J.J. McCullough
J.J. McCullough
J.J. McCullough
Hello friends, my name is J.J. and I do culture videos.

I love learning about the culture that defines my life, and the lives of people in other places. I think we all need to live life with the right mix of skepticism and gratitude, and not take things too seriously. This is the attitude I try to bring to my videos, I hope you enjoy them! And I hope you help me learn stuff about where you're from!

Questions, comments? Email me at: jjmccullough@gmail.com

Unfortunately I am no longer accepting mail from fans. I just get too much of it and my apartment is too small to store it all. To email me about something else, here's the address: jjmccullough@gmail.com

For $1 a month you can support me on Patreon: www.patreon.com/jjmccullough
Explaining everything on Canadian money
Месяц назад
Midcentury liberalism was AWESOME!
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Consumerism isn't evil
2 месяца назад
Richard Nixon explained in 26 portraits
2 месяца назад
Frutiger Aero: Gen Z's make-believe nostalgia
2 месяца назад
The two royal eras that made our world
3 месяца назад
The six fantasy creatures in American culture
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Public domain and the future of American culture
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What every country added to American culture
5 месяцев назад
Flag reform was a mistake
6 месяцев назад
What 2023 added to American culture
6 месяцев назад
What makes “Atlantic” Canada different?
6 месяцев назад
How TORONTO explains Canada
7 месяцев назад
Pushing on an open door
7 месяцев назад
Why is "fast food" burgers, fries, and chicken?
7 месяцев назад
The history of American Halloween
8 месяцев назад
@NitroKitsune 5 часов назад
The UK portion of this video may have to be updated
@user-fe2lr5jw4i 5 часов назад
That sticker looks like an empanada.
@edgaracajabon9522 5 часов назад
1.Biden the worse president 2.Obama second worse 3 .Bush third worse Trump only one to live his country
@gorybonghit3211 5 часов назад
Fellow millennial here, shut up, jj
@c-dawd124 5 часов назад
The official JFK story fits your definition for a conspiracy theory much better than some of the actually theories do
@Keely503 5 часов назад
Cynicism is cancer to the soul
@Andi_andI 6 часов назад
This man has legit been deprogramming me from far-left lunacy since Oct 7.
@Andre-nb4ex 6 часов назад
Just kidding..hey
@SpectraStarShooter 6 часов назад
I love conspiracy theories. Not because I believe them, but because they are often insane and hilarious.
@comedyreliefguy5112 7 часов назад
My cousin died in Iraq. His name was Scott, and my middle name is named after him. He died because of a useless war, which I honestly find pathetic, not him, just the fact that while yes he died for his country, his death was in vain. His name is honored on a statue full of names going back to I believe WW1.
@3_14pie 7 часов назад
why do you expect people to be ethical and to act in the vest interests of the public or even themselves? the majority of people only act towards their comfort
@waterloojew 7 часов назад
Who would have thought we would ever be living in an era where Liberals are pro war pro censorship pro blackface pro castration of babies. What a truly sick and weird time we live in.
@ChungusBungus35 7 часов назад
Are we just ignoring all the drone strikes obama ordered????
@dogvom 8 часов назад
Q. How can you spot the Torontonian at a nudist colony? A. He's the one with _The Globe and Mail_ folded neatly on his lap. By the way, Skydome will always be Skydome to people from Toronto, especially since most cable customers despise Rogers. And "Raptors" is, has always been, and will always be a stupid name for a basketball team. Raptors are birds of prey, not dinosaurs.
@jamessullenriot 8 часов назад
Toronto has a lot of first generation immigrants, because by the second generation, they want to leave asap
@Devinn504 8 часов назад
Trump was the worst thing to ever happen to the US
@CrabRangoonSortaGuy 8 часов назад
Thank you JJ McCia
@justonemori 8 часов назад
Canada really needs an NFL franchise.
@johnsimon2988 9 часов назад
This was pretty cool. Thanks J.J. I now know about as much of the Canadian system as I do about the USA system. Almost. The Turtle Island bit was fascinating. And the originators of your constitution not realizing the queen could become a king is hilarious. You know what, politics is utter bollocks no matter the Country.
@edmundolastra3279 9 часов назад
Was that gokanaru at 12:50 or just someone that looks a lot like them? 👀👀👀
@theastuteangler 9 часов назад
aroused camper here, I've been tenting since before it was cool
@rounakagrawal4805 10 часов назад
!Shamfull!Don't do again a shameful work against any country emotions on this type of video again without concerned of the fact that its material is within the emotions of Indian constitution I m gonna suit a file against you for this video since this video has disrespectful shown to the Indian flag which has so much meaning to Indian people this disrespect hurts me and I m sure if prime minister mr. Narendra Modi ji too pls delete this video and I gonna give the original video to government officials for review the video and it's thumbnail showing disrespect to Indian flag by making the "chakra of religion" in a funny way and making it in Shameful way I don't support this guy is fool who don't know the democracy and all about India ✍️,you have to pay for it
@jh29a 10 часов назад
me fix do #3 to self
@MikePSU 10 часов назад
Many of them are initially called conspiracy theories, and then gradually over time through revisionist history are changed in the public narrative. Prime example is Coronavirus origin, which is now widely accepted to be from a Chinese lab. Disclaimer: I am not claiming it was weaponized, but it was negligent handling/
@nondescriptstraightwhitema6138 11 часов назад
Breaking new!: Millennial hipster who is on the record picking every kernel of corn from his own residue doesn't understand why others would have a thing known as *(Nostalgia)*... more information as it breaks.
