Tūturu NZ
Tūturu NZ
Tūturu NZ
Tūturu Episode 4: White Passing
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Tūturu Episode 1: Land Back
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@marissapuketapu8030 День назад
Ko Mataimoana te whenua o ngā kairau!! Ko te ahi mātaotao
@markturner2971 2 дня назад
The reason you lost your land is you sold it. Seriously you lot need to grow up and accept you had it then you gave it up. This stolen land story is just that, a story. Your people sold 92% by 1865. You are straight living a lie.
@pitaturei 14 дней назад
@mcee5651 25 дней назад
All this pronoun bs is directly from your colonizers...Resist it!
@mcee5651 25 дней назад
Embrace it bros.
@mcee5651 25 дней назад
Aww yeh.
@kareh6976 2 месяца назад
Wow, Thank you for your Teachings. Kia ora.
@MTJ305 2 месяца назад
Nga mihi koutou katoa mo te iwi, ma te tangata, mo te katoa
@mariakawiti4508 3 месяца назад
Kiaora Whanau, Ae Marika!!!
@emmawalter5739 4 месяца назад
Love takatāpui whānau.
@philiphema2678 5 месяцев назад
Ka pai tenei korero. Ake ake Tu ake!!!
@forestfrequenciesyt 6 месяцев назад
Ngā mihi nunui for creating subtitles for this mīharo kōrero. <3 I find that youtube subtitles never understand the New Zealand Accent or Māori kupu
@nigejames8825 6 месяцев назад
It will just to go to other elites Moari and won’t help the people!
@Chronicz120 7 месяцев назад
Land, sea and foreshore belongs to the creator not Māori not Pakeha or any other ethnicities, we're all tenant's under one landlord and expected to keep the place tidy and get along with our neighbour's. Māori and Pakeha caused the deaths of hundreds of others so they both have no moral ground to stand on.
@kaiahawkins4963 3 месяца назад
belongs to the creator...okay! and we have a tiriti that says otherwise just saying
@Chronicz120 3 месяца назад
@@kaiahawkins4963 Māori didn't create the land and sea and those nonsense stories that Maui fished up the north island and him and his brothers caught the sun is absolutely rubbish. Maori came to this land by sea and occupied it it doesn't belong to Māori or Pakeha or anyone other ethnicities for that matter. Just saying
@honahwikeepa2115 7 месяцев назад
My people watched your people arrive just before the boat peoples' from the lost world turned up. We watched you falla put a Treaty together without engaging us. The 'hairy man' in Ka Mate, that's us. Our wharepuni is named after the whenua that Matua te Mana and Matua te Toa sit on. We pre-date Jesus Christ. Who are you again? Where did you koro come from?
@mcee5651 25 дней назад
Otara bro.
@kartikaypant3546 Год назад
Tuturu, mayushi desu
@skuzza405 Год назад
a good translation to te ao pākehā for mātauranga is, i think, epistemology. describing how things are, how we analyse them, how we connect them, the mechanisms through which those things interact and inform each other
@davidfinley7766 Год назад
Running out of things to be offended by and thought this sounded interesting.
@fu8713 29 дней назад
@2CanVanDam-w7t Год назад
Male and female, their is no other genders
@JonTeriini Год назад
Stop Coloniser Land Handouts, Stop Colonial Crime Culture Worldwide. Land Back, Mana Motuhake, Kaitiakitanga, Rangatiratanga
@JonTeriini Год назад
Colonialism is Racist Crime
@murrayclist265 Год назад
Great go back to eating birds an shell fish,remember there were no pigs,deer,thar,trout,salmon,beer,wine,smokes,cars,dope. So suck it up an go live like the savages yous once were. Get over it an try an pull your wieght in society all this whooo me stuffs getting old.
@Cristo_Mario Год назад
I'm sure Africa south tried the same, they went down hill really fast and turned into a Shithole country overnight.
@ropatapuru2296 Год назад
Pai hoki rawa te kōrero nui o te Mātauranga Māori. 😎👌 Tautoko mārika!!!
