Atlete vir Christus 2024
3 месяца назад
Bybel-Media se 2024-dankiesêdag
4 месяца назад
Jesus vir Almal-projek
5 месяцев назад
Bybel Media sê Dankie!
9 месяцев назад
@eugeneleonard8248 23 дня назад
Dankie dit is als opbouend en goeie uitkoms. My PA het nooit sy Pa geken hy het twee geboorte certificate gehad een se Pa on bekend!! Mooi liefde!!
@bertuslourens1387 Месяц назад
Dankie Wilhelm.. Dit is regtig 'n Wonderwerk..Dit is pragtige gebaar.. Ek wens julle net Mooi wense toe op julle pad vorentoe..vir jou en jou ma..Mag Ons Liewe Vader julle hande vat en julle dra op julle pad.. Mag God julle elke dag Geseën..God is altyd goed.. En God is Groot🙏🙏
@BetsieCarstens Месяц назад
Ek bid vir jou Anel, dit moet bitter seer wees❤
@amandamackay8807 Месяц назад
Sterkte vir julle!🎉🎉❤
@amandamackay8807 Месяц назад
@ligland 2 месяца назад
Dankie vir die geleentheid om saam te gesels Kerkbode!
@ernstmarais1205 2 месяца назад
Jou wil
@japiebloementhal3885 2 месяца назад
Dankie Jesus amen ❤
@joandaniels9372 Месяц назад
Dankie Jesus
@janlinde7477 2 месяца назад
Julle moet ophou om die mense te bedrieg
@christalouw7715 2 месяца назад
Dankie julle en Andries,dat Christus die fokus is - ons gister, ons hier en nou, ons more is en dat God se onfeilbare Woord, liedere, stories, ons lewens, ons kerkwees, bedoel is om Hom uit te wys.
@alidaslabbert3862 2 месяца назад
Baie interessant. Dankie
@johannesdekoning9521 2 месяца назад
Dankie vir die positewe opmerkings. Een belangrike saak wat egter uitgelaat word in hierdie bespreking - My broer Andries glo vas in die Woord as die onfeilbare waarheid. Dis die basis van die hele bediening. Dit staan in sterk kontras met die siening van die Algemene Sinode van die NGK en dit wat op die teologiese fakulteite waarby die NGK betrokke is, geleer word.
@rev.valeriehamann4049 3 месяца назад
Very profound conversation and revelations
@chriserasmus 3 месяца назад
O bloed. Die doemprofete en waarseggers is sedert die skepping los gelaat op diebmens van dees aarde. Kan het niet verstaan, het iemand dalk vir hulle gewatsapp, getweet tweet, gefaks of gevonkpos dat de einde op ons is. Hulle is bang nou wil hulle ander ook bang praat. My raad, verlustig jou in die lewe. Dit is verniet. Leef en laat leef. Dank God vir Sy bemoeines met/oor jou. Sy genade, liefde, geduld, verdraagsaamheid en barmhartigheid oor jou. Hou op kerm en kla. Hy weet wat jy nodig het. Hy het nie 'n "shopping list" nodig nie.
@mariettalyon3486 3 месяца назад
Is U gevul met die Heilige Gees ( Ruach) en gedoop soos Jesus? Gereed om Hom te ontmoet, sou Hy in die nag kom?
@BenNienaber 3 месяца назад
Nee ek noem dit nie n menings verskil nie . Draai tog net na die waarheid, God seen nie sonde nie Hy veroordeel dit.
@pieterbuys8343 3 месяца назад
Raak ontslae van julle vals en dwalende dosente en professore op julle universiteite en teologiese fakulteite. Kry herders wat nog God se waarheid uit sy Boek verkondig. Julle kerke is leeg en skeur agv julle dwaalinge. Is julle so onnosel om dit te sien. Julle kan nie sonde wil akkommodeer vir lidmaatgetalle nie. Dis jammerlik!
