
I'm MuchVery, and I make videos about Warframe. Videos include memes, Quest playthroughs, and video essays.

I hope you enjoy them!

For business, please contact: muchveryyt@gmail.com
@lordrefrigeratorintercoole288 2 дня назад
for me, the drifter and operator should have been the same person. in the new war, when impaled the operator should have been awaken in duviri, and do the duviri quest there, and after that escape back to earth and continue the drifter part of the new war. during that mission the operator should grow up to adult size, and you could use void magic to turn back time and become a child again for estetic purpouse for those who want that fashion. i for once only play as the drifter after new war, dont realy wanna go back to operator ever.
@yusufmert9375 4 дня назад
Gauss and Grendel sitting together was icing on the cake
@AungHtetMyetKyaw 4 дня назад
I need your drifter face setup now. Mine looks like depressed middle aged women
@MuchVery 4 дня назад
Primary Visage 2, Secondary Visage 7. Face Blend is 0.5.
@mikedunlock 6 дней назад
Duviri was just a Soulframe alpha. You are over thinking this.
@thefleshthathates0014 9 дней назад
I really liked how in the new war and lotus eaters the drifter speaks to lotus as an equal instead of a mother figure and how in turn lotus/natah/margulis sees them as someone who they can trust instead of someone they have to protect
@firebladeentertainment5739 9 дней назад
from the standpoint I am allowed to be now at, we know almost certainly that 1999 WILL be drifter only. So the focus will return to him. Its uncertain though with what gear and powers he will arrive though.
@SirCoffeebotESQ 12 дней назад
I remember reading an interview that DE regrets giving 4 voices to your operator, because it meant they had to record their lines four times for each quest. Now with Drifter, it became EIGHT TIMES. If you're wondering why our operifter doesn't speak as much, that's why.
@noneplaceholder9975 12 дней назад
No. The best character is Archemedean Yonta. Fite me.
@MuchVery 12 дней назад
@@noneplaceholder9975 🤺
@noneplaceholder9975 12 дней назад
@su_patatita_1951 13 дней назад
Agreed with everything until the "Drifter having power destroys the character". Saying that the drifter personality loses meaning just because they arent weak is not understanding the character. Because in Duviri and New War we are established his bravery and how determined he is to do the right things and how much he cares about people, be it with Teshin, Lotus, the operator or even random Ostrons. But after that he doesnt loses it, on the contrary, we see that despite his hate for the Zariman and how much he wants to abandon it, he accepts the responsability even if it means looking directly at his traumas each time he gets close to it. And the same happens in Lotus Eaters, the operator gets on his nerves with the situation, even one of his answers being screaming at Lotus that she cant listen to Wally and that he knew it. But on the other side, the drifter keeps himself calms and cares about Lotus and the operator, not only asking her whats happening, but being one of his answers to tell Lotus to calm down because she is scaring the operator. You understand perfectly the character for his two dedicated quests, but for some reason you completely forget about everything just because he gets warframes, completely ignoring his great writting in Angels of Zariman and Lotus Eaters.
@MuchVery 13 дней назад
The Drifter's fundamental appeal is that they represent the 'indomitable human spirit', an individual willing to fight the good fight despite the fact that they have no special abilities; that they are ultimately human. In Angels of the Zariman, them having a Warframe means the Drifter no longer represents that indomitable human spirit. They have been given Void powers and the protection of one of the most powerful weapons in the Origin System (a Warframe), pushing them SIGNIFICANTLY far away from the capabilities of a regular human. So, a lot of their value as a character DOES in fact diminish as a result of this Quest. Not to mention, their dialogue during said Quest was likely written purely for the sake of paralleling the Operator's dialogue sufficiently. Neither the Operator nor the Drifter stand out in that Quest, because they are reduced to functioning as the same entity (likewise in Whispers in the Walls). This video was also made before Lotus Eaters, which I have discussed and praised for its better use of the Drifter as a character. I suggest you watch it.
