More Of Everything - A film about Swedish Forestry
More Of Everything - A film about Swedish Forestry
More Of Everything - A film about Swedish Forestry
In times of climate change, the forest industry claims to hold the magic wand: Wood. Wood is to be used for everything from energy, disposable articles in cardboard and paper, packaging and makeup, to fuel, for an ever expanding transport sector. The forest industry spends millions on advertising, public relations and lobbying in order to present their products and raw materials as the solution for a sustainable future. In this film a number of prominent and independent scientists and experts take a closer look at the Swedish forestry model and the claims made by the industry.

Read more: www.moreofeverything-film.com

Each scientist and expert provides insight into their own special field and/or commitment. The scientists are responsible for their own statements, but have no responsibility for the film as a whole.

©2021 The film is produced by Protect the Forest, Sweden & Greenpeace Nordic