@donovankiwiets2142 3 месяца назад
Bake nederige mense, aloe eer aan God
@boerqwhaas 3 месяца назад
"implikasies van voorregte, pensioen fondse, eindomme en fondse..." klink vir my soos 'n afdreiging. Is dit waaroor kerk eintlik vir hulle gaan? "Ruimte, tyd, praat", ek dink daardie tyd is verby. Voetsek jou vark!
@irenanedvedova7338 4 месяца назад
Ruan má krásné písničky. 🙂👍❤💯👋
@RentiaJacobsjohester 4 месяца назад
Halleluja Jesus kom weer! Íntussen berei Hy my voor: moenie te besorg wees oor jou gesondheid of voorkoms nie, wees 'n vriendin vir dié hartseer weduwee. Bid vir jou familie wat ver is. Hou jou rein, dan kom Jesus vir jou. Hy sal jou self laat mooi maak met helder wit klere vir sy fees.WAG IR HOM TERWYL JY ANDER SAAMNOOI .
@Friedfish-zm7fx 4 месяца назад
Those calling for reparations betray their own failures. The successful do not call for reparations; their success is their best revenge. USA: former colony of England; USA: successful country not asking for reparations. Australia: former colony of England; Australia: successful country not asking for reparations. Taiwan: former colony of Japan; Taiwan: successful country not asking for reparations. South Korea: former colony of Japan; South Korea: successful country not asking for reparations. North Korea: former colony of Japan; North Korea: failed nation, should it ask for reparations? Failures have a proven record of failing time and time again and show no exercise of self-repair. Monetary "reparations" will repair nothing. Monetary "reparations" is akin to giving more heroin to the heroin addict: short term pleasure followed with long term pain. Actual healing is done from within, not from without. Paradox of getting a bank loan: those in the least need of loans are most likely to get loans. If you have outstanding debt, no job, criminal record, living on the streets, you definitely NEED a loan but you are very unlikely to get a loan. Of course you have a long list of reasons for your pitiful situation ("The Police broke my arm.", "The landlord stole my furniture.", "My wife left me.", etc.). But no matter. No. Money. For. You. You may elicit pity but you do not get respect. You may elicit compassion but you do not get admiration. You may elicit empathy but you have bad reputation. You may elicit sympathy but you show no virtue. You may elicit sorrow but you have no credibility. Those most likely to get reparations are those who are demanding it from strength; but then, given your strength, you are unlikely to ask for reparations: Success is the best Revenge. Morality is a bitch. Morality is a tough Parent. Empathy without Understanding leads to Foolishness. Foolishness is not Morality. The purpose of Morality is to ensure the survival of Society, not to have Kumbaya sessions. It is immoral for Society to allow malignant tumors to grow: at some point Society will die. For those demanding reparations: is your credit score (not the credit score of your great-great-grand parents) high enough to get "reparations" from Society? Answer: Quite likely, NO. For those demanding reparations: are you a societal malignant tumor? Answer: Quite likely, YES. People with success in the Present have their memories of Failure dimming away with time. People with failure in the Present have the memories of Past Failures and Past Successes burning brighter and brighter with time. People with failure in the Present have not learned from their Past (Failure, Success) and is thus stuck in the swamp of Present Failure. People with failure in the Present flash out the Victim Card, citing the Failures of the Past and demanding Reparations (I was robbed! Wypiple stole my wealth!!!). People with failure in the Present flash out the Victim Card, citing the Successes of the Past, saying "I am as Good now as I was in the Past. I am a Failure now because I am OPPRESSED!!! I have been SUPPRESSED!!! I have been VICTIMIZED!!!" Become a Victim and win a prize!!! Victims of the World, Unite!!!
