u9r 4 дня назад
Davis Ronald Gonzalez Larry Walker Linda
@joefriendly 6 дней назад
Historian Hyam Maccoby, particularly in 2 of his several books, (1) Revolution in Judea, Jesus and the Jewish Resistance and (2) The Mythmaker, Paul and the Invention of Christianity, makes the point that Christianity developed at a time when the Romans were so angry at the Jews for their revolt led by Simon that they made it a capital offense throughout the Roman Empire for any positive advocacy of Judaism. So Christianity is a systematic defilement of Judaism, like God's choosing for the mother of his only begotten child a woman betrothed to another, declared an abomination in Deut. 22: 23.
@Dawg476 7 дней назад
Because the adult converts are always the dumbest ex atheists alive and do it regardless if they believe it’s real or not.
@rickperez1336 15 дней назад
Thks for having Dr Wellum! I first heard of him at SWBTS through my ST 2 professor who worked with him on his doctorate at Southern! Blessings
@chloecalloway1428 16 дней назад
Thank you for this talk which the Lord used to encourage, comfort, and correct my heart by the power of His word through those who proudly witness it’s inerrancy and the gospel of Jesus Christ! That’s pretty wordy. What I mean to say is: Thank you!
@RobertBee-fs8hv 17 дней назад
It's agin dee lord the female is regulated to domestic affairs period . Reproduce and multiple an army of Christian soldiers to do the lords business of smiting the demon worshiper I think I got that right When is this long winded video going to get to the point if women's right . I don't deed no biology lesson I'm at the 26 minute mark and you are still giving biology lesson Man I got to take a break at the 38 minute mark i will come back later and try to finish the video to nowhere m
@Dirkkkkk 23 дня назад
This is excellent, purchasing these handbooks due to this video. And I’m a 27 volume kinda guy … Read til your eyes dry up like raisins, seek Him while He can be found!
@doim8455 Месяц назад
Lolll i thought this was a psychological podcast until u said seedling. 😂❤
@VickersJon Месяц назад
I miss these. Are they coming back anytime soon?
@MrJohnmartin2009 Месяц назад
The Eucharist is the central covenant sacrament instituted on Holy Thursday night. However, the reformed denied Jesus real Eucharistic presence and apostolic succession contrary to the witness of the church fathers and church councils. Reformed covenant theology is therefore a deficient paper theology without the full reality only found in the Catholic church. Without the Eucharistc flesh of Jesus the faithful cannot fulfill John 6 and eat Jesus' flesh and drink Jesus blood. The covenant church is one, holy apostolic and Catholic contrary to the denominations of the reformation churches. The four marks are tied into apostolic succession and the Eucharist, essential to an authentic covenant theology beyond the paper content of reformed theologians.
@barryjtaft Месяц назад
What advantage then hath the Jew? or what profit is there of circumcision? Much every way: chiefly, because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. Romans 3:1-2 Notice that the oracles of God were not committed to the Greeks. In a synagogue in the 1st century, one could only read the Hebrew scrolls or the Targum (a translation of the Hebrew Bible into Aramaic). Greek was forbidden. Recall that Antiochus Epiphanes desecrated the Solomon’s temple circa 170 BC. Thus, the need for Herod to build the 2nd temple. The Jews of the 1st century despised the Greeks, for that and other reasons. The only evidence for a BC Septuagint is the letter of Aristeas, which no one believers but everyone quotes. It is a fantastic tale (read fantasy). There is no reference to a Septuagint prior to 50 AD (+/-). If you trace all the reference to a BC Septuagint, you will find that each and every on them references the Letter of Aristeas in one form or another. So, the only witness to a BC Septuagint is the Letter of Aristeas (LOA). If one believes the LOA, one has to believe also that the 10 northern tribes of Israel were not dispersed to four winds after 721 BC. From this diaspora they never returned. Rather you have to believe that they were still in Israel in 285 BC, since the LOA claims that 6 scribes from each of the 12 tribes of Israel were assembled in Egypt by Ptolemy Philadelphus. Incidentally, a land to which the Jews were forbidden ever to return to. Deuteronomy 17:16, Deuteronomy 28:68, Jeremiah 42:13-17, Jeremiah 44 (entire). Incidentally, none of the ancient writers who refer to the LOA agree on which Ptolemy is referred to. Only the Levites were allowed to copy the scriptures (with the exception of the King who had to make a copy for himself). So, one