Most ardently..
@Cassidy-br7zu 2 месяца назад
It's so sad how Scott flinched back when Stiles went forward with the wrench. I felt so bad for Stiles. His best friend believed someone he met for 5 minutes, then his best friend😢
@Bright4life 2 месяца назад
What episode was this.
@maxyoder9906 3 месяца назад
A lot of people are questioning the writing of this scene. They are sayong that Stiles should have just explained and it was just a technique to build drama. I don't think thats true. When people argue during times of high emotions, logic takes a back seat. Yes, calm explanations would have been beter on both sides but that is really hard to hang on to. Stiles was feeling angry, tramatised and betrayed. Staying calm and rational is always better but he was being called a murder by his best friend. I feel the writers capured a really realistic reaction to this kind of situation.
@rock_talk4004 3 месяца назад
"Some of us are human" WHO SAID THAT
@lucysshorts2259 4 месяца назад
The say you believe me at 1:35 scott looks terrified. I love the fact that he is an alpha and he's scared of a human with a wrench it's kind of ironic to pale and sickly as he's described as in the earlier seasons by Peter
@NerdFamVlogs 4 месяца назад
Tbf, Scott still hasn't processed the trauma from when Stiles was possessed by Void and then stabby stabbed. Considering they are once again at the vet clinic, in the rain, and Stiles is holding what Scott assumes is a murder weapon, Scott was probably having some major flashbacks right there.
@connordoden587 5 месяцев назад
At least stiles isn’t a little pussy. God I really think he would be a better werewolf than Scott
@DontReferToMe24 10 месяцев назад
“When it’s not self defense anymore-“ bro thinks he picked him up and skewered him on that pipe (or beam? Idk) or whatever??? He obviously fell during the fight from a high place what does he honestly think went down? Crazy jump to a crazy conclusion fr
@deliacozo8542 10 месяцев назад
I see everyone forget the fact Theo told Scott a different story. Still dont get why would he trust him over his bff but that is a different story
@katienewell3758 11 месяцев назад
Scott and Stiles are both at fault here. Both of them were communicating poorly. In Scott’s mind, Stiles was doubling-down on the way he brutally murdered Donovan and trying to justify it. In Stiles’ mind, Scott isn’t understanding that it was an accident and he had no choice. Neither of them were elaborating on their respective perspectives and asking the right questions to get to the truth. I agree with the majority in thinking that it’s ridiculous Scott believed Theo. At the same time, Scott was going through a lot of mental struggles (which he isn’t used to) and being severely manipulated by Theo. I don’t think one is at fault more than the other but instead, it was 50/50. At the end of the day, it was all Theo’s fault.
@deliacozo8542 10 месяцев назад
Yes. Plus people like to say why can he forgive everyone but not Stiles? Because he never expect that from Stiles, he tought Stiles was better and when he find out he felt betrayed. Most people do that I hate how people only watch a show but dont see the characters being very human
@katienewell3758 10 месяцев назад
⁠@@deliacozo8542absolutely. when it comes to scott, fans as well as characters in the show itself seem to forget that he’s also HUMAN. with the information scott had (wrong or not) his emotions and feelings are for lack of a better word, normal. they’re human emotions. he’s just such a selfless character that people within the show and fans forget that he too has feelings. HUMAN feelings.
@deliacozo8542 10 месяцев назад
@@katienewell3758 Yes. Idk* mean did anyone said something when Stiles acussed Scott at the hospital? People just dont like people who want to see the good side
@dewirya6684 8 месяцев назад
If Peter were here, he would manipulate three of them including Theo and trying to get Scott's Alpha power by killing him, and after that he will bite Stiles
@deliacozo8542 8 месяцев назад
@@dewirya6684 No, Stiles and Scott dont belive him anymore
@PredatorH2O Год назад
This is a classic case of miscomunication which I agree is frustrating but people gotta stop putting it on Scott. He wanted an explanation.
@stxmoras4465 Год назад
Scott and Stiles was seriously one of the best friendships in ANY high school TV show. This scene adds so much depth to their characters and their friendship. They were the best part of season 5.
@LivsWings_ Год назад
The writers were so evil for whipping up this shit
@LeiiAngels Год назад
No Scott was freaking stupid for believing someone he hasn’t seen in years iver stiles character thst he knows Scott led his whole pack down the drain that whole season and that’s why his ass got killed by Theo cause he was being a freaking dumb follower instead of actually leading them like he used to do he didn’t even give af that stiles car got flipped over with him in it , Scott was a fawking pancake this season and I wish Derek would’ve told him he was being dumb
@Queenofwands1978 Год назад
Man Dylan O'Brien 's back must have hurt from carrying this series
@Pauline_1d Год назад
Bro you can see the pain in stiles eyes when Scott says You Had To Kill Him?!💔😭
@MustacheKat16 Год назад
The dramatic irony in this scene kills me
@backspace8637 Год назад
scott: you can't kill people stiles: i killed neighbour's dog
@Sunny-in4tx 3 месяца назад
Don’t do my boy stiles like that 😂
@jaachiaaron2929 Год назад
This is the moment where Scott And Stiles had an argument about Donovan's death as long as I can remember. 😈
@usmzn Год назад
This was the scene that put me off Scott’s character. Stiles was arguably the best friend a guy could have, whereas Scott didn’t even support him? He didn’t murder Donovan, he saved himself from a crazed wendigo. Scott’s initial reaction to be like “omg but you killed him” was just him showing how much of a shitty friend he was.
