Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana
Since 1934, Blue Cross has been committed to the health and well-being of all Louisianians. Our mission is to improve the lives of Louisianians by providing health guidance and affordable access to quality care.

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana is an independent licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana is licensed to sell products only in the state of Louisiana.
Medicare 101 - Medicare Made Easy
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Introducing Louisiana Blue
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Introducing Louisiana Blue
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Medicare 101 | Medicare Made Easy
5 месяцев назад
El Fentanilo Mata - El Caso de Victoria
6 месяцев назад
El Fentanilo Mata - El Caso de Alex
7 месяцев назад
@grazynaw.7924 13 дней назад
Dlaczego młodzi w USA nie potrafią żyć normalnie? Cieszyć się życiem na trzeźwo? Mają wszystko, ale tego nie potrafią docenić. To straszne ile młodych ludzi zabija się narkotykami, nie wyciągają z tego żadnych wniosków, że tyle ich umiera? To już katastrofa w całym USA. Fentanyl dociera już wszędzie i zabija. A handlarze się bogacą na tych głupkach, którzy kupują sobie tą śmierć. Ile jeszcze ludzi musi umrzeć? Uczcie swoje dzieci od małego, kontrolujcie co robią. Tyle ćpunów rodzi uzależnione dzieci , co z nich wyroście, kolejne ćpuny. Do czego zmierza społeczeństwo w Ameryce? Życie jest największym skarbem człowieka i oni tego nie szanują. To smutne i przerażające. Za małe kary dla handlarzy narkotyków. Powinna być zaraz kulka w łeb. Za dużo lekarzy, którzy na byle gówno dawają ludziom środki przeciwbólowe, narkotyczne , które wiedzą że ich uzależnią. Po co to robią? W innych krajach , jak w Polsce takie silne leki dostaje się tylko w ostatnim stadium raka, kiedy już tylko można złagodzić ból przed śmiercią. Świat już zwariował przez te narkotyki. Uczcie dzieci od przedszkole, że to śmierć na własne życzenie.
@HeatherJohnson-w8m 17 дней назад
Schmitt Locks
@Radmountainbiking59 19 дней назад
So, are you still an addict if all you want is freedom from the physical pain of a prior accident that continues chronically? What good is recovery and going sober if that sobriety is a life of pain so bad that you can't work, drive or think straight?
@Radmountainbiking59 19 дней назад
What no one is talking about is the idea that there are those who suffer from chronic pain and the medical professionals we seek out are not addressing it. Are these people simply destined to suffer? In the face of intolerable pain who wouldn't seek out solutions when the medical community won't provide them?
@Radmountainbiking59 19 дней назад
The system failed this family like it has so many others. That is, if the website said she was still incarcerated when in fact she had been released days earlier that is outright failure. Between law enforcement/justice system and the medical community these systems are wracked with inadequacies and failures. Some are inevitably going to want a way out and to step off the treadmill.
@TanJenWee 21 день назад
Is fentanyl a very strong sleepig pill or drug?
@michaelrichter3872 22 дня назад
Powerful helping medicine and deadly drug are so close. I triple broke my left ankle in indonesia. Had to wait three days for surgery, doctors put me on Fentanyl iv for a week. I felt absolutely no pain.
@terrichristensen5612 23 дня назад
It’s coming from open borders and it has to stop
@Globelle 25 дней назад
It is so hard because before we even completely lose them in death it's like we've already lost them. That is how I feel but I also know I'm lucky that my son is still alive and they're still a chance. However I did lose his stepbrother July 22nd 2019 and he was 19 years old. I am terrified of losing my son and I so tired. This is an EVERYBDODY PROBLEM.
@renewashington791 26 дней назад
Thank you 🙏🏽 to Angela, sister of Alex, for Sharing her story 💖 Addiction also Runs RAMPANT in my family although I’m Uncertain if **Fentanyl** is actually involved as of yet. It’s mostly addiction to Alcohol 🥃 and Back in the Day for military veterans in my family, it was Heroin and Cocaine/Crack. Imo because of gov’t BUREAUCRACY and just plain ol’ LACK of empathy, young people will continue to Suffer and SUCCUMB to Fentanyl poisoning. As was mentioned in the Video, Alex desperately WANTED Help but just didn’t know WHERE to find it. There should be MORE AFFORDABLE and BETTER Rehab Centers for Addicts. EVERYONE involved should Understand there Will Be RELAPSES. A true Blue Addict is NEVER CURED, in the pure Sense of the word, but Instead will Always be in a Condition of RECOVERY. That’s okay too. It’s NOT a failure, only a FACT of life. Similar to MANY other types of diseases, we don’t EXPECT a CURE because we Understand the ELITE POWER STRUCTURE won’t allow it. There’s NO MONEY in the CURE, only in the “treatment” 😢
@KeithUrban-tc1ln 27 дней назад
My deepest condolences and prayers out to the entire family,...R.i.p. beautiful soul.
