This is the RU-vid Channel for the Regis University Library. This channel is used to create playlists of database vendor created tutorials and to host Regis Library specific tutorials.
LumenPlus: Getting Started
28 дней назад
DML101 InterlibraryLoan
Месяц назад
DML101 Prospector
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What is a NAICS code?
2 года назад
How Do I find Industry Ratios?
2 года назад
LumenPlus: Too Many Results?
3 года назад
LumenPlus Quick Start Tutorial
3 года назад
Getting help from Regis library
4 года назад
@danielhanawalt4998 21 день назад
Modern technology is a wonder to behold. The down side is it's being used to control how and what people think as well as divide them. The flip side is people are using it to talk to people. Here's where censoring content comes in. The town square has become digital and capable of reaching most of the world almost instantly. In order for the powers that be to stay in power is to control what people talk about.
@Hades735 Месяц назад
Can never be more relevant. The foresight is amazing 👏
@thomHD Месяц назад
Chomsky's criticisms are correct, but only to the point of demanding a better foreign policy and a fairer capitalism. The alternative model he offers is pure utopianism; not so different to the Utopian Socialists of the 19th century. Anarcho syndicalism is no more likely to work than asking people to voluntarily live like the Amish - he forgets just how badly people want the latest iPhone.
@BrokenneckYgor 2 месяца назад
The chompster hates his country and probably hates most people who don’t agree with him
@nilarose4983 3 месяца назад
Thank you for shairing such videos From India, Kerala
@RichardPepperman-kk9yb 3 месяца назад
The title of this presentation indicates that Mr. Chomsky will address the false history that young people have absorbed. It is far more urgent that Mr. Chomsky admit to the false history that he eagerly promotes. Three scientists have endorsed and complimented Noam Chomsky for his scientific collaborations with them. Perhaps Noam Chomsky should disengage from Political Science. He is an anarchist, anti American and anti-Semite. His contributions in several scientific fields are commendable, simultaneous to the risks he imposes on world security and Jews. This brilliant mind does not understand when it is ignorant.
@genealogiacolorada 5 месяцев назад
who are the peasants in Brazil he's speaking about? I'm Brazilian and didn't get it. the peasants in Brazil have an organized movement called Rural Labours Without Land (MST). They invade unproductive land and demand agrarian reform from the government. They are usually violently expelled by the police or farmers. I don't understand what he's talking about.
@nrtnrt6676 7 месяцев назад
But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ: how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit. Jude 1:17-19
@SH-cu9rc 7 месяцев назад
The recipe seems to be Mark Fisher's 'Capitalist Realism' and Chomsky's 'Manufacturing Consent'.
@parrhasius 7 месяцев назад
Just cannot listen to this man's waffle ,its true what some people say that he is controlled opposition,still advocates the the twin towers job was done bym a group of arabs with box cutters and that covid 19 was truly a deadly pandemic .........who is he tell us about false realities and propaganda when he is a vital and extremely pivotal part and parcel of it .?
@YoungSantasGroupie 7 месяцев назад
Hmmm, a truly educated man who let fear and prejudice get the best of him during the pandemic. He wanted the unvaccinated segregated from society….
@BenStevenson-c4z 8 месяцев назад
I have no Doubt that the People in Power are a bunch of Psychopaths!!!
@BenStevenson-c4z 8 месяцев назад
It’s better to have No Hope than False Hope
@Zombiphobia 10 месяцев назад
hopelessness is propaganda.
@Dr.Strangelove. 11 месяцев назад
I started with chomsky , as i had grown up i dropped him for michael parenti ...
@lucienneshinners4199 11 месяцев назад
😻 P R O M O S M
@markmason8469 Год назад
Horrible, cheap microphone, but thanks for posting.
@ivannasha5556 Год назад
Yeah it always boggled my mind. How quick people are to yield and subject themselves to rulers. It's like today people say but we get schools, healthcare and whatever from government. I say so if I robbed your house and gave you 30% of what I stole back. You would find that acceptable? People are so brainwashed they can't even understand it's exactly what is going on.
@lorenzomcnally6629 Год назад
@edpreston1635 Год назад
Yes, Democrats are homicidal maniacs. Ir's a death cult, and Noam Chomski is one of its chief architects.
@johnlaudenslager706 Год назад
What would Noam do if he could? Would he do what I would? I'd somehow rid congress of older people (over 60) because such older people tend to have been in politics or high echelon business so long that they have concluded that their own job security is really important, and probably lobbyists have got their talons well into them. I don't see why anyone should be allowed to have more than, say 10 years of elected federal office. And definitely while in office nobody should be allowed to earn any money beyond their office salary.
@mohamedalhusni6255 Год назад
i hope the videographer/director in this video has improved over the years.
@khana.713 Год назад
A lot of people in power forget history. The masses always end up taking back what's owed to them, even if it takes decades, hundreds of years.
@terryhill4732 Год назад
A lot of working people are aware of their hopelessness and and ineffectiveness in not being able to change anyting what they lack in is having the knowledge on how to set it up and relate it to authorities and also one of the other things is others who are fearful of losing their job if they Rock the boat
@johnbock1896 Год назад
Smartest man alive!
@edsmith9846 Год назад
Great talk about human complacency, but, human complacency is driven by strong genetic forces that causes humans to do very stupid things. No easy problem to solve because humans are humans.
@Buildinc1 Год назад
So sad to think that he gave this talk 10 years ago and highlighted all these things and nothing changed. It has only gotten worse in fact. The youth is even dumber and the media has even more control and power and spreading more lies and propaganda and misinformation and the youth are now swallowing it up faster than they can make TikTok videos. It seems we are all doomed sadly.
@Migger_29 Год назад
Shays rebellion was squashed by other common folk who were paid by the elites at the time.
