Worlds Within
Worlds Within
Worlds Within
Overthinking the details of fictional worlds.
If Paul had studied Economics
4 месяца назад
How 1 Man Enslaved Millions
6 месяцев назад
The Real Story behind One Punch Man
7 месяцев назад
Superpowers in Modern Society Tier List
9 месяцев назад
Pantheon's Price of Immortality
9 месяцев назад
Wizards get Rich, Muggles stay Poor
10 месяцев назад
John Wick has to be Stopped
11 месяцев назад
Hyrule is Not Worth Saving
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@spinnerfan6176 День назад
1:48 Why is the only downside to invisibility is that it's creepy? That's a weird con also, couldn't a criminal or creep use any of these super powers to do awful things? A better con to invisibility is that it can't stop bullets or anything from killing you. It's weird how some of these are ranked less on their actually utility and more on bs or creep factor.
@KingOC-z77uy День назад
This man is a slave to work
@KingOC-z77uy День назад
Bro just said turing in to any anime character and getting all there power is not SSS teir
@renelladriancataluna6562 2 дня назад
Tbh i would want time stop and is infinite and i can unpause it like reverse if i get hurt i can reverse it and foward time but idle tranfiguration and super speed is op cause you can teleport in a blink of an eye by running fast and boom you touched 500 people and they all explode but you still can heal people tho but if were bieng for real is time i can fast forward my self my guy like puuci and speed blitz anyone and i can turn you to a baby i can reverse you back time is op im yappatron prime rn but have a good day and know jesus loves you and your his best creation
@DailyMovieMania 2 дня назад
Telekinesis isn't controlling matter it's the ability to move objects, if you're talking about rearranging matter on a molecular level that's some other power
@creek9311 10 дней назад
your forgetting with super speed you can literally time travel if you go at the speed of light, with which you can chnage history itself, you can shape the world however you want, and sure you cant run through cities without harming people and infrastructure cuz of the boom and that but you dont have to, you just dont have to run as fast and if you want to run real fast you can just run on the ocean to reach another country. super speed is literally op af, only lower than telekenisis, IF its powerful enough to moves matter itself
@riotcaveman8914 12 дней назад
i wouldve personally said reality warping is SSS but thats just the nerd part of me speaking, or omnipotence
@AZERBAIJANI1 15 дней назад
Disagree with regeneration, it can help in wars and stop dictatorship. And wars is the big part of human race. To stop something what may cause death of millions saves humanity and removes threats like destruction of humanity.
@3colled51 18 дней назад
has to be one of the stupidest videos ive ever seen, this guy has never heard of thinking outside the box. Already on the first super power you can become the best in any combat sport and make millions as you really dont take any damage. And for super strength the same thing goes but all this guy thinks about is being a construction worker?
@Yyxpi24 22 дня назад
I would not want to live forever. I think the strongest powers have to be shapeshifting which I’ll start with first I would not shapeshift into other people. In today’s world though, it would be important. Imagine your entire face changing and growing an extra pair of arms while wielding immense power which leads me to my next ones Creation and destruction for me. The balance. Without one you can not have the other. Our planet and the universe would simply not exist. Powers like weather manipulation, any kinesis power, healing, telepathy, super senses with super strength/speed, the natural elements of our planet (earth fire wind water make energy which makes creation) etc, they would technically all fall under this category. And everything is energy. Or even things that aren’t directly superpowers, like generating shockwaves when shapeshifting (more of a destruction aspect) or breaking the sound barrier With the way our world is now….. You’d need all of that. None of these powers would be constant though. Super senses for example, I don’t think you’d constantly be smelling or seeing things others could not. With destruction, you could also destroy nukes, basically have them disappear with a single touch. Basically the powers of creation would glow from your hands or let’s say you wanted to split a mountain in half or make a new one, obviously it wouldn’t glow off your hands you’d just be able to do it at will. Not instantly but you get my point. All this does sound god like, it definitely doesn’t make much sense but our world… Hope this is making sense
@Lucasamiry 23 дня назад
Why does bro assume people with mind control are just gonna try to make a hive mind kingdom where they’re the king? Any normal person is just using it to get easy money from people and make their lives easier 😭🙏
@diaryofarobot 24 дня назад
Superspeed is an S tier power
@shorg984 25 дней назад
finally, someone who realizes just how truly powerful telekinesis is at its highest tiers. when it accounts for a multitude of other powers on this list, and even more.
@potato287-e 26 дней назад
Hello, hey, hi, hello. Potato here, if all those abilities could be turned on and off at will by their user, then they would be kinda useful, not all but most. Bye, cya, later, bye.