@renewashington791 28 дней назад
I started off the morning Watching these Videos which are Very painful and depressing (as if I’m not ALREADY plenty depressed 😔) But here I am listening to Victoria’s story about her Personal fight, one that she ultimately LOST in the “War” against drugs. A war that the U.S. gov’t CLAIMS to Also be fighting 👀 WeLL, I’m here to tell them they’re doing an Extremely PISS POOR job!! 😡 It’s nothing more than PROPAGANDA they feed us. Not Only is the gov’t FAILING in their ALLEGED “fight” in the War against drugs, they’re ABSOLUTELY the Main PERPETRATORS of said War!! It’s Clear as the Nose on YOUR face the gov’t intends to Do NOTHING more than Continue Collecting their BLood money 💰as day after day the Young People in this country of aLL different coLors shapes and sizes Suffer and DIE a thousand deaths BEFORE they Literally and FINALLY succumb to their Opioid addictions. Of course, we the citizens of this country are WELL AWARE that the gov’t LIES to us AND that they’re INEFFECTIVENESS to DO anything to STOP the dying and to HELP our Drug Addicted Loved Ones is BY DESIGN. It won’t Stop and it Can’t Stop unLess and until there is Divine Intervention 🙏🏽
@george5590 28 дней назад
beautiful mother and daughter i hope they are both well very sad story
@NikkyAlexandris Месяц назад
What a lovely daughter you raised
@monikamichaelis-iw3to Месяц назад
They must be suicidal. Taking a drug that kills, why would they take it? Unless they have a death wish.
@MikeTrujillo-fd2fn Месяц назад
No more experimenting? 💊💀
@MikeTrujillo-fd2fn Месяц назад
Everybody! Stop! Using drugs!! 💊💀
@Kaye-s8g Месяц назад
I'm wondering if this is happening in China. God bless please pray everyday for peace.❤❤❤❤
@rebeccahylant7695 Месяц назад
Tragic, that she had to fight and lose. I am so sorry for your loss.
@christinestumcke9817 Месяц назад
@MikeTrujillo-fd2fn Месяц назад
Those damn dealers!! 👹💊💉
@MikeTrujillo-fd2fn Месяц назад
Alex escaped reality alright? 💀👹🔥
@MikeTrujillo-fd2fn Месяц назад
These streets drugs 💊💉 should have warning labels? 🚫 💀
@MikeTrujillo-fd2fn Месяц назад
Alex started hanging around with the devil 👹🔥💀
@karastill Месяц назад
Let's Geaux, Louisiana Blue!
@N3G4T1V3_ Месяц назад
It won't end until the US political puppets stop the trafficking of drugs and people across the border. They make too much kickback money to stop any of it and their masters want depopulation so expect it to continue until the citizenry put an end to it.
@Simrata_ Месяц назад
I’m so very sorry for your loss ❤ Love and Light ❤
@nick5062 2 месяца назад
'merica' yee-ha
@musicfanhawk4523 2 месяца назад
So now doing drugs is called substance use disorder? Give me a flipping break --
@section8fitness 2 месяца назад
It’s called being a junkie lol
@simmonssimmons4494 2 месяца назад
This is not a good story, so sad😢.
@christophertote8912 2 месяца назад
Comment…I’m seriously weighing the possibility of becoming an addict due to my physical pain. I’ve spent EVERY dollar trying to get a surgery in the stomach area for relief but get shuffled to other hospitals. Becoming an addict and having brain damage WILL HELP as I won’t remember losing my kittens and all I love. I am poor and just want surgery to alleviate pain…looks like I get to become an addict!!! Thank you to the criminal element that changed the environment in my city - shut down businesses and transportation (no taxi now, boy)I get the best we have to offer. America: almost $3K monthly can now go to the criminal enterprises. Going to numb my mind now; gotta be proud at how your elders survive. Society…yeah
@jonesy4588 2 месяца назад
saves the taxpayes money
@johntirado-glover3574 2 месяца назад
Fentanyl destroys so many life's. I worked as a Detox Technician in Los Angeles for 3 years. We have a epidemic of major proportions in this country.
