Ant-Bit Gaming
Ant-Bit Gaming
Ant-Bit Gaming
Chill videos with laid back vibes to hopefully brighten your day. Ant and company play whatever takes their interest and try to stay on topic and make each other laugh.
We play anything that shows up on GamePass, PS+ or for free on Steam or the Epic Store.
@Lueluekopter 18 дней назад
I did tell you to do that, but your titles and thumbnails seem to be off 😅
@Lueluekopter 20 дней назад
You should go back to the start of the bard level. Maybe you find something you can give to those monkeys? Remember, there's a button to reveal relevant objects
@antbitgaming 20 дней назад
Oh man, we completely forgot about the Monkeys until the end. Thanks for the tip though and thanks for watching!
@doomsdaybooty1072 Месяц назад
Fyi you can ascend through a Talus; get right underneath and instant access to its ore deposit ;)
@antbitgaming Месяц назад
Oh my goodness, you've blown my mind, that's genius! Thanks so much for the tip!
@mateuszserwacinski3928 2 месяца назад
oh boy, I'm ready to cut off a chunk of my brain just to be able to play this game again just like you did in this gameplay.
@antbitgaming 2 месяца назад
Can I have the chunk you cut off? It will hopefully stop all my dupes from dying!
@Nathanoj4 2 месяца назад
Hi ! Thank you for the video ! A few clarifications : 1. The main use for pneumatic doors is only to create rooms. Since they still let Gas, Liquid or Light through,, it is good practice to let them opened. Even "AIrlocks" doors will let gas through as it opens, and are good Heat conductors, so you only really use them, in the early game, at the perimeter of your base to keep a high enough pressure of Oxygen. 2. Algae Terrariums produce clean Oxygen and bottled Polluted Water. Those bottles of Polluted Water will offgas Polluted Oxygen. Once solution to avoid this is to put those Terrariums a layer of water provided by a bottle emptier or a pump, the Terrarium will consume the layer of Water (avoiding supplying job for Dupes). Every 360 kg of water consumed, a Duplicant will come to empty it, creating a bottle of Polluted Water. As long as the layer of Water is above 1.8 kg, the created bottle of Polluted Water will not give off Poluted Oxygen. Also you get a 10% bonus Oxygen if any light is present. 3.On the topic of offgassing, you also probably want to cover with tiles your Polluted Water reservoir (when it emits Polluted Oxygen, the water gets consumed). If you still want access for a bottle emptier for example, a layer of above 1.8 kg of clean Water will cover the top, and avoid the creation of Polluted Oxygen. Polluted Water is denser than clean Water so I will "sink" to bottom. 4. When you have found a renewable ressource of Water, you can let Polluted Water emit Polluted Oxygen and just place a bunch of Deodorizers right above the surface, as an almost free mean of producing Oxygen.
@antbitgaming 2 месяца назад
Once again, amazing advice, thank you so much. I will definitely try and do a better job containing that polluted oxygen!
@Nathanoj4 2 месяца назад
Hi! Thank you for the video ! I'm wrting as the video plays : It would be wise set your non-essential doors to Open to save travel time. On the same topic, Research, Farming, and the Microbe Musher for Mush Bars need Water. So the closest they are to a source the better. Shifting multiple schedules by 1 hour, so the Bathroom time before free time will accomodate more Duplicants for the same facility. Golden rule for bathrooms : 1 sink for each toilet because Duplicants will skip washing their hands if all the sinks are taken. If you follow this rule, a max size washroom (64 area) will have 4 Sinks 4 Outhouses / Lavatories. With 24 staggered schedules, you could technically accomodate up to 96 duplicants. Lighting (Ceilling lights linked to motion sensor) will shorten by 15% any action that has a progress bar, inclusing using the bathroom and showers. A suggestion and thought experiment for building "wide" bases. The main downside is that Duplicants will walk a long time just to change floor. So for my last playthrough, before starting, I made a rough Blueprint, with room bonuses and morale in mind, so here are my notes and guidelines : 1. A room will be considered a room if the interior dimensions are less or equal to 128 tiles. Walls included, this translates to width with standard 4 tiles height to : (128+8(walls))/4= 34 tiles wide. 2. BUT bonuses are only applied for rooms that have a maximum interior dimensions of 64, 96 or 120. The oddball is the Private bedroom with 24 + 4 (wall separator) = 28. 