Speak Nerd, and Enter.
Speak Nerd, and Enter.
Speak Nerd, and Enter.
Speak Nerd and Enter Ep. 75 | Dune Part 2
Месяц назад
Speak Nerd and Enter Ep. 70 | Friendship
5 месяцев назад
Speak Nerd and Enter Ep. 65 | Confidence
7 месяцев назад
@lordcrunk4790 Месяц назад
"Harsh" is correct
@CriticALReviews595 2 месяца назад
Villeneuve's grasp of scale was second to none in the first film. I'm sure he could capture 40k's grandeur with the correct direction.
@judgecohen1373 4 месяца назад
The favorite wins again.
@ProjectCambrian 4 месяца назад
Ok, first time watching you guys, had to Stop at almost the 3/4 way through during the 40k discussion. What i heard from Center Left guy really Annoyed the Piss outta me and i had to stop. Will see if i wanna finish it later. What Annoys me is a Clear "I don't Care" about the Integrity of the Game. And Probably NOT being Aware Enough of the Mechanisms going Business wise and the Inherent Interference Track Record at hand, his opinion matches the Lack of Details, otherwise he just doesn't Care about the Mechanisms OR the Ramifications that are Already Playing out Everywhere they've Intruded Upon across Several Business Sectors. BlackRock Owns 11% of Games Workshop Stock. Alongside Vanguard and another thats CONTROLLING INTEREST and "Tell You What To Do" Rights for Investors who Neither Give a Flying Mynock about the Company OR the Product, Just that its Becoming Mainstream and Possibly Big IP Popular and Profitable. They Care about NOTHING ELSE and to Think Otherwise is a DELUSION. BlackRock has Proven its DEI ESG Program to be an Utter Financial Disaster for Every Company that BlackRock has Invested Interests in by FORCING them All to Follow that Program or LOSE Investment from them among other Tactics. Non Chefs that cannot even Cook are stelling the Chefs who's Star Ratings have been Growing Earned Naturally How to Suddenly Cook their stuff from now on. Its John Barrowman's DICK on people's shoulders as a Joke. For the Unaware of this Poor Taste Prank I'll fill you in. John Barrowman who plays Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who, was known behind the scenes for pulling a rather Bad Taste Prank more often than one would think appropriate. He'd sneak up behind someone sitting down and whip out his meat and smack someones shoulder or plop it there....as a joke. Thats what DEI has done to Every Company that BlackRock had foisted this cockmeat sandwich upon Everyone. 40k is Just the Latest IP to STOP Being Itself and BEGIN to Erode Itself from Corporate Mindset Stupidity. The West, while Not Perfect by any stretch, is No Longer the kind society that Center Left on the panel Dip Stick Seems to Think we are and Somehow EXCLUDING People. JUST Those who Arent There to Play or Enjoy the IP FOR WHAT IT IS. NOT for what the ACTUALLY UNINTERESTED WANT it to Be. Take Shakespeare...You DO Shakespeare, you DON'T CHANGE IT Because You Dont Like it. You don't Like it then GTFO. Shakespeare has Managed to STAY THE SAME and Be HONORED for the Literary ART that it Is. Well for Geek Culture, these IP'S ARE OUR Shared Literary ART. When New People come in to Play or Read and enjoy...they HAVE TO do something Dip Stick is Oblivious to. You BEND Yourself TO the MATERIAL...NOT BEND the MATERIAL TO Yourself. You Play HOCKEY By Hockey's RULES, You DON'T GET TO CHANGE the RULES or How it's PLAYED. And IF You Cannot Follow the Rules/ThemesAnd Guidelines well Boo Hoo, Go Play Something Else then. Ill give another example for my fellow Gen Xers...Thundercats Vs Thundercats ROAR. Thundercats had a Sequel/Retelling series around 2008, it was Really DECENT and it Truly Honored the OG show. More Recently WB gave the IP to Wroters and Creat8who Failed to Understand or Care about what Thundercats Was or How like the Last go round, HOW Thundercats Fans, of Two Series now, would Want their Thundercats Presented...and Gave them Thundercats Roar...a SLAP in the Face for Waiting YEARS for a Hopefully Good adaptation. Dip Stick might ENJOY getting spit and slapped for Just Wanting an Up to Date COOL Adaptation of something that was Apart of our childhoods. For Some of us our Love for IPs Runs DEEPER than Dip Stick Gets. Some of us were BRUTALIZED as kids for Liking this stuff and to have it made into a JOKE was a Betrayal and Insult for Bearing those Beatings as they MEANT Something More to Us. These IPs were Our REFUGE and were Grew Up with Our CORE VALUES being Shaped By them. To have BS like ROAR be made was like getting Made FUN of For Being BULLIED and BEATEN Up. And These NEWBIES who Haven't EARNED Anything come in and Start Telling US What the F to Do and This Dip Stick is FINE with that?! Sorry but HELL NO. You Give these Knobs an INCH and they TAKE a MILE and the Next thing you Know You're the VILLAIN for Just Wanting it to BE ITSELF and These Asshats are REDECORATING The Grim Dark into Unicorn Glitter Farts and Rainbow Sprinkles