@joshuarandolph5031 3 месяца назад
I used to be a herion addict but I got clean.i have been clean for 15 years. Jesus saved me but now I am dealing with cirrhosis of the liver form using a dirty needle.i lost both my brothers to overdoses in motel rooms.
@tannaviajohnson6092 Месяц назад
Sooo sorry for your loss🙏🏾
@heathervandermark2192 3 месяца назад
I live in Watson/Denham Springs, since I was 19yrs old, I'm 46 now. I watched our sweet little town go down the drain in what seemed like no time at all. I am from Pride, La. At 19, I met a man that introduced me to crack, it took me 4yrs to clean myself up. My brother has been addicted to H and pain pills since he was a teenager, he is 9yrs younger than me. So, please believe me when I say, I see you, and I hear you. I have never been to a "rehab" I got clean on my own. We lost my stepson to a fent. O.D. 11-21-21. I just lost my best friend to a fent. O.D. on 12-11-23. I never even knew she was using again. My heart aches from the loss. How did i not see it!!!!! I failed her, and now i have to walk this earth without her for the rest of my days. This town, this parish (Livingston) I don't recognize anymore. I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter. They say it gets easier, but that is a lie.
@3mexhuas Месяц назад
I am so sorry for all of your losses. Far too many. But it's not just your little town or the big city, it's everywhere. Where I live there are so many homeless drug addicts I have to watch where I walk around town because they leave dirty needles everywhere. Congratulations for your sobriety. At least that's something good. Keep at it and live a long life. Your friend would want that.
@li9bo13 3 месяца назад
So what is a drug addicted? Because when it reaches a certain community its a sickness or poisoning. Cause when crack ran through the black community in the 80's they were drug addicted.
@navajo6931 3 месяца назад
Grown Asian vegetable too like Walter Spanish ,Asian potato leaves, pumpkin leaves , Cassava leaves Asian Africa they like to eat
@Thatsbannanas-d8c 3 месяца назад
The pharmaceutical companies are the culprits. They know what they are doing. I’m sorry.
@AL_THOMAS_777 25 дней назад
@irmasierra 3 месяца назад
@overdose.1234 3 месяца назад
Shout out to my boy cam 📷 🙌 💙
@eirikrdberg1161 3 месяца назад
I’m an opiate addict. In 87/when I was 15 I got bone cancer and lost a leg 12 years later in 99. Been through so many surgeries. I can’t stand life clean. I do work out a lot and stay slim. Last operation the anaesthesia dude gave me fentanyl. I didn’t like it. Other opiates feel a lot better, so it sucks that they blend this crap in good old H and kill kids.
@dolly5632 4 месяца назад
My son had a hip replacement at 14 and they would not give pain medication just ibuprofen.. I didn’t argue with them and when I look back I’m glad they didn’t..
@tinanaioti3214 4 месяца назад
Addicts are not safe in jail... they get it real easy in jail
@sfenn73 4 месяца назад
My daughter Vanessa ❤️ died in March 19 2021. Horrible time. Someone gave her fentanyl she died with her 3 children there. We live right off 1 35 the major drug route thru here.
@syedahamdani-ox1ep 4 месяца назад
Every of this story really breaks my heart…. But seems no cure for this disease
@nickinurse6433 4 месяца назад
Pain pill should never be ordered for teenagers! Give them ibuprofen! They don't know pain pills exist anyway so they can't ask for them. I think it is totally inappropriate to give pain pills after tooth surgery to a teenager! We have to get better at this as healthcare professionals
@JaniceBlackmon 4 месяца назад
This durgs comes to kill you and its come from hell when you alive you look dead this shows you how is evil it is Feel so sorry for this culture addictive to some kind of durgs death is going to catch you soon of later this durgs ls so evil its dose what it was created to do bring death. So sorry for your lost❤❤
@samorachannel2093 4 месяца назад
This is y i never really took opioids when prescribed. I would take maybe 1 or 2, after that, i would take over the counter stuff
@louloubelle1330 4 месяца назад
I hate the person i became to cope with tr life of the streets. We didnt mean to become addixts, we were with the wrong crowd, and how i hate it and remember my rock bottom that got me into recovery. The many overdoses. My mum said she slept betger when i was in prison and if i died then shed know where i were. The guilt for putting my famiky through that paralysed me x
@abbykitchen8552 4 месяца назад
That one guy saying it’s “bad “ now it will get worse ! Buddy it’s already worse it’s the leading cause of death for 19 to 45 year olds , over car accidents , guns , cancer , it’s by passed being bad .