@su_patatita_1951 13 дней назад
@@MuchVery i'll watch the Lotus Eater video, but going back to the indomitable spirit of humanity, i think that they represent it fine in AoZ. Precisely because of how it acts as an operator that i think is so good because it remarks how despite having all that power he still has that spirit. The operator always acts and speaks as a warrior even being a child, accepting every responsability and talking about the honor of the tenno. But the drifter on the other side hates thoose responsabilities, especially the zariman since is a colossal memory of the torture that was Duviri, but despite that he still chooses to protect it, not because of a reward, honor or duty, but because is the right thing to do. I think that the drifter representing the indomitable human spirit is great because it does it with the physical weakness, but when he becomes like the operator it is represented in his mind, showing that no matter how much he has suffered and how horrible he has to feel each time he looks at the Zariman, he will defend it because is the right thing to do
@skylerarroniz7513 14 дней назад
I was hopping that u can play as the drifter in origin system like in the new war or the duviri and fight along side your warframe/operator instead of a stand in
@bengale9977 15 дней назад
Yeah I'd like it if the Drifter was made a more fleshed out entity in the game and not just an cosmetic for the tenno. Unfortunately it's looks like they are going to be a tenno stand in from now on. They are going to play a largepart in 1999 so hopefully that means we get some actual drifter gameplay.
@MuchVery 15 дней назад
@@bengale9977 Fingers crossed! We’ll have to see in 1999.
@purdo84 15 дней назад
Yo anyone else notice that the drifter is huge. Like, its taller than the warframes 😅
@MuchVery 15 дней назад
@@purdo84 From what I’ve seen. they are ABOUT the same height as the Warframes.
@liky2000 19 дней назад
I agree with u that the drifter and operator are losing weight but I think calling DE lazy for that is going to far, in my opinion they change their focus to another developments. Not get me wrong I love the drifter and I hope he got more attention in the future.
@Kags 20 дней назад
drifter does not tell me my warframe is strong or when to go on the offensive. drifter is nothing
@ErosTheNerd 25 дней назад
Before the account fusion i plaued on switch before Duviri came out. When it came out I restarted on PC so when I first played Duviri I tried to remake them after my Tenno from Switch version. Once they let me fuse account and I played further and realized they're Same/Different I remade them both. Tenno a child with amazing powers and Drifter an older, jaded warrior. Now they both look great and unique of eachother but not so far they're different people.
@matt2centerback 25 дней назад
Not gonna lie, after playing The New War, I was hoping for the Drifter to possibly go the Batman route of replacing the Operator's magical powers with heavy gadget use like in TNW. Different Drifter-exclusive weapons that served similar purposes to but were noticeably distinct from their Operator equivalents. Maybe stuff like the Zenurik Drifter having the ability to drop battery stations that would occasionally pop out energy orbs, like Protea's Dispensary but without the health or ammo, and the Unairu Drifter putting on more physical armor and carrying around shield packs and stuff. Drifter guns that had Amps attached to them via adapters and had to be reloaded via swapping out the spent battery packs that recharged when attached to a charging backpack or something. Each Focus school having the ability to throw grenades that had different effects, like Madurai Drifter's grenade releasing a smoke cloud that invigorates any allies within its radius, raising ability strength and adding heat procs to their attacks instead of turning the Drifter invisible, things like that. As is... I agree, having them be effectively reskinned Operators is a hell of a disappointment. Hopefully we get a Drifter rework in the future that actually gives them back their unique identity.
@adenfaris4798 26 дней назад
@EdwardMichaels-l6r 26 дней назад
I liked the quest; I just wish it was repayable! that way I could make sure my drifter is wearing the right outfit this time and so I can record it!
@MrDoot43 26 дней назад
I was expecting something else 😂
@GEIZ-gp7cj 27 дней назад
Me when Warframe34
@blackwolf99ss26 27 дней назад
It was great game but now. I dont know where its going. The creator that dosnt keep their words. I remember when long time ago somebody wanted to add skin woth hair. I think it was about some samurai style skin. And de tells that they dont want to do warframe mor like human. And now they giving birth to warframes???? Thats not a story
@SogoNotDrunk 27 дней назад
Me, before I finally understood the precious of it
@kite1039 27 дней назад
What is this scene?
