Trust in Cluck. Believe in Chicken.
KFC Tower Burger
2 месяца назад
2 года назад
2 года назад
@blueangel2288 2 часа назад
This deserves jail
@fhionaG 10 часов назад
This is all kinds of wrong
@News_side2 7 часов назад
Yes.The message seems to be: "Ha Ha, our customers are a horde of dumb zombies, who believe just about anything we tell them".
@1hairymelon 11 часов назад
@Aidances-q9p 13 часов назад
And I saw this being made in Lithuania 😮
@sugaisswag5790 16 часов назад
After this advert, my local KFC has only grown more zombie chicken eating customers. Stop this now!
@ditahameed1138 21 час назад
Terrible advert, really plays into reminding people of a dystopian future where fast food will cause imminent downfall of human health. Good advert in a way, where it might cause people to avoid KFC.
@ConorPlayzOfficial 21 час назад
Learn to take a joke, that “future” you believe will happen will only happen if people suddenly stop making their own food and buy fast food. So negative
@angelanicolehenry2301 День назад
I thought this advert was vile - stomach churning
@Radio4ManLeics День назад
Ok, so which one of those dudes has got the air fryer with him?
@Radio4ManLeics День назад
Excellent ad! I always stop ffwding through the ads to watch this one!
@normanbarrett3786 День назад
Omg l love this ad!!! ❤❤❤
@petermitchell1881 День назад
Brilliant dancing
@epicchannel4724 День назад
They mention AI on the news prodcast, this is a hint that when the population start spasm dancing that they are AI also and can be programmed . In this case programmed to worship a chicken. Its more like an anti advertising advert 😂. I like it 👌
@Smilerr290 День назад
I go out of the room when ever this ad comes on.
@laurenbell3393 День назад
@joew2512 День назад
Anyone else getting thriller vibes from this advert? The music and the dancing is sick😂
@SnakePliskin762 2 дня назад
Most importantly is that a magenta sapphire cosworth?
@josephbrassington9315 2 дня назад
I grew up thinking that the adverts were better than the programmes and with adverts like this I fully believe it. The music and choreography is amazing
@JalaSomala 2 дня назад
I’m so torn between how tasty they would be over how I could just pass and let them be
@Rascaduanok 2 дня назад
Makes me think of the ending of the movie Cell (the one based on the Stephen King book) for some reason. But, you know, far far cooler.
@SpartasEdge 2 дня назад
This advert is brilliant! It makes me like the company, and makes me want their chicken ✌️
@xcalstl 2 дня назад
I LOATHE this garbage. How much were those out of work extras paid? Whatever it was, it was TOO MUCH. Just showing kids after school going into a KFC would have been cheaper and equally as effective. As soon as I see that cheap thriller wannabe rip off, I turn over. SMH
@prideofdurham4776 2 дня назад
I am 72 and I just wish I could do this dance , however zimmerframe and arthritis say no.😧
@bellabella8029 2 дня назад
Extremely disturbing yet people still don't see it 😔
@Smilerr290 День назад
@NeilSpalding-zw4gy 3 дня назад
Why does it need tribal music ?
@LC-rl6hb 3 дня назад
What is the point🧐
@TomKeresey10 3 дня назад
I walked into my living room just as the moment at 1:44 was on and I instantly thought and said, "That's the biggest cock I've ever seen!"
@gamu3639 3 дня назад
Amazing ad, best i have seen in a while - really creative
@MrFox101 3 дня назад
This add needed 90% more chicken dancing.
@stupatt 4 дня назад
Why am I hear because I love the music used!!!
