Inquisitive Joe
Inquisitive Joe
Inquisitive Joe
Not your average Joe
Explaining My Absence And What's To Come
4 месяца назад
What Exactly Do School Social Workers Do?
10 месяцев назад
My Problem With SOME Of My Fellow Christians
11 месяцев назад
Healthy Ways To Cope With Grief
Год назад
@BrookeJesse-v4n 11 дней назад
Jordan Tunnel
@RobertWWD Месяц назад
In Special Ed I actually dated a girl with Schizophrenia. Even though she was a year or two years older than me I graduated before her in 2011 she was dedicated to getting a Diploma while I was fine with getting a Certificate of Completion. She wanted to be a Veterinarian. She really loved Animals. It must have been hard with voices in her head calling her dumb.
@jimcarter9822 Месяц назад
Thomas Maria Taylor Linda Thomas William
@SherylThompson-m8f 2 месяца назад
Martin Christopher Gonzalez Matthew Martin Kenneth
@RanterInShades 3 месяца назад
Two words: data recovery. Whenever you get around to taking your computer in, that should be the first thing you do so you won't lose your files if the computer ends up needing to be replaced. I wouldn't be telling you this if I hadn't been through that ringer myself... more than once.
@MrHonkler 4 месяца назад
Bless IQJ. Hope you're doing well and keep your head up
@Saerise 4 месяца назад
I don’t know why you wanted to read this, and I don’t know why I want to see how much of a train wreck these are. 😅😂
@InquisitiveJoe 4 месяца назад
Morbid curiosity for both points. It truly is an experience.
@truthlifefishing1730 7 месяцев назад
Not all catholics are bad, but all catholics are stupid.
@SexyTCAPdecoy4Hansen 7 месяцев назад
Mad props for still pumping out content.
@gexghetto 8 месяцев назад
crying, he was grown as hell doing all of this over a youtuber who was like 16
@wonhobubbles3544 8 месяцев назад
I still come to this video every time 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@RanterInShades 10 месяцев назад
Simpson, eh?
@Aivottaja 11 месяцев назад
The hatred isn't for the individuals who were demonically influenced into thinking they can change their g3nd3r or marry the same gender. Many of them were sxeually abused growing up and their soul has been injured. They deserve love just as much as anyone. But "love" does not mean enabling their choices and lying that they made the right choice. I'm not completely against abortion. I am against the industry it has turned into. It has become a modern day sacrifice of children.
@matthewreiter6044 11 месяцев назад
1:18 the Bible does not call us to be accepting, many times it can be detrimental to the people we are accepting. If someone is living in their sin and or not believing in Christ, is it better to just say “oh yeah, do whatever you want” or “I care about you enough to tell you that is wrong, so please stop, I don’t want you to go to hell.” 2:16 yes we do have a firm definition on morality, you can learn it from the Bible. I am not defending the people who are hateful to other people, but pointing out that sometimes telling people the harsh truths that they don’t want to hear is showing love. I think Matthew 18 conveys my argument pretty well.
@AnonymousWon-uu5yn 11 месяцев назад
If a god exists then the way that god created everything is the reason why everything is the way it is in every single way. If everything was created then the way that everything was created determines how everything will play out. It is evil for a god or for anyone else to force other life forms into the type of existence where they will suffer against their will because they might not want to exist in the type of existence where they will suffer against their will and that's why it is evil to do that to them. But if a god exists and if god has always existed then god didnt get to choose the way god is. God is just forced to be whatever way that god happens to be no matter if god wants to be that way or not. And if a god exists and if god was created then god is forced to be whatever way that god was created no matter if god wants to be that way or not. If a god exists then the only way the way god is would be gods fault is if god willingly chose to come into existence and if god created itself and made itself be exactly the way that god wants to be, but that's not possible. And so if a god exists then god doesn't deserve anything good or bad to happen to god because the only way that god would deserve something is if the way god is would be gods fault, but that's not possivle. And just like it's not a horrible criminals fault they they exist and unfortunetly happen to be a horrible way, they should be stopped just like a horrble god should also be stopped even though the way god is isn't gods fault.
@JustinK0 11 месяцев назад
3:43 "and dont judge them" this is completely made up by people who think repentance isnt a thing
@Vsaus223 11 месяцев назад
Deluded individual
@kingkarna7168 11 месяцев назад
I kinda agree but kinda dont. Its ok to judge: John 7:24 tells us, "Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment." But still its not good to be mean about it tho
@Aivottaja 11 месяцев назад
Exactly. You don't need to be mean. But you also don't need to placate to suppress what to say if you're true to your faith.
@peskymogwai7742 11 месяцев назад
Absolute Truth Brother
@jackabbott1754 11 месяцев назад
Shrewd as vipers, gentle as doves - St. Paul the Apostle. Easier said than done. In fact, only a few hours ago, another believer posted something similar; a reminder to reassure fellow Christians that WE are slaves of Christ who fulfilled the Law not the Law itself. some people you can only warn and after that, leave such individuals be but with thorough reasoning and witnessing under grace. So today, it seems that there have been two witnesses of God's Word for me this day. Praise God and the Lord be with you all who share in the faith. God bless
@legocardboardbox 11 месяцев назад
Beautifully said 🙏
@Phant0mInfinity 11 месяцев назад
Amen, brother.
