My Lai Massacre - Part One of Two
15 лет назад
@christopherrankin4769 2 года назад
I feel sorry for this vet. You can tell he's really messed up as a result of what he did there. Bless our troops! War has to be pure hell!
@awparboyz1899 2 года назад
are you for real? he's a terrorist. it's a terroirist
@komradepistoff6584 2 года назад
There's no argument that prosecutions for My Lai should have gone higher. For one thing, Medina should have been sentenced harshly for the way he incited this rampage. But that does NOT nullify the fact that accountability extends to ALL levels. If you witness a fellow soldier raping and butchering a young girl or shooting unarmed civilians, infants amongst them, your duty - as an American, as a soldier, as a human - is to defend the innocent, not to turn away, and DEFINITELY not to participate. The only people who acted with honor on the US side that day were Andreotta, Colburn and Thompson - heroes to a man, make no mistake. Had they not intervened, many more may have died. It's just a shameful wonder that at least some of that murderous mob didn't follow their example, and do what they could to stop the slaughter. And in case you're silly enough to have swallowed all the bleating from Calley, Hodges, and others about 'following orders' as a justification for such actions, remember this: the Nazis were tried and executed at Nuremberg for such crimes, despite pleading the same spineless excuse.
@michaelrazza5391 4 года назад
I served 3 years in the US Army infantry and these strange and horrific incidents can and do happen. As for the Mi Lai massacre the only people that should have been destroyed are the VC not innocent unarmed villagers. Seems like it was planned and ordered by Captain Medina and Lt. Calley or possibly even higher in the chain of command. As I've said these things can and will happen especially in a wartime situation. I don't believe I could have participated in that ruthless slaughter even if ordered to. But the men that did with smiles on there faces did what should have never been done.
@Bhiladpy-up9uy 4 года назад
Dam calley dawg we boutta hunt your head down bro, pissing us off
@jackvermeulen1940 5 лет назад
Too much is factually incorrect other than the Interviews.
@vanillagorilla8438 6 лет назад
The country built on the Genocide of one race and the Enslavement of another...SMH One day, IF humanity survives itself long enough, they will look back on these times of War and shake their heads and know how Lucky they will be to be alive in that time of the future, but I Highly Doubt it will Ever happen... And then they try and tell us that video games and loud music makes us violent, but for Hundreds of years we've been burning People alive for being witches and or non believers, so probably humans are just garbage... This Earth was Just Fine w/o us and think it would be a Better world for All Other life on Earth if we weren't here, but much like cancer, we continue to build No matter what the universe or the Earth throws at us, you can flood us, shake us, burn us down and it will continue to grow, much like mold on bread, and to the Dumb question, "why me?"the cosmos barley bothers to return the reply, "why not?" and Couldn't care Less if we were here or not, and if you understood that 97% of All things to Ever live on Earth is now extinct , it outta be quite clear that the odds are lopsided Heavily Against us as a species...
@georgebuller1914 6 лет назад
Watching this, I can see what a crock of sh*t the whole 'Geneva Convention' cr*p is! THIS WAS a war-crime, but was never prosecuted as such.
@cliffworks748 6 лет назад
I walked away from a $100,000 a year job and a great career path when I caught my boss doing illegal unethical activities. Although doubly exempt from military service in '71 with fulltime college credits and draft lottery number 364 I volunteered and went to assist in military hospitals and bases nationwide. Did the same in Cambodia and Thai Laos years later all on my own dime. I have only contempt for these murderers. If they were truly repentant they should move to Vietnam and spend the rest of their lives and money reconstructing the country and helping Vietnamese families - they could have tracked down the relatives of all they murdered and helped their lives. If they haven't done that may they burn in hell. Forgot to mention I was in a US Army SF jungle camp south of Saigon where they were training adolescent Cambodian boys to kill.
@cliffworks748 6 лет назад
I walked away from a $100,000 a year job and a great career path when I caught my boss doing illegal unethical activities. Although doubly exempt from military service in '71 with fulltime college credits and draft lottery number 364 I volunteered and went to assist in military hospitals and bases nationwide. Did the same in Cambodia and Thai Laos years later all on my own dime. I have only contempt for these murderers. If they were truly repentant they should move to Vietnam and spend the rest of their lives and money reconstructing the country and helping Vietnamese families - they could have tracked down the relatives of all they murdered and helped their lives. If they haven't done that may they burn in hell. Forgot to mention I was in a US Army SF jungle camp south of Saigon where they were training adolescent Cambodian boys to kill.
