Abundant Grace Community Church AGCC Gainesville
Abundant Grace Community Church AGCC Gainesville
Abundant Grace Community Church AGCC Gainesville
Livestream church services from Abundant Grace Community Church in Gainesville, FL!
AGCC Gainesville, FL
The God of ALL Comfort-Sermon Only
День назад
Guarding the Gospel-Week 4-Sermon Only
21 день назад
Guarding The Gospel-Week 3
Месяц назад
Guarding the Gospel-Week 2
Месяц назад
Guarding the Gospel-Week 1
Месяц назад
Marriage Today-Week 2-Biblical Marriage
3 месяца назад
Marriage Today-Week 1-Marriage as Oneness
3 месяца назад
Parables Of Jesus-Sermon Only-Week 2
5 месяцев назад
Parables Of Jesus-Sermon Only-Week 1
5 месяцев назад
The Last Things-Week 4-Sermon Only-Heaven
5 месяцев назад
The Last Things-Week 3-Sermon Only-Hell
6 месяцев назад
The Last Things-Week 2-Sermon Only-Judgment
6 месяцев назад
The Last Things-Week 1-Sermon Only
6 месяцев назад
Resurrection Sunday Message Only
6 месяцев назад
Nehemiah: Rise and Build- Week 8-Sermon Only
7 месяцев назад
@Intercede4theNation 3 дня назад
Thank you.. Abba Father Thank You LORD
@aaronlturner 15 дней назад
Good truth my brother, I hope you are doing well!
@TheoMulder-x2u Месяц назад
@NambusiImmaculate 2 месяца назад
Amen amen 🙏🙏🙏
@liveabundantgrace Месяц назад
@josephdevanand-official4353 6 месяцев назад
Praise the Lord sir
@liveabundantgrace Месяц назад
@josephdevanand-official4353 7 месяцев назад
Praise the Lord sir
@liveabundantgrace Месяц назад
@carmenlove78 7 месяцев назад
@liveabundantgrace Месяц назад
@carmenlove78 7 месяцев назад
@carmenlove78 7 месяцев назад
@SolidRock92 7 месяцев назад
Thank you for the good word. Social media has become a place where people (even Christian people) can and do hide behind screen and spew out all sorts of hateful things. We will give an account to God for every word we speak. Matthew 12:36-37 "I tell you that on the day of judgment people will have to account for every careless word they speak. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”
@josephdevanand-official4353 7 месяцев назад
Praise the Lord
@LewWhite10 7 месяцев назад
MISDIRECTION IS HOW THE TRICK WORKS Yahusha told us He came in His Father's Name, but they would not receive Him; another (name) they would receive (Yahukanon / John 5:43). The original name (of a person place or thing) is identified by its characteristic sound, as Paul explained at 1 Korinthians 14:7-9. Names are enunciated perfectly to sound exactly the same, no matter what language the speaker happens to be. Paul gave the example of a flute or harp playing the notes of song; if played incorrectly, it is unrecognizable. When people are told the speaker's language influences the way a name is heard, they are being subjected to the Jesuit tactic of equivocation. Special "cases" are used to explain things, and that is the Jesuit method called casuistry. I was taught by the Jesuits, and they are very deceptive and highly cunning teachers of error. Yahusha brings us His Spirit of Truth to overcome the spirit of error. #yahusha
@josephdevanand-official4353 7 месяцев назад
Very nice message sir really blessed by your message, iam from India 🙏
@LewWhite10 8 месяцев назад
Yahusha - the one Name given under heaven by which we must be delivered. He is Yahuah in bodily form. #yahusha
@wesleychapman4766 9 месяцев назад
P R O M O S M 😀
@dominiqueubersfeld2282 10 месяцев назад
Names of Trump - Moron
@LoneStarRocker 11 месяцев назад
Be in the world but not of the world
@MrsSandollarLady 11 месяцев назад
Pastor, YOU ARE SO KNOW EDIBLE, CORRECT IN EVERT WAY, I SEND YOU MY ENERGY OF LOVE AND LIGHT TO HOLD BUT ESPECIALLY MY LOVE THAT COMES FROM OUR MOST HIGEST BEING THAT IS OUR FATHER that created us...ADONAI!~ Our Master, "JESHUS SAYS, "Have NO FEAR AS I APPROACH your beautiful planet , EARTH!!!!!!! We are Pure Love &Light You Have To Believe What ee send to Earth & NO FEAR‼️-0-Tolerance4US BELIEVE me I Left everything including property,my car, clothes and I AM FREE from fear,jealousy, anger, unusual secual drives 🎉for you and not the ALL which has healing in it'swings of ❤ always.
