地球研の研究や各種事業の成果を皆さまにお届けするため、 市民セミナー等、幅広く配信します。


総合地球環境学研究所 管理部企画連携課 総務企画係
Can groundwater be beautiful?
3 месяца назад
第2回 地球研・北大 連携シンポジウム
11 месяцев назад
Introduction to RIHN
Год назад
@あおねこ1号 9 дней назад
@UP3UP Месяц назад
「中国製たばこ 島の白い砂浜に大量漂着…未開封の状態」ほら環境保護団体たちは中国批判してこい
@雅子四海 2 месяца назад
@shut.941 2 месяца назад
「自由」というものをどう理解するか、本当に深い洞察に感銘を受けました。特にディベートでの自由とは見解が変わるということだ、という話は目から鱗でした。「自由には基本的な型がある」、ルールがあるという指摘は、本当にそうだと思います。自由にも秩序は必要。 お二人の話を聞いていると、人間や社会についてその本質をしっかり捉えていることが伝わります。 ありがとうございました。
@marukurukita7083 3 месяца назад
@dimonanov8511 3 месяца назад
Pura artesanía...❤❤❤ saludos y abrazos 🤗 des de Girona España
@fouryou99 5 месяцев назад
@kyokoyamamoto626 6 месяцев назад
@AnakLanangSorkelir 6 месяцев назад
Terjemahkan ke bahasa indonesia, sebenernya konten ini bagus. Banyak sekali netizen indonesia yg ingin punya pengetahuan budaya dari berbagai belahan dunia
@ahmeteryilmaz 7 месяцев назад
varroa ile mücadeleyi nasıl yapıyorsunuz
@iisaka_station 7 месяцев назад
すごい! アメリカから本当にありがとうございます
@redbear0925 7 месяцев назад
原点回帰!人間らしくあれ!まさにお二人の対談をそう感じました。 ゴリラから見る本来の人間のあり方、それをスポーツで育む事ができる。私にはそう感じました。 私はバスケットのコーチをしています。知人から山極先生の本を紹介してもらい、山極先生のお話を聞くようになり、自分の足元を確認しながら進んでます。出会いに感謝
@hayrettintekingunduz801 Год назад
Hi admin thank you l m want buy glover for bee where can buy L adress
@村上理恵-i8e Год назад
@keno77777 Год назад
24:00 did he eat the bees.?!?!
@beeman1246 Год назад
No, brood is going back to the hive.
@keno77777 Год назад
@@beeman1246 nom nom nom..
@zerozero9541 Год назад
中小學校教科書 有談到過去日本人做過什麼行為 因該會很有趣
@zerozero9541 Год назад
百年前 日本人 與日本祖先 是 '軍國主義' 為什麼談論 ' 民主主義 ' 我個人是不理解, 而且 日本祖先 拿罪犯 測試日本刀 為什麼近代日本歷史課本沒有?
@لاياصديقي-ن1ن Год назад
❤ .😊
@mdavidkj Год назад
Half of the honey comes from china is fake honey. Don't eat chinese honey if your health is importan for you.