@MuchVery 27 дней назад
@@kite1039 From Warframe: 1999, an update coming this December that was showcased at TennoCon this year.
@TheClownCon 27 дней назад
Warframe isn't mid, it's fuckin low tier entertainment.
@Hunter-zf7rt 27 дней назад
Ahh someone who doesn't know how to play the game
@Validness 27 дней назад
Ragebait or fact
@TheClownCon 27 дней назад
@@Validness fact for me and low quality bait for the other guy.
@Hunter-zf7rt 27 дней назад
@@TheClownCon sure, if you say so
@TheClownCon 27 дней назад
@@Hunter-zf7rt okay so it would be more accurate to say it's a "personal" fact but since you assumed I'd never played Warframe your previous comment can only be described as low quality bait.
@megameme3298 27 дней назад
Me when I get that urge
@empatheticfrog2052 27 дней назад
It has good movement, okay gunplay and melee combat, and decent abilities for about half of the cast. Those are the main positives. It's bogged down by an annoying grind to even get one piece of gear followed by a 12 hour to three day wait for that gear to craft, a nonsensical boring story, multiple gimiks that arent fun like the other dimension where you play as a relatively normal guy, fishing mining ect, overall poor balancing for alot of charecters that make them pretty much shit tier once you enter steel path, and some of the worst bosses ive ever had the misfortune of fighting. Its not a terrible game but its defo mid.
@nanounevermore9290 27 дней назад
@nanounevermore9290 27 дней назад
Idk what annoying grind you thinking of for 1 piece of gear but I farmed 5 prime frames solo in like 6 hours yesterday it’s a joke how easy it can be if your knowledgeable, the story is actually quite intricate but you have to actually follow it if you don’t it won’t make sense and the drifter can be a bit boring il give you that but it’s inspired by soulsbornes so it gets a pass for me, the ability’s are stunning looking and synergize well and I wouldn’t say the gunplay/melee is the best looking but it’s way better then average
@nanounevermore9290 27 дней назад
Also you can’t do steel path because you don’t mod correctly not because the characters are bad I genuinely use the worst frame in the game to clear it
@lolfortnut5897 27 дней назад
​@@nanounevermore9290I just walk through every map with Octavia prime it's honestly tiring kinda got boring 😂
@nanounevermore9290 27 дней назад
@@lolfortnut5897 no shit if you play the most boring character in the game tho kinda doing it to yourself at that point
@JorgeCypher 27 дней назад
I remember warframe before they stremlined the parkour, we had to do keyboard gymnastics to blaze past reg players and perfect boosts off rails and walls to not loose momentum, we were doing mission runs in 8min or less acrosss huge maps always skaling walls bypassing caves and death jumping ravines. Still great game.
@WillTBear1 27 дней назад
Good old Zoren-coptering
@LDMOOSEKICK 26 дней назад
@LDMOOSEKICK 26 дней назад
I swear to god is that why the movement now feels like shit?
@LDMOOSEKICK 26 дней назад
I stopped playing for like a fat minute and when I came back everything felt off
@F0X1907 27 дней назад
the video is shorter than the quest, that's crazy.
@CelestialDraconis 28 дней назад
Finally someone with a different take on the quest other than "It was a nothing burger" that keeps getting parroted by the fanbase. The quest confirms a lot of things in just a few mins. We learn that the Operator and Drifter are separate protagonists and only the latter is going to 1999, the fact that the Lotus' 3 alternates (Margulis/Natah/Lotus) are co-existing in one body, that she has lingering traumatic memories that Wally will attempt to manipulate (which is a nice acknowledgement of her character development and what she went through in New War), and that we now have an actual good in-universe reason for why the Operator is staying behind (Wally wants them so Lotus is protecting them and sending Drifter instead) rather than just the meta reason of 'Operator romancing the Protoframes would be weird'. The music is of note as well because this might actually be the first time we've ever heard the Lotus sing. You could of course make the argument that the first time we hear it is in This Is What You Are, but this time is different because we hear it in-person. And instead of singing to the Tenno, she's now singing to herself, perhaps to comfort herself and/or drown out The Indifference. There's also ambient dialogue suggesting she will soon become something different ("I was the Daughter. I became the Mother. In time, I shall be the Witch, blind once again, empty of all but wisdom") and I'm very curious what that will look like and if we'll get to see what her relationship with the Drifter is like after a decade of the mother-child dynamic we had with her and Operator.