@Saved.by.Jesus. 11 месяцев назад
Did God create Social Media? Is a big distraction and God separated me from social medial like Facebook and IG. Too Much worldly things on social media.
@thingamejignobodyknows4346 Год назад
What does Addonai mean? What does Na mean? What does Yahweh mean? No reference
@S.R.M. Год назад
Our Heavenly Father gave all things to the Son, and the Son of God is the creator. "For by Him (The Son of God) all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist" (Colossians 1:16-17).
@Youhanna33.33 22 дня назад
@S.R.M. Год назад
Elohim identifies God, as "God of gods and Lord of lords" (Deuteronomy 10:17), therefore the definition of Elohim is "The God of gods." For God declares "I said, 'You are gods [Hebrew "Elohim"], and all of you are sons of the Most High" (Psalm 82:6). Does the plural of Elohim (Gods) equate to the Trinity? Absolutely NOT! EL means God singular in Hebrew. The Trinity is "The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Ghost is God, and yet not three Gods (Elohim), One God (Eloah, or EL). It has to mean a singular like EL or Eloah, but it cannot be a plural like Gods/Elohim. In this video, the preacher is far from the truth.
@S.R.M. Год назад
Jehovah, or Yehovah, is a name never revealed from God. We know this due to the fact that Jews added vowels from words like Adonai, Eloah, and Elohim onto the consonantal name of God, YHWH (in Hebrew Yod-Hey-Waw-Hey). This was done to prevent the readers in the synagogues from saying God’s actual name, as the Hebrew words in the Hebrew Scriptures did not have vowels, so when the reader came upon the name of God, and saw the vowels added, he knew to say, “Adonai,” instead of inadvertently trying to pronounce the Name (HaShem). From Eloah, the vowels of e-o-a caused the concoction of YeHoWaH, or Yehovah. This became the Latin Iehovah, and with the letter “J” added to the English alphabet by the 17th century this euphonious name was changed to Jehovah. Jehovah, or Yehovah, has a sinister meaning, as Je-hovah, specifically “hovah”, means ruin, mischief, and calamity (see Strong’s Dictionary of Bible Words # 1943/#1962). There is a Karaite Jew, who relies on Medieval sources to propagate the false name Yehovah. And yet the Jews have been adding vowels to the Tetragrammaton, the four letters of God’s name [YHWH] since, or before, the 11th century, and throughout the Medieval period. This practice of the Jews adding vowels to the Tetragrammaton [fancy name for “the four consonant letters” of God’s actual name], to prevent the Gentiles from knowing the name has caused yet another variation, the vowels of Elohim. This led to e-o-i added to the Tetragrammaton to make YeHoWiH or Jehovih (see Strong’s Dictionary of Bible Words # 3069). Many religious leaders of the church, pastors, teachers, and priests know that Jehovah, or Yehovah, are false names, and yet they will stand by their traditions, and YAHSHUA warned us about them: “He answered and said to them, ‘Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men…’ He said to them, ‘All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition’” (Mark 7:6-9). The vowel point under the Hebrew letter Yod, with the vowel called qamets (a for T) is correct by revelation, but not the vowel sheva (e for :). That is YAH not Yeh. The command to Joseph, was, “...you shall call His name YAHSHUA…” (Matthew 1:21), a commandment of God! “Jesus”, is a name never revealed by God. This name came into being through a process of linguistic evolution. Man took it upon themselves to transliterate the common Aramaic name Yeshua to the Greek Iesous. Iesous conformed to the Latin to become Iesus, and this was up to the year 1632 CE. The unrevealed common English name for Christ. After the year 1632, the name of our Lord changed yet again to Jesus. Why does it matter? Because the apostle Peter testified to the Sanhedrin that: “Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Recap: There are four consonant letters in God’s actual name YHWH, as pronounced in Hebrew Yod, Hey, Waw, Hey. Where do the names Yahweh, Yehovah, Jehovah, or Jehovil come from? The Jews added vowels from other words exclusively from these Hebrew words “Adonai, Eloah, and Elohim,” to remind the readers in the synagogues not to say the name of God but to say, “Adonai,” instead. Yahweh comes from Adonai causing YaHoWaiH. Jehovah comes from Eloah causing JaHoVaH. Jehovih comes from Elohim causing JeHoViH. God's name is not Jehovah.