@abbasalerezayat7090 2 года назад
Hellow,honey aphid is a new food😊
@knowledgewisdom2898 2 года назад
There is knowledge and wisdom. no coercion no insult open to all, open your mind self reflectoin for yourself. I love you all😘 ⬇️ Indeed, We have blessed Ibrahim who lived before you with a healthy mind, We always know what he does (51), When Ibrahim said to his father: "What is the function of the idol that you all worship (52), Ibrahim's father said together with his people: "Since time immemorial our ancestors have worshiped idols and that is what we inherited from them." Ibrahim said: "Truly you and your ancestors have really gone astray (54), Ibrahim's father and his people said:" Are you bringing a new religion to us, Or are you insulting our religion (55), Ibrahim said: "Not so your God who is actually your God who created the heavens and the earth. God who created, I am a witness who bears witness to the patience of all this (56), For God's sake, I will cut down your statues because they will break after you leave this temple (57), Ibrahim also cut down the statues to use ax until destroyed (58), He left only the biggest statue so that his worshipers would be aware (58), The Ibrahim people said: "Woe to whoever destroys this statue of ours, Really that person is looking for trouble (59), Ibrahim tribe said: "We heard there was a young man named Ibrahim. He loves to reproach these idols(60),Ibrahim said: "O Ibrahim, are you the one who destroyed the statues of our god (62), Ibrahim said: "Not me. But the one who did that was the big statue(63), Try asking the statues, If indeed the statues can talk(63), Ibrahim's people also woke up, Then some of them said: "Truly you are people- people who do wrong (64), Ibrahim's people bowed their heads and mixed with shame and said: "O Ibrahim, you yourself know that the statue cannot speak (65), Ibrahim said: "Then why do you all worship, you worship other than Allah (66), Even though those gods cannot benefit you in the slightest nor can they harm you (66), O my people, stop worshiping gods other than Allah. Do you not want to think (67), Abraham's people said :"Burn this young man, because he has insulted your gods (68), Defend your gods, if you want to defend your religion (68), God said: "O fire, be cold, And do not endanger the safety of Ibrahim ( 69), Race Abraham then tried to trick Ibrahim (70), but we made the people of Ibrahim the most miserable people (70). We saved Ibrahim and Lot by moving to Baitul al-Maqdis, the land that we blessed for all mankind (71), We gave additional grace to Ibrahim, Ishaq and Jacob, each of them we made righteous people (72), We made each of them as leaders who give guidance to people with our permission, We command them to do righteous deeds, establish prayer and pay zakat, they all obey Allah (73), We give intelligence to luth, We save luth from the land of Sodom whose inhabitants like to commit homosexuality Truly, the people of Luth are a group of people whose morals are very corrupt (74), We bestow a lot of mercy on Luth from our side, Verily, Luth is among the group of righteous people (75), Remember the story of Noah, Who prayed before the doom befell his country. We granted his prayer, Noah and his followers we saved from a very terrible punishment (76), We saved Noah from the tyranny of his people who had denied our threat, Indeed Noah's people are a very bad group, because of that we drowned them all (77), Oh Muhammad, Remember the story of Dawood and Sulaiman when Dawood and Suleiman judged someone's garden, which was entered by other people's sheep. We witnessed the judgment of David and Sulaiman on that matter (78), We gifted intelligence to Sulaiman to solve the matter, Dawud and Sulaiman were each gifted with prophethood and intelligence, We subjugated the mountains and birds to Dawood so that it would be easy for him to use . It was a miracle for David that we gave it to him (79), We taught David how to make armor for you to use to protect yourself from enemy attacks, because that's why you don't want to obey God (80), We bowed down to Sulaiman strong winds to blow according to Sulaiman's wishes to the land that we bless, we always know everything that happens (81), We subjugate the devil for Sulaiman to become the energy of divers and do other work, We always watch over those demons who disobey Sulaiman (82) ), Remember the story of Job. When he prayed to his god: "O God, an illness has befallen me and you are a merciful God (83), We granted Ayub's prayer from the illness that befell him before he got sick, We blessed Ayyub with many children as a mercy from our side (84), And a lesson for those who obey Allah (84), Remember the story of Ismail, Idris and Zulkifli, each of them a group of patient people (85), We glorify them with the grace of prophethood. Indeed, they belong to those who obey Allah (86) , Remember the story of Dzun nun, Yunus. When Yunus left his disobedient people with anger, Yunus thought that we did not punish him for running away from preaching in the dark of the night, In the belly of the fish, Yunus prayed: "Indeed, there is no god who has the right to ask for protection except you . You are pure from the nature of tyranny, Indeed, I belong to the group of people who do injustice, because I have thought badly of you, O God (87), , , , ,Continue, , , ,(Keyword=Qs anbiya) 🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍🌍⬇️🌍🌍🌍 This is a story in the Qur'an, a supernatural story about the Day of Judgment when all humans will be resurrected.. Every living being will surely leave this world. When the world ends. we will be resurrected from the generation of Prophet Adam until the last generation is all gathered towards the people
@josealfredosalvatori8918 2 года назад
loñapse la ricudart rovaf rop, adan odneitne on.