has to add to that belief that 72 scribes (not Levites) defiled themselves among the Greeks and defied the scriptures and God’s wishes in order to copy the scriptures as well as going to a land to which they were forbidden ever to return. More so, add to that belief, that 72 scribes, each without a copy of the Hebrew scriptures, translated them from memory into Greek in 72 days and every single word was identical all the while being locked up in 72 chambers on the isle of Pharos without any collaboration between them. And by the way, why is it called LXX "The 70" and not LXXII 72? And may I say ”Incidentally” again? Incidentally, the Pharos light house was not built until 280 BC, 5 years after the blessed event. A minor point. To sum up, we are to believe that God inspired the work of 72 (not 70) disobedient, non-Levitical scribes who rendered 72 identical copies of the Hebrew scriptures from memory into Greek. Really? Incidentally (one more time), the LOA section 176 says that the whole scroll was written in gold. Really? Where is it? You’d think that someone would have a vested interest in preserving such a priceless document. Where is it? It doesn’t exist! Finally, If you were to get a copy of the Septuagint, you would find that it is nothing more than the Old Testament portions of the codex Alexandrinus, the codex Sinaiticus and the codex Vaticanus, along with the Apocrypha. The Dead Sea scrolls contains only a few scraps of Greek OT words, certainly no Septuagint. Earlier English translations included the apocryphal books as part of the old testament. The KJB translators included the apocryphal books because it was part of their mandate, but they placed them in a separate section called the “Apocrypha” meaning “writings…not considered genuine”. And they headed each page with the title Apocrypha to dispel any doubt of their intention. Matthew 5:18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one "jot" or one "tittle" shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. "Jot" and "tittle" are transliterated from the Hebrew into Greek and then into English. They don't appear in any Greek copy of the Old Testament anywhere. Luke 24:44 And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me. "The Law of Moses, The Prophets, and The Psalms" is how the Jews organized the Old Testament. There is no Greek copy anywhere in any century which organizes the Old Testament in that fashion. There is a strong argument to be made that Philo of Alexandria 50 AD is the author of the Letter of Aristeas (LOA). The only witness that anyone can point to, definitively, is the LOA. You really should read it. It is just not believable. And scholars have read it and they don't believe it. And yet they point to it as proof. "But everybody knows and all scholars agree...bla bla bla". Be careful of the "argument from authority". It is very often the case that "all scholars" are quoting from someone in authority who just happened to be wrong. "Scholars" by and large are lazy and love quoting other scholars because it's easy. All Hebrew scholars agreed that “baca” meant mulberry trees. They were all quoting Hebrew scholar Burchart. Dr Robert Dick Wilson of Princeton University proved conclusively that baca meant aqueduct. “Who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well; the rain also filleth the pools.” Psalm 84:6. How does passing through the valley of mulberry trees make it a well? It doesn’t! its nonsensical. But passing through the valley of a aqueduct makes perfect sense to make it a well. Supposedly the LXX was written for the disaffected Jews living in Alexandria Egypt. That part I believe. But what would possess Jesus Christ to quote from it in Israel, where the vast majority of the population spoke Aramaic (except the Scribes Pharisees and Sadducees who also spoke Hebrew) and hated the Greeks and their language which had been imposed on them by their oppressors the Romans and the Greeks before them. "...,And the common people heard him gladly." Mark 12:37. Heard Him gladly what? Read from a Greek Old Testament? Really? You will say to me that "the Dead Sea Scrolls contain the LXX". They don't. They contain a few scraps of Old Testament words in Greek. Not even enough to fill a whole page. Certainly not the LXX. If you believe that Jesus quoted from the Septuagint, you have to also believe that Jesus endorsed the Apocrypha. Including paying (indulgences) for the dead! Including approving committing Suicide? Including An angel of God lying! Including prayers for the dead! Including Sorcery and Magic! Including praying to angels! Including purgatory! The Septuagint? Really? It is harder to convince someone that they have been fooled than to fool them in the first place.