@dontayduck7813 Год назад
So half yall supported him when he was still racist and everything else but now yall switching up? Yt ppl are weird istg.
@happyness3116 Год назад
@RanterInShades Год назад
"I realized the irony right as I said it" My 2012 self has the biggest grin.
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
It was definitely one of those things I knew I’d be called out on. I’ve learned just to kind of laugh at my old self with some of the more obscure things I did such as looking like a Dan Aykroyd wannabe.
@RanterInShades Год назад
The quote about grieving forever is definitely true. When my dog Fenway was put down in 2020, I absolutely hated it. His death was one of a number of things that made 2020 objectively the worst year of my life. But the silver lining was that this was before the lockdown, so we didn't have to worry getting a vet to come over during a time when the pandemic would have made it difficult. I also remember making a decision to not watch Futurama for a long time because the episode with Fry's dog would make me really upset that I can't be with my best friend. Last year was when I finally watched it again, and surprise surprise, I still could not handle that episode. But that's ok, because the reason I watched Futurama again after those years had passed was because I realized that that episode is something that's always going to make me break down and it's hardly of use to avoid the inevitability. Even if I never watch the show or that episode ever again, it wouldn't make me miss Fenway any less because that hurt will always be there. I can miss him and still be happy I knew him.
@ChrisBFerguson Год назад
Lauren and Peter were good.
@meadows-of-sonder Год назад
It's really interesting to have followed your content for the last twelve years now & you've always made very interesting & even funny at times videos over the last decade. Wish more people appreciated your work, especially now. Cheers to you, Joe.
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
I really appreciate your kind words and support for so long. I think a big part of why I don't have as many views as I used to is because I was gone for so long on this channel and I did a complete content shift from doing rants and having more emphasis on mental health. It really doesn't bother me though, I view a video that gets to 100 views as being good enough and if people are benefiting from the change, it's all the more motivation for me to keep making videos. I'm very happy with what I do now and have a lot of future ideas planned moving forward.
@declancronin437 Год назад
The Catholic Church is, and will never be a perfect church, founded on Peter who denied Christ and made up of sinners and some great Saints, Martyrs, monks, priests, Hermits and religious orders and ordinary lay people. It is the body of Christ on earth and will suffer to the end of time. We are the problem with our lack of understanding of the church and God's love for us. We will always be counter cultural. We crusified Christ, he died, was buried and rose again. Thank God.,🙏 "Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. God bless you..
@wingchun1963 Год назад
How many protestants are doing the devils work by criticizing , attacking and defaming the bride of Christ, his mystical body.
@RanterInShades Год назад
Mike and Michelle. What a cliche pair of names to give twins.
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
Indeed, I don’t think they spent a lot of time thinking about names. That said, it’s the least of this book’s problems. It really becomes an...experience near the end.
@pebsstonesteel1424 Год назад
Thank you for the aplogy. Not many would do this. I know a lot of Catholics who stopped practicing their faith or turned to other Christian denominations. The first one, I think they are just lazy in learning and practicing their faith. Or, they don't want to believe in the Church's teachings because they don't agree that the sins they commit are actually sins. As for those who turn to other christian denominations and starts attacking the Catholic Church, I have often wondered ... "were they really Catholics?" They say they've never had a personal relationship with Jesus as a Catholic... then why do I have a personal relationship with Jesus? I am Catholic. They say they never read the bible as Catholics... well, if they have been going to mass and actually "listening", the mass has 1st readings (old testament), 2nd reading (new testament except for the gospels) and the reading of the gospels. And then there's the Psalms which is taken from the Psalms 😅 ... (and Catholic songs which are taken from the bible) so I don't get the accusation that Catholics don't read the bible. And if they say the Chuch forbids the reading of the bible... well, all I can say is that they didn't do due diligence in their research... I have read the bible 3 times (... and counting). The Church has never stopped me 😊 And reading the bible and coming to your own conclusions is wrong. The Church compiled the bible. Therefore, she, with guidance of the Holy Spirit, has the right to interpret it. And there was no bible until the 300plus AD. So what did the Christian read then? And those with issues with the rosary... They keep saying it is a repetitious prayer.... so? They keep forgetting that it is "VAIN repetitious prayers" that God doesn't like. Do they mean that the cherubins in heaven that don't do anything EXCEPT to REPETITIVELY glorify God are also wrong? The rosary is to meditate on the life of Jesus and Mary. If you know the mysteries in the rosary, it is basically a summary of the gospels. But why include Mary???? She's our BEST Christian example. And people against Mama Mary think it is all about Mary, when in fact Mary directs/points us to Jesus, her son. As if we, the follower can know Jesus better than his mom. Sorry this long message. But you said you left the Chuch at 16... but have you ever reflected on "why"? God bless you and your family.