@magunumUsagi 2 года назад
いま、アフリカでは大量にバッタが発生してほとんどの自然を食らいつくし、 作物もまともにたべられなくなっています いま、ブラジルの地球の肺といわれるアマゾンは、高値で売るために木々がどんどん違法に伐採されています。 これによりさらに地球の寿命がさらに縮まります。 川をよごしていると分かっていても、底砂をかきあげ砂金を採取しつづけています。これによりアマゾンの川は 前より汚れたと原住民の方々はいいます。 さらにその場で水銀をつかって金と砂をかき分けています。つまり水銀を川に流していることになります。もちろん 住民の方々に何もおこらないわけがない。 こんなことがあっても、ブラジルの大統領はアマゾンの土地を開発しようとしています。 日本の報道はこれを取材しにいっている。この事実をさらに多くの人に広めるべきです。歴史と事実は正しく 知られなくてはならない。日本の様々な概念が示すように、昔から人は自然と共に生きるのが重要です。 わたしたちができることを探しつづけましょう。我々が生きている限り、共同体であり見捨ててはならない。
@わっすぅ 2 года назад
@Beyonder1881 2 года назад
very interesting, thank you for making this available also for non Japanese audience. Warm regards from Kanagawa.
@暁卯月 2 года назад
@宮下富久雄 2 года назад
@annlight775 2 года назад
Oh how I loved this. Our family lived in Japan for 6 years and just seeing the little country villages makes my heart ache. I have 4 hives but now may need to find a great tree trunk to convert. I love leaving half of the honey and how things are returned so carefully. Thanks for sharing.
@みーみー-r5i 2 года назад
民主主義民主主義と皆は言うが世界は民主主義になっているのであろうか? 各国内での民主主義にはある程度至っているのだが 世界規模で考えると、貴族階級内での民主主義、奴隷階級内での民主主義、更に奴隷世界民主主義の1000票が貴族社会民主主義の1票に該当している歪な民主主義にしか見えない。 発展途上国の一市民が持っている投票による権利は米国に移住し市民権を得る事によって何倍にも膨れ上がる。 地球75億の投票で地球政治が決まるなら中印アフリカだけでほぼ決まってしまうだろう。 日本や米国に住んでいる我々は国の力が強い貴族階級の投票力を持っているが世界の人が等しく平等になった世界ではマイノリティー化し意見を封殺されることを認めなければ地球規模の民主主義は成り立たないと思う。 我々は民主主義を盾にした貴族階級世界に生きているのではないかと思う今日この頃。
@malcolmwatson9567 2 года назад
Thank you for the fascinating talk that you gave today to beekeepers in Scotland. It is great that your film includes local methods for making hives and tools, as well as beekeeping techniques.
@mnoadv1878 2 года назад
Is that Apis Cerana or melifera
@rikas8771 2 года назад
That is Apis cerana japonica. Japanese honeybee.
@Zoletatvofficial6828 2 года назад
Thank you for sharing this I'm new Friend From the Philippines ☺️
@denden232 2 года назад
Where can I order a set of beekeeping tools?
@Weshole5W 2 года назад
Mann Lake is a big supplier online. If you wish to buy some supplies cheaper there are some on Amazon
@blackmoa5539 3 года назад
温暖化論もあれば寒冷化論もあります。温暖化と決めつける世界的な流れが分かりません。 長い地球活動のスパンで考えたら多少の変動があって当たり前です。 そもそも環境問題の原因を作っていない一般人に環境問題を唱える前に環境破壊をしているアメリカ、中国、ロシアなどの政府や世界的な大企業に環境問題の大切さを説いて下さい。 じゃないと偽善でしかありませんよ。 一般人が洗脳されて環境税を搾取されたり害悪でしかない太陽光パネルのような様々なエコビジネスの為に環境問題を利用していると誤解されますよ。
@user-hu4rk2vm1t 3 года назад
科学雑誌サイエンスをご存知でしょうか?サイエンスに地球温暖化の原因は Co2ではなく、亜酸化窒素に原因があると公表しています。京都大学でも、 亜酸化窒素に関して、2010年11月26日に論文(レポート)を出しています。 今は何年でしょう??この国は国民に何も知らせることはありません。 この亜酸化窒素を発生させる元は、化学肥料、作っているのは巨大化学肥料 会社モンサント、更に、除草剤グリホ(ラウンドアップ等)の原液はベトナム 戦争で使われた枯葉剤。そして、日本と言う国は、輸入穀物のグリホの残留 濃度基準を緩和しようとしています。国民を殺したいのでしょうか。こんな国 信用するに値しますか。考えて見ましょう。
@beefriendlychannel7965 3 года назад
That's not a Ginsu knife. My entire life has been a lie.