@S.R.M. Год назад
Does a Christian need to believe in the Trinity to be saved? And if so, why did our Savior, nor the disciples, ever teach the doctrine of the Trinity? Why would Christians give credence to a council of men coming together to argue who God is (The Council of Nicaea in 325 CE), and thereby seek to define God? Can mankind define God? No, God reveals Himself to mankind. 1 John 5:7-8, The Johannine Comma is an interpolation according to Christian scholars (words added) to the Bible by over-zealous Trinitarians, who wanted some testimony to the Trinity, due to the fact that in the Bible there is none. Matthew 28:19 has come under suspicion, a commandment allegedly given by Christ to the disciples, but the disciples only baptized in the Savior’s name only, as demonstrated in the Book of Acts. The early church historian Eusebius, wrote (published circa 316 CE) in his book, Matthew 28:19, that Christ actually said, "Go and make disciples of all the nations in my name" (Eusebius, The History of the Church, p. 68, PENGU1N CLASSICS, 1965). The Trinity has only really existed since the 4th century. Historian H.G. Wells factually stated, "There is no evidence that the apostles of Jesus ever heard of the Trinity-at any rate from Him" (The Outline of History, Vol. 2, p. 499). Martin Luther is quoted in a sermon saying, "It is indeed true that the name 'Trinity' is nowhere to be found in the Holy Scriptures, but has been conceived and invented by man" (The Sermons of Martin Luther, Vol. 3, p. 406, 1988). It is time that the false Trinity Doctrine cease to exist in Christianity! Catholics and Protestants agree that “Whoever will be saved: before all things, it is necessary to keep the Catholic faith… unless he keeps this faith whole, he will perish everlastingly...And the Catholic faith is this: we worship one God in Trinity” (Catholicism, p. 69, 1961). Protestant professor of Theology James White, states, “The Trinity doctrine is misunderstood as well as ignored. It is so misunderstood that a majority of Christians when asked, give incorrect and at times downright heretical definitions of the Trinity” (James White, The Forgotten Trinity, p. 16). According to James White, around 75% of Christians, who think themselves to be Trinitarians, are actually Modalists. Modalism: One God who at different times represents Himself in three different modes of being: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. If belief in the Trinity doctrine is so critical to our salvation, then why did Christ and the disciples not preach the Trinity, which historically developed over 300 years after Christ? To say that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, when Christ never stipulated the doctrine as a prerequisite for salvation is the grossest form of legalism! The man-made Trinity Doctrine is so ingrained into the imagination of Christians for salvation when Christ and the apostles never ever taught it, that many will actually stand condemned for believing in the Trinity according to the Tradition of men, and not of God. Christ warned us about teaching doctrines without one thus says the LORD! And He...said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written: ‘This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’ For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men…” He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition” (Mark 7:6-9). Christians do not need to believe in the Trinity in order to receive salvation and eternal life in the Kingdom of God! If Christians needed to believe in the Trinity in order to be saved, then it would be taught in the New Testament by our Lord and Savior, and it, the Trinity, was not taught in the New Testament. The Trinity is a useless Doctrine based solely on the misunderstanding of men. It is time for Christians to free themselves from the doctrines of men. The Son of God declared: “Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM” (John 8:58). YAH is the meaning of I AM. By this statement, Christ told the Jews that He is their God, the very God of Israel. Not to take this statement as true in that He, the Son of God, is lesser than His Father and God is tantamount to calling Him a liar. Based on everything presented here, the statement by churches that one must believe in the Trinity in order to be saved is the highest form of legalism.
