ITEC develops tools and training programs, trains indigenous Christ-followers, and equips others to do the same both domestically and abroad. Our goal is to eliminate the potential for dependency by partnering with, training alongside, and learning from the indigenous church.
Training & Equipping in Film
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25 Years of ITEC
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We Are Not | Short Documentary
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The Markers in Our Lives
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We Are Not | Teaser Trailer
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My Father's Plane | Part 1
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Unpacked | "164"
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Must We Obey?
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Myths About Missions
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Unpacked | Episode 4
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Harvest Ministries
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ITEC's Mission Transportation
2 года назад
Unpacked | Episode 3
2 года назад
Unpacked | Episode 2
2 года назад
ITEC's Farm Training
2 года назад
Mission Transportation
2 года назад
Unpacked | Episode 1
2 года назад
@savannahkarrow561 12 дней назад
I was a dumb teen who wanted to be a pregnant teen not realizing how hard it would be i did get pregnant did keep it found out i was having a girl turned 18 then had her about to be 19 now and yes i wish i would've waited later in life so my daughter didnt have to see me struggle but she is not a mistake and i love her with my heart and no im not encouraging teen pregnancy please be careful and use protection
@carolynwhite9975 15 дней назад
White Imperialism, White Savior Complex. These people are exalting the death and blood of men over the Blood And Death of Christ. They want to Heroes, they want to be God.
@carolynwhite9975 15 дней назад
There is no other sacrifice greater than the Death of Jesus Christ. No other death or martyr can compare to the Ultimate Sacrifice of Jesus. It is His Sacrificial Death saves all that believe.
@carolynwhite9975 15 дней назад
@jensmom604, That was an evil comment and full of hate, not the Love of Christ which you should have. No wonder no one wants " your Gospel or your Jesus" !! And I don't blame them!!
@buffalobillsfan2649 16 дней назад
Instead of killing babies how about you live with the effects if sex? Stop being so irresponsible
@jenniferbarnwell6592 17 дней назад
Laura have a healthy baby boy
@jenniferbarnwell6592 17 дней назад
The girl’s boyfriend did text her asked her is you get rid of it she was til she heart the baby’s heart beat so she didn’t
@brody1153 19 дней назад
I’m Ecuadorian
@tokiniawomi4849 22 дня назад
@shoeboi4596 25 дней назад
I was in health class when I saw this, I was under the assumption that it was a neutral video until I saw 17:52 and then I looked it up later and saw that this was made by an anti-choice Christian group.
@pamelaperkins2507 Месяц назад
Loved your humor about going to W Mart in your pj's! It seems to be the "in thing" with some! I am enjoying hearing your stories, Steve Saint!
@MariaSolRecalde Месяц назад
Pero todo a su tiempo 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 no corran camina no apresures tú futuro tú vida camina cumple tus etapas cuando escuchas estos latidos ❤ de un corazón por medio de un eco ❤😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭🚼 estas respirando ese mismo aire es tuyo o tuya es tú creación cuídalo y amalos respeta la vida 😭😭🚼
@MariaSolRecalde Месяц назад
No se puede romantizar un embarazo no deseado es mucho dolor para la persona que tiene que enfrentar no todas las personas tienen el mismo entendimiento enfoque de una realidad que tiene que ser tratada con mucho respeto tolerancia pero haciendo comprender que esta actuación la podian evitar un embarazo no planificado no es un embarazo no deseado porque definitivamente al estar en el vientre te encariñas con ése pedazo tuyo de amor 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️ y lo amas y defiendes de todo mal 😭😭😭😭😭
@MariaSolRecalde Месяц назад
@MariaSolRecalde Месяц назад
@MariaSolRecalde Месяц назад
Te escuchamos pequeña fuerte ❤
@thesisterhoodhub Месяц назад