@KleberebelK18 3 года назад
I just wonder: wouldn't this bee accept frames? It could be much easier harvesting.
@annlight775 2 года назад
Ha - Japanese are never about doing something because it is easy...
@beeman1246 Год назад
@@annlight775 sorry but it's 2023 and the norm requires humans to treat animals more humane. I have similar hives and thanks to a Polish beekeeper (Father Dzierzon) who was one of the first to use frames in hives. He showed people around the world that in order to take some honey from the hive, we don't have to destroy or abuse that bee colony.
@annlight775 Год назад
@@beeman1246 This response makes no sense... Westerners are far more destructive to colonies! You clearly did not watch the video. Also, the Poles were definitely not the first to use frames in hives. I lived in Egypt and my archeologist friend showed me how the ancient Egyptians rigged bars, sticks, lumber for bees to build on...
@keno77777 Год назад
@@beeman1246 why is it abuse?
@beeman1246 Год назад
@@keno77777 @22;52 Where are the bees in this hive? How much stress they got as a gift from a "good" beekeeper that they even left their children and ran away to a tree. People are already smart enough to measure the stress level of such a small bee. Meanwhile backward beekeepers cannot take honey from the hive without destroying it.
@松葉光-p7v 3 года назад
素手で蜂達を戻す様子は 優しい共存を感じます。 先人達の手塩に掛けて 自然と接する姿は 大切な生き方だと改めて思いました。 見習う事が多いです!        感謝✨🌏🍀
@吹上光之 3 года назад
@吹上光之 3 года назад
@BuddyismyBaby 3 года назад
does anyone know what those guys are shouting in the background at 14 minutes? real curious
@harrypotty5643 3 года назад
love how solid there hives are keep them warm in winter
@harrypotty5643 3 года назад
@Riseagainst Theleft they don't like big heat changes so would keep cool also
@ciganyweaverandherperiwink6293 3 года назад
I don't think the average person realises that when they buy honey in UK supermarkets it's not pure honey at all. The more people look into it, the more horrified, disappointed and angry they're going to be. Not only is the majority of honey mixed with other 'honeys' and syrups in or from China etc, but the health benefits people believe they are going to get are just not there. What a gross, swindle it all is. Buying truly pure honey is worth every single penny. A fantastic souvenir to bring back from Japan. Thank you for this video. :)
@lewgreaves6479 3 года назад
Thank you for this - I might have a go at it myself. When do the beekeepers harvest the honey? I'm guessing it is quite early, to give the bees time to make new honey stores for the winter.
@ramonjack6784 3 года назад
I guess Im asking randomly but does anybody know a way to log back into an instagram account? I was stupid forgot the account password. I would appreciate any tips you can offer me!
@ramonjack6784 3 года назад
@Tanner Kristopher thanks so much for your reply. I got to the site on google and im in the hacking process atm. I see it takes a while so I will reply here later with my results.
@ramonjack6784 3 года назад
@Tanner Kristopher It did the trick and I actually got access to my account again. I'm so happy! Thanks so much, you saved my ass !
@tannerkristopher3063 3 года назад
@Ramon Jack Glad I could help :D
@systemsgfk7062 3 года назад
あと能の研究が表現の再認識に繋がります。 伝統芸能も結構いいですよ。
@systemsgfk7062 3 года назад
これからは身心脱落や「利休の茶室」のような場の研究はどうでしょうか? 要は、無意識を意識する。無知を知る。などです。そして人は言葉ではなく詩で動きます。
@akirauda 3 года назад
クライメイト・ゲート事件とスベンスマルク雲の神秘を検索してください。 長い動画ですが、カーボンニュートラル対策が的外れな事だと理解できます。 日本語訳もついてますので解りやすいです。 日本国民には是非知って頂きたい内容です。 やっている事が逆である可能性があります。 環境問題が人間の仕業であるような言われ方に惑わされないようにしたいものです。
@吉川勲-m2l 3 года назад
@ChinoMakalao 3 года назад
That looks bomb . I’d like to take a bite out of that honey comb lol
@今野直哉-r9y 3 года назад