@jamesaymann3773 6 лет назад
I'm a combat veteran of the Vietnam War. I served with the 60th infantry brigade in the Mekong Delta and with the 196th light infantry brigade near Chu Lai. Westmoreland initiated the use of search and destroy operations while I was in Vietnam. What did the U.S. Army think was going to happen when they included villagers in the search and destroy operations? When I was in the Mekong Delta I personally went to JAG at MACV and formally complained about the killing of innocent and unarmed villagers. No action was taken and I was transferred to the 196th. I became a team leader and we routinely went on patrols in the jungle every other day and ambushes in the rice patties every other night. We took our assignments seriously, but we treated the villagers with kindness and respect. From personal experience I can testify that the My Lai atrocity was not an isolated incident. Reuters has estimated that 4 million Cambodians ,Laotians and Vietnamese were killed during the War. It has also been estimated that two thirds of these victims were civilians. More bombs were dropped on Hanoi then the entire second world war. To be blunt this was a war of genocide and greed perpetrated by the military industrial complex. The military submits an infantry soldier through a process of regimentation whereby the desired goal is to render this soldier unable to refuse any order. I went through this process of regimentation and in my case the military failed miserably. They were not able to supplant that innate humanity that represents who I am. The My Lai Massacre happened 50 years ago. I was in Vietnam 50 years ago and if I had been there on that date I would have simultaneously cut into these scumbags. We carried a lot of ammo and we hit what we aimed at. I will always do anything in my power to stop anyone from killing innocent and unarmed civilians. The perpetrators of this atrocity all took the fifth. Calley served three years under house arrest and then was pardoned by tricky Dick. An order to kill innocent unarmed civilians is illegal and the scumbags that perpetrated these killings should've been summarily executed. This country has been plagued by gun violence and routine mass shootings! Is anyone surprised?
@debbieautry-skubik6594 4 года назад
@James Ayemann, Thank you for your service and honesty.
@vietnamjungle 6 лет назад
God Bless American Soldiers. Thanks to American Soldiers and Veterans for my freedom. I was born in Saigon and I'm a SURVIVOR from the bloody hands of việt cộng of North VN and việt cộng (farmer by day, but shooter by night) of South VN. Therefore I have really deep respect for American Soldiers who died to saving me from evil việt cộng. I will never forget American Soldiers and I will keep them closest to my heart. I would love to be a SERVANT to wash away the mud of VN jungle on their shoes and use my hair to dry them, I'm very satisfied to see the sea of dead fish across Vietnam, plus some aircraft of Vietnamese officials crashed into the sea and Vũng Tàu. In addition, 12 more Vietnamese officials burned till death at a karaoke café in Hanoi. Then with floods, followed by have a poor crop of drought season,. I'm also very satisfied to see việt cộng destroyed Liên Trì temple. I wonder why no monk self-immolation like the time of Mr Diễm or Mr Thiệu. After 43 years, I'm so pleased to see the game "gậy ông đập lưng ông".
@johnutah2454 6 лет назад
Can't say I object to the fact that this was a vc sympathetic village. No military age males were present. That's a dead give away. Same problems in Iraq and afghanistan. Here's a village full of women children and old people but no young fit men that can fight. Or reproduce. Come the fuck on.
@up2nogod771 6 лет назад
You have actually managed to convince me that butchering their women and children was a heroic act in the name of god and country... thanks 4 that.
@Adam-bq2vw 7 лет назад
3:25- It doesn't tell WHY he was paroled early. It was because of major legal problems with his conviction. It had NOTHING to do with leniency. The person who posted this video should know better.
@Adam-bq2vw 7 лет назад
You send a bunch of armed 18-20 yr olds who have witnessed their comrades killed by an unseen enemy and who have been brainwashed into following orders from their superiors GET orders from their superiors to kill everyone. and then ask what happened. Hmm...real mystery.