@Friedfish-zm7fx 4 месяца назад
Demanding reparations for long past damages to ancestors (slavery) is stupid and unwise. The statute of limitations has been long expired; slaves and slave owners are long, long dead. There was a limited time after the Civil War to demand legitimately for reparations for freed slaves from slave owners. OK, expropriate the wealth of the former slave owners and transfer said wealth to the freed slaves. History is tragic. The Civil War wiped out utterly the wealth of 99% of the former slave owners and many former slave owners were not land owners. Post-Civil War there was little to distribute to former slaves because nearly all southerners (Black, White) became destitute from the war. Who benefitted (financially, property-wise, wealth-wise) from the Civil War? Answer: the Northerners and they were not slave owners. But, but, but the evil Southern slave owners traded with the Northerners!!! The Northerners need to pay reparations!!! Nope. Said evil Southern slave owners traded also with people of Europe, Asia, South and Central America, even Africa. Should one demand reparations from Europe, Asia, South America, Central America, Africa, Australia? The source of slaves in the Americas was the African Continent. Africans selling off their ethnic siblings to slavery to the Western market (the Americas) and Eastern market (Muslim world) benefitted monetarily from the trade. Go demand reparations from the various African Nations. All African Nations will laugh at such demands for reparations. Go demand reparations from the various Muslim Nations. All Muslim Nations will laugh at such demands for reparations. Booker T. Washington (former slave) wrote about former slaves helping out their former owners who fell on hard times. Should said former slaves DEMAND reparations instead of helping the former owners? The slave revenge movies are popular today (2024 AD). A village has been totally destroyed by a tornado. God is guilty of this EVIL!!! Demand reparations from God!!! Such thoughts are idiotic. Someone damaged either your person or your property. You have full rights to demand reparations from the guilty. However, tragically, the guilty is often destitute so what reparations can you get? Are you going to mourn your loss forever and never do anything? A village has been totally destroyed by a tornado. What to do? Wait until God provides reparations? Or would you get up and rebuild the village? A drug-addicted, homeless, penniless, deranged arsonist burned down your house. What to do? Do nothing, do not rebuild the house until the arsonist made FULL Reparations? Question: Should you suffer for the sins of your dead parents? Should you pay off the debts of your dead parents? Generational servitude is sustained by having children obligated for the debts of their parents: this is the history of poverty in 3rd world countries, aka s**th**e countries. There is an asymmetry. I am sure you are very eager to collect what is owed to your dead parents. Even if the debt is owed only to your dead great-great-great-grand parents. Underlying this eagerness is greed. This asymmetry makes one blind to the other party. You are not the sole party in society. Others (the other party) are also part of society. Question rephrased: Should the other party suffer for the sins of their dead parents? Should the other party pay off the debts of their dead parents? Some reparations seekers may quote the Bible. Proverbs 3:27 = Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. The problem is that nothing is owed to the reparation seekers who are just grifters looking for something for nothing. If someone was owed, it is the long-dead great-great-great-grand parents. The issue of reparation is often linked to that of justice. What is justice? Justice can defined thus: Justice is the ethical, philosophical idea that people are to be treated impartially, fairly, properly, and reasonably by the law and by arbiters of the law, that laws are to ensure that no harm befalls another, and that, where harm is alleged, a remedial action is taken - both the accuser and the accused receive a morally right consequence merited by their actions. Justice. When you go to court, you do not determine what Justice is. The Judge, the Court, the Jury decide what is Justice for you. You may not be satisfied with the Justice but if you want to stay a citizen in good standing with society, you have to ACCEPT the Judgement. What you are seeking is not so much Justice but Satisfaction. Satisfaction has more in common with Retribution than with Justice. Yes, you can appeal again and again and again and again. You just become a vexatious litigant and your standing in society diminishes. You become a liability, not an asset to society. Think of the Bible as a collection of writings by the Ancients Sages, not so much the Word of God. Deuteronomy 15 : 1 = At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts. Comment: The above verse refers to you who want reparations. If reparations is debt, cancel the debt. What is your valuation of the concept of "statute of limitations"? Deuteronomy 15 : 3 = You may require payment from a foreigner, but you must cancel any debt your brother owes you. Comment: Who is supposed to pay this "reparation"? Which entity is supposed to pay this "reparation"? Do you consider this entity to be a foreigner or a sibling? Deuteronomy 15 :11 = There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. Comment: The above verse refers to you who want reparations. Instead of demanding "reparations", try to become an asset, not a liability, to your society. The mob's motto: No Justice, no Peace! Much of the violence, turmoil, dystopia in this World is caused by people pursuing JUSTICE!!!, pursuing COSMIC JUSTICE!!! Question: what do you value more: Justice? Peace?