@qwerty-so6ml Месяц назад
Genesis 1 is ELOHIM (Lucifer and the fallen angels). They made man in their image. (tares = natural man) Man is an idol, a trap to hunt angels. Genesis 2:7 the Lord God forms His representative in their system. (wheat = spiritual man) One Gospel: Gospel (GOOD ANGEL) of Reconciliation. Jesus Christ came into THEIR kingdom to reconcile fallen angels unto Himself. We are the fallen angels (ELOHIM) kept in DNA chains of darkness. If you do not confess being a fallen angel in Lucifer's kingdom, then you are an unbeliever. Unbeliever = those that claim to be made in the image of ELOHIM(gods). REPENT FALLEN ANGELS.
@cs_fl5048 Месяц назад
well...I''m not sure it was an epicenter. The Coptics were indeed there and still are, but I think epicenter is a bit hyperbolic. Ethiopia was a center for Christianity (they claim the queen of Sheba) but again...epicenter is a bit much.
@cbwilson2398 Месяц назад
Please learn to pronounce "emeritus" correctly.
@NotHer-j4u Месяц назад
I think the more important question is why do you get bad breath from eating snakes 🐍? So eat snakes and use listerine 3 times a day?
@ashutosh3628 Месяц назад
Namo buddhaye ☸️🏳️‍🌈
@yoyocswpg Месяц назад
Spot on 🎉 U can never be Christ-like before u find Christ to be beautiful. I am so sick of the moralistic teaching at my previous church that has nothing to do with the worship of God. I feel like I was given a to-do list every Sunday.
@shotsofbleach459 Месяц назад
@stephdaknickfan374 2 месяца назад
Amen 🙏🏾 Thank you Father for everything ❤️
@mikeysullivan408 2 месяца назад
All lies😂 Brainwashed by the devil
@tabithadorcas7763 2 месяца назад
Many thanks for posting this! I'm still awaiting my preordered copy of the book. But, my friend and I have already read through the 40 pages available via Amazon. Dr. Morales is a treasure.
@jsimoes9424 2 месяца назад
I have OCD and I’m at my wits end. I’m afraid of Jesus, and I don’t know where to go next. I’m pretty close to hopeless. Is there any treatment I can seek?
@guiltgracepod 2 месяца назад
Email us: guiltgracepod@gmail.com
@robmarshall956 2 месяца назад
I don’t want to be rude but are sounds bites like this helpful at all to anyone ?
@peterwycka7222 2 месяца назад
All sin is deadly
@PreDustined 2 месяца назад
Divine council 😂
@PreDustined 2 месяца назад
Why did Peter join the opc
@redwine65 2 месяца назад
it's good when people know their theological presupositions so they can find church that matches, then they can stand on them..I think the whole women pastor thing was went over with the pc usa in the 50's
@matthuemaynor376 2 месяца назад
Stop looking at the gospels if you want to learn about god it is not in a book it is with inside you. And you will never find it if you don’t look for it.
@classicchristianliterature 2 месяца назад
From Heaven He came and Sought Her was excellent. I’ve read about 200 pages of the new volume… it’s equally good if not better.
@andrew7944 2 месяца назад
It seems like Dr. Licona can be in agreement with The Chicago statement on biblical inerrancy. I think Dr. Licona's critics have not given his arguments or conclusion an accurate representation. Article XIII We affirm the propriety of using inerrancy as a theological term with reference to the complete truthfulness of Scripture. We deny that it is proper to evaluate Scripture according to standards of truth and error that are alien to its usage or purpose. We further deny that inerrancy is negated by Biblical phenomena such as a lack of modern technical precision, irregularities of grammar or spelling, observational descriptions of nature, the reporting of falsehoods, the use of hyperbole and round numbers, the topical arrangement of material, variant selections of material in parallel accounts, or the use of free citations.
@guiltgracepod 2 месяца назад
@marilynmelzian7370 2 месяца назад
Regarding the rise of the enlightenment, it might be noted that the enlightenment is very strong in France, which is primarily a Catholic country. Is that relevant at all? I have also heard that the enlightenment is in someway a reaction against religion in general, given the wars that are fought after the reformation between protestants and Catholics. It would be interesting to read a much more in-depth study of all of the pieces that go together. I know that I have been somewhat influenced by GK Chesterton‘s assessment that a lot of the modern ills are result of the breakup of the medieval system. I do appreciate Barrett’s more nuanced assessment of the reformation as renewal.