@Orf 8 лет назад
6:08 Hugh Thompson Jr.
@barbarawagner6514 8 лет назад
hi all I'm trying my hand on her face and I have been trying since you were in town this is an issue that needs attention that there was an amazing day I got it and the best of the individual to the right side and I have been trying since you were in town this is an automated response from your computer is a very long as I can be a problem in that I am looking to move in and around to the next week or next weekend so I'm hoping for some of them have their contact details hi o
@arkybaldknobber8062 7 лет назад
Go back to bed.
@krisc2535 8 лет назад
Here's the brutal, soulless reality of war. Stick your patriotism up your ass.
@elitemangudai1016 8 лет назад
this war has been covered up so well.
@valeriizozulia2244 9 лет назад
William Laws Calley.The shame of America. We had to kill him. I do not like America. Ukraine
@arkybaldknobber8062 7 лет назад
Don't ask the USA for help when the Commies come for you.
@certifiedbruh2180 5 лет назад
@@arkybaldknobber8062 Russia is now capitalist, unfortunately
@realmajorx3698 2 года назад
You have a recently updated version of this comment now... "Vladimir Putin. The shame of Russia. We want to kill him. I do not like Russia. Ukraine"
@helenafonseka3977 9 лет назад
@lilowend619 10 лет назад
Calley couldn't read a map. He routinely got his patrols lost. There were regular plots to kill him by his fellow soldiers. This is all a fact. It was a vengeance patrol induced by him-because he kept getting his squads killed or injured. This is how it went wrong.
@denisenoe1534 2 года назад
A man who wrote on the My Lai Massacre said, "He never should have been in the position he was in in the first place. He didn't have the qualities of intelligence or leadership necessary for that role."
@tkx7 10 лет назад
if you condone this behavior of American soldiers, really whats the point of even having international laws or laws of armed conflict? Even in war you know that killing innocent, defenseless civilians is wrong. Just "following orders" is the absolutely epitome of group think and leads to horrific consequences if no one dares to question the morality of it all.
@jackvermeulen1940 7 лет назад
Innocent People in a Viet Cong Controlled Village?
Well, we weren’t in Vietnam to help them. We were there to kill them. And these guys did that. And the punishment was minimal.
@certifiedbruh2180 5 лет назад
@@jackvermeulen1940 Viet Cong controlled village does not mean that everyone there, including the infants, were vc. They were a farming community on their own you filthy yank
@certifiedbruh2180 5 лет назад
@@thatnewpimptrickgangstacli8922 The Japanese did the same in Nanking. They were there to kill and invade, rather than help
@jackvermeulen1940 5 лет назад
My Standard is the Bible....Ever read Deuteronomy. No Blood Guilt there. @@certifiedbruh2180
@rickphilipe5392 10 лет назад
The guy with the porn stash is the worst. If you watch the full documentary he says its not his burden but Americas, wow.
@TheNemo65 10 лет назад
Shooting little kids and old people instantly tells you it's wrong, but they did it anyway. I'm glad some didn't obey the orders.
@maddyfleming1348 10 лет назад
Does anyone know where I can get I can get a transcript for this whole documentary? Thankyou
@elevatormechanic 10 лет назад
10 лет назад
U.S. Army cruel and inhumane killing of women and the innocent child
@dicktracy1989 11 лет назад
"Be ALL that you can be, in the US ARMY". What a brain-washing machine the Pentagon has created. I see this stuff and it makes me sick. It's even worse today. No wonder many US vets are all messed-up in the head. Talk about terrorism, this stuff is somehow worse than suicide bombings in my opinion.
@buddha417 11 лет назад
Will you all stop making ridiculous distinctions ...... mass murder is mass murder. Nazi .... this .... that ..... jesus everyone! Why not simply admit that the dregs of humanity are everywhere. It aint THEM ..... it's in all of us. God's sake, wake up.
@alanhopkins6798 11 лет назад
its a shame all this lot were not on the USS LIBERTY
@arkybaldknobber8062 7 лет назад
Is that a fact...jew boy?
@harryhallerification 11 лет назад
well, god bless the syria then ?
@countsmyth 11 лет назад
Nil is agam, bearla mas e do thoil e!