3. So most people build "tall" by multiple of 64, converted to width : 16 + 2 (walls) = 18 tiles wide. 4. You want your duplicant to go through a Natural Reserve (+6 morale for 0.4 cycle ; max 120 tiles) each time they are travelling to eat/sleep/ bathroom. So the ideal place for the reserve is your ladder shaft in the "living area". For decor pupose, plumbing, shipping, my shafts are 4 wide, 120/4 = 30, 30/ (4+1(floor tile)) = 6 floors maximum in height. Look up Pip Planting and Manual Airlocks deconstructing forming a natural tile. 5. You want your dupes to access their bedroom quickly. Their bedroom should be close to the living area ladder shaft. 6. Your industrial area should be separated because of heat & decor uglyness. 7. Showers can be put in room with just one sink and Lavatory to get the room bonus. Considering everything above, if you want to layout a wide base, the "ideal"one floor final layout would look like something this (from LEFT to RIGHT) : - "128 area" (flexible), that could be split in 64/64 or 96/32 : (128+8(walls)+4(separator)) / 4 = 35 tiles wide. If you split 96/32, the 32 should be a Private bedroom close the ladder shaft. - "12 area" for living quarters ladder shaft / Natural Reserve : Statue + fire pole + ladder + Plant/or Statue = 4 tiles wide. - CENTER (where the printing pod would be), "64 area". Example : 2 Private bedrooms OR Atmo suit + Transit tube access = 2*24+8(walls)+4(separator) / 4 = 15 tiles wide + 4 to fit the "64 area pattern" = 19 tiles wide. - Main map ladder shaft and end of living quarters : Transit tube + Ladder + Fire Pole + Decor or Plant for Reserve = 4 tiles wide. - Shipping and Power Spine : Walls + 4 tiles for shipping + 4 tiles for power spine = 10 tiles wide. - Industrial Area with low tech double liquid lock access enclosing a vacuum made with an Airlock doors. Lets just take the "96 area" for the Power plant so 24+2(walls) + 8 for double liquid lock = 36 tiles wide. So in total, the theoretical width of this base would be : 35 + 4 + 19 + 4 + 10 + 36 = 108 tiles wide. Assuming 6 standard floors and a rectangular shape, that's an area of 108*6*5= 3240 tiles.
@antbitgaming 2 месяца назад
Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for such an in depth comment! I will try my best to keep your advice in mind, especially when it comes to routing dupes through rooms. Thanks again!
@stoof5997 2 месяца назад
Small suggestion, check out the rooms overlay and start building your rooms to get those benefits, such as barracks, washroom, mess hall etc
@antbitgaming 2 месяца назад
Oh nice, yeah that's a good tip, thanks. I was just kind of going off of memory for what I'd read about room bonuses but I should really be checking my work!
@stoof5997 2 месяца назад
Hey dude, just a little advice. For your first bases a single centralized ladder shaft (3 wide for firepole and tubes later) will make your early game so much easier
@antbitgaming 2 месяца назад
That makes a lot of sense, I guess with one shaft any water spills can go somewhere else and I don't have to keep stressing about the water source getting contaminated. Thanks for the advice!
@louishermann7676 2 месяца назад
I love this. There's so much quirk and inefficiency. Props for taking on such a steep learning curve. 4x16 rooms are your friend. Most room types can be made into that size and it perfectly fits the max room size for many rooms. Such a room can contain 8 cots for example, or 4 toilets and sinks. Regarding beds, you want them fully enclosed for the room bonus, leaving a gap in the perimeter of any room is not ideal except for specific purposes. Washrooms benefit from being at the end of a path and utilizing door and sink settings to create exit 1-way paths forcing the dupes to exit past the sink and wash their hands. You only need as many toilets as you have dupes on the same schedule, so you can get away with one toilet/sink if you separate their schedules so they dont use the bathroom at the same time. (But always have more than one, they get clogged.) Dig from oxygen side, run power wires through your existing tiles, and that sound at the end lets you know that your research is done researching.
@antbitgaming 2 месяца назад
Oh nice, I haven't even messed around with the scheduling yet but that's some great advice, thanks a lot!
@agwoo 3 месяца назад
yoo nice one, i love this game and ur videos are quite nice! +1 sub
@antbitgaming 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the kind words and the sub!
@jeremyschultz4731 3 месяца назад
gog gave away free copies for one day a while back played it a while ago an got so got far in the game, but the mobs started killing out the dwarves with spears. also water was a pain until i realized in the building it makes water separate to the pumps an special water. not sure how to deal with mobs killing the dwarves
@antbitgaming 3 месяца назад
Yeah, it's cool that more people will get to play but I feel like there's end game content that never made it into the game to deal with those mobs so eventually all colonies just get overrun.
