200 Years of Human Sci-fi
200 Years of Human Sci-fi
200 Years of Human Sci-fi
Venture into the boundless realm of human imagination as we explore 200 years of science fiction - from the silver screen to the pages of legendary novels. This channel delves into the eternal mysteries that captivate the human spirit: our place in the cosmos, the rise and fall of civilizations, and the eternal footprint we leave behind.

Join us on an odyssey through time and space, where we uncover the philosophical underpinnings that give life to iconic sci-fi stories. Whether it's dissecting the cinematic visions of the future or unearthing the fossil-like remnants of past technological dreams, we aim to illuminate the timeless truths reflected in humanity's wildest speculations.

Prepare to have your perceptions challenged and your sense of wonder rekindled. For here, in the crucible of imagined tomorrows, we find the essence of what it means to be human, now and forevermore.
@markfriend867 6 дней назад
Doug's partner was Larry Minuti, not Ross.
@cleartouchmaintenance 6 дней назад
She never changed the dress.
@dhovander 11 дней назад
wheres the explanation?
@pdxaviation 13 дней назад
1) New Orleans, Louisiana, not Florida 2) Ferry, not a cruise ship.
@melcody5042 23 дня назад
No explanation, just a recap. 🤷🏾
@briancaylor645 28 дней назад
French quarter in New Orleans.
@GrantMWilliams-Goaltender Месяц назад
Louisana, not Florida.
@science2046 3 месяца назад
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 3 месяца назад
"Yo, did anybody else's brain just completely short circuit after watching that insane Déjà Vu recap?? 🤯 I need to process this mind-scrambling time travel nonsense with my fellow movie fans. That ending with the paradoxical timelines converging and Denzel simultaneously debriefing the woman he just sacrificed himself to save...I'm still trying to unlock that cinematic pretzel knot! Was it sheer brilliant sci-fi brilliance or did the writers just say 'screw coherent logic' and run with it? Gotta give the filmmakers props for their ambition though. They threw every mind-bending concept possible into this flick - folding space-time, object time travel, the whole déjà vu phenomena. I almost need a film studies course just to understand it all! But I'm definitely here for utterly bonkers, brain-breaking movies like this that make you question reality itself. Puts a fun sci-fi spin on Denzel's classic intense acting too. So hit me with your hot takes, flaming critiques, and craziest fan theories after watching this recap! Was Déjà Vu an ambitious misfire or a misunderstood masterpiece decades ahead of its time? Could you kinda-sorta follow the nonsensical plot or did it snap your synapses beyond repair? I wanna hear what blew your mind or made you roll your eyes the hardest with this one. Whipping up contentious debates is exactly what thought-provoking sci-fi mindbenders like Déjà Vu are made for! Let's hash it out."
@ECHSBACHS 3 месяца назад
80s ... Best Music Ever !
@SuperMarioBrosIII 3 месяца назад
🚗💥F1RST! This is HEAVY!🎸🤔🎥🎬
@SuperMarioBrosIII 3 месяца назад
I want to see the version of Back To the Future part II from an early draft in which Marty and Doc travel to 1967 to be exact! Where we get to see Marty's parents as hippies and Doc too LOL! Marty gets arrested and Lorraine bales him out of jail etc.
@JohnHenrySheridan 4 месяца назад
That was a great review, thanks ! Love this movie !
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 4 месяца назад
Awesome, I'm so glad you enjoyed the review! Back to the Future Part II is an absolute classic. The way it takes the time travel concept to the next level with all those parallel timelines and paradoxes - it just blows your mind, doesn't it? Yet it balances the mind-bending sci-fi so well with brilliant humor. Doc Brown is hilarious, but you also feel for him trying to untangle the mess Marty creates. And of course, Marty's adventures in the futuristic 2015 are endlessly entertaining. The film has aged incredibly well too - the effects and that vivid depiction of the future still look slick even now. It's just an all-around fun, wild ride of a movie that never gets old! I could ramble about it all day, but I'll stop gushing now. Always great to chat with a fellow fan!
@JohnHenrySheridan 3 месяца назад
@@200yearsofhumansci-fi Absolutely, a satisfying movie on so many levels. It has really "lived with me" throughout the years. The other day I watched Goonies with the commentary. That was a load of fun as well !
@MatthewBrawn 4 месяца назад
i could never understand why old biff could talk to young biff and nothing happens but Doc says if old Jennifer sees young Jennifer then the world could blow up (or something like that) but they faint.
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 4 месяца назад
You raise a really good question about the movie's internal logic regarding interacting with one's other self across timelines. The writers may have taken some artistic license, bending the self-imposed rules when convenient for particular story beats.
@SuperMarioBrosIII 3 месяца назад
@@200yearsofhumansci-fi It's because Biff old and young are butt-heads and it's clear albeit never addressed directly in the movies that Biff is ahem a little slow, hence why he's older then all the other teens in his high school LOL! 🤔🤨🙄🙆
@science2046 4 месяца назад
This sequel was a total mess. The multiple timelines and paradoxes just created an overly convoluted plot that was impossible to follow.
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 4 месяца назад
It's ambitious meta-plotting for sure, but the film is smarter than getting bogged down in sheer complexity for complexity's sake. The timelines aren't arbitrary; they build up an intelligent discourse on how even tiny ripples in the space-time continuum can cascade into reality-reshaping effects, opening up fascinating philosophical avenues.
