Tony Burgess
Tony Burgess
Tony Burgess
Tony Burgess and Julie French are founding Directors of Academy of High Achievers Ltd. Offering DiSC® profiles and profiling, DiSC assessment, NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming, working with beliefs and belief change, Havening Techniques training and pink bucket thinking. Personal and professional change work is done via therapy, coaching and training, as appropriate. We help people with their mindset and confidence for personal and professional achievement and fulfilling life experiences.
3 года назад
Had enough (Time for Change)
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Ian Traynar AHA
4 года назад
Life and death in a day
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Lunch and Learn with Alex Taylor
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Desert Island DiSC?
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Come and work with us in Spain
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Come and work with us in Spain
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The main DiSC Styles - Inscape DiSC
11 лет назад
@carolinedelaney8348 4 года назад
So lovely and so true..
@grocottable 5 лет назад
Thank you for this Tony .... a very emotional song !
@modelo61 7 лет назад
Great Technique!!
@shaynarichards2310 8 лет назад
Love your video. I also first became interested in donation when I heard about bone marrow donation, so I decided to get the process started to become a bone marrow donator. Recently, I heard about kidney donation and felt the urge to research it further to understand exactly how the process worked. I just made the decision to become a donator and will be going to get my testing done in a couple of weeks, your video and updates are great to see for encouragement and also proof that you can have great quality of life after the procedure. Thanks for the valuable information!
@tonyahaburgess 8 лет назад
+Shayna Richards Wonderful! Well done you! It is now coming up to 3 years since my donation and I have never felt healthier!
@BrydieWeston13 8 лет назад
Answered some of the questions I had and put to bed any worries. I'm going for my first consultation next week. So far I've had more discouraging comments than supportive but there seems to be something inside really pushing me to donate a kidney. I share many of your views; we are all very much connected as human beings. I am hoping to raise awareness in my surrounding area and start to get people thinking and talking more about organ/tissue donation. Thanks for this video:)
@hinson0428 10 лет назад
Hi! I'm donating my kidney to my brother. I'm currently going through blood tests and compatibility tests. Please, if you have advice, I'd love some.
@tonyahaburgess 10 лет назад
Hello Kamryn. What a great gift you are giving your brother. Advice? Well just keep positive and ask questions if you are ever unsure of anything. Be demanding if you experience lack of organisation or lack of efficiency from the services working with you (I experienced a lot of inefficiency from the NHS - the whole thing nearly didn't happen until I got demanding). And at the same time there are some amazing people working in the organisation. Keep yourself as fit and healthy as you can, before and after the operation. Ask if you can have the keyhole surgery option as it heals pretty quickly. Some places offer it and others don't (as I understand it). I was showering a day afterwards as the external wounds were surgically glued and watertight. Allow yourself rest afterwards. Celebrate that you are helping improve your brother's life. Be reassured that I have experienced no lasting effects since the operation and healed quickly (Dec 2012). The most I experience now is a little tiny bit of soreness occasionally on the largest scar (where the kidney was removed - around the 'bikini -line') if I am sat creased in that position for a long time and fine once I adjust my position. Advice I was given for keeping your remaining kidney healthy is drink plenty of water on an ongoing basis (I always drank plenty anyway so not much of a change required there for me) and also keep salt intake low. I never add salt to my meals anymore. That is all about keeping blood pressure at a healthy level. This website could be useful for you: www.giveakidney.org All the very best Kamryn. Warmest wishes Tony
@hinson0428 10 лет назад
***** Thank you! This is very helpful.
@tonyahaburgess 10 лет назад
@KevinLearAdventures 10 лет назад
just want to add - i have never met a guy who gives so much to so many - and is one of lives truly amazing joyful and gifted men - i think you're tremendous :-)
@KevinLearAdventures 10 лет назад
GET IN - fantastic - absolutely bloody fab god damn tactic ;-)
@KarlLehmann69 10 лет назад
Such a lovely thought Tony - well done.
@KarlLehmann69 10 лет назад
Credit to a Top Man for doing this for a Top Lass it seems :)
@cindyskrivanek1305 10 лет назад
Great summary of the value of DiSC.
@tonyahaburgess 10 лет назад
Thanks Cindy!