The obedience to God’s call to go knowing they may never come back is astounding. Great will be the reward in heaven for those who die in the Lord! Jesus our Saviour, will be returning soon and we all will need to give an account of our lives: the thoughts, deeds, actions, words and motives done in the flesh, and who can stand before God? If you did not know, Jesus is our redeemer who came to save us from our fallen and sinful nature. If you don’t know Him yet and how He came to restore our relationship with God in heaven, who loves you and wants you to be reconciled to Him, I say to you today: Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes unto the Father but by Him, Jesus is the only one mediator between God and man, and only God can forgive sins. What is sin? It is knowing the right thing to do and not doing it. Sin includes things like sexual immorality, addictions, drunkenness, drugs, watching porn, lying, stealing, unforgiveness, hate, anger, gossiping, and much more. These separate us from God, who is holy and righteous and just. He weighs the motives of our hearts and all of us have missed the mark. The call to salvation is for everyone. Regardless of your wealth, status, sexual orientation or religious background, Jesus invites you to turn from sin and accept His gift of salvation. No amount of money, social standing, or religious observance can save you. It’s not about comparing yourself to others; the only comparison that matters is with God, and we all fall short, we all have sinned. God doesn’t want our religion; He wants a relationship with us. Good works cannot save you; there is nothing you can do to earn salvation. It’s by grace alone, so no one can boast. Our works are like filthy rags to a holy God. The Bible says the wages of sin is death, eternal separation from God in hell-a fate you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. We are created with a God-shaped vacuum that nothing else can fill but Him. Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins on the Cross so we can be restored to God, our heavenly Father. There needed to be a sacrifice, and God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, who was sinless, to take our place. It’s like a mother giving away her new-born baby or you giving away your only child to pay someone else’s debt, someone who couldn’t care less about you or love you back. God was willing to do that for you and me. Jesus Christ was crucified, with nails driven through His hands and feet and a crown of thorns pressed onto His head. He was whipped until His skin was torn off, becoming unrecognizable. As He hung on that Cross, He did it for your sins. He took our sins upon Himself, including the very sins that have destroyed our lives. He was destroyed for those sins on that Cross. He bled and died for our sins, which were buried with Him in the grave. Three days later, Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. Jesus is alive! Now is the time to respond. Romans 10:9 says, “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” This declaration and belief bring salvation. John 3:36 warns, “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them.” Embrace this good news today and pray: “Dear God, thank you for loving me. I confess that I have sinned against you. I believe that Jesus, Your Son, died on the cross to pay for my sins. I believe that Jesus was raised from the dead. I ask that you forgive all my sins. I confess that Jesus is my Lord and Savior. Thank you for Your gift of eternal life! I pray this in Jesus’ name. Amen.” Remember, it’s not the prayer that saves you; it’s the heartfelt belief and confession, repentance and choosing to trust in Jesus for a righteous life, from now on. Now is the time for salvation. Turn from darkness to light, from sin to salvation, and follow Jesus. Ask God for forgiveness of the wrong things you have done, repent (turn from them) and leave your old sinful ways behind, and begin a new and righteous life trusting in Christ Jesus, every single day, ask to be filled with the Holy Spirit to help you, and read your Bible and obey it, repent to God daily, connect to God through prayer and ask the Holy Spirit for revelation, guidance, wisdom and discernment.
@michaelwilkinson2000 Месяц назад
Absolute Biblical truth. It is called indigenous missions. It is also called discipleship. Amen!
@LunaJhonenDraven Месяц назад
Her at 16: Pregnant and Drama Me at 16: Reading Captain Underpants
@wvideoyahoodk Месяц назад
Missionaries shall stay away and not interfere
@abbphotoandvideo622 Месяц назад
missionaries are the scourge of the indigenous people.
@susiepittman601 Месяц назад
This was not God's plan. Give me a break.
@Annieslayyyys Месяц назад
Everything that ever happens is gods plan you can’t change what he plans to happens, sin is the result of all the bad stuff happening
@susiepittman601 15 дней назад
@@Annieslayyyys that means God planned for Trump to lose. Ok.
@Cierra_yo 2 месяца назад
This is why im marrying before im carrying 💍👶🏾
@angelagatt4634 2 месяца назад
I'm going to say what no one wants to hear. Teenagers should not have sex. Sex is for married couples.