with Furries DRY HUMPING and TWERKING on the Throne of the Emperor. Not Everyone HAS to be a Defender and Gatekeeper for their enjoyed IPs. But Just Because Dip Stick Has NO Interest to Do So and is ALL FOR Letting ANYONE IN, Even Those you Know are Just Gonna SHIT ALL OVER Everything. Guess what Dip Stick, Thats FINE for YOUR Game Table, But its Certainly NOT for Everyone Else's Table..or Chair to Read and Watch from. John Barrowman's COCK is NOt Welcome on My Shoulders. And the ONLY REASON the made a CUSTODES Female is BECAUSE of Capitalizing on HENRY CAVILL'S Involvement with the Amazon Series. Another Hijacked SOAPBOX for BlackRock's DEI/ESG program. Cavill JUDT ESCAPED This BS TWICE ALREADY. WB Incompetence with DC and Superman thanks to Snyder Not Getting It either he Didn't GET to Fully Portray an Accurate Superman. The Program brought the same kinda Asshats into Tge WITCHER and Drove him away Because they Hijacked That Because of his popularity and it Stopped being About the Title Character. And NOW this SHIT has Tagged Along on his Tail AGAIN into 40K Because of BlackRock and the DEI Hires they Infect Every Company with. What Dip Stick doesn't Understand is he Just Witnessed the KILL SHOT to the Heart of Games Workshop and Warhammer 40k with a Biological Weapon. And IF NOT TREATED IMMEDIATELY then you get Another Death of an Established IP. Dip Stick Doesn't Care, but WO MANY OTHERS DO and The NEEDS of the Many OUTWEIGH The WANTS or OBLIVIOUS of the FEW. And Dip Stick...Women's Sports ISN'T as Popular NOT because of Sexism...Its NOT AS ENTERTAINING. It DOESN'T SELL AS MANY TICKETS Because Sports Fans Like TV, Movie and Game Fans...THERE'S ONLY SO MUCH TIME IN THE F'N DAY...What SPARE TIME People Have they're Gonna spend doing Whatever, but They're Gonna PARTICIPATE in Whatever SATISFIES them For What TIME and MONEY they have to Spend on. Women Don't Get Paid in Basketball or Soccer the SAME as Men Because Their LEAGUE ISN'T as POPULAR or as EXCITING or as ENTERTAINING as the Men's. They DON'T PERFORM AT THE SAME LEVELS and That is a FACT...Sorry if you Don't Like FACTS. Now Women's VOLLEYBALL is More fun to watch, ill give them that. But You EARN Based Upon Ahat You BRING IN. And The Ladies Leagues are ALL SUNSIDIZED By the Men's Leagues because....GASP...They DON'T SELL ENOUGH TICKETS TO COVER THE OPERATIONS OR PAY OF THE LEAGUE Players. Thats FACT... You GET What You're WORTH and What You're Worth is Based Upon How WELL You PERFORM and Not your Age, Skin color Or GENDER. The MORE your Efforts Bring In Positive and Profitable Attention then The MORE you can EARN HONESTLY. Dip Stick is apparently All about just Giving the UNWORTHY and Untrained the Keys to the Sports Car while they're Clearly Intoxicated. Credit Where its DUE, Respect where its Due...But Criticisms Where they are Due as Well. STAR WARS is DEAD STAR TREK is DEAD. And the Casualty List is EXTENSIVE and Dip Stick is Just FINE with the Mechanisms Mechanisms Responsible for that. Alllllll Righty then. Not a Defender of Anything is what he is...too much Effort and Drama, easier to just Sit Back and Let it Burn. Hasn't Stood for Anything Ever Anyways. Hey maybe we can get John Barrowman to pay a Visit, probably Fine with having a Dick on his shoulders.
@greenarcangel 4 месяца назад
I grow up in the 80s too and you have to understand where this universe came from. There was tokenism in all the series and cartoons. All men have Arnold / Silvestre body and there always gonna be one black kid/guy and one woman in all the cartons. And the same way 40k developed but yea, it's 21 century and you have to modernize your values, not nesesary the 40k setting, but come one, woman served in the Imperial guard in the lore since I remember and the actual guard women figures just came out a year ago. This is the issue. Yes, the lore change in the Custodes was sloppy but they reason of all the drama it's not the change itself, but just plain misoginism, just look who it's making videos about it, the usual suspects, people that not even know 40k but you know their story. I'm not saying you guys are in the same boat than this people , but if you ask anyone that play, collect or enjoy the setting and know all about the recons that GW make all the time, don't make a fuss about this Custodes thing. I think that the conservative social warriors just came to made a big drama of a retcon of the lore of a franchise that they not even knew about. And they make us all look bad having to explain things about the lore and this franchise.
@judgecohen1373 4 месяца назад
Its not misogyny. Sisters (both flavors) exist. Its hierarchy. “Representation” is rife across the game. All male/female spaces are both healthy and worthy of existence, especially in an Imperium of space racists. This push to force modern liberal/commie ideas on past history/fantasy escapism is stupid at best and corrosive/destructive at worst.
