Nathan Easton
Nathan Easton
Nathan Easton
Water - Assignment 1 Overview
3 года назад
Pad Footings Overview - Project Group
3 года назад
Tutorial Week 9 - Open Channel Flow
3 года назад
Practical Sheets How to
3 года назад
Tutorial Week 7 - Pipe Networks
3 года назад
Tutorial 6 - Fluid Flow Losses
3 года назад
Revit - Introduction
3 года назад
Course Introduction
3 года назад
Tutorial 5 - Principles of Fluid Flow
3 года назад
Tutorial 4 - Manometry
3 года назад
Tutorial 2 - Fluid Statics
3 года назад
Tutorial 1 - Fluid Properties
3 года назад
Structural Steel Introduction
3 года назад
Revit Topography - Part 3
3 года назад
Revit Topography - Part 2
3 года назад
Revit Topography - Part 1
3 года назад
Trusses and Timber Framing Layouts
3 года назад
Final Project Overview
3 года назад
Revit -Rafters Part 2 - Single Storey
3 года назад
Revit - Rafters Part 1
3 года назад
Structural Revit - Footings
3 года назад
Two Storey Revit - Part 4
3 года назад
Revit Two Storey - Part 3
3 года назад
Revit Two Storey House - Part 2
3 года назад
Revit Two Storey - Part 1
3 года назад
Revit Arch Week 1
3 года назад
AutoCAD - Site Plan
3 года назад
@gopalacharya9309 Месяц назад
Need more from you
@ameenuddin496 3 месяца назад
thank god 1.75x exists
@haeraguarino5375 3 месяца назад
hello also where can i get sl 82
@thetr3kz 2 месяца назад
i also am not gettinig that im getting abcd some stuff did u get it? or did u ask zakir?
@haeraguarino5375 3 месяца назад
hello do you know where i can get the 25 mpa concrete ? its not showing up on my material browser thanks
@thetr3kz 2 месяца назад
didu get it??? lmk please
@thetr3kz 3 месяца назад
almost 1k subs congoo
@thetr3kz 5 месяцев назад
for the extreme low viewers and comments, im sorry. but your vids are amazing im a student at tafesa. thank you
@nipuna3052 6 месяцев назад
Thanks mate
@bryanchen1912 6 месяцев назад
Very specific. Compared all the other ‘E-gineers’, you can really learn something ‘Concrete’ from this man. Respect Sir!
@stevecooper3010 11 месяцев назад
Mate, you did a great explanation ,Aussie construction as well, makes a big difference. Big thanks 👋
@lawriet1236 Год назад
Hi nathan, have you designed to class E soil before? Cheers
@hobbitusmaximus72 Год назад
Just curious, from 6:25 onwards you have your fly brace connection selected and called up as 'Standard Roof Fly Brace Connection' - Is this an available out of the box connection? Or is it a custom and / or Advance Steel connection? Cheers
@mangoandguitar Год назад
The edge strip footing top right at 14.57. You are essentially making it a continuous raft? Should there not be a stepdown notation? If not there is a re-entrant corner there not detailed. Drawings should have a step notation.
@andrescientos Год назад
I become upset when I compare this to what I'm learning at my local college. The professor pretty much just has us trace everything and turn it in. He doesn't use layers, for example. He just makes a copy of what he has displayed, and erases "one by one" of whatever he doesn't need.
@claudebai725 Год назад
sand / rock is 50mm
@maxinedennett2300 Год назад
This is the best video!!! I too would love to see the next one mentioned about how to do internal beams - but i could not find it. Any help? Your videos are really great.
@jamessaren999 Год назад
I would really love to see the internal beams video also... this is a great video!
@tdsmtdsm Год назад
Thank you so much for posting it. Great tutorial
@dannyboy536 Год назад
On your roof framing plan, 0:50 , you show 'VB1' wall bracing represented by stick symbols offset from their locations> Are these just drafting lines or has the modelled structural framing brace got something in the family that allows you to display this? Would love to know
@MC-hr5hm Год назад
Hi Nathan, great video! Question: Is there a way to model the chamfer edges of internal concrete beams (like the ones you have for the display pic of this video)? I’ve tried using a beam family and it shows up fine in section but then my floor plan ends up with more hidden lines (from the chamfer and the internal concrete beam)? 🤔
@jjj1909 Год назад
Legend, so clear
@ramodikwelesley5801 Год назад
Thank you, bro this will make my container project much easy🥰 🇿🇦🇿🇦
@honeyromey 2 года назад
Hi Thanks heaps for your effort. I’m studying building surveying, and after watching your video, I can say I know so much about footing now. Thanks heaps again
@LeeHanWoong 2 года назад
Thank you Sir
@SirKombabomba 2 года назад
Easy Peasy to follow you
@savas4592 2 года назад
where's the next video?