@nolanbannon3101 11 часов назад
im a republican and i really love your content. youre amazingly descriptive despite not hiding your personal feelings 🥳🙌
@chriswamahiu8751 11 часов назад
Most Africans are fluent in at least 3 languages, usually their mother tongue, a lingua Franca and a colonial language.. Mine are, Kikuyu, Swahili and English respectively.. But I am also self-taught in Espanol and Deutsch.. And I can communicate in other 3 African languages that are close to my mother tongue
@Funk2Funky 11 часов назад
Oh boy, it's time once again to shout into the void: I agree with the intent of the video and agree mostly with the message but there ARE conspiracy theories which became true, namely: the MK-Ultra project and Operation Condor. The first one is iffy to talk about without entering the nut-job area, but here in Latin America the operation condor was something people really talked about before any sort of oficial data/backing became a reality.
@blackbeard6861 12 часов назад
Almost none of this represents America I don't think you even really know what America is after watching this
@harshvardhansingh8883 12 часов назад
Khalistanis are not Indians. They are Canadians. So isn't their demand to break India a declaration of war by Canada against India? Canada is actively trying to damage India's integrity
@johnsimon2988 12 часов назад
Is it nice to know that William Shatner isn't so beloved in Canada. Once his "spat" (cough*bigotry*cough) with George Takei grabbed my attention oh so many years ago, I couldn't stand the man. And THEN he had the nerve to diss Star Trek! What an uncultured buffon! That was the final nail in the coffin for me. He was dead to me! Or something. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@panjoshua6251 13 часов назад
That beef patty sticker looks more like an empanada than a Jamaican style beef patty! Lol. Wrong shape.
@jrocker152 13 часов назад
RFK not possible?
@Fireglo 14 часов назад
The smugness of this know-it-all douchebag is immense.
@cnslusser 14 часов назад
"I hate the establishment! Also...I hate the guy that has been persecuted by the establishment for not being part of the establishment! I am the resistance! ...by being on the same side as DC, News Media, Hollywood, Education, and almost every celebrity elite!"
@carlosjauregui7951 14 часов назад
Entertaining, but not very informative. A video in this realm should point out what each president has accomplished. Bills passed, goals accomplished, etc. You just highlighted pointless info that everyone knows already.
@Fryxey 14 часов назад
Pourquoi cet epais la parle comme si on est pas obligés d'apprendre l'anglais nous aussi?
@BillThanis 14 часов назад
The trash panda is Toronto's unofficial animal.
@dukedragon28 14 часов назад
13:10 is interesting as here in the UK, "Red Tory" is becoming increasingly used for the opposite in Canada. Instead of describing a Progressive person in the Conservative party, in the UK its for a Tory in the Labour Party. 2024 Election Especially is seeing this as Labour drifts increasingly back to the centre to appeal to everyone abandoning the torries
@TesserId 14 часов назад
With only two parties, it's easy to keep the people divided ~~~~ and with very little power. It is in fact literally Machiavellian.
@mr.gigagod9736 14 часов назад
People who make this are on the spectrum
@mr.gigagod9736 14 часов назад
Free Quebec
@tsrocks2029 14 часов назад
This channel is one of the most delusional I’ve seen. You defend so many awful things. Have fun trusting the science and your wonderful government lol
@ImJustStandingHere 14 часов назад
I miss my Obama childhood. He was just good vibes
@KirkDirk 13 часов назад
good vibes for everyone... except all the people he killed in his drone strikes targeted to Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.
@k012957 14 часов назад
As a teenager in the 1970s, I clearly remember the left in the USA characterizing GW Bush (during his administration) as a Chimp and as Hitler. The extreme polarization of politics, to me, clearly dates from then. For instance, no Republican, no matter how moderate, is characterized as another Hitler by the Democrat left, and no Democrat, however moderate, is characterized as a communist/socialist by the Republican right. It appears clear to me that you misunderstand the draw of someone like Donald Trump. He was the ultimate outsider. But, because of Clinton's antics, the electorate was willing to overlook his moral peccadillos. Because of the division of USA into two warring political camps (especially under Obama), he was seen as an answer. He was someone who could not be bought, whereas Biden is seen as someone who has been bought. The raft of lies surrounding the Biden campaign appears again to be pushing voters back to Trump.
@ordyhorizonrivieredunord712 14 часов назад
If you were thruthful you would admit that most English speaking people aren't intelligent enough to learn French never mind even able to pronounce it right and that they are fundamentally vehement towards any people who speaks a different language. Their main goal has always been to reduce other people's intelligence by limiting them to an English square head type of mentality a little bit like your... Politely yours. ⚜Learning French would make you a little bit more knowledgable if not it would make you sound a little bit more intelligent,,, But some people are just too lazy to learn anything more than what they already know. 🍀
@damianpinnington5477 15 часов назад
Any conspiracy which involves world governments collaborating together is too unbeleivable for me. Also, I am supposed to believe that a government that can't keep secret not having relations with Monica is capable of keeping anything secret.
@varchasdani6909 15 часов назад
Drake catching strays everywhere and I’m all for it LOL
@ClassyKai843 15 часов назад
Trump on the thumbnail aged well
@Boofy95 15 часов назад
10:53 "Islamist fundamentalist" that's a weird way to say terrorist