@MuchVery 28 дней назад
Great comment. In all honesty, the Lotus was the last character I expected to be heavily involved in the 1999 storyline. But, now that she is, I'm very interested to see how she interacts with the Drifter (and maybe the Protoframes and Albrecht?) going forward.
@amnesiabat8576 28 дней назад
@amnesiabat8576 28 дней назад
I love warframe
@warriorks7655 28 дней назад
I loved this video so much, I got to report it during the first 30 seconds!
@calloushayat 29 дней назад
18 hours?! :anger~1:
@BecauseSnickers Месяц назад
I hope drifter gets used to their fullest potential in 99
@wanted_melon2348 Месяц назад
You didn't give them time to cook😭
@MuchVery Месяц назад
Apparently not ;:) In my defense though, the points are still valid with most post-New War content. It's only really been with The Lotus Eaters that they kind of set things straight. And even then, we're still not sure. The Drifter may be their own character once more, and that's bloody fantastic. But, if they're still going to be portrayed as a taller Operator (they still have Void powers) then the video stands, and what makes the Drifter such a good character is being pushed to the wayside.
@-_-Emperor-_- Месяц назад
all returning players who have not completed this STOP now. -5 year hiatus returning player
@Deveshkha Месяц назад
I was in love with drifter after duviri I didn't even hesitate when I had to pick between him and my operator. And normally I find not playing as my warframe boring but I was hyped during new war to play as drifter.
@calloushayat Месяц назад
uh.. Just double-checking if i clicked on the right channel...
@lerosallyn9279 Месяц назад
I think the Lotus Eaters Prologue showed that they were solely going to involve the Drifter for story elements that we will find out (also prolly cause a dating sim with the Operator is just a disaster waiting to happen). Hopefully this lets us see the Drifter character get more fleshed out as they interact with actual adults. I do agree that them receiving the void powers affects the original theme of the character that drew us in to appreciate them, but I also think this doesn’t stop DE from writing a compelling story of how they’re coping with it as they seem to have to use transference on a living person in 1999. I know a lot of people here say that DE has written themselves into many corners with warframe but I disagree. The very basics of Warframe allows them to write in whatever they want with the flexibility that showrunners would fight for. I believe they have a lot of space to improv and can only hope that they showcase a brilliant story for the Drifter with some inclusions of interactions between them and the other humans in 1999, or even with the Operator (considering how the Operator has had to transfer into living warframes in the past, it would be cool to see the Drifter ask the Operator how they cope with having to take over another persons mind)
@MuchVery Месяц назад
Seeing Loid's confirmation that we're going to Transfer into Protoframes, alongside actual Warframes being present at 1999 (shown at TennoCon) has honestly made me a little bit unsure of how exactly things will play out for the protagonists. Still, I'm super excited to see how each of their stories unfold in 1999.
@denexki Месяц назад
Maybe going foward the drifter could become a more permanent character losing their connection to he void but keeping the warframes via some other device that could mimic transference to a certain degree. Though given how long the frames have been in existence I’m sure some opposing factions could develop some tech to counter act the frames forcing the drifter to take a more hands on approach. So like certain areas of a planet could be protected by this tech so the drifter has to infiltrate themselves. This device that could allow the drifter to have transference could be some sentient type tech (I’m just spitting out ideas though I’m sure non of this could work or make sense but it sounded interesting in my head it would allow vet players to keep their fast and destructive frames but also keep the ones who enjoy the drifter gameplay happy too)
@scarfbit7354 Месяц назад
enter the lotus eaters quest that shows both the operator AND the drifter. RIP to the theories in this video.