@luke10vh6 27 дней назад
excuse me? super regeneration would be terrible?? even if u feel still feel the pain, wouldn't u like to be able to not have to live the rest of your life with a missing arm or spend years in a coma? wouldn't u want to live after being hit by a car or truck despite feeling the pain? rarely needing to go to the doctor is terrible??? wouldn't u want to be able to protect your family and not die despite feeling the pain? explain this to me
@Dontlikeyellow 29 дней назад
Due to cold and pressure water breathing is pretty useless unless you just like diving alot.
@andotv9320 Месяц назад
For god tear it would be the power to create powers and being able to use them
@marselpanov8801 Месяц назад
incredibly unimaginative
@OskarL47 Месяц назад
The typical problem with videos like this is that the author doesn't think outside the box. By talking to the dead, you could solve many murder cases. Thanks to your amazing regeneration, you could sell your organs to those in need and earn money from it, do you know how much they pay for kidneys? Imagine how much they would pay for a liver or heart. Plus, what always annoys me is this assumption that we're all good, so if something is only useful for bad things, it's worse. This is a ranking of usefulness and usefulness is useful, not good or bad. Even if I don't want to steal anything while being invisible, at least let me troll people XD
@user-kt6nz5ml9z Месяц назад
Fun fact: a Decent number of Korean politicians are the descendents of traitors who gaimed immence wealth for siding with japan, Including the president himself. Meanwhile, The descendents of freedom fighters ended up getting bankrupt, and suffers from poverty to this day.
@user-kt6nz5ml9z Месяц назад
Telepathy is at least b tier. reading minds is useful in every job
@impala831 Месяц назад
10/10 video deserves way more than 300 views
@Gumeino Месяц назад
Breathing underwater suppose to be F. Cause Imagine you breathe in water but most water soruces are dangerous like salts, parasites, toxicity and more.
@thomasdevine867 Месяц назад
The narrator confused REALITY ALTERATION with TELEKINESIS. Also TELEKINESIS is only a minor subset of PSYCHOKENSIS. PSYCHOKENSIS is controlling or altering matter by thought. TELEKINESIS is simply moving objects by thought. TELEKINESIS doesn't include PYROKINESIS , control of fire and heat by thought. CYROKINESIS, control of ice and cold by thought. PHOTOKINESIS control of light by thought. These and many other abilities, along with TELEKINESIS are aspects of PSYCHOKINESIS. As powerful as PSYCHOKINESIS is, it only controls what is already real as long as it is made of matter or energy. REALITY ALTERATION is a far broader power that can shape what is or could be real to your thoughts.
@isaiahsago7150 Месяц назад
Shapeshfiting is borderline s tier think shifting only into other people uncreative since you can change into other people why can’t you change yourself no more bad hair days can change it to whatever peak physical conditions and can heal any damage to your body by shifting the shape tell me that ain’t good
@dudebro-dn4wt Месяц назад
I blessing in disguise?
@erhanvardar807 Месяц назад
breathing under water is ass since u wouldnt be able to go that deep becouse of the pressure
@toasteroven3737 Месяц назад
Luck manipulation SSS for sure
@44Hd22 Месяц назад
2:51 it saves you money and you can eat spoiled food with that power. Maybe your genes can be extracted and you can take over the health market. 3:41 or you could get valuable information. You should really keep that one a secret because you can become the most informed person. 4:17 Here it depends on the control you have. 5:08 you can carry things. Probably convenient too. 5:33 you don’t need summer and winter clothes probably. It seems convenient. 7:45 enhanced reflexes can help you not get hurt and it seems really useful. It would allow you to change your lifestyle by a lot. 8:04 It seems very powerful because there’s superlightnings and you can open a 365 pool area or do other weather related things. You could water your plants. 9:17 if it slows down time it requires patience but it could also give you speed and reflexes. Maybe you get slower time and super reflexes. 9:32 the oceans are dirty so you need something against that. 9:43 oceanic pressure is high. You need protection from your power or equipment. 9:57 if it doesn’t make normal sensations stronger, it’s really strong. 10:53 you'd have to talk to all Gouvernements about the aerospace. 11:26 As long as you’re alive, you can do anything. Do you have the ability to teleport things from point a to point b when you aren’t at either of those places? Do you have omnipotence of all positions and every object everywhere? If so, you can teleport your fingerprints and everything or go beyond the observable universe and maybe mess with time to technologilise your power. 11:55 does the healing part have to be alive? Can you heal a fingernail into a clone of yourself? 12:16 If you’re forced to live forever and can’t die if you want to, it’s the worst fate possible. 13:12 can you duplicate your power? If yes, you just allowed humanity to live forever. You could also just duplicate yourself but if timetravel is possible, you can duplicate a time machine and reach time travel without effort. 14:01 Time Tavel removes all limitations. You'll figure it out with time travel too because the relative future you will explain it in some way. For me it’s simple. 15:09 That’s true but time travel can allow you more time and give other humans independence of you when you want them to live forever but don’t want to have to live forever too. 15:19 wouldn’t teleportation at its highest form be the same?