@deliacozo8542 10 месяцев назад
And he hear a different story
@usmzn 10 месяцев назад
@@deliacozo8542 Just an idiot
@markl7174 Год назад
THIS ,,,,THIS is what the Teenwolf movie was missing - sigh
@thomasseymour4983 Год назад
I know that there's a lot leading up to this scene, but I still like it because it kind of shows naïve nature of Scott vs stiles being, at least, a little more ruthless/cold blooded than him imo.
@AlbertoGarcia-wd7sc Год назад
This was forced in order to make them break. Otherwise is downright stupid
@Mario_1611 Год назад
Scott's negative IQ really showed this season.
طكوووكك عمييي
@JanDoe4234 Год назад
اللهم لا تجعلنا مشهورين بالارض ومجهولين بالسماء 😎
@amna.m_h Год назад
هلاو حوراء😂
@JanDoe4234 Год назад
ها امنة الخاينة 😂😂😂
@boxofgoldfish Год назад
Honestly, this scene made me so angry, because Scott never knew the full story and believed Theo, someone who was totally bad news from the start. Yes, Stiles wanted to keep his dad from being killed, but Donovan also attacked him. He wasn't trying to kill him, it just happened that way. But Scott is kinda being a terrible friend, plus Stiles sees them as brothers, Scott should know that Stiles would never purposefully kill someone.
@kediman6827 Год назад
what eposide is this clip
@JanDoe4234 Год назад
S5 ep9
@nemi_mash2623 Год назад
These are the best lines after "I am thousand years old you can't kill me"🔥❤️
@Legend22Roleplays Год назад
L Mans Scott
@Alphaterrahatake Год назад
This is the reason I hate Scott McCall now I think he's a Bad TrueAlpha he believed theo over his own best friend that's sad I rather Derek or Peter or stiles or Liam to be the TrueAlpha not Scott or theo
@graciehadlich Год назад
Scott should’ve believed stiles at this moment in time. I get it’s hard looking at what Scott thought were the facts. But they’re brothers. Scott should’ve believed him and helped him figure out what to do next and been there for him
@Kidd_diciple 2 года назад
Scott is like amber from invincible I bet if was Allison he would have forgave her instantly like when Peter told Scott he was only killing people who was responsible for the hale fire and he was going to go after the argents Scott said they probably where bad
@Funkyfressh69 2 года назад
Sorry, but I just really like when stiles uses his big boy voice
@harrisonsmith6812 2 года назад
Dylan’s acting chiefs kiss
@rakitaki 2 года назад
Why is Stiles acting like it wasnt an accident? He meant to make him fall, not die...right?
@TheTishy44 2 года назад
See, this is what I hated about how they wrote the scott character…he never was a alpha, always left stiles hanging…forgave everyone, but stiles. It made me hope, for stiles to become a wolf and some how become alpha. I don’t know if I’ll watch the movie, especially if Dylan O’Brien isn’t in it, but Ian Bohen and Tyler Hoechlien (sp?) are…so I probably will.
@deliacozo8542 10 месяцев назад
I am amused how people cant figure out why. Scott might be live in a pink world but he expect from others that but not Stiles
@MariAnimates 2 года назад
Nah Donovan was gonna kill his dad AND him. Scott's an ass for this and Stiles was totally correct to be upset
@shogun8159 2 года назад
This whole thing was dumb. They made it sound like stiles purposely killed him when he fell off a ladder trying to kill Stiles.
@deliacozo8542 10 месяцев назад
Because that is what Theo told Scott
@blackamethyst0459 2 года назад
Scott didn’t deserve Stiles. SMH. He just ignored him all the time. Just like when he told scott he didn’t trust Theo. And Scott ignored him. Then when Scott got betrayed by Theo he was crawling back to stiles. Like 🧍🏾‍♀️
@lilbrat10451 2 года назад
Scott should have NEVER believed what Theo said over Hearing Stiles Story. He's knows Stiles literally been there since day 1 protecting and defending everyone. Saving probably more lives than Scott himself. He had no right to believe Theo in the first place. And that's why i'm so angry with this scene. They are brothers, after everything Stiles did for him, he owed him to at least ask stiles calmly what happened. I know it was the writers who made this scene and honestly, it sucked that they even made it like thi s because no! Stiles has an unmeasurable loyalty to Scott, like wtf.
@Verq... 2 года назад
I hate that scott is all about saving and helping. Sometimes u have no option but to kill.
@85exus 2 года назад
scott went too far in this scene
@magnadelusor4249 2 года назад
I think people forget Scott has forgiven anyone literally everyone for everything that’s his character. He wants to be there for everyone and save everyone and doesn’t think logically.