@JaamesJohnson 3 месяца назад
Your attempting to generate unrest in a nation for what reason??? Its not going to help you take control of it... You generate unrest in nations that another Faction Control's your just generating unrest pointlessly in a nation that's not under control....
@antbitgaming 3 месяца назад
Oh damn, I was hoping the unrest would make it easier for me to take control. Whoops!
@JaamesJohnson 3 месяца назад
lol I find it funny that your attempting to rush thru all the tutorial help and then yet complain that the game is so hard to understand....
@antbitgaming 3 месяца назад
Haha, yeah. You got me, I try to learn by doing but it's tough to "do" when you weren't paying attention to how to play.
@Overlord-Veleskie 3 месяца назад
Awesome game
@antbitgaming 3 месяца назад
Yeah, I'm enjoying it a lot. Thanks for watching!
@go_nav96 3 месяца назад
This is a fun game if you like grand strategy with a lot of mechanics and fighting against a highly superior foe. There is a lot to learn but it is highly addictive once you "get" it. I've played this game for a while and I can provide tips if you want.
@antbitgaming 3 месяца назад
I think I need to watch some in depth tutorials or beginners tips before I jump back in but I've heard a lot of good things so I do want to try and "get it".
@50shadesofskittles9 3 месяца назад
I don't mind so much. Still loving it regardless.
@antbitgaming 3 месяца назад
The early game is really fun, I like the feeling of starting a new colony a lot.
@echidnanation8239 3 месяца назад
Were you thinking of don’t starve?
@antbitgaming 3 месяца назад
Yeah, that was one of the games I was thinking of, thanks! I had like four games come to mind at once and block up my thought processes. But you can see the art style influences from Don't Starve, for sure.
@NeedleHair 3 месяца назад
Keep up the good work!
@antbitgaming 3 месяца назад
Thanks, I appreciate the kind words!
@LordSesshaku 3 месяца назад
It's free on GOG right now. Thanks for the video, it gave me a basic idea of what it is.
@RedPandaGod01 4 месяца назад
Your not supposed to lose during the first chimera, you can either kill it and go threw the gate, or lure it on to the pressure plates around the room, once all are depressed by the weight of the monsters the gate opens and you can run past the chimera, it then goes to a cutscene implying they go to fight the dragon then to the new dragon being born. I can't remember if it has any effect later in to the end game, but it might, if you die before getting to the dragon, personally I never died to the chimera at the start so idk.
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
Oh man, that sounds like a big story beat we missed out on, thanks for filling in the gaps! Does them killing the dragon trigger the birth of a new dragon? Like there is only ever one dragon at a time? I feel like we missed out on a large amount of dogma...
@RedPandaGod01 4 месяца назад
@@antbitgaming do you want major spoilers in regards to the Dragon?
@RedPandaGod01 4 месяца назад
You don't ever get to fight the dragon as the intro arisen, however it's implied they killed it and restarted the cycle by the birth of the a new dragon. (Also I just started a new playthrew, the pressure plates I mentioned don't show up in the intro only when you get to the same point with the character you made)
@RedPandaGod01 4 месяца назад
SPOILERS WARNING . . . . . after an arisen defeats a dragon they they go on to get an opportunity to fight the sentischal or whatever basicly God, if they loose the fight they get cast out of heaven with the cycle restarting showing the same scene from the intro where the dragon is born, as the players character becomes the new dragon and the cycle repeates as a new arisen is born. If you kill God however you become the new God and then have the option to kill your self to break the cycle, you and your pawn then fall from heaven landing in the Ocean with only your body washing up on the beach, however your soul has been destroyed, and it's actually your pawn who now resides in your body, as a human now as opposed to a pawn, and they go in to be the player character in the next cycle, witch I'm not sure how it works exactly as the point of the arisen being God and killing themselves was to break the cycle, and there was no new arisen to become the dragon, as both you and past one had your souls destroyed, and could not be the new dragon, so the new dragon kind just comes for nothing. From my perspective it's like the whole ordeal was not just to test the arisen to see if they were worthy of becoming the new God, but also to temper the pawn's soul in to a human, essentially your main pawn becomes more human by being along side you and learns to be human from you, before your final sacrifice finish tempering them to a human, and imparts them with your human body. I'm not good at explaining it, and I'm trying to recall memories form long ago sorry. But essentially in the good ending you end up dying leaving your pawn with one last gift of humanity. And it's really heart warming. However it's the other ending where you fail to defeat God and get turned in to the dragon of the next cycle
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
@@RedPandaGod01Ah right, I was wondering why there wasn't more obvious signposting of the pressure plate.