@MuchVery Месяц назад
I didn't really make any theories. If anything, Lotus Eaters gave me exactly what I wanted for the Drifter. A character separate and distinct from the Operator.
@scarfbit7354 Месяц назад
@@MuchVery the ability to chose different dialogue options for both characters was exciting.
@atomicaorta3729 Месяц назад
This is pages out of DE bible fr
@F0X1907 Месяц назад
this isn't the warframe lore video we wanted, it's the one we needed.
@Crangus_III Месяц назад
this is the sort of commentary we've been waiting for
@onebraincell5035 Месяц назад
@aamake547 Месяц назад
I equally agree and disagree. I do think that the drifter is the best character in Warframe. There is an appeal to The drifter because they're not some powerful void touch being. In a sense they're just some regular degular human being... Kinda. Since we've been introduced to The drifter, we've known they have some kind of connection to either the operator or the void. Also felt it was alluded to, that when the drifter in the operator sat down and met each other, that this awakened the drifters potential for void powers. This is just my opinion, but I always felt since meeting The drifter that they had some kind of cosmic force/plot armor magic watching their back. I actually liked Duvari gameplay quite a bit. While it was still hacking slash, combat was taken slower and more methodically. It really reinforced the feeling of combat in this universe without your Warframe. However, I hated combat in New War. Hours of forced combat in a looter... Not for me. I already can't stand doing spy missions. New War had me raging, not from failing stealth, raging from just wanting it to end. There are plenty of ways to bring out the weight and consequences of non-warframe combat, b2b stealth missions are not it. IMO: The Drifter is great. Duvari was great. The Drifter is really just a regular human. Forced stealth in small doses.
@YumLemmingKebabs Месяц назад
Bit late, but given the romance options, it's now been extremely heavily implied though not confirmed that the Drifter will be the main player character in 1999.
@MuchVery Месяц назад
If it is the case, I'm really looking forward to it. I guess we'll find out in 24 hours with The Lotus Eaters!
@YumLemmingKebabs Месяц назад
@@MuchVery You mean very much looking forward to it? :p But I doubt Lotus Eaters will have have any relevance to my point. I do hope that even though the Drifter now has Tenno powers they still remain a somewhat distinct character narratively. I got an adult operator cosmetically with the Drifter, but the fact that they didn't age up the Operator and instead gave us a separate character with their own unique and extremely interesting story makes me want to see more of both. Like, the Operator is much more connected to the Orokin, the Tenno cause, and the Warframes, having experiences all that first hand. The Drifter didn't see what they did to Margulis, or get revenge for it, but they're still the kind of person who could learn to see inside an ugly, broken thing, and take away its pain.
@dltn42 Месяц назад
11:00 Calm down... the Drifter still doesn't have the void powers in Duviri. hahaha
@Jeter1230 Месяц назад
which face blend do you use for your operator?
@MuchVery Месяц назад
My Operator is Primary 7, Secondary 8, with 0.5 Face Blend. My Drifter is Primary 2, Secondary 7, with 0.5 Face Blend.
@net343 Месяц назад
Love how my drifter looks like, tbh i don’t like how the original operator looks like
@CelestialDraconis Месяц назад
100% agree with all your points, especially about how neglected Drifter has been post-New War. I did like that their lines and delivery were different compared to the Operator's during Angels of the Zariman, but it was very jarring for both of them to suddenly become mute in Whispers of the Wall, I'm wondering if it was a scheduling issue for the voice actors? It's also really weird how we can't use any of the weapons we earned in Duviri. Not just Teshin's blades, but the Sampotes, Edun, etc. Nataruk too, now that I think about it. We could literally wield it during New War lol, it was our signature weapon in taking down the archons. But suddenly it's not available to them. The Drifter is underrated as hell for how much they were able to accomplish without warframes and void powers. Really embodies the indominable human spirit. I did hear that only the Drifter will go to 1999, so I'm hoping that means they get more moments to shine as their own unique character this time around.