The University of Cambridge Faculty of Education is committed to the highest standards of research and teaching and is a significant contributor to the improvement of educational policy and practice in partnership with schools, colleges and other educational agencies both in the UK and internationally.
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My Cambridge PGCE: Religious Studies
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6 | Questions & Ground Rules
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3 | Using the Whiteboard
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2 | Focus for Dialogue
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@saviourshedamang 2 месяца назад
One of the most important part this lecture for me is how Dr. Joe declared his biases upfront.
@olaniyipeter7117 3 месяца назад
Power is power
@uchennannadi3405 3 месяца назад
Lovely, thanks a million for sharing this!!!
@realguru_ng 3 месяца назад
Well informed delivery.
@BolajiOlawale 3 месяца назад
Superb delivery by Dr Joe. Always sharing helpful insights.
@olaniyipeter7117 3 месяца назад
Great lecture from the Dr. Himself, good job
@nshiowokelvin4965 3 месяца назад
Amazing Dr. Very inspiring too. It's a paradigm shift for me listening to this. Thank you greatly sir
@zecalimazeca Год назад
@MohammedSayanvala Год назад
I wonder why all Education related PD is delivered through PPTs and long lectures... Most of the young teachers looking for PD these days are millenials like myself... It's amazing that no higher education institution has thought of creating a new and exciting teaching program that is delivered in a 21st century way to inspire new ways of teaching...
@idolgin776 2 года назад
A very enjoyable presentation.
@TooshanSrivastava 2 года назад
this reiterates so many basic pedagogical principles and gives great insights into instructional planning and delivery; thank you so much! :)
@eleanors3496 2 года назад
This was so helpful - I’ve been really struggling to clearly see the links between constructivism as a theory and the evidence-based practices I need to implement in the classroom. This made the links really clear (e.g., to assessment, explicit teaching, collaborative learning) - I feel like it has given me a much stronger foundation on which all of those approaches are built. Awesome!
@DR-nh6oo 3 года назад
Perhaps educators should be looking at all their students as potential world leaders?
@sandraadu2624 2 года назад
This i agree with!
@ChicagoTurtle1 3 года назад
Can this really bring about the changes we need? Today, most of the people in high places are from institutions like Cambridge, Oxford, and the like.
@carlosloria-saenz6760 3 года назад
Nice to watch a non-constructivist talk about constructivism
@hiraarshad5702 3 года назад
She seems confused
@kamalblog6816 3 года назад
@lesleycharters8910 4 года назад
Great to watch this 27 years after Geoff tutored me on my PGCE at OUDES 93-94. Having returned to the science classroom recently after 10 years teaching yoga I can see where my journey started. Good teaching in a nutshell. So much gratitude to this kind man
@chandachilongoshi8813 4 года назад
Very well presented. Expanding my understanding of constructive teaching.
@biologylover1565 4 года назад
My strong interest towards pursuing my Mphil degree from a top ranking University. But we can't afford fee and cost of European and American University.
@jakeengland517 4 года назад
Love it
@andrewsmith3613 5 лет назад
Very interesting from the perspective of a secondary school teacher. Much appreciated.
@tendidarisman216 6 лет назад
I'll be the next..
@plerpplerp5599 6 лет назад
Luvly jubbly!😁👍
@ericgamful 6 лет назад
Sound isn't the best!
@CambridgeEDUC 6 лет назад
Apologies for the poor sound during the introduction, sound is much better after 3.35 for the main lecture.
@syafrianwahdinisyaflyadi3753 6 лет назад
This is more enlightening than all of my entire effort. Thank you for sharing :)
@nadia1994ization 7 лет назад
With paying £11k I thought Cambridge had some money and decent resources to print new booklets not recycling previous years junk
@nadia1994ization 7 лет назад
Children not kids
@mayainmotion 7 лет назад
wonderful lecture, thank you <3
@PamBurnard 7 лет назад
Thanks to Justin Hodgett, the Faculty of Education, technician who filmed this moving and engaging Anna Craft Memorial Lecture given by Guy Claxton, which concluded the Creativities in Education SIG one-day-conference on 'Advancing Creativities Across Sectors in October 2016.