@janinesauve9068 11 лет назад
As tu honte qu'on te dise la vérité pauvre petit esprit mangeur de Mac Do... De toutes façons les communistes t'on jetté dehors..OK
@megamaker2000 11 лет назад
Well in your comment earlier "Well it is different from the Nazi's isn't it?" that is comparing them (though not in much detail); I am merely attempting to say that they were both massacres except that the Americans did it on a smaller scale-Sorry if it came across in the wrong way.
@ecnav9002 11 лет назад
Practically that means dying, I have inside sources and I can tell you not all American soldiers that died were killed by the NVA, desobying an order meant you'd be the guy sent to patrol the area full of mines, a lot of US servicemen disserted, the US gov would never admit it but thats where a lot of the MIA issues come from.
@certifiedbruh2180 5 лет назад
Same as Nanking. The Japanese soldiers would nevee have wanted to do it in the first place. However, after being told that it was alright, they did it anyways
@fragmaka 11 лет назад
and you're a target country. see the other comments. all those business is killing and business is good.
@Sc0rned1 11 лет назад
You're an idiot
@MrsHameraj 11 лет назад
Meant to say to the people who thinks war crime is OK. No offence................
@MrsHameraj 11 лет назад
Nothing could justify massacres. Japanese massacres are separate from all this. The Japanese have suffered TWO nuclear strikes let alone them. The My Lai massacre is a different war crime. Many americans believed that what they did is OK. I strongly disagree. I do hope some day they'll suffer the same fate as these villagers did. I can't imagine that many americans never let bygones go (ex: Japan) but put the My Lai massacre behind them to the extent of letting William free.
@realmajorx3698 2 года назад
It's sick to wish this on Americans just because of what specific Americans did, I hope you got mental help.
@realmajorx3698 2 года назад
And you're an idiot if you think something like that could happen to America, that shit would spread like wildfires
@realmajorx3698 2 года назад
And AN AMERICAN, Hugh Thompson stopped them from killing more yet you wish this on all Americans. I wouldn't be surprised if you're not alive today honestly
@RobertSr4 11 лет назад
Bunch of losers should stop killing the villagers and face the Viet Congs. Prayed they'd experience their psychotic actions first-hand on themselves. "THIS ISN'T WAR, THIS IS MADNESS"
@ru55iangangsta 11 лет назад
In that specific spot
@58tag 11 лет назад
We do to mention this tragic event and most of us are sorry about war crimes that a few ignorant soldiers decide to commit. But I can assure you this is a topic we do discuss in high school and America and why it was wrong.
@KoolBreeze420 11 лет назад
I can see its been years since you left this comment but it appears no one replied to you it was 102 at that spot or post yes it was nearly 500 ppl but not at that location of that exact memorial from what I have seen there are several such memorials spread out over the area with different amounts of the massacred
@axelcosgirl 11 лет назад
What are you talking about? I'm a high school student in Washington and I'm giving a presentation about the My Lai Massacre soon.
@kendigjl 11 лет назад
I hope if I'm ever stuck in the position of the soldiers in this situation, that I do the right thing.
@dabodway Год назад
@Sunflwrbtch 11 лет назад
Stupid fucking cunts
@cookbryce12 11 лет назад
there is no supreme race we are all equal.even tho fools like you cant clearly see that.
@mannzymunster 11 лет назад
thanks for upload.
@vickstan5489 11 лет назад
Hope you don't think all of us are like this, most Americans that know are repulsed by what our government has done, we have alot of brainwashing over here that starts at childhood, most Americans think where in these countries to protect them and keep them free but truth is slowly getting out.
@fragmaka 11 лет назад
and america wonders why the WTC's were taken down
@rrchicken117 5 лет назад
I don't think the Saudis cared about vietnamese people enough to hijack those planes
@zacharycat 11 лет назад
US strategy in Vietnam was basically the same as used against the Philippines after the Spanish-American War and before that against the Native Americans. Safe zones (reservations) were created to isolate the combatants from the population, and any native found outside this area could be assumed to be hostile. Many officers were promoted based on body counts of "enemy" killed which for a long time convinced the media that the war was winnable.