@ItsMeJoshLee 4 дня назад
It's all the zombies rushing to get their Bird Flu Vaccine. BELIEVE, BELIEVE!🤧👀
@Smilerr290 День назад
Predictive programming
@Elsie90581 4 дня назад
Seeke ye out of the booke of the Lord, and reade: no one of these shall faile, none shall want her mate: for my mouth, it hath commaunded, and his spirit, it hath gathered them. Moreouer brethren, I declare vnto you the Gospel which I preached vnto you, which also you haue receiued, and wherein yee stand. By which also yee are saued, if yee keepe in memorie what I preached vnto you, vnlesse yee haue beleeued in vaine. For I deliuered vnto you first of all, that which I also receiued, how that Christ died for our sinnes according to the Scriptures: And that he was buried, and that he rose againe the third day according to the Scriptures. But the word of the Lord endureth for euer: & this is the word which by the Gospel is preached vnto you. true1611bible.com/about/ In the beginning was the Word, & the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. But Paul cried with a loud voice, saying, Doe thy selfe no harme, for we are all heere. Then hee called for a light, and sprang in, and came trembling, and fell downe before Paul and Silas, And brought them out, and said, Sirs, what must I doe to be saued? And they saide, Beleeue on the Lord Iesus Christ, and thou shalt be saued, and thy house. And they spake vnto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house. Being borne againe, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liueth and abideth for euer. Psalm 119 Thy word is a lampe vnto my feete: and a light vnto my path. ... Revelation 8 And the third Angel sounded, and there fell a great starre from heauen, burning **as it were a lampe**, and it fell vpon the third part of the riuers, and vpon the fountaines of waters: ... Job 41 Out of his mouth goe burning lampes, and sparkes of fire leape out. ... Isaiah 14:12-14 12 How art thou fallen from heauen, O Lucifer, sonne of the morning? how art thou cut downe to the ground, which didst weaken the nations?13 For thou hast said in thine heart; I wil ascend into heauen, I wil exalt my throne aboue the starres of God: I wil sit also vpon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the North. 14 I wil ascend aboue the heights of the cloudes, I wil bee like the most High.
@it_Jimbo 4 дня назад
Me and the boys go KFC at 3 am
@AaravAzad589 4 дня назад
চিকেন উইথ ফ্রাই চিকেন উইথ ফ্রাই চিকেন উইথ ফ্রাই চিকেন উইথ ফ্রাই 😂
@robertMcnulty-r7i 4 дня назад
What a money wasting useless AD that is I cant see the link between KFC and Chicken and Zombies apart from DEAD
@Paxy_12 4 дня назад
Looks like tower burger? I ordered it and it’s too far from it 😢😢😢
@DanPerks 4 дня назад
Song is “Versi - Vedran”
@WPB626 5 дней назад
*Song* Vedran -Versi
@andylaauk 5 дней назад
KFC's target audience - tarded npcs.
@xcalstl 2 дня назад
Most on here sound like 12 year olds. They probably think MLK is a rapper in 'da hood'. 😅
@anjidoyle9006 5 дней назад
Love this!
@lucianlyn 5 дней назад
If you know you know "They Live" Subliminally programming us to buy and eat more KFC
@martinsolomon5500 5 дней назад
Proof that KFC is human brains that turn you into the “living dead”
@Smilerr290 День назад
Yeah I ain't being brainwashed by them all
@English_lifestyles 5 дней назад
Halal chicken. No thanks.
@RubbinaAbbasi-jm9ve 6 дней назад
I want that trench coat! Ad blew me away!
@naseemasyed7409 6 дней назад
@redneckguitarist3143 6 дней назад
Or.. better hack.. You find a kfc/a&w, order cheese curds and make REAL poutine👍
@9to5Saab95 6 дней назад
Probably not the first to ask. But can’t seem to find an answer.. what is the name of this song. It’s an absolute belter
@canecorsoluna812 6 дней назад
Vilnius best cinematic place for shooting movies and comercials TV
@josiah0486 6 дней назад
Its been a while since we've had a good advert
@xcalstl 2 дня назад
Yeah, and we've still not seen one YET.
@user-ug5jk7xz8s 6 дней назад
omG LoOK aT THeM DanCInG
@davidmackayy 6 дней назад
Love this advert