@RedPandaGod01 4 месяца назад
No every player gets to make an arisen and a main pawn, your arisen is not usable as a pawn to other players, your Main pawn however can be summoned to assist other players and retains knowledge between playing with you and playing with others. Your can have a party of 4 meaning you can have up to 2 other pawns aside from your main pawn, the 2 additional pawns you summon are other players main pawns, with the exception of rook first pawn that joins you in the starter town at the start, rook has set knowledge that he starts with and we'll he can gain knowledge in your playthrough his knowledge does not carry over to others or to fresh saves, so he always starts with the same knowledge when he is first met, I believe he is able to level up as you go too though, so you can keep him the whole game unless you desummon him or he dies. There are also randomly generated pawns if you start playing in offline mode and never once go online, though I'm pretty sure the first time you go online the pawns all update to player made pawn witch are a limited amount are kept avaliable to you even after you go offline.
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
Ah right, that sounds familiar. So Tristan will go off and start gaining levels if other people use them in their game? That's cool, I just really wish those other pawns could be real co-op players.
@yukit119 4 месяца назад
7:40 Dual Channel left the chat 🤣
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
😂 Hopefully the customer doesn't realise...
@yukit119 4 месяца назад
@Johnny24071982 4 месяца назад
@d0520 4 месяца назад
it is trash
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
The game?
@d0520 4 месяца назад
@Sesna87 4 месяца назад
I would agree this is like Dwarven ONI. The soundtrack is so soothing it just makes me lose my whole day!
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
Yeah, I really like it. It's just a shame it's not getting the updates like ONI.
@astron800 4 месяца назад
And r9 soon cause it travels through doors.
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
It's been able to go through doors this whole time?!
@Baalat-of-Carthage 5 месяцев назад
To use the "magic" of the magic rods, you fuse a gem like a ruby, sapphire, topaz, opal, and even star shards work.
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
Oh nice, so that'll charge it up? Good to know, thanks.
@DunnoBro92 5 месяцев назад
just needed to aim a little higher lmao
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
I'm gonna blame the battery running out after the first shot.
@nikorajgamer6210 5 месяцев назад
Jill is the onbord computer (AI)
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
Ah makes sense. Jill is the AI even if we commandeer a different ship? I guess we take it with us.
@nikorajgamer6210 5 месяцев назад
The schematic view is the map view.
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
Ah okay, thanks. I dunno why this game continues to confuse me sometimes.
@nikorajgamer6210 5 месяцев назад
You have a teleport!!! Thats a very rare upgrade but if you manage to equip that to every drone it transforms into hacks you can teleport in any known room setup re-treat commands and the best of all you can upgrade it from modification menu to teleport dropped items eg. Sensor, mine, trap, etc. Worth the investment 😁
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
Oh interesting. That'd be cool just to teleport in and drop a mins or something and then retreat out again.
@nikorajgamer6210 5 месяцев назад
Tip if a room has transporter signal its safe but swarms from vent and slime can spawn at anytime.
@antbitgaming 4 месяца назад
Ah nice, hopefully I can hold on to teleport long enough for me to put that knowledge to use.
@tyler361t2 6 месяцев назад
> gets warned of asteroid collision twice. > 91% odds of hitting. > hits. > "outrageous. that is the worst luck of my entire life". funniest shit ive seen in a while. i love this series lmfao.
@antbitgaming 6 месяцев назад
😆 You can practically hear my shocked Pikachu face. Glad you're enjoying it!
@user-qk3iy4bf5b 6 месяцев назад
Ther 3 variants of what can be in r 4 in this clip(4if this shit try to brake door after the clip) it Jumper Robot or dog (it can be bugs ) and i wish thet is no slime in r4 Or thet is no slime in r2
@antbitgaming 6 месяцев назад
Man, this game is always getting more and more complex and it's great. Thanks for the info.
@user-qk3iy4bf5b 6 месяцев назад
@@antbitgaming if its dog its good dog is good but dog is so rare and confusing you olmost never met dog in the games Dog is not evil and dog will die from ather enemis The onley difference it is sound Its triger the sensors and movement upgrade its confusing
@DukeVonRose 6 месяцев назад
yo, found any limestone?
@antbitgaming 6 месяцев назад
I don't think I did, it's been a long time since I played this, but I'd be interested to go back.