@tonyahaburgess 10 лет назад
Hi Joan Here is a cut and paste from NHS guidance pages on your point of how long does a donated kidney last: www.nhs.uk/conditions/Kidney-transplant/Pages/Introduction.aspx How long do kidney transplants last? There are a number of factors which affect how long a transplanted kidney may last. These include whether or not the kidney came from a living donor, how well the kidney is matched in terms of blood group and tissue type, the age of the person receiving the donation, and the overall health of the person receiving the donation. Overall, average kidney survival times are: 1 year - 85-95% 5 years - 70-80% 15 years - 50-60% If you have a kidney transplant that fails, you are usually suitable for another transplant from either a living or deceased donor. On your other point re will it cut your life short to become a donor ... Here is a cut and paste of info again from NHS guidance: www.organdonation.nhs.uk/how_to_become_a_donor/living_kidney_donation/questions_and_answers.asp Are there any long-term risks? There is a small possibility of a slight rise in blood pressure and excess protein in your urine. However studies have shown that there is no long-term effect on the health of the donor or your remaining kidney. Am I at greater risk of developing kidney failure? You are at no greater risk of developing kidney failure after donating than anyone in the general population. Will it shorten my lifespan? Studies have shown that donors live longer than the average population. This is because donors are selected on the basis of good health and are thoroughly screened prior to donation. Will I have to change my lifestyle after donating? No. You should lead a normal healthy life as before. Hope this is helpful Joan! Warmest wishes Tony
@Vegheadsrock 10 лет назад
I have 2 questions. If I were a living kidney donor how long would the average recipient get by on my kidney? Also will it cut my life short at all? Thanks.
@LilRiverRascal 10 лет назад
Im in a fb group where 30+yrs is not unheard of. If you want to learn more try joining a group. It's amazing how helpful they can be. :)
@Vegheadsrock 10 лет назад
Where do you join a group?
@LilRiverRascal 10 лет назад
Depends on if you are a donor, recipient, family member or are just wanting to learn more. I joined facebook.com/groups/kidneytransplantdonorsandrecipients/?ref=ts&fref=ts as a donor. Try searching with different wording for various groups you have an opportunity to learn from. Best to you! :)
@LilRiverRascal 10 лет назад
There are so many who need one now. I read all too often of a little girl dying of renal failure, a promising young student dies while waiting for a kidney, or a single parent of 4 children desperately seeking kidney. The stories are endless. We have the ability to save a life. I was lucky it's for someone I care about. I was registered to donate to anyone who needed it when I found out my friend needed it. Really, it's a blessing to be able to help anyone. Everybody is loved by somebody... I do so hope it will work you are able to give someone this precious gift... :)
@jenr3966 10 лет назад
And I'm sorry about the loss of your friend... It was hard when I made the decision to wait for Steph to be well enough to receive. During that time my best friends father passed away while waiting for a kidney. He was like my own father. But this is also Stephs second kidney. The odds of her getting a second one in time are slim. She is a devoted single mother and strong advocate for all that is good. I never told her of the opportunity I passed to help Tom. I would never want her to feel guilty, and he never would have let me...
@tonyahaburgess 10 лет назад
13 months since my kidney donation (donated in Dec 2012) and I am feeling great! I heard recently from the transplant co-ordinator that the recipient is also doing well and has not needed to be admitted to hospital at all since the transplant. I am now encouraging people to take the action of signing up to the organ donation register so that their organs will benefit lives and even save lives in the event of their own death. Please help spread the word as so many organs are currently not taken because wishes were not made clearly and family are unsure what to do. Thanks! www.organdonation.nhs.uk/how_to_become_a_donor/
@musiclover1995v 10 лет назад
I'm considering donating a kidney but my mum thinks I'm too young to make a decision like that.. What do you think? I'm aware of the health risks of course but I think the benefits by far outweigh them.
@tonyahaburgess 10 лет назад
Hi Veerle. I understand that any Mum would be concerned about their daughter or son making a decision like this. There isn't a 'right' answer I can give to you for this. I came to the conclusion after weighing up the risks that the benefits to the recipient far outweighed the risks to myself. I would have given to a family member without hesitation, and for me strangers are part of the wider human family that we are all part of. All I can say is that over a year has passed since my donation and I am feeling healthier and fitter than ever. There are a surprising number of people who are in fact born with one kidney and live normal lives. If you get 'cleared' to be suitable to donate then you are already a healthy individual. If you commit to living healthily beyond your donation then this will of course be the surest way to minimise risk of any future problems. Also you are checked annually for any signs of problems so you may in fact be in a better position than most people to have any problems detected early (for the rest of your life). Hope this helps! All the best!