@marilynmelzian7370 2 месяца назад
I appreciate Matthew Barrett so much and look forward to reading this new book.
@jonduke4748 2 месяца назад
@mattb8916 2 месяца назад
This is why Christians are confused idolaters
@michaelconyer2106 2 месяца назад
Question... where in scripture is the excepting of the truine nature of God, a make or break concept for salvation. And was this a revelation only exposed after the coming of christ?
@aidanblanks 2 месяца назад
Well first we can look in the Old Testament: The Messiah/ Son of Man is described as a figure who will has dominion over the earth and all people will serve him(Daniel 7:13), if you had to say who has power over the earth, it would be God. There’s also multiple mentions of “the angel of the Lord” in the old testament which is described as distinct from God yet talks like God. How can something be distinct and yet the same unless it falls into the trinity theology. The angel of the Lord being the pre-incarnate Christ. Now we can go to the New Testament: Jesus is baptized and the Spirit comes down on him and a distinct voice called from heaven (Luke 3:21-22). Jesus instructed people to be baptized in the name of the father, son, and Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19), which this would be weird to say unless God is triune in nature. Jesus is mentioned to be the son of God as well as God in the flesh. He is distinct but not separate from God (1 John 4:2,9,13-15). Peter describes people as being “destined by God the Father and sanctified by the spirit to be obedient to Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:2-3) again three distinct yet one.
@michaelconyer2106 2 месяца назад
@@aidanblanks pretty good 👍
@sher390 2 месяца назад
Yesterday I saw a squared circle
@hunterhestekin7420 2 месяца назад
If God desired, He could make you see both at the same time.
@sher390 2 месяца назад
@@hunterhestekin7420 yeah, sure. Could also make a rock that heavy that he cannot lift it.
@studiodemichel 2 месяца назад
Great discussion, guys! Looking forward to reading the book.
@guiltgracepod 2 месяца назад
Awesome! Thank you!
@joshuapjung 3 месяца назад
"I don't really care what Jesus said"(13:20). Yikes!
@Liminalplace1 20 дней назад
What Jesus said in Aramaic he meant
@MechMan2076 3 месяца назад
By fall do you mean when Adam first sinned or earlier when satan/lucifer/eull first sinnned?
@guiltgracepod 3 месяца назад
When Adam first sinned is what we would refer to as The Fall.
@geraldjohnson8871 3 месяца назад
It's a little to late to think about the Sins of Adam and Eve, lt is Time to worry about the Sins in your life and have you ask Forgiveness so you Can be Saved by Faith in the Son of GOD Jesus. AMEN.
@danielcostales2397 3 месяца назад
At 29:31 audio drops out and I didn’t hear what Darby’s eschatology is associated with
@guiltgracepod 3 месяца назад
My apologies! Our reception that day was spotty - was relying on an unreliable wifi connection outside.
@louminatti3776 3 месяца назад
Which god? There are thousands of them, you'll have to be more specific.
@michaelshiflett4835 3 месяца назад
Outdated religious nonsense
@bob_the_plumber 3 месяца назад
Buddhism teaches the absence of all emotions to gain enlightenment but Christianity teaches living a loving life where you go and you marry your partner and the man works his butt off he provides for you and comes home to his children that have been watched by his wife a nice clean house and dinner why do you think divorce rates have skyrocketed exponentially since everybody has now gone off to different religions and even secularism and New age views but it seems people are more miserable now because suicide rates are up mental illness as an all-time high and it's not the same world it's a world of single parents damaged people and people who don't know that God is out there loving you and all he asks you to do is don't lie don't steal don't cheat don't murder you know the basis for all our modern morals are brought about by Christianity so tell me why we're not giving Christ the holy Spirit and God the Father the recognition they deserve and the reverence and the love because without the bases of Christianity the world would be a lawless place
@gardentiger69 3 месяца назад
Did you ask him why he went woke?
@ArtVandelay-ImporterExporter 3 месяца назад
Wondering the same thing. It's too bad he did.
@guiltgracepod 3 месяца назад
I'm not sure what you both are talking about? When/how did he go woke?
@Hannah_The_Elon_Jew 3 месяца назад
2nd Samuel: Haunts