@k.t.aidara3989 2 года назад
Hands down the best scene in the entire series
@hodanakhleh4365 2 года назад
What season and episode is this??
@JanDoe4234 2 года назад
S5 Ep9
@jermellsmith5813 2 года назад
Scott is to much of a do gooder! They made him weak af!
@KHWendy28 2 года назад
This is a hard ep to watch and heartbreaking I don't hate Scott, but I am disappointed in him for not believing Stiles his best friend and just ask some more questions and just hear Stiles side of the story. Stiles is human and was fighting for his life and was scared as hell to talk about it to Scott because he knows Scott's feeling about not killing and everything is black and white with Scott so stiles was scared and worried about it. If they could have talked more and Theo did not fuck it up like the ass hat he is then well I do not know? it could have ended differently.
@AaronNickolas7 2 года назад
I seriously hated Scott's self righteous attitude in this scene. His best friend was hurting and all Scott could do was reprimand him for being HUMAN and needing to defend himself.
@haydenscholze7452 2 года назад
Same. Honestly I just hated Scott’s character entirely. In the begin I could understand, he was a human not long ago, only just turned 16, and he couldn’t accept being a werewolf. However this got old quickly. The biggest probably I have with Scott is a few things. One, he is a massive hypocrite. He says he hates being a werewolf yet the first chance he got, he used his powers to get the life he wants.(girl, sport champ, popularity) Then he whines about how sad and unfair it is to be a werewolf, because all his new gifts come with a few downsides. Then their is his whole martyr complex. Now don’t get me wrong I respect people that try to do the justice and right thing. But I hate behaviour based on idealistic and naive ideas and thinking. Scott was so frustrating, because he knew he was a supernatural, thus part of the supernatural world. A world that doesn’t operate or care for normal human laws or justice. Yet when it comes down to it he refuses to make the hard decisions that will keep himself and everyone he loves safe. Such as killing Deucalion or Jennifer. Also it not like he doesn’t understand why sometimes it better to just kill someone. I mean half if not more of his friends where all killers. So many issues could have been prevented if he just was willing to make the hard decisions. Take for example the hunters that came for him and his friends during the dead-pools and hunters Arcs. The people trying to kill them and all supernatural, we’re terrible people, literal assassins. Yet he refuses to kill any of them even though it would be for the better of all supernatural people. Finally is the fact that Scott became their leader. I’m mean what the actual fuck. Scott has zero leadership qualities. He’s naive, idealistic, emotional, lacking foresight and strategic intelligence. And most importantly he is not will to make the hard decisions for those he leads. He would rather his friends or family die, then get his hands dirty. That’s why I hated Scott, the only reason people joined him was for 3 reasons. Most obviously he is the MC. Secondly I’ll admit, he is good at befriending people, he got charisma. Thirdly most people that joined him were desperate and didn’t really have any other options, as he was the only alpha available.(Isaac, twins, Peter, malia, Liam, even Theo) Thus to conclude I despise his annoying, obnoxious, immature and naive personality. After season 6 I can say with confidence, that if we being realistic his pack and him won’t last long under his leadership against armies of human hunters wanting to kill them all. If you read this well thanks I guess, just need to rant about this frustrating character.
@mehnotreallymyname3888 2 года назад
Right, like I don't have supernatural healing, if i get shot i die. I can't tske the risk you do especially against a psycho.
@vincently6078 2 года назад
What episode was this? Looks intense
@daynighttheoceanthesea2368 2 года назад
Teen Wolf Season 5 Episode 9: Lies of Omission.
@Kim-ng4ti 2 года назад
I actually think that it's realistic that Stiles didn't explain what happened, clearing the misunderstanding. Because if your best friend accuses you or believes some guy more than he believes in you, then it's realistic to get defensive and defiant. He didn't want to beg for Scott's trust by telling him that he didn't intend to kill him and just wanted to stop him. He thought that Scott still should've believed in him even without him explaining it. So I wouldn't say it's bad writing.
@analise17 2 года назад
That, and Scott comes accusing him from the get-go instead of asking for his side of the story. By this point in the season, Scott's lost almost all control to Theo but he can't see the manipulations going on. Instead, Scott chooses to take Stiles' actions (as heard through Theo) as an attack against himself and his morals because he feels the need to assert control on his broken-down pack. Basically, Scott makes the problem about himself, not Stiles -- and because of that he can't see how broken Stiles is, how hurt and traumatized he's become. Stiles is so messed up between guilt and terror-- not just for himself but mostly for his dad-- that he can't mentally or emotionally accept the very vivid reality that Donovan came closesr than anyone before to killing him and then his father. Donovan assaulted him, terrorized him, played with him like prey and all the time threatened the one person he loves most. So Stiles prefers to focus on the 'why' of his actions-- because the circumstances are too horrific for him to face.
@maxyoder9906 3 месяца назад
Stiles anger is even more understandable when you consider the fact that he has been trying to tell everyone that theo isn't trustworthy. The fact he is beliving him in such a serius situation is a punch in the gut.