@user-vg6sh4zg5i 4 месяца назад
marianne williamson 2024
@juanitalouw7442 4 месяца назад
Trots op julle. Dankie x
@colinvanrensburg4652 4 месяца назад
I really enjoyed this show on Kyknet - Great to see my old friend Leon Jonck - laas gesien 1977 in Ondangwa. Sterkte Ou Maat
@JK0628 5 месяцев назад
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla kry vir jou n boyfriend siestog jy fight so hard om een te he.
@raynishaesterhuizen25 5 месяцев назад
Amen aan die God wat almal gemaak het
@elmienthom9825 6 месяцев назад
Baie dankie, ds Jan. Groot waardering vir jou gesindheid van versoening en liefde.
@janniedevilliers6912 3 месяца назад
Elmien daar kan mos nie versoening en liefde wees as Jan Lubbe saam met n aantal dwaalleraars nog n Jesis verkondi,behalwe die Bybelse Jesus wat ons ken en gesterf het vir ons sondes en dat on moet daarvan en omdraai in heilig making op n heilige weg tot saligheid. Lubbe en sy verdwaaldes bring n vals Jesus in n ruim huis in wat jou die reg gee om slegs voor te leef net soos jy was voor jou bekering. Twee Jesusses in n ruim huis?? Oh nee dit nie Jesus waarvan ons met bekering ingeënt as loot in die wingerd stok( Jesus) waarin daar geen Sonde is nie! Vergifnis, vergewing en saligmaking lei na n pad van Heiligmaking. Nelis en Jan se Jesus bied dit nie as jy volhard in jou sonde en as jy wel dan is jy werklik nie n kind van die Almagtige God drie enig!! Skrik tog betyds wakker Elmien voir dit te laat is is my pleidooie in Liefde aan jou!
@janniedevilliers6912 6 месяцев назад
Die laaste 5 punte op video sê alles. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-5GjvISOnA5s.htmlsi=vMOndnhlSyedJvXV
@janniedevilliers6912 6 месяцев назад
Die woorde in Die Woord van God kom ook nou by my op soos met Paulus vanuit die Hemel " Waarom vervolg julle my! En moenie na die howe hardloop dat n wêreldse regter oor julle moet oordeel!! Die NGK beur voort op n pad wat nie Bybels is nie en skree net" gee tyd, ons moet mekaar ruimte gun, ons moet mekaar omarm, ons moet mekaar spasie gun in n ruim huis, ons mag maar verskil en dit so aanvaar en wat nog???? Nee daar kan net een weg wees en hier is die dwaling dat die kerk stil stil besig is om n nuwe geloof te vorm saam met ooster se mistieke. Ek pen ook vas om te vra of God in Sy Woord noem dat daar maar net een ware God is. Die God wat Sy seun gestuur he om vir ons sondes te sterf. Die moderator Nelis glo alle gode is een god. Maar slegs die ware God het Sy seun gestuur. Ons sal as ons net hierop fokus duudelik kan onderskei, want Kairos bely " een ware God!" Vlug voor hul misleiding en baie reguit gestel!
@janniedevilliers6912 6 месяцев назад
Hoe treurig! Veral as daar genoem is dat die vorige moderator voor twee getuies wat kan getuig dat op n Ateist vergadering genoem het "I want to dismantel a solid Church!" Behoort ook ten diepste ondersoek word!
@dalienzietsman9094 6 месяцев назад
Jesus het toe die menigte mense saam met sy dissipels nader geroep en vir hulle gesê: “As iemand agter My aan wil kom, moet hy homself verloën, sy kruis opneem en My volg, want wie sy lewe vir homself wil behou, sal dit verloor; maar wie sy lewe vir My en die evangelie verloor, sal dit behou. Wat help dit 'n mens tog om die hele wêreld as wins te verkry en sy lewe te verloor? Wat sal 'n mens kan gee in ruil vir sy lewe? Wie hom dan vir My en my woorde skaam te midde van hierdie ontroue en sondige geslag, vir hom sal die Seun van die mens Hom ook skaam wanneer Hy kom saam met die heilige engele, en beklee is met dieselfde heerlikheid as sy Vader.” Markus 8:34-38
@PietM749 6 месяцев назад
Eenheid tot in die hel!!!! Die satan weet hoe om te bind.