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
The biggest reason I left the church and eventually becoming a non-demoniacal Christian is kind of a lengthy one. When I lost a friend to suicide, I not only abandoned my Catholic faith, but many core beliefs of Christianity as a whole, mainly the beliefs that there was divine intervention and that God sent his son Jesus to die for our sins. I turned to Deism as I believed there was evidence for intelligent design, but felt that God stayed out of human affairs. This all changed again when I lost a second friend to suicide. In a state of grief, along with a negative side effect from a medication increase, I ODed on pills and I felt I only survived because of God's intervention. Even then however, I didn't readily return to Christianity and sought answers for what had happened. In the end, a Christian group I was a part of in school offered a ton of support as opposed to a Catholic youth group that I was formerly a part of. Because of this, I felt that while Christianity had a lot of merit behind it, that it was unwise to follow an organized religion with it's own varying set of rules, rather than trying to have a direct relationship with Jesus. It wasn't necessarily just the Catholic church that I believed had it's faults, but all individual denominations of Christianity. I may make a video going into this more in depth as this is a great question you raise, and I feel it could be worth the discussion to talk about in a future video. I firmly believe that the best approach to a relationship to God and Jesus is to live the life that they would want you to live. This meaning that you accept and love others, and live a positive life helping those in need. This piece is something that I address in a pre-recorded short video, but I may talk more directly as to what having a relationship with God means to me.
@ZannaPillars Год назад
It is fascinating pulp! Right there with the morbid curiosity. Thank you! Don’t stop!!
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
Morbid curiosity is ultimately what led to this series. I can guarantee that you’ll be able to see how this book plays out along with the other two as I have already pre-recorded them. I’m just spacing them out a little bit so I can have a stream of consistent content given that I was away for so long. There will be some times where I have back to back uploads however, for reasons that will become apparent soon.
@Phant0mInfinity Год назад
This is a pleasant surprise. I was raised Catholic and although I don't fully practice it anymore, I still feel like a lot of people attack it and its followers based on incorrect stereotypes, or just simply group everyone together and act as if we all believe the same things on every issue. It's nice to see you get a more nuanced view of the subject, and I respect the apology. Right on, man.
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
I felt that the apology was long overdue, and I feel that calling myself out for my actions was the right thing to do. Something I don’t believe I’ve mentioned in either video was that I was a 9th generation Catholic which may have fueled part of my anger back then. My parents saw it as disrespectful when I left the church back when I was 16 but we’ve made things right together and they are appreciative of the fact that my wife and I hold our faith as Christians in high regard and do things like going to church on Sundays and donating weekly. We’ve even done things together that my parents never asked of me growing up such as joining a Bible study group.
@passionworksbodyshop9738 Год назад
May Trump be with you! This is the ONLY book the republicans should not ban!
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
Politicians, both Republicans and Democrats, shouldn’t be banning books period.
@justincampbell6256 Год назад
What the hell kind of fascist hellscape did i stumble upon?!?!?!? Lol!!! How pathetic!!! You guys really love that fascism this much??? Or are you just to stupid to see the obvious??? They taight us this stuff as LITTLE KIDS!!! WTF, people?!?!?!?
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
Why is this chapter all of a sudden getting significantly more views than the others? 😮
@Slaghill Год назад
@dunker-roo9552 Год назад
This is a joke?
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
This is a real book that somebody wrote. They intended it to be a real romance story and not satire. Curiosity made me want to see how bad it could be. I cover this all in my prologue of this reading series
@lizcollinson2692 Год назад
Denial 😂
@RanterInShades Год назад
In your opinion, who do you think is more inclined to enjoy this book, men or women?
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
That is honestly a tough question. She dedicated this series to the “MAGA patriots everywhere” but doesn’t go beyond that. Although, if I were a betting man, I’d say the intended audience that may enjoy the book more would be the female demographic. Mainly because as you’ll see, the men in the story are written to be so “irresistible” to our female leads, and may result in women relating to them.
@PogieJoe Год назад
An incredible story indeed. Thank you for sharing, Joe.
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
I’m glad you enjoyed! He really has beaten the odds time and time again and is a big reason I went into the field of mental health.
@RanterInShades Год назад
Is this an older brother or younger brother?
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
He is older by about four years. He’s repeatedly said though that I’ve always been the “Big Brother” though because I’ve intervened and protected him on many occasions. That and I’ve also reached certain milestones before him such as getting a driver’s license, going to college, moving out, and getting married.
@RanterInShades Год назад
@@InquisitiveJoe That sounds a lot like how I sometimes feel about my younger brother.
@InquisitiveJoe Год назад
@@RanterInShades It can be an unusual dynamic depending on the relationships that siblings have, but I’ve never found him to be an underachiever of sorts. Any major milestone in life is worth celebrating even if it’s not at the pace we hoped for.
@BlazeTheMovieFan Год назад
Whatever content you have planned I'm looking forward to it.
@quinadams3181 Год назад
I'm sorry I doubted and dismissed you, I was a stupid kid but now that I'm older I realize you were right all along 😭
@TomDavidMcCauley Год назад
Damn. I feel this. ❤
@ChrisBFerguson Год назад
Good luck IQJ.
@BlazeTheMovieFan Год назад
Listen I still would like to talk to you if possible. Do you have skype, twitter or discord? Because I don't use Facebook anymore.