@anthonyclegg1511 2 месяца назад
A chap that worked in the weaving shed forgot is lunch, his wife took it to him, and she got asbestosis, she was in the factory for about 10 minutes.
@anthonyclegg1511 2 месяца назад
I started work there in 1966 aged 15, I worked there for 18 years, it was a good place to work, many happy memories.
1982??? The Americans greatly reduced its use by the end of the 60's, although it was never banned. Still used in brake pads, I think. Awful that they HAD TO have known. Years before. I hope there's a special room in hell for these people. They knew, and then did and said nothing, for a product known to.kill people before the 30's. Then do their best to stop the widow from getting a pension...
@puddinglane6124 8 лет назад
It's criminal, those poor, hard-working people.
@zetametallic 8 лет назад
An informative and emotive video. My friends Grandad died of this condition, and, as a consequence she became very distressed when we found out that the government building we worked in contained asbestos. One evening, the ceiling collapsed on us and there was dust on the desks and the stickers on the wall panels mentioned asbestos. I have left this job but I've added it on my medical records that I've had exposure (in my opinion) and she has done the same. I wonder how many of those factory workers are alive and well in 2015?
@reconnaisancesapper 9 лет назад
The person who in the end didn't even know what one can get from Asbestos even though he at first claimed to know just about sums up the crowd in the North. It was a combination of ignorance, lack of proper training, low IQ, being basically a dumb simpleton and the lack of awareness as to the environment they were in. But again, the same went for the ill fated coal mines of Sheffield and such places. Generations had worked in these facilities and were either not interested in anything more than their end of the week pay to splash down at the local boozers or the weekend Division One football. Long term effects of working in such environments was the last thing on their tiny, one tracked minds.
@DutchBlue64 9 лет назад
Yossi Allen Easy to preach after the event, I don`t see anything from you 32 years ago backing up your foresight. Just another smart ass who brings shame on Southerners. What about the people that lived in the vicinity? Obviously you know nothing about the scandal, so when you do, come back and spout your bile, until then shut up and keep your idiotic drivel to yourself.
@reconnaisancesapper 9 лет назад
DutchBlue64 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Your comment is exactly that.....bile.
@vforvendetta4538 8 лет назад
some people had to work in mines and factory's to put food on the table there wasn't all the government handouts then for popping out kids and the like .
@reconnaisancesapper 8 лет назад
colin chapman Very true but then again, it was a democracy then as is now wasn't it? It is down to getting a sound education and working one's way out of the Norther doldrums of England. Most just went with the flow.
@reconnaisancesapper 9 лет назад
Today, with the stakes even higher, cover-ups of such deadly conditions are far more common. Even with the constant bible bashing of Health and Safety lectures, nothing has changed.
@doinaelenaanton 12 лет назад
Exposure to asbestos can be a serious health risk. However, removing asbestos from a home or building is not always the best solution. If, for example, the asbestos is undisturbed and intact, removing the asbestos can in fact be a greater risk than leaving it in place. However, if a renovation or demolition will disturb asbestos containing materials. Disturbing asbestos can disperse particles into the air, where they can then enter the lungs and cause long-term health problems.
@PlutoniusX 13 лет назад
No masks? Reason why when you spray fiberglass insulation you were a mask. Guess they were cheap.
Allante715 Respectfully, you don't think a basic dust mask will help you, right? Even a respirator is a question.
@angc1456 Год назад
@@windsofmarchjourneyperrytr2823 what would help?
@jafino 14 лет назад
Bury Cyril Smith in an Asbestos Coffin (he died a few days ago) this factory is still killing people years after it closed
@sexyjw2 14 лет назад
Thanks for posting this. Very interesting. Am reading Magic Mineral to Killer Dust at the moment. I hadn't realised that so much proof was being publicised back in 1982.