@randomuploadsism Год назад
Yeah that is how Māori was living: with no ecological impact, I agree. However now everyone chooses to live the Western way because they enjoy the comforts of Western technology. Housing, healthcare, international travel - people chose to do this the western way (coloniser way if you prefer)
@roderick167 Год назад
@thedarklordofthejougan4990 Год назад
The western way is good idea but that's all it really is An IDEA, Maori have had a connected to Eastern culture for thousands of years,
@izutsi3890 2 месяца назад
@cjpxalm Год назад
Great conversation. Would also be interested in hearing darker skinned panelists speak to experiences of colorism 🙏🏽
@Tupunaforever Год назад
im a 62 year old takatapui. Ive had a good life. What I don't agree with is a Transgender Cult from another country, colonising us again. I don't agree with pronouns I don't agree with sexualising other peoples children, I don't agree with the medicalisation of young people. When you look deeply into Trans Ideology it comes from somewhere else, when you look at the medicalisation of young people it's been pushed by big pharma and the tech industries in America. There is strong evidence for this. As a young gay maori, we were always accepted, we had our moments, but the idea it's a new thing is rubbish. I grew up with Carmen, Georgina Beyer, Carlotta.
@BelugaGuy-ks5mp 7 месяцев назад
Nice conspiracy you believe, if big pharma wanted to medicalize people, they would not rely on generic sex hormones that costs almost nothing to them.
@Tupunaforever Год назад
great korero, if the Transgender debate wasn't intwined with the Greens a lot more weight I believe would give their korero more integrity.
@fu8713 29 дней назад
Can’t stand that rainbow bull shiit yuck
@n1wh4 Год назад
There's a power wielding,".. until there isn't.
@DeathBuckley Год назад
This meant a lot to me as someone who’s never felt like the gender binary made any sense. My whanau are very dislocated because of the colonial pressure on iwi to fit in. My kuia will never go back since being cast out for being on the spectrum. It’s so hard watching her grow old with the mamae of losing her language and culture. And now my mother and I don’t know where our hapū and marae are. There’s a fear of it being against her wishes too. She never talks about those times. And I feel so connected to my whakapapa, I found it online going all the way back through hundreds of tūpuna - to see I go back to he atua, to see the link. It changed my life and how I see myself. Thank you for this, it’s inspired me to find a whanau of my own up here that can help me reconnect, finally experience marae life and the culture I desperately missed my whole life.
@skuzza405 Год назад
tautoko. much love from another māori enby
@antmanatthemoment7233 Год назад
"What you are is more important than who you are" then I guess Martin Luther King taught you nothing
@skuzza405 Год назад
what someone is is a common heuristic for understanding who someone is. having the agency to tell someone what we are is, in a sense, equivalent to being able to tell someone who we are - a promotion of empathy over dehumanisation
@emmawalter5739 4 месяца назад
I guess MLK has a different lens arriving at ultimately the same point. I guess MLK stood for entwined liberation. I guess MLK isn't Māori and this is about Māori being Māori.
@emmawalter5739 4 месяца назад
He also cheated on his wife a bunch so that's a bit rich tbh
@antmanatthemoment7233 4 месяца назад
@@emmawalter5739 as bad as that it is, what does that have to do with it?
@davidfinley7766 Год назад
I quite like reality but I can see how it doesn't work for everyone.
@kaiahawkins4963 3 месяца назад
@antmanatthemoment7233 Год назад
There are many problems facing the Maori community, but constantly blaming colonialism without taking accountability for some fault caused, isn't going to solve the problems
@kaiahawkins4963 3 месяца назад
groan, how about the coloniser take some accountability and give our quality land back, give us access to our resource again and go and live by te tiriti rather that being the the treaty which is bs
@antmanatthemoment7233 3 месяца назад
@@kaiahawkins4963 any "coloniser" you're talking about is long dead and so are the people who fought against them in the Land Wars, but let's say land and resources were returned to the iwi they were knicked from, why stop there, why not return those land resources to the iwi stolen from before them, like Ngati Toa giving land back to Ngai Tahu in the south island, or does that not count?