@elitezenacon730 2 года назад
Hi Nathan, How can I access all your tutorials on structural design using Australian Standards? Any design
@elitezenacon730 2 года назад
Top Quality content - very clear
@chinchilla8700 2 года назад
Hi sir may i know how do you show the roof bracing details drawing
@salyussuf6430 2 года назад
Hi mate we’re did u get your fly brace family from?
@FliesEyes 2 года назад
Aren't Purlin bolts typically M12x30-4.6/S
@ItsReflexx 2 года назад
@njorogemartinking3077 3 года назад
Great content here..... My hack for my school project in structural design ...thank you so much
@jesuscraig2228 3 года назад
What’s up?! Thanks for the upload. Have you ever thought about using Promosm to help your videos rank better??
@ksnjos001 3 года назад
Which website offers that spreadsheet for beams and columns?
@veyselyazici 3 года назад
Hi. I live in NSW. Is it possible to get your lecture notes on this subject? I study a similar program in NSW. Kindest regards.
@babyfactory587 3 года назад
Say you need to move something in your plan. Would it move everything in your detail?? I got kind of chewed out by someone I was trying to impress with my detail
@caitlinjones4555 3 года назад
Really enjoyed the structure of this video! 🙂
@mosholombi 3 года назад
Great....thank you
@gstudios6847 3 года назад
➡️ 18cams.xyz ⤵️ B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X---❤️😘 ..👍 !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候 1617756011
@ksnjos001 3 года назад
Can you do how to prepare Town Planning and Construction templates in Revit?
@caitlinjones4555 3 года назад
Looking forward to learning this!
@caitlinjones4555 3 года назад
Liked and subscribed! 👍🏼✏️
@caitlinjones4555 3 года назад
Very informative! Well translated 👍🏼
@casmirifeanyi7788 3 года назад
very explicit, thanks you
@bkudzionera 3 года назад
Educative indeed. Thank you. we are waiting for more content
@tbijondagmail 3 года назад
How do you start designing, like do you get soil data from geologist, then according to the AS 2870 if needed use Walsh or Mitchell method....what is your guidance?...if capacity of soil is not less than 100 kPa than you do not need calculate....
@ksnjos001 3 года назад
Most data incl. geotechnical comes from a Surveyor in Australia. Some Surveyors can work as building Certifier and approve some building works. Geologists are most in Big Mines and Big sites...
@tbijondagmail 3 года назад
Did you mean geotechnical engineer?, surveyor can be anything (construction surveyor, paleontologist surveyor, land surveyor)
@ksnjos001 3 года назад
@@tbijondagmail Surveyors and Geotechnical usually work together so their info is combined to be presented to a structural engineer or building designer
@tbijondagmail 3 года назад
That is strange, cos where I worked on site in Au, geotechnical Engineer came, took samples of soil, went to his lab to do tests and Voila, he sent back soil results. Some companies work differently...
@ksnjos001 3 года назад
@@tbijondagmail They do that to save money that's why some companies have a surveyor in-house! Some big companies have all professionals in one house: structural, mechanical, architect, a surveyor. In Big 5 companies (Probuild, Lend Lease, John Holland, Fulton Hogan) have all professionals in their companies!
@jemacada2918 3 года назад
G' day to you Nathan. I just signed in to subscribe on your channel. Looking forward to learn more from your videos. Thanks mate. Much appreciated
@SirKombabomba 3 года назад
@wheres_bears1378 3 года назад
I live in Sydney and am looking for a career change. Is there any chance for some work experience in building design ?
@ksnjos001 3 года назад
In the office, they do not teach people to use programs, they may teach you their process of presenting their drawings! As in using Town planning or Construction templates!
@caitlinjones4555 4 года назад
Really enjoyed this one! 5 stars
@ksnjos001 3 года назад
So you are a draftsman or Building Designer?
@caitlinjones4555 4 года назад
Love your work! Very informative!