@afroamasiaca 6 месяцев назад
So you can learn how to build properly with this?
@antbitgaming 6 месяцев назад
I'm not an expert but it does seem pretty realistic.
@matthewanderson7824 6 месяцев назад
I had a similar experience but it was organic so they all died even quicker
@antbitgaming 6 месяцев назад
Ooo, rough. Yeah this game can be really tough.
@RosebudMartin 6 месяцев назад
In case it hasn't come up yet in later episodes, the game is entirely funded by the people behind the game having other jobs, they made Planet S as a hobby and didn't want their first game to cost anything.
@antbitgaming 6 месяцев назад
Oh wow, that's so cool. Thanks for mentioning that, I didn't know it was a hobbiest project.
@jonah2303 7 месяцев назад
Needs more editing, too much empty time with you puzzling things through. Not every moment needs to be shown and not every moment is exciting.
@dandanthemuffinman2042 7 месяцев назад
I think that's pretty unfair this is one of those games where discovering how everything works can be quite enjoyable. His soft voice and the music from the game gives it a meditative quality which I like. It's not an exciting game to watch it's a top down colony sim and I think he leans into whats good about the game.
@antbitgaming 6 месяцев назад
Thanks, I appreciate the kind words. I can see both sides of the argument though. Most of the videos on the channel are me experiencing stuff for the first time and I want you guys to be coming along with me for the ride, so I don't want to cut out anything out that might ruin that feeling of just chilling out with a new game and seeing it unfold together. But I get that not every ride is the same so sometimes you're along for a slower more puzzling one.
@ernstkristianstlen4369 7 месяцев назад
I recognize the fighting technique. We must have been trained by the same master. "Running around and accidently squating with the bow"
@antbitgaming 7 месяцев назад
😆 The best way to keep them guessing is to also be guessing yourself.
@ZzZ-qd1zo 7 месяцев назад
Good video! You don't have to keep the pressure plate weighed down, you can just press it once. Also, there are a couple of places the game wants you to build a paddle boat, they just seem so slow and overall bad compared to a fan boat.
@antbitgaming 7 месяцев назад
Very cool, and thanks a lot. I really liked building the boat so I'm looking forward to more opportunities to paddle about.
@VexToTheMex 8 месяцев назад
Is this on Xbox?
@antbitgaming 8 месяцев назад
We were playing on PC, I don't think there is an Xbox version.
@probably_afk 8 месяцев назад
Hiya. Just stopped by to ask if you ever figured out how to unlock that sky shrine from Part 37 and 38. If so, which video can I see your reaction?
@antbitgaming 8 месяцев назад
I know I definitely do go back but I'm not sure if that video has been posted yet. I'll take a look and post the link as soon as I find it.
@user-uw9yq9uu8p 8 месяцев назад
you touch the laser and fell down under
@antbitgaming 8 месяцев назад
Thanks, I figure it out later on but it certainly wasn't obvious given that most lasers hurt you in video games.
@plingela276 8 месяцев назад
Реально крутой канал !
@antbitgaming 8 месяцев назад
Thanks, I appreciate it!
@brisky__ 8 месяцев назад
It’s quite unfortunate, my second memory I ran into happened to be the last one. Which spoiled the whole story for me. That’s the dangers of exploring the map. Hope the developers don’t do this again for the next game.
@antbitgaming 8 месяцев назад
Yeah, it's an odd choice. I guess it's because the shape of each pattern is relevant to the story section it unlocks but it still kind of feels like you're being punished with spoilers if you explore the map.
@astron800 8 месяцев назад
2:29 Don’t scare me like that! You left d22 open!
@antbitgaming 6 месяцев назад
Haha, sorry. I'll try to be more conscious of what doors are open moving forward. 😀
@astron800 6 месяцев назад
@@antbitgaming it happens to all of us, dw.
@astron800 8 месяцев назад
0:41 I don’t think that’s a station…
@antbitgaming 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, I realised as soon as I finished the mission... Oopsie!
@astron800 7 месяцев назад
@@antbitgaming Eh, we all do it.
@chadbrick67 8 месяцев назад
The buffet plate is 12.50
@antbitgaming 8 месяцев назад
Beverly Hills Cop?
@chadbrick67 8 месяцев назад
Correct hahaa. At least one person got it
@morningstaranalytics3754 8 месяцев назад
6:35 No need to smash the baby talus Just pick him up and throw him💯
@antbitgaming 8 месяцев назад
Oh nice, thanks for the tip.