@jonathantepairi2664 3 месяца назад
We are the subjects of a colonised system ,we are now a multi raced country ,yet we are who we are, we will always fight to exist ,I will staunchly ,stoically, and with all my might refuse to walk in a deadmans shoes ,,,,,my wairua ,my manawa and my toto will not let my maori heritage burn in the pages of history ,fuck that ,most of all my fight is not against my pakeha brothers nor is it against my tauiwi brothers ,,,,,my fight is the redress of grievances, and righting the injustices against the maori way of living ,my fight focusses on building a better partnership between those living in new zealand now,,, not those of the past but also making sure that fair and equitable governance can be reached across the table of negotiation ,,,,,so I have said so I have written ,,,,,,,
@AngryRambro Год назад
What a load of BS.. The treaty was signed by Maori knowing full well what it meant - a better standard of living, not being eaten by the tribe next door and being protected by the crown from French invaders... You're trying to rewrite history to claim what isn't yours.. If you want land and money, get off your lazy asses and work for it like other Kiwis.
@easymoneynz Год назад
More lies, stop living in the past and looking for handouts
@easymoneynz Год назад
@@lulusmith4877 Stock standard goto these days, label everyone racist who disagrees with the extremist maori agenda.. Im Certainly not racist, I'm all for one government for all kiwis, no special treatment based on race or ancestry.
@easymoneynz Год назад
@@lulusmith4877 I know the history alright and 98% of the land was bought or traded legitimately.. I also know that the Maori party is the most racist party ever to exist in NZ.. The name says it all, by maori for maori
@skuzza405 Год назад
@@easymoneynz history intrinsically involves special treatment based on ancestry (and hence race); it's called an inheretance. if your country was colonised and turned into a puppet state for profit, would you not be angry? would you not demand recompense? if land were bought fairly and justly, why did our tūpuna fight back? why was there a need to be angry? this is not a grift, we're worried about our whenua, our awa, our whakapapa, and our tamariki.
@easymoneynz Год назад
@@skuzza405 My ancestors were from Scotland, many atrocities and wrongdoings were inflicted upon my clan by the British and other clans, yet you won't see me going back and trying to demand compensation or begging for apology, I'd get laughed out of the country.. the past is the past bro, build a bridge and get over it.
@skuzza405 Год назад
@@easymoneynz so are mine, on my father’s side. i’m sorry that you think the hurt inflicted on your ancestors is irrelevant to you - the resistance and cultural mana of the scottish in the face of english economic and cultural colonisation is something to be commended. kia ora.
@joecollins2108 Год назад
@CharlyRightNow Год назад
Most people go by a name, not a pronoun. Much ado about nothing.
@ExhaustedOwl Год назад
Everyone uses pronouns whether they realise it or not. "I, you, he, she, they, we" are all pronouns. Try having a conversation WITHOUT using pronouns and you will realise it is extremely difficult. For example, a normal sentence would be "John ate his lunch" but without pronouns it becomes "John ate John's lunch". Spend a day not using any pronouns and you will see why they are important.
@Shonnyy Год назад
Tautoko! Youre tiktok is mean too, keep it coming.
@adelepaniora4025 Год назад
Thankyou the racist dont like it but one day they'll feel it when there ways arnt welcome anywhere.
@adelepaniora4025 Год назад
Thank you so much ❤
@seandonnelly790 Год назад
poor sad maori with their colonised degrees, doing well in the world at the same time blaming the coloniser
@loulou1971ful 18 часов назад
My Koro said that the only thing Pakeha hate more than a stupid Maori, is an educated Maori. Watch out - here we come.
@williecoyote1478 Год назад
Get real - If you want this get rid of clothes, motorvehicles, live in a mud floor huts, have no medical, money, possessions - Unless you do this You are 2 faced. Why not ask your Tribe who has been handed large settlements and pay no taxes. Why arn't they helping?? Also Indigenous the Maori are not. Yes they may have been here for nigh on 700 years but they are not indigenous.
@Rogueyy_EightySeven Год назад
The fight must continue 😭✊️ HERE FOR IT ❤
@Tuturunz Год назад
You can watch more of our Tūturu content across socials! Check them out
@1Ma9iN8tive Год назад
Whoki Wairua mai Whoki Waiora mai Whoki Whenua mai Whoki Te Reo Kairangi mai