@uropinionistrash4461 Месяц назад
It should be granted that if you have an ability you should also have the ability to withstand it
@awerty6057 Месяц назад
Underwater breathing can't fit in B rank Even if I can breath, can i survive pressure of 10 km underwater? NO If i can survive such deep it means that i have at least 2 superpowers (waterbreathing and superstrength)
@awerty6057 Месяц назад
Underwater breathing useless.. Even if I can breath, can i survive pressure of 10 km underwater? NO If i can survive in such deep it means that i have at least 2 superpowers( waterbreathing and superstrength
@chewkki2159 Месяц назад
When I enter an imagination and intelligence duel and my opponent is this guy😂😭 You started losing me when you ranked high regen and durability low and placed it in the mid tier, bro cmon using your noggin and think outside the box, you could be a science experiment for regeneration which could earn you alotta money depending on how smart and cooperative you are. You could literally be the best killer/fighter or maybe sportsman out there, you could as well go in to the entertainment industry and be the greatest stuntman, you could be the biggest bodybuilder which means you are alot stronger than your average Joe, cause building muscle has to do with wear and tear of muscles but instead of taking along time to heal, for you it would only be a short while and you're back to work. You could be the best explorer out there. Cmon man think outside the box. Any power is as strong as the user's imagination and creativity. Alot of abilities here are literally S , A and B tier if given to someone with intense imagination.
@DarthStygian Месяц назад
Regeneration for me is at least be tear. Don’t know how. Immunity to diseases got higher that’s actually crazy you’re just kind of a B word not gonna lie. Truthfully, as long as I don’t die, I don’t care how much pain I have to endure in any circumstance I just like fighting.
@M80. Месяц назад
swap regen and water breathing. The water pressure would crush you like a fish and if you were born with regulation you would be looking like a squishy creature forever
@Sinner487 Месяц назад
Bro is just wrong with like all of this. 😭
@tuskltdm5246 Месяц назад
About to pull the boys moment
@Elnidax Месяц назад
Bro slept on regeneration so hard, no illness, the ability to work out endlessly, resistance to poison that shuts down or destroys cells it would be S
@Kam2shady Месяц назад
No your wrong we have actually only erected less than 5% of all diseases on earth because we don’t know all the diseases yet we only know less then 5% of all disease on earth
@Kam2shady Месяц назад
Bro regeneration is s teir you can literally renegerate from working out instantly and gain muscle at a good rate
@BlueTreeVideos Месяц назад
this list sucks
@Nameless8_ Месяц назад
To be honest this list only works if you are grading them based on not taking advantage of this abilities at any cost, for example with phasing you could phase into a bank and rob them blind, with invisibility you could infiltrate government agencies and/or corporations and sell their secrets, with time stop you could literally do whatever you want, if you take it far enough you could even break physics
@Kunnoc Месяц назад
The ability I would like to have is to make anything pure. Purifying water without the water purifier. Got your clothes dirty? No problem. cleansed. Tired of youtube ads? Boom! Pure content no ads. Your child just watched something freaky? bam! Innocence returned.
@Leukos_Lykos Месяц назад
I already have high senses and reflex's trust me its useful, don't go to large crowds or places with lots of people though. r.i.p I love having a higher capability there is no but however there is something to be said about too much of a good thing, however I'll leave that up to ya'll.
@joaovila1671 Месяц назад
lame ahh video
@TRI_Cyclone-alt Месяц назад
What was the video with telekinesis
@mohammedrashiq7219 Месяц назад
Reality warping is real God tier you can have any power you want "Reality includes time" '' Alien x
@digestivepikachu3721 Месяц назад
Invisibility to B tier imo. I love trolling people.
@psycele2859 Месяц назад
@Earboo Месяц назад
Idk if this guy knows anything about pressure if you were in the Mariana Trench you would immediately be crushed and all ur bones would shatter.