Fourside Fights
Fourside Fights
Fourside Fights
@muqmanor 8 дней назад
MOF's tiebreaker answer is the funniest thing that's ever been said on this show, no question
@pablopa_SSBM 10 дней назад
amazing episode!
@title5960 12 дней назад
Something I wanna mention about the thumbnails: The red and purple bar at the top of these thumbnails is in the same place RU-vid places their progress bars for videos you've partially watched, and these progress bars also happen to be thin, partially-red lines. When I see a thumbnail for Fourside Fights on my front page I always think for a moment that I've already started watching the video but stopped halfway through
@jackzilla321 11 дней назад
does this increase or decrease your probability of watching are we doing accidental social engineering to inflate our views
@title5960 11 дней назад
@@jackzilla321 I always realize it's just how the thumbnails look but if I didn't, it would probably decrease the probability? a fresh video just hits different than an old one you didn't end up finishing
@SSB_Seal 12 дней назад
MOF was fucking hilarious all episode, please have her on again. The callouts of MOF at 34:45 and Ohan at 49:42 had me absolutely dying of laughter.
@Iispj 13 дней назад
What’s the song at the start?
@jackzilla321 13 дней назад
'pauls dream' from the dune soundtrack
@joelhagdahl5769 14 дней назад
1:00:03 greatest episode ever
@parkourboio1062 14 дней назад
dude ohan has made PROMISES today i seriously love this show. it makes me sad to think there's people missing out on the beautiful moment at 33:53
@boonboxproductions3423 15 дней назад
Great episode!
@StudebacherHoch 15 дней назад
Zane's takes are so heat
@chroma09 15 дней назад
that second tiebreaker answer shook me to my core
@andygranados63 15 дней назад
Im a MOF fan now
@christomanci 15 дней назад
i like moffs energy
@christomanci 16 дней назад
@Choa 16 дней назад
commenting for algorithm, keep up the great work! Loving this show
@Shmover34 16 дней назад
@jackzilla321 16 дней назад
lets get it
@orrsh2049 16 дней назад
this fucking intro oh my fucking god 😭😭
@poundmycake 16 дней назад
EB was cookin when he said parents of players could be canceled for coming to tourneys. But not by us or that the player might be cancelled. No, the parents themselves could get canceled by their bosses or social circles for hanging around us degens /s
@awqweird 16 дней назад
I wanted to be a hater and say mang0 was still super far behind zain and cody and why do we we have to have the can mang0 be rank 1 conversation every time he wins anything, but then I looked at the refresh my memory and I guess he's not actually that far behind cody for the year, but he is still way behind zain.
@peashooter6628 13 дней назад
Zain's got Collision, Pat's House, Goml, and full bloom depending on how big you consider that event, but there's still quite a few events left on the year including Big House, egg dog invitational, and Nova con
@awqweird 13 дней назад
@@peashooter6628 yeah I mean there is like 6-7 people who if they win every event for the rest of the year they could still be rank 1. But I more meant mang0 is just like the Lakers or cowboys where anytime he does something good we have to have the conversation about can he win the championship.
@gregfargo9325 16 дней назад
great episode loved mof, loved ohan trying to gas up wobbling to keep it banned.
@iTsV81S 17 дней назад
dudes rock
@shanepoops5993 17 дней назад
MOF is a great guest, really enjoyed her perspectives!
@loganmadface5425 16 дней назад
MOFs mang0 take is clinically insane
@user-nm9yd4wq4s 17 дней назад
i love you fousride side
@miguelsi7543 17 дней назад
Tysm for a Blur-less post Mang0 W Fourside Fights, now I can watch the whole ep 🥰
@thecheatdotcom 17 дней назад
Great episode for People Who Smoke Crack
@NightGhost-qs6yw 17 дней назад
Algo, love this show
@jackzilla321 17 дней назад
that's right!!!!
@fronhank 17 дней назад
My first thought after Tipped Off was "LFG MANGGGGG" but my second thought was "Fourside boutta be litttttt". Long live Melee
@jackzilla321 17 дней назад
and it is!!!
@ronnical2489 17 дней назад
I love Fourside Fights. I just played against Luigi so I need this right now.