@science2046 4 месяца назад
That climax where Cooper manipulates gravity to send a message back through time to his daughter? Mind-bending scientific poetry right there. Love trascending the limits of spacetime itself.
@Real-HumanBeing 4 месяца назад
The AI RU-vid apocalypse is going to be just wonderful
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 4 месяца назад
It’s certainly an interesting perspective! While AI has the potential to greatly influence content on platforms like RU-vid, it’s important to approach such changes with a balanced view. The advancements can lead to innovative and diverse content, but it’s also crucial to consider the ethical and social implications. Hopefully, we’ll navigate towards a future where AI enhances creativity while maintaining the human touch that makes content relatable.
@Real-HumanBeing 3 месяца назад
@@200yearsofhumansci-fi Silence robot
@c20995 4 месяца назад
Did you watch The Fly? He wasn't playing God. That DNA splice was an accident. He was making a transporter.
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 4 месяца назад
you’re right, the DNA splice was indeed an accident. The scientist’s goal was to revolutionize transportation, not to play God. However, the film brilliantly showcases the unintended consequences of scientific exploration without thorough risk assessment. It’s a reminder of the fine line between breakthrough and catastrophe in the pursuit of knowledge.
@DarkLarva 4 месяца назад
This Video shouldn't be a thing, you do realize that the fly was about a scientist who was trying to create teleportation and that his DNA alteration was an ACCIDENT which eventually drove him insane. In no way was he trying to be god. Being a scientist and realizing his failure in his attempt at teleportation brought him to the realization, at first, that his accident gave him "Super powers" His mind was altered and in the end he became a monster. I'm pretty sure that if he knew the end result from the beginning he would have been more cautious or not continue as he did. By the time he started feeling the effects and "benefits" of the accident he ceased to be the person he once was and that somewhere in his mind was the actions of the fly he was combined with.
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 4 месяца назад
The film indeed portrays the transformation as an accident, not a deliberate attempt to play God. It’s a tragic story that highlights the unpredictability of scientific exploration and the profound impact it can have on an individual’s humanity. Your comment adds depth to the conversation about the ethical boundaries of scientific research and the importance of caution in the pursuit of knowledge.
@mnomadvfx 4 месяца назад
You do actually understand that Brundle crossing his DNA with the fly was an accident rather than a purposeful act? He was in no way attempting to "play god" in his initial acts of experimentation prior to becoming Brundle Fly. He was attempting to get insanely rich by making just about every method of transportation known to man completely redundant all at once.
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 4 месяца назад
Absolutely, I appreciate your insight. The film ‘The Fly’ indeed depicts Seth Brundle’s experiment as an accidental fusion of human and insect DNA, not a deliberate act of hubris. His initial goal was revolutionary - to change the face of transportation. The tragic outcome serves as a narrative device to explore themes of ambition, transformation, and the unforeseen consequences of scientific pursuit. It’s a reminder that even with the best intentions, the pursuit of groundbreaking innovation can lead to unpredictable results.
@damionomen7490 4 месяца назад
I'd be willing to bet that if crossing your DNA with a fly was portrayed as giving you a huge wang and big muscles no man would be chilled by it.
@mr.frandy7692 4 месяца назад
Yeah but you probably wouldn't be turned on by a female body anymore.. you'd probably prefer to pile up a bunch of eggs in your living room and go to town.
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 4 месяца назад
Exactly! The Fly’s transformation goes beyond the superficial; it’s a profound alteration of one’s very essence. The film cleverly uses horror to explore identity and attraction, reminding us that our humanity is worth more than any hypothetical physical enhancements.
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 4 месяца назад
Indeed, the allure of superhuman traits might initially seem tempting, but The Fly teaches us that tampering with nature often comes with unforeseen consequences. It’s not just about the physical changes, but the psychological and social implications as well. Plus, let’s not forget the movie’s underlying message about the ethical boundaries of scientific exploration.
@williaminavanbottle9297 5 месяцев назад
There's no such thing as..."Time" Hard to understand? Of course there is? Iv'e got a watch to prove it!? Time to the Individual is no More than a teddy bear is To an insecure child... a safety blanket to face the Darkness. you still don't get it? Well, don't worry about it You're only in the play for A short...Should I say it? A short..."TIME" "TIME"... That WE...CREATE!!!
@200yearsofhumansci-fi 5 месяцев назад
Ah, I see you're pointing towards deeper philosophical ruminations about the illusion of time! Quite a poetic way to frame it too. You're right - "time" as we humans experience it is very much an constructed concept, a sort of security blanket our minds cling to in order to feel safe while navigating reality. I love the analogy of time being like a teddy bear for an insecure child facing the darkness. At an individual level, we all shape time relative to our own point-of-view. And you make an insightful point - perhaps the cosmic "true" nature of time operates beyond these limited human perceptions that we take for granted. Your comment hints at profoundly intriguing questions! Is time merely an emergent property that collapses without consciousness observing it? Are non-linear conceptions perhaps more fundamental descriptions than the arrows we assume? Does relativity theory showing time dilation across frames of reference already reveal the self-created notion you talk about? So thanks for sharing this thought-provoking poetic take! I may have to cover deeper examinations about the philosophy of time in future videos. But for this one, I aimed more to explain the fictional thought experiment. Yet you give me motivation to also create content analyzing time at a metaphysical level! Let me know if you have any other concepts you'd like explored!
@williaminavanbottle9297 5 месяцев назад
@@200yearsofhumansci-fi How about...There's no such thing as..."NOTHING" Enjoyed your comment. A voice in the darkness! Thank you.