@musiclover1995v 10 лет назад
***** Thank you! I'm still weighing out the risks and discussing everything with people I know. If I make a decision I'll let you know.
@tonyahaburgess 10 лет назад
Great :-) All the best with that!
@feesmith7987 10 лет назад
Wow Tony what an amazing thing to do. You are a true inspiration and I am so glad to have met you.
@tonyahaburgess 11 лет назад
Our clients have found it consistently useful and memorable. A friend of mine, Steve Halls, first shared it with me.
@andylampard8964 11 лет назад
Susinct. Brilliant presentation. Memorable. Practical
@andylampard8964 11 лет назад
Awesome metaphor - really works!
@egold33311 11 лет назад
Interesting video!
@Fionastrawberryfield 11 лет назад
Love this thanks for posting x
@tonyahaburgess 11 лет назад
Thank you!
@wilsonvid92 11 лет назад
you are brilliant and all your videos are so helpful and informative. thank you!!
@tonyahaburgess 11 лет назад
Hi PJinSoCal I agree that 'We' can also add power to the agreement and the rapport! When strong rapport and trust and positive momentum is already in place, I find 'you' to be even more personally powerful for the client. A bit of a judgement call for the artful communicator in the moment with their client :-) Thanks so much for contributing your comment - We can all benefit from such points when we engage in online conversations! :-)
@ArchimedeanEye 11 лет назад
You're great at RU-vid videos aren't you?
@tonyahaburgess 11 лет назад
Update: Heard this week (on 3rd January 2013) from the transplant co-ordinator who has informed me that the recipient's operation went well, he (a 55 year old man is all I know) is out or hospital and experiencing health benefits already!!! This is such good news - I am so delighted! Thanks again everyone for your support over this period. I am recovering well (just over two weeks now since my kidney donation op).
@tonyahaburgess 11 лет назад
Kidney donated (on 21st December '12) and now recovering well from the operation. Thanks all for your kind messages!
@ghishv 11 лет назад
WOW! Tony that is amazing xxx
@garygorman 11 лет назад
An amazing gesture Tony. Good luck.
@juliasmith6772 11 лет назад
Wow. It's a truly inspiring message. Thank you for sharing - in all ways.
@thebestofMaryandAndy 11 лет назад
Amazing decision from a truly amazing man. I am honoured and privileged to know you and count you as a friend. You inspire me Tony xx
@tommyssanderson 11 лет назад
Go Tony, you are awesome...I am very lucky to say that I have spent a week of my life learning from and with you!!! As a video production company, I can say - nice video, great message, amazing story...go go go x x x Please post a message afterwards as follow up and if you get to know who you donate to.
@stevescholey2609 11 лет назад
A few weeks ago my niece died while waiting on the transplant register so I have a small experience of the difference that Tony will make to someone and their family. Good on you mate. Merry Christmas
@Stokiesteve48 11 лет назад
Excellent message Tony. My claim to fame is i know you, drink with you, work with you and most of all laugh with you. Everything you do changes people's lives for the better, you are a true inspiration.
@tonyahaburgess 12 лет назад
Hi thanks for your comment! Re your Question: Awareness is key. The more aware you are of the techniques, the more prepared you are to choose what messages to let in and to spot those that are unhelpful and manupulative in unhelpful ways so you can choose to filter them out.
@ThePureidea 12 лет назад
Love your work and the way you explain things clear,simple and easy to understand. Can you do a video on how to prevent covert hypnosis or other techniques being use on me or on how to reconize it? Thanks for sharing your wisdom.
@ItWasTheVoices 12 лет назад
@helltopay1 yes
@Stokiesteve48 12 лет назад
@tonyalthamnetworker very much so mate.
@Jason-Sarmiento 13 лет назад
Great Complex Eq.
@punchpringle1 15 лет назад
Good info, thanks
@helltopay1 15 лет назад
excellant wasn't it?