@V_Hayden7 Год назад
Unfortunately, the fascists today won't be taken down by laughing at the them.
@bobbart4198 Год назад
... You gotta be careful with the advice about " Overthrowing " the Government ... the MAGA crowd tried that in 2021, remember ... not ALL revolutions are for the better ! ... ☠
@bigcatproductions2789 Год назад
Spoken 10 years ago , More true Today !
@methylbenzodiazepine Год назад
David Hume was big. He was humongous.
@methylbenzodiazepine Год назад
CNN and MSNBC are going to Lie to the masses, and too many dumbasses will blindly believe them. Remember all those fools that thought Iraq had WMD's? It was all over lying Fox News. People even think that Biden won the 2020 election. They have no ability to think for themselves. Whatever the "news " declares is religious doctrine
@humanbeing5300 Год назад
Right now in April 2023 we have two examples of Democracy in action to learn from, France and Israel. Israelites took to the streets in historic numbers and were successful in getting an authoritarian ruler to back off. I don’t think it’s over yet but they certainly influenced the process. The French also are taking to the streets hoping to reverse a cutting of their pension benefits. They have been successful in the past. Americans are just too brainwashed and lazy. They have almost zero sense of civic engagement and don’t have what it takes to live up to their democratic responsibilities as citizens. Every step forward for regular working folks has been thru civil disobedience and decades of struggle. Our rights are being taken away.
@eternity8811 Год назад
I wonder if he would perhaps reconsider the idea of murderous powers in light of the pandemic, because his words from 1.50 absolutely reflect the social dislocation and paralysis caused by isolation, and the surrounding propaganda.
@abbysmith1148 Год назад
I have really been thinking about this sense of indoctrinated hopelessness that I encounter. I was just told by someone today that even though I was in a bad situation, I should just learn to accept it. Later today as well, someone encouraged me to remember the serenity prayer in order to accept things that I cannot change. But in fact, most things can be changed. I realized that the working class has been indoctrinated with a sense of ineffectualness and lack of internal locus of control and a driven in feeling that they cannot change the world around them. I do not accept this. If something sucks, go change it. You do not have to live in situations of torment and abuse. In fact, you should revolt against these situations in a pre-meditated, rational and planned way.
@somaticspirituality Год назад
there are so many people who can see plainly how awful the systems are and want to change them -- how do these people organize? so many factions, so much atomization... where do i go to join you in your fight when i want to fight alongside you because i share your feelings?
@abbysmith1148 Год назад
@@somaticspirituality I think that the working class is very poorly organized at this point in history, and that atomization is an intentional product of successful propaganda and social control. I think we need to start an organized movement in direct support of labor rights, reform, and human rights. Since the U.S. does not have a party supporting labor, I think forming a Labor Reform party/movement is a good first step.
@josephsimmons9241 Год назад
​@@abbysmith1148i like this idea. It directly confronts the corporate fascists control of this country and more directly improves the situation for us all. Empower the laborer.
@conkodo Год назад
I came to this same thought on my own and feel the same way, people are made to feel powerless and buy into our lack luster reality but we have the potential for so much more!!
@edmunddantes935 Год назад
A lot of this helplessness comes from religion. The notion that we are inherently bad and fated for worse.
@omg62377 Год назад
"Just take a look at what other people have done under much harsher conditions that you'll ever face."
@elpatudo3670 Год назад
"A very thin structure of power."
@Benjamin_Gellman Год назад
yikes. this didn't age well.
@paulaustinmurphy Год назад
Chomsky has spent much of his life distancing himself from Karl Marx and Marxism. (Though he admits that he's sympathetic to aspects of both.) Yet his main position is based on an updating of the Marxist notion of "false consciousness". The ideas of "manufacturing consent" and the "mass media's false reality and history" are straight from Marx's playbook - almost without any change. That is, hundreds of millions of people are supposed to get "reality" all wrong. Yet and Chomsky (like Marx) has got it absolutely right. The arrogance of both Marxists and Chomsky is staggering.
@askmybones Год назад
3:14 - 4:28 - 6:00
@wrathchick Год назад
"Power is always in the hands of the people ".
@James-z5p3y Год назад
This isn't insight.
@ursulafriedrich4273 Год назад
A live without our CREATOR leads to nothing, leads to dooming gloom - does even rational, critical thinking brings a turn for the better? What do we need? We need new ❤ Can we give ourself a new ❤? No!!! We need our CREATOR, to do it!
@lourencomarques219 Год назад
Chomsky is a dirty american comunist, a crazzy marxist , a traitor of Western civilization, a traitor of USA, a sick old polititian, a guy to forget... le comuniste menteur Chomsky le connard traitre des USA ...qui prefere les imperialismes ou comuniste chinois ou le terroriste islamique ou le staliniste Russe de Putin...horrible cécité...aveugle
@WheelChairwayToHeaven Год назад
Noam Chomsky wanted forced vaccinations and concentration camps over a virus with a 99 percent survival rate. Pepperidge Farm remembers
@DCdabest Год назад
Well. Parliament got him to sign something, alright. His death warrant lol
@sandramclaughlin9621 Год назад
We need more warriors .
@busbackerbk8911 Год назад
I think if there was a revolution/ staning up agaisnt the goverment it would spread around the globe like the French revolution spread throughout europe! So please americans, make the first move, the rest of the world will follow
@skiphoffenflaven8004 Год назад
Hopelessness…yet there are human beings who sleep each night with bombs falling on them, with the fear of an enemy army or gang storming the village/town while they sleep, who don’t know if their shoes will be there when they wake up, who will never see a classroom, or never hold a smartphone, or post a selfie, or marry who they love, and on and on. Yet American youth have no hope…