@victoriacampbell7651 9 месяцев назад
Jesus received worship; therefore, he is either receiving the worship the father deserves or he is part of the deity.
@S.R.M. 8 месяцев назад
@@victoriacampbell7651YAHSHUA is the Son of God, and His God and Father gave Him all things. Your supposition is in error because we are to worship our Rock and Savior. Christ is our God, He is our only Rock (see Isaiah 44:6-8 and compare 1 Corinthians 10:1-4). YAHSHUA is our God until all things are fulfilled, and then Christ YAHSHUA will turn all things back over to His God and Father once sin and death are no more (1 Corinthians 15:20-28).
@S.R.M. 5 месяцев назад
@@victoriacampbell7651 The title God means all power, all dominion, all glory, all majesty. The Father gave all things to the Son, therefore, Christ is our only God until all things are fulfilled (1 Corinthians 15:20-28).
@RicardoRivas-ee5yk Год назад
Adonai unstoppable unseen speed of begaining on all he created he knewest ieye would never betray My God Adonai Adonai Adonai rules to the babe youme and Adonai frstly adonaieye are youme must get married
@MrsSandollarLady 11 месяцев назад
❤ Can you explain what you typed? I AM beautiful, claiming to be GODDESS of __?_____________ I will find out soon and so will you. We are AllONE and give to One Another That's You‼️
@MrsSandollarLady 11 месяцев назад
A Grand Teacher for the Last Days
@RicardoRivas-ee5yk Год назад
Adonieye Majesty of King of kings ever known to have ruled and died off from the flesh Adonai Adonai Adonai Adonai
@mikeanderson4854 Год назад
Yahweh His name is beautiful ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-JOKnqWq-EFc.htmlsi=cziSSsErfNccQ2Yz
@devinligtelyn404 Год назад
What the bible says about social media? Your answer does not align with the question. Harsh speech happens in person as well as in print, on TV, radio. I would say, spending inordinate amounts of time on social media is a waste of time, that is how I would answer that question.
@CoolyMazda Год назад
Saton 😂 is. L. at them😂
@CoolyMazda Год назад
Satiate 😂 he laughed 😂 that😂 themselves 😂
@CoolyMazda Год назад
Satin😂 love s it😂
@CoolyMazda Год назад
Yes they😂 hurt😂 god and. Shame the diversity 😂
@CoolyMazda Год назад
Yes hurt😂 god😂
@CoolyMazda Год назад
Y😂 no
@CoolyMazda Год назад
Big😂 months 😂
@CoolyMazda Год назад
Good😂 go 😂 out😂 side😂
@CoolyMazda Год назад
@johnsmith-o2d Год назад
i deleted my facebook because people dont need it when they already have the bible...also i dont need pictures of myself anymore that is narcissism. almost everyone has a bible but some people still choose to reject God because they dont like the bible, i stopped lifting weights so i could use the time to pray the rosary so my body isnt even that hot.
@MA-xi9bh Год назад
Great message!