@cyrocloud 4 месяца назад
I can't believe the absolute heresy I heard, calling the golden banana boys of the Emporer just a bunch of bullet catching meat shields that the Emporer doesn't care about....
@ringotomb 5 месяцев назад
omg captain white knight seems like a turdburger. WNBA make no profit is why she got the contract she has what a frigging tool
@danielg5678 5 месяцев назад
Thanks guys.
@danielg5678 5 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing this thoughtful discussion.
@judgecohen1373 7 месяцев назад
An intro for the ages!
@judgecohen1373 11 месяцев назад
The Babadook is the proper title compared to the description notes.
@judgecohen1373 11 месяцев назад
Think Empire every day!
@thatguy601 11 месяцев назад
Andor was too deep for some star wars fans with actual good writing. The only thing I wanted more was a little more action to balance it out. Otherwise I absolutely enjoyed it. This ahoska show is so wooden and predictable. It feel like a live cartoon or something..and people suck it up like it's revival of a new star wars era..
@jamesmanolakis2420 11 месяцев назад
These are adult "men".... wow. A broken generation baby boys.
@judgecohen1373 11 месяцев назад
This comment is awesome on a scale of 0-1.
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
A masterpiece brought to you by ArmorClass10!
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
Dwarf Lords unite!
@Birb_of_Judge Год назад
I think i have something you guys might like. It's a series on YT made by A Fan with too much Time, named Star Wars vs. Warhammer 40k. And its genuenly VERY well written and narrated. If you wanna give it a shot be warned, it starts off a litlle slow just to have a propper setup for the story
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
KMan is my favorite too.
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
Thanks, as always, to our fan.
@danielramsey6141 Год назад
Have to agree with that last bit. Cause to be honest, playing it safe…it only goes so far. Even so, being able to play a genuine game that can push the boundaries while being “mature” (I mean Mature as in understanding, Not as in Adult Immaturity being masked as being Mature) on the topic of discussion during the game. I mean, Curse of Strahd/Ravenloft gets away with a lot BS, so other creators should take chances when making their adventure Modules too.
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
Thank you to our fan for your participation.
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
Another triumphant victory!
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
Awesome mention. Lol.
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
And we are off!!!
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
@mikesmoviepalace Год назад
Rich - you’ve got to watch Thor as if you are hearing the story from Korg, then it all makes sense. All of the Thor movies are told by unreliable narrators because he is a legendary figure a god. They are the myths of the people of Asgard. Oh and Andor is the best story so far!
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
Don’t be dissing ol Bombadillo! He is oldest.
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
The fire rises!
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
I am unleashed!
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
@prankstergaming7637 Год назад
Infinity War had the surprise ending, but it all got tied up in a neat pretty bow in Endgame. So, I don’t think it can count as an “unhappy” ending. It WAS super-surprising and there WAS cost (Black Widow, Iron Man) but it basically had a happy ending. While the surprise and unhappy endings might be memorable (“What’s in the box???”), I don’t think they are generally satisfying to the average viewer/reader.
@judgecohen1373 Год назад
@judgecohen1373 2 года назад
Shit Hulk.
@davidlopan1945 2 года назад
Fassbender should be the Emperor.
@jodybento591 2 года назад
Kelly! Paws of Fury is basically Blazing Saddles. It’s amazing. 🤣
@jodybento591 2 года назад
Edna is definitely against type for me but I love playing her!!!
@judgecohen1373 2 года назад
Primarch Slaphead. Definitely Salamanders.
@judgecohen1373 2 года назад
Nice fellas!
@IncHulkFan 2 года назад
I still talk about my Drow character who everyone thought was a wizard but didn't realize he was also a thief.
@IncHulkFan 2 года назад
My wife saw a set of TMNT figures that all had the red bandanas and thought that they were an error. I had to explain how the different colors weren't a thing until the cartoon.
@jodybento591 2 года назад
So that’s Kelly. Wasn’t there something with him and a manticore and an epic escape?
@judgecohen1373 2 года назад
You fellas need to watch Terminal List. Legit reslistic tactics.
@judgecohen1373 2 года назад
Sean’s martial knowledge is far beyond the writers’ ability. Is that curry? Drew is in trouble. He’s right though. Clandestine came out of Excalibur which came out of X-Men.
@helenathornton6464 2 года назад
Good episode.
@judgecohen1373 2 года назад
The biggest problem of Qui Gon is that his character SAID he couldn’t force ghost because he never finished his training. Canon was shat upon constantly.
@judgecohen1373 2 года назад
As fans, it is ok to demand quality and respect for the material and the purchaser (you). They have neither.
@judgecohen1373 2 года назад
The Sandpeople that ANAKIN slaughtered end up saving the universe. Ironic and good story point. Useless.
@judgecohen1373 2 года назад
Drew’s point about the rules also requires writers that LIKE the characters they are entrusted with. These writers HATE THEM.
@judgecohen1373 2 года назад
It was indefensible fan fiction. Reeva was undeveloped and dumb because she was the writers and their 3rd wave feminist belief systems on the screen. It is ALL of the recent Disney productions and they stink.