@thecheatdotcom 17 дней назад
so sorry
@das6235 21 день назад
41:00 I had to come back to this part after Mang0 won Tipoed Off
@jorgematthewatgmail Месяц назад
Absolutely unhinged episode. Great work!
@SSB_Seal Месяц назад
This was by far the most disagreeable episode of FSF ever ROFLLL. I enjoyed getting incredibly mad at how insanely wrong a lot of stuff that people said was. Thank you.
@SSB_Seal Месяц назад
The crowning award of Wrongness definitely belongs to Toph saying that aMSa beating M2K at KoC4 was the biggest upset of all time when aMSa was literally the 6th seed of the tournament, ranked 77th in the world, and had already taken a game off M2K in tournament at Evo the year before and placed 9th at Apex. That was a crazy set for sure, but not even a top 25 upset of all time LMAO
@ribjoh98 Месяц назад
I think using the mute button a bit more generously would be a good thing
@jackzilla321 Месяц назад
i have to click like three times (discord, player, server mute) if i had a quick one-tap it would be much easier LOL
@ribjoh98 Месяц назад
@@jackzilla321 mmm yeah I see
@willrobinson6651 Месяц назад
Damn, should have watched this immediately Toph's quote at the end is by G. K. Chesterton, who begins his A Miscellany of Men with it Toph, you are a fucking boss
@sageryfrekenstein Месяц назад
Hbox had a principle of harm applied to the potential of his words and outreach, meanwhile tens of nobodies can just send you personal bullshit all the time. Policing his clapback is insane, especially with the lack of being able to really personally hurt some rando online as opposed to what hbox gets. Police the weirdos if you're gonna exert the energy, don't make Hbox accountable for 1,000s of people
@jackzilla321 Месяц назад
in exchange for the responsibility to be careful with where u point ur followers u get to be very rich, so i don't feel all that bad for hbox in that regard. the more famous ppl become the less likely they are to QRT randos- there's a reason for this. i wish he'd reply instead of qrt but the biggest issue wasn't the clapback, it was that telling a woman (who you don't know, not that that necessarily makes a difference) to suck ur dick is not cool.
@sporesnipers Месяц назад
really enjoyed this
@redwarrior118 Месяц назад
Spark about to risk it all
@THYGODMAN Месяц назад
This being a discussion is so funny hungrybox has been doing this his entire career this isnt even his first incident with a chair everybody whos a fan of melee isnt or shouldnt be mad at this and anybody who thinks what hungrybox said is like some targeted hate speech is also wrong sure yes in a perfect world he probably should be saying that but i guarantee that 99% if the people who made a huge deal about it either didnt watch the whole set or are not fans of melee it just feels like more hbox = villan hbox =bad for the scene type of energy idk this was kind of a rant but hbox getting shit for this to this extent is just so odd to me
@Dyldoughbread Месяц назад
I cringed only once
@thecheatdotcom Месяц назад
We’ll take it
@badbojcc Месяц назад
Drephen ended up DQing lmao
@heyzeuscreestow9394 Месяц назад
Hbox pop off hurt my feelings
@catman1900 Месяц назад
Every tournament should have pizza, this is what the pot bonus should do
@ohithur Месяц назад
I wish you would've muted Blur as soon as he said "I've gone through a lot of personal growth this year".
@FrankusCrankus Месяц назад
Good stuff drop the vod
@chunkychunkymonkey Месяц назад
spark always keeping it a stack 💯😤
@miguelsi7543 Месяц назад
Yooo a lineup I can fully support, let's fn goooo
@jackzilla321 Месяц назад
We love the algo dont we folks
@ILikeBongos Месяц назад
Best episode in a while 🤣🤣
@bibbyboxx2219 Месяц назад
Who’s making these thumbnails? Cooking
@jdmh_ Месяц назад
@dougbiento1562 Месяц назад
Slime and Hbox need to be on an episode together
@NightGhost-qs6yw Месяц назад
@FrankusCrankus Месяц назад
To the zain goat question, all these guys are thinking about rankings like it was 10 years ago. To be totally dominant and have no one near your level, you have to NOT PLAY FRIENDLIES. That is almost the SOLE REASON why hbox, armada, and Ken had such a skillgap
@jackzilla321 Месяц назад
hard agree