@user-qr5dz6gk4o 2 месяца назад
I would have looked at the plan b box on the back 1st waste of $
@user-qr5dz6gk4o 2 месяца назад
The dad has no hour hair he looks like he has cancer
@terryoquinn8199 2 месяца назад
I do think women should have the option of abortion but I also believe the man should have some say in it as well . I know she will carry the baby and not him but he is equally as involved . With that said , he is equally responsible too . I think they (the couple) should work out the decision together and both parties are equally responsible for the care and upbringing of the child , if they choose to do that . I’ve been on both sides and let me tell you from first hand experience , no matter what you decide to do , it’s going to be with you forever ! I’m 66 years old and still struggle with my decisions on both sides of the issue . I have a beautiful daughter that I love more than life itself ! She’s grown with her own family , my two grandchildren . I also have babies I have never met and won’t in this life . Don’t be in such a hurry to make adult choices until you’re actually an adult . It is more painful than I could ever express . Best wishes to everyone who reads this , I’m not judging anyone , truly .
@highvibe6081 2 месяца назад
She chose to have sex..
@planes3333 2 месяца назад
This should have a billion views.
@arpitabiswasdasgupta3095 2 месяца назад
Amazing job! What kind of feedback have you received from audiences so far?
@Marsena 2 месяца назад
I love watching this testimony over and over. What a powerful story of unconditional love for our fellow men; forgiveness for those who hurt us; the transforming power of God in the lives of a whole tribe of people. Thank the Lord for the willing hearts of your father/grandfather and those other Godly men. It was WELL worth the harvest of souls for Jesus! Thank you both for sharing!
@wolfsgirl206 2 месяца назад
Respect to the young girl who chose the small life. My great respect also to every other young single mother.❤
@wolfsgirl206 2 месяца назад
Men have to take responsibility for their actions🙏👍
@jackholder9691 3 месяца назад
The 5 missionaries didn't die in vain; the gospel was spread in a mighty way ; when the Holy Spirit used the man that speared Nate Saint to come to Jesus Mincaye to raise Steve : Nate's son God uses disaster sometimes to spread His word
@jackholder9691 3 месяца назад
This is helpful in spreading the word of God and the salvation provided by Jesus Christ. ❤
@shannon9677 3 месяца назад
@edenramos9686 3 месяца назад
I've been watching this video since I was 15
@formerfundienowfree4235 3 месяца назад
Why would indigenous peoples trust the white Christian missionary? Look what white Christian missionaries did to the indigenous people of America. It was a full-on genocide.
@shisamathan3488 3 месяца назад
Through Gates of Splendor...an incredible Book....life changing
@VV-hb7uj 4 месяца назад
❤️ your father is so proud of you 🙏
@Pointerfinger_1 4 месяца назад
This was wonderful.
@HyaraBenítez 5 месяцев назад
Wow ésto realmente me hizo emocionar hasta las lágrimas 😢 recordando que a los 15 años pasé por exactamente lo mismo pero sin el apoyo de mí mamá y junto a en ése entonces mí novio escogimos la vida y ya hoy día ésa vida tiene 14 años
@vinlennox7658 5 месяцев назад
We are fostering a terrible attitude to pregnancy. If we know it or not
@aceaudios 5 месяцев назад
i cried the min i saw the mum hug her
@user-mn1bs7cj2u 5 месяцев назад
@user-mn1bs7cj2u 5 месяцев назад
@ScottHarrison-dz6tz 5 месяцев назад
Sounds of chain saw
@user-zm4iq5ng5k 5 месяцев назад
These are were Huaorani Amerindian Tribe of Ecuador during the time they were well isolated and well protected by the Ecuadorian government. However with these fake Christian Missionaries spying on the land for best spots to drill for oil. The Huaorani had killed many of these oil company members who came in boats searching for the best spots to drill in the Huaorani territory so that they could buy it from Ecuadorian govt. These oil company staff members would try to make contact with the Huaorani in order to fool them so that they could search there land for the best oil drilling spots but they were scared or killed. It wasn't until the oil companies sent these fake Christian Missionaries that they were able to gain access to there land with the Ecuadorian military getting involved after the so called killing of there fake missionary. Fun fact is that Ecuador has many poor towns and cities where plenty of poor peopl need food and financial help yet these missionaries go after these isolated indians.
@timothyxv171mmmpertinentgamer 5 месяцев назад
Dance sweetheart you are creating life..!! She did not let her parents down is natural for womens to be pregnant y'all think about it she was a kid herself happy spending time with her family and friends, curious, enjoy learning, her first date and then graduation time.!! Her daughter or son, twins they will experience the same happiness. 1:16
@Happy_HIbiscus 5 месяцев назад