@originallevite7469 6 месяцев назад
🤗 Love the Betterenders ❤️🇿🇦 I pray Chief Mogoeng Mogoeng puts u in government Sir 🤗
@user-ir4ke6di2u 8 месяцев назад
Wat is so moeilik oor die onderwerp? Kyk wat sê GOD ons Skepper daaroor in Sy woord en hou daarby!!. Dit blyk te wees dat die skepsel tevrede gestel moet word I.p v ons Skepper God. As n saak teenstrydig is met die wil van God, weg daarmee. Jy dien of GOD ons Hemelse Vader en wandel volgens Sy wil of jy dien mammon.
@riaanpienaar5611 9 месяцев назад
Dr Cobus, verkondig die ware Evangelie... en die res sal regkom.
@jacobuslodewikusjoubert4467 9 месяцев назад
Nee ds van Rensburg. Die tweedrag wat julle nou skep sal julle toe gereken word. Dan is julle so skaamteloos,tevrede met julleself. Dit is om van naar te word. Cobus🐳
@koosvanzyl2605 9 месяцев назад
Ek is so hartseer oor die NG Kerk
@janlabuschagne4759 9 месяцев назад
Die mens wat nie sy ruggraat deur die bybel kry ,sal altyd sy standpunt aanpas by hom .
@jacobuslodewikusjoubert4467 9 месяцев назад
Luister maat. Gaan praat nonsens op ń ander plek. As jy te onnosel is om dit agter te kom,dan moet ek dit vir jou sê. Nee man,kry jou ry, jy maak nou ń gat van jouself. Cobus
@user-yw9vb2dk8t 10 месяцев назад
Sou skrifgesag 'n randsaak wees? Sola Scriptura. Die Skrif is baie duidelik oor juis die sonde van homoseksualisme. Jammer prof Piet. Jy oortuig nie.
@hersenskim 10 месяцев назад
Om jongmense na belydenis afleggin in jul gemeentes te hou, kan julle gerus probeer om jul dogmatiek met die skrif te belyn. Julle poog om meer soos die wêreld te lyk, in plaas daarvan om meer te handel soos God se skrif ons lei. Tans is die NG kerk n glyplank vir jongmense in (meer) charismatiese denominasies in sodra hulle op universiteit kom en besef die pitkos van die woord is nie meer teenwoordig in hul NG gemeente nie. Hulle gaan soek dit dan in gemeentes met helderder ligte en lekkerder gospel musiek. Ek het al hierdie dinge eerstehands beleef.
@Elainevdmerwe1980 11 месяцев назад
Baie waar, ek het my dogter se verkragter ook verhewe het. Dit is n wonderlike vrede wat God oor n mens bring. Sterkte dame, so bly jyt vrede gevind❤❤
@marthievandermerwe4058 11 месяцев назад
Elke boodskap gee my nuwe insig in hoe ek God se Woord moet verstaan.
@pietuys5142 11 месяцев назад
Baie dankie vir ongelooflike perspektief.
@hesternaude 11 месяцев назад
So dankie dat jy hd weereens beklemtoon het! 🎉
@RentiaJacobsjohester 4 месяца назад
Sien om na arm eensame ou mense
@RentiaJacobsjohester 4 месяца назад
Kom soek hulle in hul huur plekkies by sg Rade vir Bejaardes .Hul geld loop uit en hulle verlang na kinders en kleinkinders 😢
@anthonyplomaritis9718 Год назад
❤ jy is beslis mooi,slim en goed genoeg, Este.
@christinaventer4901 Год назад
God is waarlik ons Provider dankie vir jou wonderlike getuienis blessings op blessings vir jou
@lindytheron8083 Год назад
My hart gaan uit aan tannie Anel