Pond Walker Chronicles
Pond Walker Chronicles
Pond Walker Chronicles
Just a guy and his dog. De-trashifying the local ponds, streams, and waterways. They've set out on a mission to reach their goal of cleaning 10 local waterways. Then what? Hard to say. Equipment upgrades? Learn from scratch, how to edit video? Or just keep cleaning? And just let this whole thing self-evolve, naturally, just as it has thus far.

This channel is new. So too, is the idea to even have a channel. A buddy of mine said I should, "document things". You know to... keep track... and there may actually be someone out there that needs to see what you're doing... and, bro, this could be a gift... and...

So the video journey of all this begins at #6 Chapungu sculpture Park. A place I struggled, just to pronounce, (as you will see once i edit an actual video). But it seemed incomplete, (the video, not the cleanliness of the park). And the simple task of cleaning suddenly became more difficult. And so the evolution begins... I will try to fill in the blanks as I go along.
@ladynin1 5 месяцев назад
Are you sure that hand doesn't belong on a body? lol😂