@isaiahv963 Год назад
Great message
@jamespastorkoroma Год назад
@gregonwum8813 Год назад
We knows His Name. The name of the true God Given in exodus 3:15 Yahweh..(YHWH) is pronounced as ..( Ya Iho wu ihe) meaning (God the Divine light that enlightens) any other translations means nothing.. the word (Torah).. (t r h) is pronounced as ..(atu Orie oha) meaning... (The instructions of God to the people).. any other translations does not mean anything. The word Jakob.. is pronounced as ..(Ya a kaa ebe) it was written..Ykb.. meaning (God bears witness.) The name Jesus was taken from Yasus and Yesus was derived from the consonants ( Yss )... is (Ya si osa)... meaning God from the masses. any other translation doesn't mean anything. And the word (yeshua) was derived from letters ( Yshw).. is pronounced (Ya shi uwa) which means... God from the world...referring to Jesus.
@deedeesullivan8884 Год назад
The background music is too loud. I can't hear.
@annhendricks Год назад
Hallelujah to Jehovah Shammah, God Emmanuel, Jesus my King. South Africa, Nigel, Alra Park❤
@AMTattersall Год назад
There is a name given to God that is a counterfeit. Even the elect are being deceived. God’s True Name YeHoVaH (English translation Jehovah) is 7 letters long. 7 is the Divine number of God. YeHoVaH has 3 vowels - number of the persons of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It has the “a” ALPHA It has the “o” OMEGA It has the “e” Eternal, Existing etc Using a=1, b=2, etc: the vowels e+o+a = 5+15+1=21 which calculates to 3x7 or 7+7+7 YHVH = 25+8+22+8 which calculates to 63. 63=21x3 = (7+7+7)x3 = 7+7+7 + 7+7+7 + 7+7+7 Adding the numbers of the letters of YeHoVaH equals 84 84 = 7x12 or 7x3x4 or 7+7+7 + 7+7+7 + 7+7+7 + 7+7+7 Yahweh was used to replace God’s name Jehovah in most modern Bibles from 1966 (rotate the 9 by 180 degrees for 666). Modern Bibles having been replacing YeHoVaH with Yahweh since then. To create Yahweh from YHVH (Yod Heh Vav Heh) they had to make 3 changes based on the number 6 1. Change the Name of God to 6 letters long. 2. Change the 6th Hebrew letter “v” (Vav) to “w” 3. Add/change the vowels to “a” and “e”. a=1, e=5. a+e=6 6 6 6 In addition to those calculations of the number of his name, let’s check further. YAH is a short form of God’s Name (hallelujah means “praise YAH”) so let’s check out the numbers behind “weh” that they added to YAH. w=23, e=5, h=8. 23+5+8=36 =6x6=6+6+6 + 6+6+6 Again adding using the change of the 6th Hebrew letter “v” to a “w” gives us another 666 for “weh”. Adding the numbers of the letters of Yahweh equals 70 which equals 7x10 (7 heads x 10 horns Rev. 13 - the beast with a blasphemous name) 70 is NOT divisible by 21 (7+7+7). YHWH = 64 which is NOT divisible by 21. Using 6, the number of man, as the key (a=6, b=12 etc) “YHWH Beast” calculates to 666! (Rev 13:18) Those that worship Yahweh are receiving spirits of BAAL plus spirits like Beelzebub, Astarte, Asherah, Ashtoreth, and Jezebel. Most of these spirits leave when people repent from worshiping Yahweh. Can you guess which synagogue gave us this Yahweh name? (Rev 3:9) This pattern of forgetting God’s Name YeHoVaH for another god is revealed in Jeremiah 23:27 (NKJV) “who try to make My people forget My name by their dreams which everyone tells his neighbor, as their fathers forgot My name for Baal. For more information click on the following link supernaturalministriesinternational.com.au/the-gate-of-baal
@jaietor5101 Год назад
@davidking3089 Год назад
@raffyausberg Год назад
Hollowed be thy name - what is the name of the Father then?
@raffyausberg Год назад
Praise to Yahuah the Father & His Son Yahusha!
@solomeameria-gg1br Год назад