@uaBritish 7 лет назад
4:31 - The Bologna Reform in Ukraine: A Case of Post-Soviet Europeanisation (Iryna Kushnir) 49:53 - Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (Geoff Hayward) 2:27:56 - Developing an International Strategy (Paola Contreras) 3:04:32 - Finding Funding (David Carter) 4:54:01 - E-Learning Technologies (Ruslan Ramanau) 5:59:42 - Grant Writing (Iryna Kushnir, Anna Bilous and Olena Fimyar) 6:59:50 - Next Steps (Colleen McLaughlin, Olena Fimyar, Natallia Yakavets) 4:31 - Болонська реформа в Україні: Практика пострадянської європеїзації (Iryna Kushnir) 49:53 - Викладання і навчання у системі вищої освіти (Geoff Hayward) 2:27:56 - Розробка міжнародної стратегії університету (Paola Contreras) 3:04:32 - Пошук фінансування (David Carter) 4:54:01 - Технології електронного навчання (Ruslan Ramanau) 5:59:42 - Написання грантової заявки (Iryna Kushnir, Anna Bilous and Olena Fimyar) 6:59:50 - Подальші кроки (Colleen McLaughlin, Olena Fimyar, Natallia Yakavets)
@uaBritish 7 лет назад
1:46 - Rethinking Displacement and Estrangement in Higher Education (Jo-Anne Dillabough) 1:18:38 - Ukrainian Studies in Cambridge (Rory Finnin) 1:45:08 - Conflict and Post-Conflict Trauma in Ukrainian Oral and Written Poetry from the 16th Century Onwards: Formulating Research Questions (Iryna Shuvalova) 3:30:23 - Peace Studies (Hilary Cremin and Kevin Kester) 5:26:58 - Public Service Media and Participatory Society in Ukraine: The Focus on Research Design (Mariia Terentieva) 5:54:18 - Aircraft Industry in Post-Soviet Countries: The Focus of Research Framework and Methodology (Anna Bilous) 6:15:01 - Ukrainian Youth in Portugal: Issues of Ethnic and Educational Identities (Antonina Tereschenko) 1:46 - Переосмислення переміщення та відчуженості у вищій освіті (Jo-Anne Dillabough) 1:18:38 - Українські студії в Кембриджському університеті (Rory Finnin) 1:45:08 - Конфлікт і пост-конфліктна травма в українській усній та письмовій поезії з ХVI століття: Формулювання питань дослідження (Iryna Shuvalova) 3:30:23 - Дослідження миру (Hilary Cremin and Kevin Kester) 5:26:58 - Громадські ЗМІ і партисипативне суспільство в Україні: Фокус на дизайні дослідження (Mariia Terentieva) 5:54:18 - Авіаційна промисловість у пострадянських країнах: Фокус дослідницької програми і методології (Anna Bilous) 6:15:01 - Українська молодь у Португалії: Питання етнічних та освітніх ідентичностей: Фокус на результатах дослідження (Antonina Tereschenko)
@uaBritish 7 лет назад
00:41 - Finding a new place for a university in Ukraine - Part 1 (David Bridges) 59:41 - Finding a new place for a university in Ukraine - Part 2 (David Bridges and Alan Tait) 3:23:41 - University Vision, Values and Purpose (Anne Lonsdale) 5:22:02 - Centre for Social Innovation at Cambridge Judge Business School (Neil Stott and Laura Carnicero) 00:41 - У пошуку нового місця для університету в Україні - Частина 1 (David Bridges) 59:41 - У пошуку нового місця для університету в Україні - Частина 2 (David Bridges and Alan Tait) 3:23:41 - Візія, цінності і мета університету (Anne Lonsdale) 5:22:02 - Центр соціальних інновацій Кембриджської бізнес-школи (Neil Stott and Laura Carnicero)
@uaBritish 7 лет назад
11:07 - Introduction of Participants (Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University and Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian University) 11:07 - Представлення учасників (Луганський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка та Східноукраїнський національний університет імені Володимира Даля 20:18 - Introduction to the Programme (Colleen McLaughlin, Olena Fimyar, Natalia Yakavets) 20:18 - Вітальне слово та огляд програми конференції (Colleen McLaughlin, Olena Fimyar, Natalia Yakavets) 2:02:58 - Student Representation and Engagement (Peter Sutoris) 2:02:58 - Представництво інтересів і залучення студентів (Peter Sutoris) 2:38:20 - The Role of Education in Peace-Building (Sara Clarke-Habibi) 2:38:20 - Роль освіти у процесі розбудови миру (Sara Clarke-Habibi) 4:36:58 - Exiled Universities - EHU, Minsk to Vilnus (Anne Lonsdale) 4:36:58 - Університети у вигнанні - Європейський гуманітарний університет: від Мінська до Вільнюса (Anne Lonsdale) 6:35:43 - Leadership in Higher Education (Nataliya Rumyantseva) 6:35:43 - Лідерство у системі вищої освіти (Nataliya Rumyantseva)
@Natalach 7 лет назад
Shall we use the name of the country Ukraine with the definite article now? or is it just a misprint? Thank you. ''As part of a widening of our International Education Development Programme, we are proud to start work with colleagues in the Ukraine to further develop higher education.'' - it is from the comment right under the screen.
@LionUniverse14 10 лет назад
Excellent introductory lecture, with a cherry on top :D I'm glad I heard what study method are most effective!
@Mattaius 10 лет назад
She needs to build up her confidence if she wants her students to retain that information efficiently; Mono-tone.
@josephbendad5750 9 лет назад
does'nt she have confidence??
@pawansudhir7868 11 лет назад
Very interesting.